To get only the regular files and directories but not the hidden files and directories - linux

find -type f | grep -ril 'String' ~
i'm using the above command to search a file with the string but it was giving the hidden files also,i dont need the hidden files and directories.


How to search for all the hidden files in my computer?

I want to find all the hidden files inside a directory in linux terminal.
I have found out that we have a grep command to search for the file but I need to search for hidden files.
grep -r search *
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
try this on your terminal too show all the hidden files on your system:
find / -name ".*" 2> /dev/null
or you can use other way like in this web
Simply use (with GNU grep)
grep -r search .
if you want to search contents of files in the current directory and its subdirectories recursively.
Note: It isn't clear if you want to search filenames or contents of files.
The proper solution:
find /dir -name '.*' -type f
If by "hidden file" you mean Linux file names that begin with . that are often hidden by default, (and directories starting with . whose contents might also be considered "hidden") then try this command:
find . -print | grep '/\.'

How do I get all files with .md extension, in all subdirectories, that contain a phrase? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Linux search text string from .bz2 files recursively in subdirectories
(4 answers)
Closed 6 months ago.
I have a parent folder named 'dev', and inside it are all my project folders. The ReadMe files of these projects contain the app type "type: game", for example. What I would like to do is to:
search through all subdirectories of the dev folder to find all the files with *.md" extension
then return the names of those directories which contain a .md files with containing the phrase "game"
I've tried piping find into grep like so:
find -type f -name "*.md" | grep -ril "type: game"
But it just returns the names of files from all subdirectories which contain the phrase "game" in any file.
find . -type f -name "*.md" -print0 | xargs -0 grep -il "type: game" | sed -e 's/[^\/]*$//'
This finds any files in the current directory and sub-directories with names ending with .md, then greps for files containing the string. We then use sed to trim the filename leaving only the directories containing a file ending in .md with the "type: game" inside.

Search all .htaccess files in a Linux server webroot for a word and return file paths to a text file

I have a Linux server and want to search all the .htaccess files in all the folders (public_html webroot and subfolders) that have a certain word (eg ldap) in it. I also want the file paths returned to these .htaccess files with the word in it and saved to a text file.
Can I do this with grep or find and what syntax is optimal.
I tried find . -type f -printf '"%p"\n' | xargs grep ldap > /tmp/results.txt but want to only search .htaccess files exclusively.
Following your example, try using:
find . \( -type f -name .htaccess \) -print0 | xargs -0 grep -H ldap > /tmp/results.txt
this find will list null-terminated files .htaccess in . directory, and xargs -0 pass them to the grep. grep -H ldap will list files containing ldap string with filenames.

copying files from etc ending with digit to test1 directory

I'm new to linux and as an exercice I need to copy the "etc" files that end with a digit from home directory to the test1 directory
(with one command).
I tried this but it dosn't work
find /etc -type f -iname "*[3-9]" -exec cp {} ../test1/ \;
this should work for your home directory files ending with digit
mv `ls . |grep -Eo "^.*[0-9]$"` your-directory
lets says in the current directory you have some files like ofjweifhwef9 or kfhiofeh8 ( files ending with digit)
so ls will list them.
this grep expression "^.*[0-9]$"` will find only files ending with digit. ( because in your home directory system wont allow to have a file like this "/etc/somefile123")
and then mv will move those files to your-directory
note :- if grep cannot find the files ending with number you will see an error ofcourse because mv needs 2 operands but since it wasn't there so error.
mv: missing destination file operand after './your-directory'
It is probably because /etc is a link in the system that you're using, and find doesn't seem to consider it a path until you add an extra / at the end. Try this instead:
find /etc/ -type f -iname "*[3-9]" -exec cp {} ../test1/ \;
Notice the /etc/ instead of /etc. I get the same behavior on my Mac where /etc is a link to another directory.
Of course, also make sure that you have files which names end on a digit under the /etc/ directory tree. I have none in my mac. You should get some files when you run:
find /etc/ -type f -iname "*[3-9]"
If you don't, you don't have any files to copy. You may also try: find /etc/ to see all files under the directory tree.
Finally, you may want to add the option: -depth 1 if you only want to copy the files in the /etc/ directory, as opposed to all the files that match in the directory tree under /etc/.

How to dump list of file's from subfolders with its full path in Linux

I am not able to get the command (or group of commands)to do the following operation in Linux:
I am having a main project_folder with some 10 sub_folder containing all different extensions of files (for example *.cpp /*.txt/*.y / *.py etc ). But I want to just make a list of all REQUIRE_*.txt files from all SUB-FOLDERS with its complete path and dump into the text file .
For example :
result_dump.txt should include :
If I use below command ,then I am getting all files information which is not my intention:
find $(pwd) -maxdepth 1 -type f -not -path '*/\.*' | sort
Note: Please let me know how I can dump that result in text file !
Run the below command from the user's home directory
find project_folder/ -maxdepth 3 -type f -name REQUIRE_*.txt
You can then redirect the o/p using to a file adding > result_dump.txt after the command
