How to run VUZIX Blade Template application? - android-studio

Trying to create the first template application with the sample code provided by VUZIX Blade glasses. But, unfortunately do not know how to use the template application using Android Studio.
The Blade_Template_AppV2 has been imported and I am wondering on Android Studio to see the results.
Anyone tried to run the template application and got success?

You just need to enable debugging on your Vuzix Blade as described on and you can run the template app directly from Android Studio on the glasses.

In order to run the sample Vuzix Code, you'll need to activate developer mode and adb bugging.
Because is down and many other vuzix manual links are down, below I have detailed the steps to activate Developer Mode and ADB bugging on the Vuzix Blade.
Navigate to your settings, then click system,
followed by the info tab,
and once you're in the info tab,
swipe left until you activate Developer mode.
swipes will display like this
To enable adb bugging,
look for adb debugging in Dev Options and enable it on.
Before we move to the next step, make sure your device is manually plugged into your system.
In order to verify that the adb debugging worked, load your app from Android Studio, open up the terminal and type ./adb devices. Your device should be displayed now.
When you run your first app, you may notice gradle builds and other things differ and pop-ups will display asking to possibly downgrade certain options so that the hardware api on the glasses matches the app. Follow these instructions accordingly.
Afterwards, you should have a fully functioning app ready to use on your glasses' home screen.
This answer was supplemented by a response at


Android studio does not show 'Lenovo K6' phone in run window

I have "Lenovo K6" phone. I already made a project, when I press run button, android studio does not show my device on that window, what will be the solution?
open your settings, go to about section and look for build number and tap it repeatedly till you see a toast saying developer mode enabled.
Then, search for the developer option in settings. inside there, you'll find an option saying something like "enable USB debugging" turn that on.
Then, connect your phone through USB while android studio is running. the screen might show a prompt asking for "allow debugging?" or something similar.
now try again.
If you still don't get it, search for how to enable USB debugging on android.
allow USB debugging in your mobile, to allow the USB debugging you need to click on Build number 5 to 7 times on your mobile phone settings then go to developer option then enable the debugging.

How to debug apps with #if ENABLE_WINMD_SUPPORT statements on HoloLens

I was recently tinkering with HoloLens2 and read the code on Github about getting the RGB camera data stream from HoloLens2.I want to use debugging method to see how the program is running, but there is #if ENABLE_WINMD_SUPPORT statement in the code, according to the general Hololens application debugging method, I can't see the change of some parameters in the code, so please tell me how to debug the code running on HoloLens in this case. Thanks in advance for your help!
You can follow this documentation to learn how to attach a managed debugger to your Unity IL2CPP UWP build on your HoloLens 2 to enable you setting breakpoints and debug C# code as usual: Managed debugging with Unity
In short:
Check InternetClientServer and PrivateNetworkClientServer in the UWP Publishing Settings Capabilities
Check Development Build, Script Debugging, Wait for Managed Debugger (optional) in the Unity UWP build settings
Build in Unity.
Build and deploy from the Visual Studio solution to your device with the Debug or Release configurations.
Make sure your device is connected to the same network as your PC and start the app on your device and your device is not connected to your PC via USB.
Open any script in Unity and go to the Visual Studio solution that opens to view and edit.
Go to Debug -> Attach Unity Debugger.
Select your device from the list and click "OK" to attach.

How can you display your logs when testing android apps on real devices?

So I am developing my first app with Android Studio, it's a Shopping app and everything seems to work just fine when I try it out on the built-in Emulator (Android 9). However, when I connect my Smartphone (same Android version), I won't get pass my Login screen. Currently the data is stored through SQLite, which may cause issues.
I'd really like to look up what's the exact problem, but there is no Log feed showing up in Android Studios.
Are there any settings that provide the same Logs as if I was running it on an Emulator?
Make sure you have selected right device i.e there is a dropdown option for devices in logcat check that and choose your device because it will be set to the previous device by default
If I'm understanding correctly, you would want to use logcat?You can debug phone issues in it also, just select your phone in the options. I have two external phones I test on, logcat shows those phones.

Android Studio won't run application from studio ide?

I've got an application I've been working on and am having an issue with android studio. When I click "build->run" and then select my device, the application never runs on my phone (and the log in android-studio that automatically comes up does not have anything, whereas in the past when I have used this feature it usually says something like, "waiting for phone..." and then the application pops up and automatically opens on the phone and you get some other pertinent information). I have the phone already in developer mode with the install from unknown sources set to on. When I manually move the application from its gradle build location to the phone and then install it manually in file explorer, all is well and the application performs as expected. As I need to debug, however, this is not a very viable solution. Anybody have any advice as to how to get it to run from the IDE? I have tried rebuilding and invalidating the cache/restarting android studio, to no avail.
When I click the run tab at the bottom I have an empty window. When I click the debug tab, I see:
Waiting for device.
Target device: samsung-samsung_sm_g920a-randomIntegerId
Uploading file
local path: /home/eric/Documents/class/OOSE/final_project/2015-group-17/project_code/android/Place2B/app/build/outputs/apk/app-debug.apk
remote path: /data/local/tmp/oose2017.myApp
Note: I am building the application on a LUbuntu 15.04 VM on a windows 8 host, and am using the latest version of android studio.
EDIT: gradle console indicates a successful build as well (obviously since moving the .apk manually to the device works properly).
Open 'Run->Edit Configurations...', and look for your app module in the column on the left-hand side.
Select it, then go to the 'General' tab.
Under the 'Activity' section, there are a couple of radio buttons. Make sure that 'Launch default activity' is selected.

How do I stop app in Android Studio

I must be missing something totally obvious, but I can't find a simple way to simply stop an app from running. I'm running it on my HTC One.
I first tried toggling the green run arrow. Didn't work.
I found a "Terminate Application" circle in the lower left of the window. That doesn't seem to do anything when you click it. It seems to be grayed out, non-functional. Screen shot here
So, I closed the entire project. That worked, but also the entire Android Studio closed instantly. Then reopening Android Studio failed (stack dump). Then reopening again worked, but it took 30 minutes to load my project.
To stop the next time, I turned my phone off, then closed the project. That seems to have worked better, since it took me to the Welcome to Android Studio screen and invited me to open or start a project.
Maybe there's an easier way to stop an app? I see the same question on this forum but no solutions.
The Android Studio controls you are trying to use only work if you are running your app in the emulator. There are a few ways to do this when you are using an actual device or VM (e.g., Genymotion):
Use the UI of the phone to Force Stop the application. This is done in the Settings->Apps menu.
Use Android Studio's terminal window or the host's shell and issue the command:
adb shell am force-stop <package-name>
Open Android Device Monitor (green "Droid" icon), select the process under the Devices tab and click the Stop Process button (stop sign icon). This is basically the GUI way of doing #2.
You need to select the process you want to terminate (ex. com.myname.myapp) then click terminate application.
Since the application is running on your phone, you need to end the application process on the phone. When you do that the application would be shown as terminated on Android Studio.
