Generate a multicolumn table using docxtpl - python-3.x

I have a series of data (in 2-dimensional list 'CombinedTable') I need to use to populate a table in an MS Word template. The table has 7 columns so I attempted the following using docxtpl module:
context = {
'tpl_modules1': CombinedTable[0]
'tpl_modules2': CombinedTable[2]
'tpl_modules3': CombinedTable[4]
'tpl_modules4': CombinedTable[6]
'tpl_modules5': CombinedTable[8]
'tpl_modules6': CombinedTable[10]
'tpl_modules7': CombinedTable[12]
tpl.render(context) + FileName)
Not the most elegant solution I know but am just trying to get this working- unfortunately using this code with the following template results in tpl_modules7 data being written in to all columns, rather than just the 7th.
Does anyone have advice for how to resolve this? I attempted to create a for loop through the columns as well as rows but was unsuccessful in writing anything to the doc (was saved as a blank & empty doc).
The CombinedTable variable is a list of 12 lists (one for each column in template, although only 7 contain data). Each of these 12 lists contains another list with cell data whose length is equal to the number of rows to be written to the table in that column. This means that the number of rows that are written to varies for each column.
EDIT: Looking more closely at the docs, it states that I cannot use %tr multiple times in the same row. I assume I will then have to use a loop through %tc and %tr (which I tried & couldn't get working). Any advice on how to implement this? Especially on the side of the word document. Thanks!

I was able to resolve this satisfactorily for my requirements, however my solution may not suit all. I simply set up 7 different tables in a document with 7 columns and adjusted margins/borders to suit the dimensions I required for the tables. Each of the 7 tables had identical docxtpl syntax as image in my question with the small buffer columns between them being replaced by columns in the word document.


Excel Formula for Unique Values Not Apart of Exclusion List

Good day all,
Using Excel formulas, how do I solve for uniques within array that aren't apart of uniques from another array?
I've tried.
In this example I've only excluded 1 header, however my headers will be constantly moving so it is important I can dynamically add and subtract unique items to remove from entire column.
Edit: Giving more information below
I've continued research and came across this article however it doesnt fit my needs.
Here is a picture of what I'm trying to accomplish
Or without list 2 helper:

Excel Concatenate a string in multiple columns, count and remove the duplicates

Currently the stock process at my company is very manual and it normally doesn't get carried out due to the process being rather boring. Currently all excel based I am slowly moving over to SQL that will automatically update the information.
We have come up with a naming system/code for each item, this is made up from several fields on the excel document. However there is the same codes in different columns that we wish to remove for when we push into SQL (Basically we just want the 1 line item and a count of how many times it has been used)
It has to be dynamic. (I can add an extra tab to the excel document to do any magic required) and if possible not use any Macros
So the data starts like this:
#Counts and then the duplicates are removed to produce this list
I have tried a range of countifs/Vlookups and I can get it roughly working but its not dynamic enough and I end up having multiple rows of 0 Qtys
Hopefully this is enough information
Cheers all
It looks like a very similar question was answered here.
After plugging in that formula in a different column, you can use the CountIf function in the next column.

Attempting to sort a list that is generated from a unique point extraction of an array

The issue is sorting an array that is generated automatically from an data source using a formula that extracts unique data points. (Data points are date/time)
The data is being extracted with this fomula.
Once extracted, the data is not sorted right away. The current data is extracted from a database via an SQL string that pulls in data corresponding to the data and time that the data point was created.
Because of this, the extracted points are not in the correct order. I am attempting to sort the extracted data points from earliest to latest to continue with the data sorting, but need the date/times to be sorted in a separate row.
I have attempted to use a pivot table, but it isn't exactly what I need and ends up being a messier end product than I need.
All assistance is appreciated.
Example is below.
I need this.
I did end up finding a solution that I will be able to modify. Using a single row of a pivot table, I took just the date/time column and had the PivotTable function sort the data to be utilized as necessary.
Thank you.
The fact that the range in the example you give:
1) Consists of entries of a numeric datatype only
2) Does not contain any blanks
means that the solution is relatively simple.
Assuming that data is in A1:A11, first use a single cell somewhere within the worksheet to count the number of expected returns. For example, using B1 for this purpose, enter this formula in that cell:
Your main formula is then:
the latter being copied down until you start to get blanks for the results.

XLConnect setcellformula usage

I was going through the XLConnect package reference manual. I came across one function called "SetCellFormula" and its example. I was trying to implement this for data in the text file imported into Excel.
What I wish to do is the following
1. Import data of 200 rows and 400 columns into the Excel file.
2. For each row of data containing 400 columns, compute average, median, minimum and maximum and place the results in another sheet. I want to use the SetCellFormula in case I want to edit the cells directly into Excel, as there are associated features like idx2col, col2idx, ecdt. I find that it is easy to do for a single row. Is there any possibility to do that for all rows in a single statement?
3. Please note that the value for rows and columns can vary based on the type of data available.
Please let me know how to proceed with this.

Excel Lookup with multiple queries

I have a question that I a may not be thinking correctly about. But I have an a long excel file that I pull from somewhere else with the following columns:
Project_Name1, Employee_Name1, Date_Worked1, Hours_Worked1
In another sheet I have these columns
Project_Name2, Employee_Name2, Begin_Date2, End_Date2, Hours_Worked2
This second sheet is filled with data, and works just fine.
However, it turns out that I have some employee names that I do not know that are also working on the same project. I need to figure out the names of the employees and then sum the number of hours they worked for a given period.
So I need a lookup with three criteria:
Project_Name1 = Project_Name2
Employee_Name1 <> {Array of Employee_Name2}
Begin_Date2 <= Date_Worked1 > End_Date2
Returning Employee name.
Once I have the employee name, I can do a sumifs=() and get the total hours they worked no problem.
I have tried a number of combinations of Index Match functions, using ctrl-shift-enter... and have not been able to figure out it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What you're talking about doing is extremely complicated and a little bit past what Excel was designed to do by default. However, there are a few workarounds that you can use to attempt to get the information that you're looking for.
It's possible to do multiple-criteria VLOOKUPs and SUMIFs by concatenating fields to make a multi-part identifier (Ex: Insert a new column and have a forumla in it like =A1&B1)
Open a new workbook and use Microsoft Query (I'm not sure if you can select from more than one sheet, but if you can select from multiple sheets like tables you should be able to write a semi-complex query to pull the dataset you want.
Use the embedded macro feature and use visual basic script to write out your business logic. (Hotkey is ALT+F11)
One way to do this would be to first create an additional column to the right of entries on the sheet you're trying to pull employee_name from: =ROW()
You could then use an array formula like you were trying to implement to pull the corresponding 'match' row:
You could then use this returned match_column entry within the index as you described to retrieve the appropriate entries.
