XLConnect setcellformula usage - excel

I was going through the XLConnect package reference manual. I came across one function called "SetCellFormula" and its example. I was trying to implement this for data in the text file imported into Excel.
What I wish to do is the following
1. Import data of 200 rows and 400 columns into the Excel file.
2. For each row of data containing 400 columns, compute average, median, minimum and maximum and place the results in another sheet. I want to use the SetCellFormula in case I want to edit the cells directly into Excel, as there are associated features like idx2col, col2idx, ecdt. I find that it is easy to do for a single row. Is there any possibility to do that for all rows in a single statement?
3. Please note that the value for rows and columns can vary based on the type of data available.
Please let me know how to proceed with this.


How do one extract information from a dynamic table, automatically through excel functions?

I have been searching high and low for a way to solve my dilemma, in different ways, so I am trying to post both of the things I've been trying to do:
The challenge version 1:
I want to extract the entire row with information tied to the name which is the latest entry of that name in the table. So from the table below I would want to collect the entire row which contains the information: "A, Jack Black, 01.01.2029, 10:20". I simply want to copy the entire row to another sheet. But one important factor is that it has to happen automatically.
So i need functions which can check if: Is there another entry with the same name, higher up in the table? If so, DO NOT COPY THE ROW. If there ain't another entry with the exact same name higher up in the table, COPY THE ENTIRE ROW, to another table, within another sheet.
The challenge version 2:
What I really want to do is count the number of unique people(unique names) per. department, and summarize this in another table. Basically this means that "Jack Black" should be counted as 1 person, in department A.
So the result I want, is a table looking like this (the one beneath), where the number of people does not contain any duplicate people (names). OR it does not function with a dynamic table, which updates the information it contains on the fly. I can make this happen if I am copying from a static table, but as stated above, the table is dynamic and updates with new information every minute...
So far i've tried excel's built in filtering, but this does not work automatically. I've also tried using functions like in this guide: https://excel-bytes.com/how-to-extract-a-dynamic-list-from-a-data-range-based-on-a-criteria-without-filters-in-excel/. However every solution i find seems to need criteria for filtering out duplicates or does not function when copying information from a dynamic table.
Does anyone know how to reach my desired result, without implementing criteria for selecting the rows or counting rows as stated above? VBA code is not an option at the moment :(
In advance, THANK YOU, I've really tried solving this, but I feel like this just might break my head wide open soon if I can't solve it. HEEEEELP!

Generate a multicolumn table using docxtpl

I have a series of data (in 2-dimensional list 'CombinedTable') I need to use to populate a table in an MS Word template. The table has 7 columns so I attempted the following using docxtpl module:
context = {
'tpl_modules1': CombinedTable[0]
'tpl_modules2': CombinedTable[2]
'tpl_modules3': CombinedTable[4]
'tpl_modules4': CombinedTable[6]
'tpl_modules5': CombinedTable[8]
'tpl_modules6': CombinedTable[10]
'tpl_modules7': CombinedTable[12]
tpl.save(FilePath + FileName)
Not the most elegant solution I know but am just trying to get this working- unfortunately using this code with the following template results in tpl_modules7 data being written in to all columns, rather than just the 7th.
Does anyone have advice for how to resolve this? I attempted to create a for loop through the columns as well as rows but was unsuccessful in writing anything to the doc (was saved as a blank & empty doc).
The CombinedTable variable is a list of 12 lists (one for each column in template, although only 7 contain data). Each of these 12 lists contains another list with cell data whose length is equal to the number of rows to be written to the table in that column. This means that the number of rows that are written to varies for each column.
EDIT: Looking more closely at the docs, it states that I cannot use %tr multiple times in the same row. I assume I will then have to use a loop through %tc and %tr (which I tried & couldn't get working). Any advice on how to implement this? Especially on the side of the word document. Thanks!
I was able to resolve this satisfactorily for my requirements, however my solution may not suit all. I simply set up 7 different tables in a document with 7 columns and adjusted margins/borders to suit the dimensions I required for the tables. Each of the 7 tables had identical docxtpl syntax as image in my question with the small buffer columns between them being replaced by columns in the word document.

Reading an Excel sheet using ADO/ODBC in Delphi 7

I'm trying to read an Excel sheet from an XLS or XLSX file in memory using Delphi 7. When possible I use automation to read the cells one by one, but when Excel is not installed, I revert to using the ADO/ODBC Jet driver.
I connect using either
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=file.xls;Extended Properties="Excel 8.0;Persist Security Info=False;IMEX=1;HDR=No";
Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; Data Source=file.xlsx;Extended Properties="Excel 12.0;Persist Security Info=False;IMEX=1;HDR=No";
My problem then is that when I use the following query:
SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]
the returned results do not contain the empty rows or empty columns, so if the sheet contains such rows or columns, the following cells are shifted and do not end up in their correct position. I need the sheet to be loaded "as is", ie know exactly from what cell position each value comes from.
I tried to read the cells one by one by issuing one query of the form
SELECT F1 FROM `SheetName$A1:A1`
but now the driver returns an error saying "There is data outside the selected region". btw I had to use backticks to enclose the name because using brackets like this [SheetName$A1:A1] gave out a syntax error message.
Is there a way to tell the driver to select the sheet as-is, whithout skipping blanks? Or maybe a way to know from which cell position each value is returned?
For internal policy reasons (I know they are bad but I do not decide these), it is not possible to use a third party library, I really need this to work from standard Delphi 7 components.
I assume that if your data is say in the range B2:D10 for example, you want to include the column A as an empty column? Maybe? Is that correct? If that's the case, then your data set, when you read the sheet (SELECT * FROM [SheetName$]) would also return 1 million rows by 16K columns!
Can you not execute a query like: SELECT * FROM [SheetName$B2:D10] and use the ADO GetRows function to get an array - which will give you the size of the data. Then you can index into the array to get what data you want?
OK, the correct answer is
Use a third party library no matter what your boss says. Do not even
try ODBC/ADO to load arbitrary Excel files, you will hit a wall sooner or later.
It may work for excel files that contain a single data table, but not when you want to cherry pick data in a sheet primarily made for human consumption (ie where a single column contains some cells with introductory text, some with numerical data, some with comments, etc...)
Using IMEX=1 ignores empty lines and empty columns
Using IMEX=0 sometimes no longer ignores empty lines, but now some of the first non empty cells are considered field names instead of data, although HDR=No. Would not work anyway since valules in a column are of mixed types.
Explicitly looping across cells and making a SELECT * FROM [SheetName$A1:A1] works until you reach an empty cell, then you get access violations (see below)
Access violation at address 1B30B3E3 in module 'msexcl40.dll'. Read of address 00000000
I'm too old to want to try and guess the appropriate value to use so it works until someone comes with yet another mix of data in a column. Sorry for having wasted everybody's time.

How to Differentiate a Data from a Column/Header in an Excel File

I hope someone can help me come up with an algorithm.
Im still very new with Apache POI and I was assigned to come up with an algorithm on how to read a template (Excel) and extract the headers/column names from the data itself.
The following must be taken into account:
There can be multiple headers/column names in just one sheet of an Excel file.
Headers can be horizontal AND/OR vertical in nature. This means that there could be a mixture of vertical and horizontal headers in one sheet.
Headers dont necessarily have to be at the very first row of the file. There could be introductions or banner images there.
The system must allow ANY kind of Excel format, so there is no control over the formatting of the cells, the naming convention, etc.
Some headers are alphanumeric in nature, which means it also contains numbers.
Some cells are merged to make room for a specific header.
Any ideas and suggestions are very much welcome. Just let me know if you have further clarifications.
(I know nothing about Apache, but some about Excel Interop working)
If the sheets to be detected are yours, I'd recomend NAMING those header cells. (To name a cell in Excel, there's a field at the top left of the screen, where normally the cell coordinates appear (like "A1" or "B2" and so...). Type a name in that place, and you will be able to identify that cell via code by it's name. ( 'Worksheet.Range("Name")' is where you get those cells via code)
To manage names, go to "Insert - Names" or "Formulas - Name manager", depending on what version of excel.
(Personally, I never work with sheets via code without naming headers, then I use "Offset" to get the data cells corresponding to those headers - This allows me to freely edit the sheet later without breaking the code)
If the sheets aren't yours, then, you'll need to find out the extents of the data. (Last row and last column)
Then check for the first line that contains all columns filled, none of them blank. That's a probable horizontal header.
As well as check for the first columns that contains all lines filled. That's a probable vertical header.
You could, as well, search for completely blank lines and/or columns to find headers that are AFTER some data, in case of sheets containing multiple horizontal headers, or vertical.
You could use some formatting properties (Range.Interior or Range.Font for examples) of those cells to identify if they are headers (usually headers have different format, color, borders and so on).
If you're sure there's no numeric header, I mean, all headers contains text, check for the type of data in the cells. If all are strings, header probability increases.
Even so, that's a tricky thing to do, if sheets don't follow some pattern, once in a while one of them can deceive your code and bring false results. I'd recommend, if alowed, to add a human verification to confirm the results after the proccess is done.
The solution to this problem involves taking away two of these freedoms. Such constraints applied will make this a tractable problem. Most of such freedoms come from overcautious thinking.
The freedoms are given as quotes below:-
Headers can be horizontal AND/OR vertical in nature. This means that there could be a mixture of vertical and horizontal headers in one sheet.
Typically, vertical headers are not used in Excel Files where there is a need to programmatically detect headers. As the primary, most common and sometimes the only reason for such detection is to upload/transform the tabular data.
Funny things happen when vertical headers are introduced:
They become Labels of Forms. This implies that such forms are used for data entry rather than storage. The data from such forms is stored in horizontal/columnar headers and rowwise/vertical records of data . Thus obviating the need for Upload/Transformation of the data entry sheet.
Excel is designed to have only horizontal headers. Vertical Headers cease to have autofilter support.
Even when Vertical Headers are present, a top horizontal header row can still be introduced to mark the headers themselves as descriptions / categories.
Staying true, to the core need for autodetection of headers, we can state that once our requirement states that Headers can be placed only in a horizontal alignment, the solution becomes slightly more tractable but not fully so.
Some cells are merged to make room for a specific header.
Merging cells is poison and anathema to the entire reason for transformation/upload of data. This is a pill I steadfastly have refused to take in my entire career with Excel & SQL jugglery. You may kindly merge all that you want to for all I care, however thee shall not pass into my beloved SQL Server.
For aforementioned reasons of prejudice and ill-will towards all mergers and mergees alike. I'd respectfully suggest that you too take this course.
Staying true to the above requirements after taking away the 2 freedoms. The pseudo algorithm (solution) is to
Take a sample of say c x r Excel Rows. For eg: 200 x 201 rows and columns
Find the counts of non-empty cells using an inbuilt formula like COUNTA whose contents have a non-zero length. The Count of such non-empty cells in each row is maintained as a data structure.
The type of data ie:- Number, Date, String should also be maintained in the above data structure capable of expressing the following:
Row# 22 contains
30 non-empty cells of which
28 are alphanumeric,
1 is a Date and
1 is a Number.
The First specific row that contains the maximum number of such non empty cells with the maximum number of strings should very likely be the header row.
Converting all of the above to a specific algorithm in any given language should be a deliciously occupying task for any young developer in their prime.

Excel Lookup with multiple queries

I have a question that I a may not be thinking correctly about. But I have an a long excel file that I pull from somewhere else with the following columns:
Project_Name1, Employee_Name1, Date_Worked1, Hours_Worked1
In another sheet I have these columns
Project_Name2, Employee_Name2, Begin_Date2, End_Date2, Hours_Worked2
This second sheet is filled with data, and works just fine.
However, it turns out that I have some employee names that I do not know that are also working on the same project. I need to figure out the names of the employees and then sum the number of hours they worked for a given period.
So I need a lookup with three criteria:
Project_Name1 = Project_Name2
Employee_Name1 <> {Array of Employee_Name2}
Begin_Date2 <= Date_Worked1 > End_Date2
Returning Employee name.
Once I have the employee name, I can do a sumifs=() and get the total hours they worked no problem.
I have tried a number of combinations of Index Match functions, using ctrl-shift-enter... and have not been able to figure out it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What you're talking about doing is extremely complicated and a little bit past what Excel was designed to do by default. However, there are a few workarounds that you can use to attempt to get the information that you're looking for.
It's possible to do multiple-criteria VLOOKUPs and SUMIFs by concatenating fields to make a multi-part identifier (Ex: Insert a new column and have a forumla in it like =A1&B1)
Open a new workbook and use Microsoft Query (I'm not sure if you can select from more than one sheet, but if you can select from multiple sheets like tables you should be able to write a semi-complex query to pull the dataset you want.
Use the embedded macro feature and use visual basic script to write out your business logic. (Hotkey is ALT+F11)
One way to do this would be to first create an additional column to the right of entries on the sheet you're trying to pull employee_name from: =ROW()
You could then use an array formula like you were trying to implement to pull the corresponding 'match' row:
You could then use this returned match_column entry within the index as you described to retrieve the appropriate entries.
