How can I mask a domain using .htaccess? - .htaccess

We have the following situation:
We would like to setup a domain masking to provide content from a project platform to an end user. The end user has setup a CNAME record from to
Now when the end user enters he should get the contents of
But the URL should remain
This masking should only by applied if the client subdomain contains player.
Could anybody point me to the right direction on how to setup the .htaccess so it does the correct masking?

The end user has setup a CNAME record from to
Presumably the "project platform" has also been configured to accept requests to
In which case, it should just be a matter of a simple internal rewrite (on the same host). Although, if you would ordinarily request the same URL-path at , ie., then there is nothing you need to do as the rewrite is already in place? Otherwise, try the following:
RewriteEngine On
# Rewrite any request for /<number> to player/?=<number>
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^player\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^(\d+)$ player/?=$1 [L]
However, /player/?=5432 isn't the actual endpoint as this requires further rewriting by the system for it to "work". Perhaps you mean something like /player/index.php?=5432? (The query string is also a little weird as you are missing a parameter name? As written, this would possibly require manual parsing of the query string to extract the value?)
The condition (RewriteCond directive) ensures that only requests to the player subdomain are rewritten.
On WordPress you need to make sure these directives go before the WP front-controller. ie. Before the # BEGIN WordPress section. The order of directives in .htaccess is important.
However, if this is all being managed by WordPress then you can't simply create a rewrite in .htaccess since WordPress still sees the original URL that was requested, not the rewritten URL. So, unless the requested URL exists as a valid route in WordPress itself then you'll likely get a 404. This sort of rewrite needs to be managed inside WordPress itself.
Alternative solution using a reverse proxy
An alternative is to configure your server as a reverse proxy and proxy the request from to (mentioned in comments). Ideally this requires access to the main server config to config properly (requires mod_proxy and ProxyPass, ProxyPassReverse directives set appropriate in the virtual host).
Then, in .htaccess you would do something like the following instead, making use of the P flag on the RewriteRule:
# Proxy any request for /<number> to player/?=<number>
# for the "player" subdomain only.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^player\. [NC]
RewriteRule ^(\d+)$$1 [P]


Need to redirect last part of url using htaccess with parameters

#RewriteRule #htaccess
I have a url for eg: i need to redirect this url to another with the pdf name without pdf extension like(pdfname). Redirect Url should be
Would appreciate your help, Thanks.
Assuming that "path1", "path2" and "path3" are all fixed, literal strings that probably is what you are looking for:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?path1/path2/(.+)\.pdf$ /path3/viewpdf.php?param=$1 [L]
This keeps the URL visible in the browser unchanged, which usually is what is desired.
That rule will work likewise in the central http server's host configuration (which usually is preferred) or, if you do not have access to that, in a distributed configuration file (often called ".htaccess"). In the later case that file needs to be readable by the http server process and it has to be located in the DOCUMENT_ROOT folder of the processing http server's host.
If instead of an internal rewrite you really want to redirect the request (so change the URL actually visible in the browser), then that variant should do:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?path1/path2/(.+)\.pdf$ /path3/viewpdf.php?param=$1 [R=301,L]
Again no domain name (http host name) or protocol scheme has to be specified if they stay the same. The same hints as above apply.

I need to redirect my dynamic URL to a clean and SEO friendly static URL using htaccess

I am a web developer. I have developed a news portal for my client. But the URLs of the articles are dynamic and I need to redirect it to a static URL for SEO purpose.
The current URL :
Desired URL :
Someone please help me.
I have wrote this :
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)id=(\d+)(?:&|$)
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)title=([^&]+)(?:&|$)
RewriteRule ^/?single-post\.php$ /%2/%1 [R=301]
RewriteRule ^/?(.*)/(\d+)$ single-post.php?title=$1&id=$2 [END]
But the URL output is not what I expected. It is like :
The only title came first without the id and then the old format came again after the slash. I can't understand what is going on here.
What you ask actually is not possible. There is no way for the rewriting module to somehow magically guess the numerical ID of that object you request. What you can actually do is publish URL in the style of Notice the ID in there, that is what is usally done. For that his should point you into the right direction:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?news/(\d+)/(.*)/?$ /single-post.php?id=$1&category=news&title=$2 [END]
Typically your application logic will only need the numerical ID of the requested object to fetch it from your database. So you typically can silently drop the title in the internal rewriting which makes things even more simple:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?news/(\d+) /single-post.php?id=$1&category=news [END]
In case you receive an internal server error (http status 500) using the rule above then chances are that you operate a very old version of the apache http server. You will see a definite hint to an unsupported [END] flag in your http servers error log file in that case. You can either try to upgrade or use the older [L] flag, it probably will work the same in this situation, though that depends a bit on your setup.
This rule will work likewise in the http servers host configuration or inside a dynamic configuration file (".htaccess" file). Obviously the rewriting module needs to be loaded inside the http server and enabled in the http host. In case you use a dynamic configuration file you need to take care that it's interpretation is enabled at all in the host configuration and that it is located in the host's DOCUMENT_ROOT folder.
And a general remark: you should always prefer to place such rules in the http servers host configuration instead of using dynamic configuration files (".htaccess"). Those dynamic configuration files add complexity, are often a cause of unexpected behavior, hard to debug and they really slow down the http server. They are only provided as a last option for situations where you do not have access to the real http servers host configuration (read: really cheap service providers) or for applications insisting on writing their own rules (which is an obvious security nightmare).
in your comment to this answer you suggest to also do an explit redirection in case the target URL is used on the client side. Here is a variant of version 2 above which adds that redirection:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)id=(\d+)(?:&|$)
RewriteRule ^/?single-post\.php$ /news/%1 [R=301]
RewriteRule ^/?news/(\d+) /single-post.php?id=$1&category=news [END]
A variant of version 1 would look similar:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)id=(\d+)(?:&|$)
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (?:^|&)title=([^&]+)(?:&|$)
RewriteRule ^/?single-post\.php$ /news/%1/%2 [R=301]
RewriteRule ^/?news/(\d+) /single-post.php?id=$1&category=news [END]
Is is a good idea to start with a 302 redirection first. And only change that to a 301 redirection once everything works fine. That saves you from hassles with client side caching while you are still trying things out.

htaccess redirect of root domain, not subfolders with url masking

I am trying to do the following -
Redirect just the root domain to a different domain.
The redirect needs to be masked so the user still thinks they are on the url they typed.
Existing subfolders should still work with the existing root domain.
For example-
I have an installation using which has lots of subfolders for example
I want to redirect just the root of to but want the browser to still say
If the user goes to I still want that to work with the original installation.
I have the following which seems to be handling redirecting just the root fine but does not mask the url...
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} www.currentsite\.com [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
Rewriterule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301]
Any help id appreciated.
For what you call "masked" the usage of apaches proxy module makes most sense:
It maps one base url to another one and takes care to transparently and reliably rewrite all contained references.
The proxy module can also be used by RewriteRules, the P flag does that. But in the end it comes out itself and the above, direct usage is more transparent and less complex.
Here is the documentation, as typical for the apache project it is of excellent quality and comes with lots of good examples:

Redirect all subdomains to subdomain at different domain

Hi I need to redirect all subdomains in a domain to the same subdomain but at a different domain. The best way im guessing is through a htaccess file but im not sure how the file would be.
Example: ---> ---> --->
But I need this to be done for all of the subdomains in Thanks.
If you have an Apache server running on and the requests for all the subdomains look in the same parent directory you can do something like the following:
RewriteEngine On
### Find the subdomain part (it will be available in %1)
### Use one of the RewriteCond-s and delete the other one
# Only redirect subdomains, not plain
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*)\.example\.net$
## Redirect both subdomains and plain (uncomment to enable)
#RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*\.)?example\.net$
# Find the path requested (it will be available in $0)
# This rule does not attempt to match the domain, only the path
# Redirect subdomain and path to
RewriteRule ^.*$$0 [L]
I haven't tested this so it might be missing query strings, etc. It will also undesirably redirect https:// to http://. As long as you have a single .htaccess file that can affect all your subdomains this should work, or at least be a very good starting point. Check out Apache's mod_rewrite documentation for more information about how this works.
Having recently wanted to do exactly this myself recently, I have worked out a short .htaccess file that does the trick:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*\.)?olddomain\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*?/)?public_html/(.*)?$ "http\:\/\/%1newdomain\.org\/$2" [R=301,NE,L]
It assumes the following file structure:
| +-content
| +-content
My main site ( is in /public_html/. I have a number of subdomains, e.g. which is in /subdomains/public_html/. This keeps all the files of each my subdomains completely separate from each other and my main site. (My hosting service recommends /public_html/, /public_html/subdomains/ but that means each subdomain is also accessible at which is not what I want). The only restriction this gives me is that I can never have a subdomain called public_html, which I think you'll agree is perfectly acceptable.
The flags on the rule are as follows:
R=301 - Redirect with a 301 Moved Permanently code. You can change the code if you don't need a permanent redirect, e.g. 302.
NE - No Encoding - Don't URI encode the new address, i.e. keep % as %, not %25
L - Last - Stop processing rules
Note that the .htaccess file must be in the root directory of your web server, not in the directories with your content files. This is because the rewrite rule works at the file system level, not the URL address level.
An address:
is changed to:

Masking sub domain with a new domain while preserving the paths

I own a domain since long, just masking the names:
Later I started using a subdomain on this domain for some project.
Those projects grew and now I have a structure like
now I bought a new domain ( where I plan not to move anything but everything should be accessible via redirects so everything looks like:
So basically I need to do two things:
1. if anyone visits my old domain, redirect them the new naming structure. i.e. if someone loads they should be redirected to
when a user loads/redirected to this should actually load the content present at
So I will not manually migrate projects,codes and GBs of other data. I think this might be acievable by smart redirection only.
Just FYI:
1. I have full DNS control of both the domains
2. I am hosted on hostgator
3. I use cloudflare on the first domain and would like to continue using it
I think this might be acievable by smart redirection only.
No, redirection changes what's in the browser's location bar. If you redirect to then the request will get sent to, and have nothing to do with anymore. If you redirect back to, then the location bar in the browser will change as well.
What you really want to do is point to the same server and document root that is on. Then use this to redirect (either in htaccess file or server config):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^subdomain\.mydomain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301]
If, for whatever absurd reason you can't point the DNS to the same webserver that serves, or can't setup that webserver to accept requests for the host, you need to setup a proxy server. And it'll work something like this:
2 Webservers, server A (hosts and server B (hosts
Someone requests
server A gets the request and redirects the browser to
browser's location bar changes to new location
server B gets the request and reverse proxies the request back to server A
server A gets the request again but must recognize that it is a proxy and then serve the page instead of redirecting
As you can see, this is a horrendously ineffecient solution. It's also a high possibility that your hosting service won't allow you to setup proxy servers.
I have full DNS control of both the domains
With full control I assume you can enable mod_proxy as well on Apache web-server of Once that is done set it all up this way.
On enable mod_rewrite and place this rule in Apache config OR DOCUMENT_ROOT/.htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^subdomain\.mydomain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
On enable mod_proxy, mod_rewrite and place this rule in Apache config OR DOCUMENT_ROOT/.htaccess:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^shortdomain\.com$ [NC]
RewriteRule ^{REQUEST_URI} [L,P]
