htaccess redirect of root domain, not subfolders with url masking - .htaccess

I am trying to do the following -
Redirect just the root domain to a different domain.
The redirect needs to be masked so the user still thinks they are on the url they typed.
Existing subfolders should still work with the existing root domain.
For example-
I have an installation using which has lots of subfolders for example
I want to redirect just the root of to but want the browser to still say
If the user goes to I still want that to work with the original installation.
I have the following which seems to be handling redirecting just the root fine but does not mask the url...
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} www.currentsite\.com [NC]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/$
Rewriterule ^(.*)$ [L,R=301]
Any help id appreciated.

For what you call "masked" the usage of apaches proxy module makes most sense:
It maps one base url to another one and takes care to transparently and reliably rewrite all contained references.
The proxy module can also be used by RewriteRules, the P flag does that. But in the end it comes out itself and the above, direct usage is more transparent and less complex.
Here is the documentation, as typical for the apache project it is of excellent quality and comes with lots of good examples:


Why htaccess not working for mobile browser?

I have website ( try to RewriteRule short url to app.php page .
So if user browse "" will show "" page
RewriteRule ^/app /app.php [L,R=301]
It's work on Computer , but on mobile browser give me 404 page
Any ideas
That probably is what you are looking for:
RewriteRule ^/?app /app.php [L]
The documentation clearly says, that the pattern in a RewriteRule get's applied to the relative path of the request if the rule is implemented inside a distributed configuration file. That means you actually want to match the path app and not /app here. Which is why your rule did not get applied. The ^/?app is a variant to accept both path notations, relative and absolut, which means the same rule can get implemented in the central configuration or likewise in a distributed configuration file (".htaccess").
I took the liberty to also remove the external redirection you showed ("R=301") since that most likely is not what you want, according to the phrasing of your question. Instead you want an internal rewrite .
You need to take care however that you do not implement a rewriting loop. Which would result in failing requests and an "internal server error" (http status 500).
One approach would be that:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^/?app$ /app.php [L]
Here another one:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/?app /app.php [L]
Why things looked fine on your computer, but not on a mobile browser is unclear. Since the same rules get applied and the requests look the same there has to be another reason for that. I suspect you looked at a cached result of a previous attempt somewhere. Remember to always use a fresh anonymous browser window when testing. And to check the response you receive back inside your browsers network console.

htaccess RewriteRule leaving the current directory scope

I'm creating a website based on wordpress on a hosting system (unfortunately not a dedicated system in this situation) and I am very limited in my configuration opportunities for Apache2.4.x / PHP8.
I was unable to convince my client to move to a more advanced environment, so I have to work with the given playground, as follows:
There is a website in /www/ which is linked to the domain (A-Record). There's an old man that maintains the current website until the new website is finished.
I am really not afraid that the old dev accesseses my development scope intentionally or uses PHP to do so to cause harm (he doesn't know PHP, he uploads locally generated HTML). He's an old man and I'm rather afraid that he accidently deletes, overwrites or moves my work while I'm working on the new website and I have to put it back together. He might be like "oh I don't know that folder" and it's gone.
My first task was to make and install certificates and enforce HTTPS, that worked pretty well so far.
Now I need www.domain.tld/dev/ to show the wordpress site, however the old developer can access the www scope and I really don't want him to mess with my code. He barely knows HTML.
In opposite to him, I have full access and can go outside of the /www/ directory, so I created a /wordpress/. Unfortunately I have no option to add a subdomain for that on said host, either.
Now here's where my problem and my approaches kick in, I am unable to move /www/dev/ to show the /wordpress/ content which is not inside of /www/.
Theoretically I would do this on my root server but my client wants the website development to happen in his webspace. That's a bit strange but no subject to change. Just take that as given fact please.
So my htaccess rules for this are not doing anything and I can not spot what's wrong.
(Note: The .htaccess is laying inside of /www/)
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^domain.tld [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://domain.tld%{REQUEST_URI} [R=301,L]
#RewriteBase /
#RewriteRule ^/dev /is/htdocs/wpCUSTOMERIDSTRIPPED/wordpress [QSA]
#RewriteRule ^/dev/(.*) /is/htdocs/wpCUSTOMERIDSTRIPPED/wordpress/$1 [QSA]
RewriteBase /is/htdocs/wpCUSTOMERIDSTRIPPED
RewriteRule ^/www/dev /wordpress [QSA]
RewriteRule ^/www/dev/(.*) /wordpress/$1 [QSA]
Thank you alot in advance.
Note: The search function did not help me further as I am moving outside of the scope of the active directory.

Subdomain in .htaccess file only works with index

I have a subdomain setup in my .htaccess, which only seems to work with the default index.html page. I'd LIKE it to work for ANY page in the folder corresponding to the subdomain. Edited for privacy, assume my domain is The pertinent parts of the file look like this...
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^subname\.example\.org$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.subname\.example\.org$
# (a few lines added by my hosting company deleted -- see below)
RewriteRule ^/?$ "http\:\/\/example\.org\/subname\/" [R=301,L]
So the result of the above is that if I have an index.html page in my 'public-html' (root?), and a different index.html stored in a sub-folder (having the same name as the subdomain), I will get this expected result, which works...
browse to: results in viewing http://
browse to: results in viewing http://
Great so far. This is what I expected when I created the domain name. However, given a specific file myfile.html stored in the subname folder, I would expect this to work also, and it doesn't...
browse to: results in a 404 error.
This despite the fact that browsing to works fine. In that case myfile.html is displayed. So is there anything I can do to modify the subdomain code to get the result I'm looking for? Namely, browsing to should work as well as browsing to, regardless of what 'ANYFILE' is. This, after all, is one of the main reasons I set up the subdomain to begin with!
Note: I confess that I relied on my hosting company's cPanel utility to create the subdomain code, so I asked for their tech support for help first. Long story short they didn't. Maybe what I hoped for is not actually possible?
Also, the lines I deleted' from the code had to do with something called "well-known/acme-challenge", added by my hosting company at some point. Since removing them had no effect on the behavior I've described, I left it out to avoid clouding the issue.
RewriteRule ^/?$ "http\:\/\/example\.org\/subname\/" [R=301,L]
This only "redirects" the document root. To redirect all URLs you need to change the above to read something like:
RewriteRule (.*)$1 [R=301,L]
The $1 backreference refers to the URL-path captured in the RewriteRule pattern, ie. (.*).
No need to backslash-escape the colons, slashes and dots in the substitution string (that's typical of cPanel).
Also, the lines I deleted' from the code had to do with something called "well-known/acme-challenge", added by my hosting company at some point.
Those lines will likely be required when the (Let's Encrypt?) SSL cert auto-renews. (Although the above redirects to "http" - are you not using HTTPS?)
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^subname\.example\.org$ [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.subname\.example\.org$
Just as an aside, these two conditions could be reduced to a single condition if you wanted. For example, the above is equivalent to:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?subname\.example\.org$

CakePHP: Can you globally modify all links to point to another directory?

My CakePHP app lives inside a subdirectory to keep it from crashing into a Wordpress installation that powers part of the website: <--root
/_wp <--Wordpress installed here
/_cake <--CakePHP installed here
To maintain consistency, I'm using mod_rewrite rules to rewrite URLs from to etc. This basically works, but CakePHP still creates links with /_cake/pageX. So if a user hovers over a link, the "_cake" will show up in the bottom of the browser and of course in the source code.
Is there a way to configure CakePHP to think it's actually in the site root so it creates the desired URLs for links etc?
I haven't found a way to configure CakePHP the way you want.
If you create your links with HtmlHelper::link or Router::url, you can add a member $url['base'] = false to the $url array argument. This prevents the _cake prefix being inserted in front of the URL.
As an alternative, you can create your own link() or url() function, which calls HtmlHelper::link and always adds base = false.
For this to work, you must also have a .htaccess in the document root, which rewrites the requests to their real destination
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^.*$ /_cake/$0 [L]
You must also pay attention to requests destined for the _wp directory.

Need to redirect to true root folder

I am running a website on MAMP, and the root is http://localhost/sandbox
When I have links that link to, for example - /calendar
it directs them to localhost/calendar, I want it to redirect to localhost/sandbox/calendar
What would I have to do in htaccess to get it to redirect everything to localhost/sandbox/ as the root?
You would usually change the application or site that generates the links, and have that add the /sandbox to the URL.
If that's not possible, putting this into the web root directory (the one above /sandbox) should do:
RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymlinks
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/sandbox # If URL does not start with /sandbox...
RewriteRule (.*) /sandbox/$1 # Add /sandbox/ in front of it
(if it's easier to achieve with Alias, Apache Gurus, feel free to add your solution, but I couldn't get Alias to work for this scenario.)
However, this solution will make any other directory besides /sandbox inaccessible. You may want to re-think your Virtual hosts structure!
