How to get the CPU MHz (in /proc/cpuinfo) by the syscall? - linux

In the /proc/cpuinfo, I find a strange parameter "cpu MHz" which is changing all the time. I want to study how it works. Does there exist some syscall that can help me get this parameter? I wish this syscall can help me know how to calculate the cpu MHz.

No, there is no syscall that will tell you the current speed (MHz) of your CPU. If you want to know the value without writing a kernel module for it, you can read the /proc/cpuinfo file, which is there exactly for this purpose (making this info available to user space programs). There also is a good post here which lists more ways to obtain such information.
If you want to know how the values are calculated you can look at the source code of the Linux kernel. In particular, the fs/proc/cpuinfo.c file is a good starting point.

you might find the information in the /sys filesystem easier to parse:
$ grep . /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq
under /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu*/ you will find more interesting properties of each CPU on your system, all of them in an easy-to-parse format (usually just a single line)


Linux, CPU-architecture in which file stored

I like to know, in which file the value for the CPU architecture is stored on Linux e.g. x86_64.
I know several methods (shell commands) in order to access this value like lscpu or uname -a.
Furthermore I'm aware of the Qt-Method QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture(). And they all provide the required information.
But I like to create an OS-Interface which retrieves the information of the underlying operating system (in my case Linux) only by using "Linux-Tools" like information from files in /proc/....
I also know that I can run a shell command in my program by using popen() and access the results by the std streamer classes. That's no problem. But unfortunately we don't like run shell commands in our software.
I have looked in several files like
/proc/version, /proc/cpuinfo, /proc/devices or in files in subfolders of /proc.
But unfortunately it seems to me as if I always overlooked this piece of information. I'm sure that it has to be in a file because the method QSysInfo::currentCpuArchitecture() access this information, too.
So if somebody knows where this information is placed on Linux I would be happy if he or she let me know.
With kind regards
According man lscpu
lscpu gathers CPU architecture information from sysfs,
/proc/cpuinfo ...
looking for the information under /proc and cpuinfo was the right idea, since the information is there, but not in the format you were expecting. It is somehow "hidden" in line flags. You like to look for lm (long mode).
cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "flags\| lm "
If the flag for long mode is set you are on x86_64.
Thanks / Credits to
What do the flags in /proc/cpuinfo mean?
CPUID, bit 29 (LM)
How the information is gathered and processed you can find in sys-utils/lscpu.c, in example from line 369-378.
Other CPU modes are
Real Mode, 16 bit CPU, Intel 8086 or 8080 emulation mode, all x86 CPU start in this mode after reset
Protected Mode, 32-bit CPU

How do different commands get executed in CPU x86-64 registers?

Years ago a teacher once said to class that 'everything that gets parsed through the CPU can also be exploited'.
Back then I didn't know too much about the topic, but now the statement is nagging on me and I
lack the correct vocabulary to find an answer to this question in the internet myself, so I kindly ask you for help.
We had the lesson about 'cat', 'grep' and 'less' and she said that in the worst case even those commands can cause harm if we parse the wrong content through it.
I don't really understand how she meant that. I do know how CPU registers work, we also had to write an educational buffer overflow so I have seen assembly code in the registers aswell.
I still don't get the following:
How do commands get executed in the CPU at all? e.g. I use 'cat' so somehwere there will be a call of the command. But how does the data I enter get parsed to the CPU? If I 'cat' a .txt file which contains 'hello world' - can I find that string in HEX somewhere in the CPU registers? And if yes:
How does the CPU know that said string is NOT to be executed?
Could you think of any scencario where the above commands could get exploited? Afaik only text gets parsed through it, how could that be exploitable? What do I have to be careful about?
Thanks alot!
Machine code executes by being fetched by the instruction-fetch part of the CPU, at the address pointed to by RIP, the instruction-pointer. CPUs can only execute machine code from memory.
General-purpose registers get loaded with data from data load/store instructions, like mov eax, [rdi]. Having data in registers is totally unrelated to having it execute as machine code. Remember that RIP is a pointer, not actual machine-code bytes. (RIP can be set with jump instructions, including indirect jump to copy a GP register into it, or ret to pop the stack into it).
It would help to learn some basics of assembly language, because you seem to be missing some key concepts there. It's kind of hard to answer the security part of this question when the entire premise seems to be built on some misunderstanding of how computers work. (Which I don't think I can easily clear up here without writing a book on assembly language.) All I can really do is point you at CPU-architecture stuff that answers part of the title question of how instructions get executed. (Not from registers).
How does a computer distinguish between Data and Instructions?
How instructions are differentiated from data?
Modern Microprocessors
A 90-Minute Guide! covers the basic fetch/decode/execute cycle of simple pipelines. Modern CPUs might have more complex internals, but from a correctness / security POV are equivalent. (Except for exploits like Spectre and Meltdown that depend on speculative execution). is a deep-dive on Intel's Sandybridge microarchitecture. That page covering instruction-fetch shows how things really work under the hood in real CPUs. (AMD Zen is fairly similar.)
You keep using the word "parse", but I think you just mean "pass". You don't "parse content through" something, but you can "pass content through". Anyway no, cat usually doesn't involve copying or looking-at data in user-space, unless you run cat -n to add line numbers.
See Race condition when piping through x86-64 assembly program for an x86-64 Linux asm implementation of plain cat using read and write system calls. Nothing in it is data-dependent, except for the command-line arg. The data being copied is never loaded into CPU registers in user-space.
Inside the kernel, copy_to_user inside Linux's implementation of a read() system call on x86-64 will normally use rep movsb for the copy, not a loop with separate load/store, so even in kernel the data gets copied from the page-cache, pipe buffer, or whatever, to user-space without actually being in a register. (Same for write copying it to whatever stdout is connected to.)
Other commands, like less and grep, would load data into registers, but that doesn't directly introduce any risk of it being executed as code.
Most of the things have already been answered by Peter. However i would like to add a few things.
How do commands get executed in the CPU at all? e.g. I use 'cat' so somehwere there will be a call of the command. But how does the data I enter get parsed to the CPU? If I 'cat' a .txt file which contains 'hello world' - can I find that string in HEX somewhere in the CPU registers?
cat is not directly executed by the CPU cat.c. You could check the source code and get and in-depth view. .
What actually happens is that each instruction is converted to assembly instruction and they get executed by the CPU. The instructions are not vulnerable because what they do is just move some data and switch some bits. Most of the vulnerability are due to memory management and cat has been vulnerable in the past Check this for more detail
How does the CPU know that said string is NOT to be executed?
It does not. Its the job of the operating system to tell what is to be executed and what not.
Could you think of any scencario where the above commands could get exploited? Afaik only text gets parsed through it, how could that be exploitable? What do I have to be careful about?
You have to be careful about how you are passing the text file to the memory. You could even make your own interpreter that would execute txt file and then the interpreter will be telling the CPU about how to execute that instruction.

CPU Usage from a file on Linux

I have to get the cpu usage on Linux from a file located on my hard drive. But after some research about it, I didn't find a proper file which informs me about the CPU usage.
The best solution would be to find the file which contains these information and updated frequently.
If you know one file which make this, it would be great, thank you.
This sort of information is available under the /proc filesystem. See man proc.
In particular:
/proc/loadavg gives load averages;
/proc/stat gives information on the amount of time the system spent in user/kernel mode, etc (thanks #Mat!)
/proc/[pid]/stat contains information on CPU times for the given process.
man proc will give further details.
You could use /proc/loadavg for determining the load from a file.

How to find or calculate a Linux process's page table size and other kernel accounting?

How can I find out how big a Linux process's page table is, along with any other variable-size process accounting?
If you are really interested in the page tables, do a
$ cat /proc/meminfo | grep PageTables
PageTables: 24496 kB
Since Linux 2.6.10, the amount of memory used by a single process' page tables has been exposed via the VmPTE field of /proc/<pid>/status.
Not sure about Linux, but most UNIX variants provide sysctl(3) for this purpose. There is also the sysctl(8) command line utility.
Hmmm, back in Ye Olden Tymes, we used to call nlist(3) to get the system address for the data we were interested in, then open /dev/kmem, seek to the address, then read the data. Not sure if this works in Linux, but it might be worth typing "man 3 nlist" and seeing what comes back.
You should describe your problem, and not ask about details. If you fork too much (especially with a process which has a large address space) there are all kind of things which go wrong (including out of memory), hitting a pagetable maximum size is IMHO not a realistic problem.
Thad said, I would also be interested to read a process pagetable share in Linux.
As a simple rule of thumb you can however asume that each process occopies a share in the pagetable which is equal to its virtual size, for example 6 bytes for each page. So for example if you have a Oracle Database with 8GB SGA and 500 Processes sharing it, each of the process will use 14MB pagetable, which results in 7GB pagetables+8GB SGA. (sample numbers from

How to set CPU load on a Red Hat Linux box?

I have a RHEL box that I need to put under a moderate and variable amount of CPU load (50%-75%).
What is the best way to go about this? Is there a program that can do this that I am not aware of? I am happy to write some C code to make this happen, I just don't know what system calls will help.
This is exactly what you need (internet archive link):
From the homepage:
"stress is a simple workload generator for POSIX systems. It imposes a configurable amount of CPU, memory, I/O, and disk stress on the system. It is written in C, and is free software licensed under the GPL."
Find a simple prime number search program that has source code. Modify the source code to add a nanosleep call to the main loop with whichever delay gives you the desired CPU load.
One common way to get some load on a system is to compile a large software package over and over again. Something like the Linux kernel.
Get a copy of the source code, extract the tar.bz2, go into the top level source directory, copy your kernel config from /boot to .config or zcat /proc/config.gz > .config, the do make oldconfig, then while true; do make clean && make bzImage; done
If you have an SMP system, then make -j bzImage is fun, it will spawn make tasks in parallel.
One problem with this is adjusting the CPU load. It will be a maximum CPU load except for when waiting on disk I/O.
You could possibly do this using a Bash script. Use " ps -o pcpu | grep -v CPU" to get the CPU Usage of all the processes. Add all those values together to get the current usage. Then have a busy while loop that basically keeps on checking those values, figuring out the current CPU usage, and waiting a calculated amount of time to keep the processor at a certain threshhold. More detail is need, but hopefully this will give you a good starting point.
Take a look at this CPU Monitor script I found and try to get some other ideas on how you can accomplish this.
It really depends what you're trying to test. If you're just testing CPU load, simple scripts to eat empty CPU cycles will work fine. I personally had to test the performance of a RAID array recently and I relied on Bonnie++ and IOZone. IOZone will put a decent load on the box, particularly if you set the file size higher than the RAM.
You may also be interested in this Article.
Lookbusy enables set value of CPU load.
Project site
lookbusy -c util[-high_util], --cpu-util util[-high_util]
i.e. 60% load
lookbusy -c 60
Use the "nice" command.
a) Highest priority:
$ nice -n -20 my_command
b) Lowest priority:
$ nice -n 20 my_command
A Simple script to load & hammer the CPU using awk. The script does mathematical calculations and thus CPU load peaks up on higher values passwd to .
checkout the script #
You can probably use some load-generating tool to accomplish this, or run a script to take all the CPU cycles and then use nice and renice on the process to vary the percentage of cycles that the process gets.
Here is a sample bash script that will occupy all the free CPU cycles:
while true ; do
Not sure what your goal is here. I believe glxgears will use 100% CPU.
So find any process that you know will max out the CPU to 100%.
If you have four CPU cores(0 1 2 3), you could use "taskset" to bind this process to say CPUs 0 and 1. That should load your box 50%. To load it 75% bind the process to 0 1 2 CPUs.
Disclaimer: Haven't tested this. Please let us know your results. Even if this works, I'm not sure what you will achieve out of this?
