After upgrading to Ubunto 19.10 does my Laravel app not load? - linux

After upgrading my remote Ubuntu server to 19.10 my site/app no longer loads and I see the page below in the browser window. Why would that be? Thanks

It looks like upgrading Ubuntu had updated Apache and probably changed some config files. I reinstalled PHP and the PHP MySQL module and the site is now back up.


Ubuntu 22.04 unable to upload files using chrome or firefox

I am currently using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
When I try to upload files using any browser the website does nothing.
In the above image if I click on Add file then "select files from your device".
My file manager does not open.
Drag and drop is working but not a lot of sites support that feature.
When I tried using chrome, the file manager window would launch but after selecting a file the browser would freeze.
I have tried a few fixes:
Refreshing the browser (firefox)
Downloading java plugin add-on
Installing xdg-desktop-portal , xdg-desktop-portal-gtk , ubuntu-restricted-extras through terminal.
These are the links which I used to try resolving this problem:
Ubuntu 10.10 , I tried this fix but couldn't find iced-tea plugin
This is the exact problem I face
I tried this fix
I ran into the same issue, and noticed that when I tried it with Chrome this would cause it to hang. Searching for that brought me to
which suggests:
sudo apt install xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
This did the trick for me, seems to be a known issue in 22.04 right now.
I had the same problem.
I fixed it disabling hardware acceleration in Google Chrome

Unable to get PHPSESSID to work in Ubuntu 18.04 with Redis and Flask-Session

I know this question might be a bit obscure, and might not even be in the right stack exchange. So I'm going to start here.
I'm running flask and flask-session with redis
My app config is setting the SESSION_TYPE to 'redis'
I'm also using u-msgpack-python for compatibility with PHP vs pickle in flask_session/ (manually changed in the dist-packages), but this seems to have no bearing on whether it works or not.
When running this configuration on Debian 9 or Ubuntu 16.04 everything works just fine. (Also Python 3.4, or 3.5, and PHP 7.0, and Apache or Nginx (both work))
However, when I run the exact same code base on Ubuntu 18.04 with Python 3.6 it will not hold the session.
The session cookie name is PHPSESSID and key prefix is PHPSESSID:
But.. when I change the cookie name to something like MYSESSID it all works and holds the session on Ubuntu 18.04. As soon as I change it bask to PHPSESSID, it fails to hold the session.
I've monitored the Redis server and I can see the session come in with data, so I know it's communicating properly.
Other info:
Running: Nginx 1.14.0, Python 3.6, Ubuntu 18.04, PHP 7.2
Any direction or insight will be helpful. Perhaps it's the PHP version?
Feel free to change tags as necessary, or ask for more info and I will provide as I can. I have full root access to the server.

Buster static page generator generate does not work under ubuntu

I've ghost bloggind platform based on node.js installed locally on ubuntu 16.04 under var/www.
http://localhost:2368/ghost/ works perfectly. I can add new posts, etc.. However while running buster generate in the console from the var/www directory I got the following error :
Connecting to failed: Connection refused.
I'm totally new to linux, servers, node.js...
Is it something about permissions ? Should I change something with chmod/chown ?
Is it something related to Apache ?
Thanks for your help

Virtuoso fails to run after any update to virtuoso.ini

I've installed Virtuoso OpenSource 7.2.+ on my Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. When I change virtuoso.ini (any change such as adding a new directory to the DirsAllowed), the server fails to work; when I set the configurations back to its defaults, then it's working. Any idea here?
Yes it is solved!
The problem, as I said, was because of existing a transaction log from an earlier version. It seems this is an old bug in Virtuoso according to Bug286953.
Anyway, I removed virtuoso.trx file and restarted my machine, it's now working.

cloud9 installation on ubuntu 13.10

I have installed the cloud9 on my ubuntu server by following the instructions given in the following link.
when i start the cloud9 on my server through mindterm ssh, i got the message that it was running in the url [http://localhost:3131], but when i access the url i can't get any response in my browser, i could i locate the cloud9 response. how can i get the cloud9 response in my browser?.
you can open your firebug , and look the Console!
There are details about your request and response from the server!
In my last time installation of cloud9 ide on my ubuntu server, i left the requirements section of installing the cloud9 ide. When i had seen the requirements i forget to install the
package in my server. After installing the above package ,cloud ide is running in my server.
