Ubuntu 22.04 unable to upload files using chrome or firefox - browser

I am currently using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.
When I try to upload files using any browser the website does nothing.
In the above image if I click on Add file then "select files from your device".
My file manager does not open.
Drag and drop is working but not a lot of sites support that feature.
When I tried using chrome, the file manager window would launch but after selecting a file the browser would freeze.
I have tried a few fixes:
Refreshing the browser (firefox)
Downloading java plugin add-on
Installing xdg-desktop-portal , xdg-desktop-portal-gtk , ubuntu-restricted-extras through terminal.
These are the links which I used to try resolving this problem:
Ubuntu 10.10 , I tried this fix but couldn't find iced-tea plugin
This is the exact problem I face
I tried this fix

I ran into the same issue, and noticed that when I tried it with Chrome this would cause it to hang. Searching for that brought me to https://askubuntu.com/questions/1404550/google-chrome-freeze-uploading-a-file
which suggests:
sudo apt install xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
This did the trick for me, seems to be a known issue in 22.04 right now.

I had the same problem.
I fixed it disabling hardware acceleration in Google Chrome


Install chrome driver on Amazon Linux 2 ARM

I am looking to install Chrome Driver (For my selenium project) on an Amazon Linux 2 (Arm 64).
I have done this on Ubuntu and seems pretty straight, it also seems straight on AL2 x86, like this script from Intoli but it 404 when looking for Chrome on ARM :(. So far I see Chrome is not available for ARM so I see the alternative is to use Chromium.
I tried installing it manually but it seems there is no compiled on Chromium downloads page for ARM.
Finally i found the Electron's unofficial webdrivers, which seem to be the answer, and after downloading, installing dependencies (libXcursor, libXfixes, libXdamage) and running it:
[ec2-user#scraping1 current]$ chromedriver
Starting ChromeDriver 100.0.4896.143 (6bf1afe83487405ea0aff37182f05e3db45559c2-refs/branch-heads/4951#{#831}) on port 9515
Only local connections are allowed.
Please see https://chromedriver.chromium.org/security-considerations for suggestions on keeping ChromeDriver safe.
ChromeDriver was started successfully.
And run my project I get:
2.7.3 :004 > Selenium::WebDriver::Service.driver_path = "/usr/bin/chromedriver"
=> "/usr/bin/chromedriver"
session = Capybara::Session.new
Webdrivers::BrowserNotFound: Failed to find Chrome binary.
Which means i don't have Chrome installed, but then how to install it? I have seen this question which seems to be my same problem but it is unclear to me how to install Chromium; I see it is needed to download and use the chromedriver compiled for ARM64 which I have done already.

Installing Node.js on Windows 10 always results in an error

Hey I changed my System from Linux to Windows and I would like to install Node.js via .exe. The problem I have is, that I get an Error Pop-up. How could I fix it?
What I tried:
I checked already the permissions and I got also the confirm-box for the admin and everything seems to be normal.
Install Windows 10 ISO via bootable stick and Rufus in MBR and GPT and also by creating an usb via MediaCreationTool.
Thanking you in anticipation
Yeah, I got in this issue too. There is already an approved bug on the maintainers GitHub: https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39224. So assume that a fix will be available in the next days.
Short term solution: Install the version before the latest (e.g. 14.17.1): https://github.com/nodejs/node/issues/39224#issuecomment-872702653. This worked for me

Firefox can't work after using splinter 0.8.0

I have just installed the splinter 0.8.0. I intalled it like this:
1.Firstly, I have had installed anaconda and the corresponding spyder supports python3.7
2.I installed the latest selenium by using "pip install selenium" on cmd.exe
3.I used "pip -m install splinter" to install splinter0.8.0
4.I installed geckodriver from the github click here
5.I configurated the environment by getting the geckodriver.exe copied to the directory which includes fiefox.exe and get the path into the PATH of the computer
6.To this, the splinter could open firefox but always got some exceptions..
7*.When I then opened the firefox with mouse clicking, the firefox started with page white. And no matter what I input into the search box, nothing happened. What's more, I found that the developer tools couldn't be opened. And all these cases happened when I started firefox through desktop shortcut. Interestingly, when I started it in its directory which it's originally at, the firefox could work. But in this case when I open a new blank page, it didn't work too...
It's so confusing!!! Thanks for help!
The reason may be that the computer had been working long and if you shut it down completely and restart it, the Firefox may come alive. (Also it may be because of Win10's needing relax).
If that doesn't work, I recommend chromedriver.

I stopped the installation of package abruptly in sdk manager in Linux. Thereafter the window does not open

I am using Android Studio in Ubuntu 14.4 lts. While installing certain packages through Sdk Manager, i stopped them, as i realized i didn't need them. After which i could not open the sdk manager altogether.
I tried running it from Android-Studio,
I tried running it from the terminal by entering the installed android folder then Sdk/tools and executing ./android as well as ./android sdk
I tried separately downloading stand-alone sdk tools and tried running it , but that didn't help too
I found such problems already dealt but in Windows, there the path is edited or the java_exe is set.
But i dint find any useful suggestion in case of Linux.
I am finding things really helpless by now. Please help!

how to compile Intellij IDEA from Source to Executive file

i download Intellij Idea 13 (ideaIC-13.tar.gz) from jetbrains.com and i want to install it on ubuntu 13.10.
i'm not prefer to run intellij with terminal commands everytime i wanna use it, it's gonna be great if i can open it like another applications we install from ubuntu software center.
so i searched over the internet and found out i should compile it to .deb file to do that. i tried several ways to compile but i got error every time.
can anyone help me solve this problem?
thanks in advance
edit :
i tried "Create Desktop Entry" to make shortcut for it, but i got this error.
there is another warning about "native file watcher". how can i solve them?:|
the problem was my Ubuntu installation or lack of my ubuntu dependencies.
now i use Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and Intellij Idea Works Properly! i just run the .sh file with bash command.
and Create Desktop Entry worked fine.
