How to open a default folder when launching Visual Studio Code on newly provisioned machines? - linux

How can I change settings.json (or whatever) so that when I launch VSC, that a workspace (or literally just a directory) opens up automatically.
I have already reviewed this other great answer How to open a default workspace when launching Visual Studio Code?
However I need to do this on brand new, newly provisioned machines that are ephemeral (meaning they get destroyed and recreated from scratch). That means that simply memorizing what I did once, does not help.
Also.... is there a way to do the same thing where the integrated terminal is already open as well? I can't seem to find knobs for either of the above in the settings.json.
This is on linux servers that students will open in their web browser using vs code server.


RC File info not working across different machines

I have a Visual C++ MFC app. When I update the RC file menus via resource editor, sometimes it isn't reflected when I run the app. Other times, the updated menus work on the development machine, but not on other machines. Note: the other machines had a previous version of the software installed. I simply copied and pasted the release folder over from one machine to another. Using the Wix installer we use to install everything (AFTER UNINSTALLING FROM CONTROL PANEL) doesn't seem to work either. What I missing? How do I get my menus to behave correctly? Why do things work on some PCs and not on others?

Copy website feature in visual studio 2010 is not working because my local pc code is under source control

This is my first time posting a question in StackOverflow. Pls forgive me if I made any mistake.
The condition is such: I have codes inside my laptop that is under source control by a TFS (Team Foundation Server) server in the company and I have a web server which I upload the codes so that user can browse the pages. So there are 3 main items here: the TFS server, my laptop and the web server.
When I try to check in/out between my laptop and TFS server using Visual Studio, no problem.
When I try to use "Copy Web Site" feature in Visual Studio to upload my laptop's code to the web server, no problem too.
However, when I try to use "Copy Web Site" feature in Visual Studio to DOWNLOAD the web server's code into my laptop, then it will says the job is completed, but in actual fact, it has not done anything because the fact is laptop's code is under source control and it cannot overwrite it.
The only solution is I have to "check out" the local laptop's code before I can successfully DOWNLOAD from web server into my laptop. This is very troublesome and annoying if I have many files to DOWNLOAD. Is there another solution to this problem?
Another question is, is there any better way to configure the relationship of these 3 items?
Sorry for such a long question.
I cannot post any images because I don't have the "10 reputation" rights required by stackoverflow.
The easiest answer is to use a local workspace, but unfortunately local workspaces aren't an option unless you're using both Visual Studio 2012 and TFS 2012.
The basic problem here is that when you use a server workspace, files are read-only on your file system until you explicitly check them out of source control. Local workspaces don't have that necessity.
The bigger question here is why you want to grab files from the web server. You're using source control. If people are making changes to the code directly in the web server without going through source control, that is a huge problem that should be addressed immediately.

Visual Studio 2012-Update 2 Won't Load Solution if SUO File is Present

I develop in VS 2012/.NET on several computers (all running Windows 8 Pro x64). Although VS is installed on all computers I keep the project folder on an external USB3 drive. Every once in a while I would find the project files had been corrupted on the USB drive (e.g. cross-linked). Fortunately I keep frequent backups but clearly this situation is intolerable, so I set out trying to find what the issue(s) might be.
I still don't have a clear answer but one piece of strange behavior is this: if I open the .SLN file for my project in VS 2012 when an .SUO file is NOT present it loads fine, builds are OK, etc. HOWEVER, if I then save the project, exit VS (so an SUO file is created) and then attempt to REOPEN the solution VS hangs at (....loading). I get the usual "Visual Studio is busy....." messages and there is no point in waiting, the solution just never loads. I have to kill VS in TM. I've tested this repeatedly, and I've even done it from the local hard disk (as opposed to the USB drive) to see if USB was the problem. It isn't. Remember, this is all on the same computer (so as to remove "moving" as the cause of the issue). The only way I can work with the project is to delete the SUO file before trying to open it.
I would assume, if this was a VS bug, it would be pretty much all over the web and my searches would have turned up something. So I'm asking if anyone has any idea what the problem might be or if there are links that might help me figure things out.
Thanks in advance.

Azure cloud publish not uploading new files

I've recently copied my visual studio 2010 website project from my windows 7 PC to a new PC running windows 8. That all went relatively smoothly. When I now publish or package the cloud project it only packages files that were originally on the windows 7 PC. Any files that I have created on the windows 8 PC are ignored. The solution builds fine and I can run and debug the project fine. Any ideas?
Not sure why that would be, but here's something to try: In Visual Studio Solution Explorer, right-click the solution and choose Clean Solution. Then try to package/publish again.
When you say files do you mean images/JavaScript?
What is the setting of the "Copy to Output Directory" ? for the files/content that is not making it...make sure it is NOT set to "Do not copy"
Are you using the new v1.8 of the SDK? (did you upgrade your project?)...this can happen if you are using an old SDK from a previous computer and then try to build stuff using a "fresh installation".
The issue was that somewhere along the way the cloud project got disassociated with the web project so wasn't actually updating the file list for publishing - it was just using the file list that had already been generated on my old PC.
The fix was to scrap the cloud project and start over with a new one, then add a new web role to it and then convert that web role into a web application project and then move my whole existing website into that...

Where are the scan settings stored on ce 5.0 MC9090? They are not in the registry that I can see

We are using MC9090's running CE 5.0. We are using a program called Wavelink Studio Client to access our scan application. Studio Client is different and not the same as Wavelink Telnet CE. Wavelink Studio is only a "Go Between" and does not hold any settings. The Wavelink Studio basically looks at the scanner .dll and pulls settings from that.
My problem is that I have an Interleaved 2 of 5 barcode with 16 length. The MC9090 comes with two demo programs ScanWedge and ScanSamp. I can modify the length for int 2 of 5 in either of these programs and my barcode will scan through Wavelink Studio Client. However, after a warm boot I lose all my settings since these are just demo programs.
So, I turned to DataWedge. Which uses its own config folder to store settings, but I assume loads the settings into the scanner .dll. My barcode scans perfectly in Studio Client when DataWedge is installed only after the DataWedge process has been "Stopped" then "Started". If perform a warm boot and DataWedge starts... my barcode will not scan through studio client until DataWedge has been Stopped, then my barcode will scan through Studio Client whether DataWedge is Started or Stopped.
My question is: Is there a script/command line/bat/etc. that I could use that would "Stop" DataWedge, then "Start" DataWedge after a warm boot? This is one way to solve my problem.
If anyone has any other suggestions, please let me know. I have repeatedly been told that the settings from ScanSamp and ScanWedge (demo apps) are not stored anywhere on the device. I believe they are stored somewhere though. Because, when I make a change on DataWedge, I can open ScanWedge and the settings happen there to. So there must be some central location where the hard scan settings are stored? I just need to be able to edit the settings in this location and have them stay there. I don't even need DataWedge if the scanner would hold the settings in the .dll that I specify from ScanWedge. With datawedge uninstalled, I tried changing my settings in ScanWedge then using RemCapture to capture all the settings from the device.. I then loaded those settings onto another device to see if it would load the scan settings, but it did not.
Set the options in ScanWedge. Then Use "Remote Registry Editor" that comes with Visual Studio 2008 and go to this path: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Symbol\ScanWedge]
There you will see the various settings for ScanWedge. To persist these settings over warm & cold boot do the following:
Open Notepad on the PC.
Type the following registry entry:
Save the file as scanwedge.reg
Place the file on your Terminal in the \Application Folder using ActiveSync.
Cold boot the terminal.
NOTE: A cold reboot will erase all files, except the application and platform folder. Save your files before cold booting.
Hope this helps.
