Using Node.js API on my react-native frontend - node.js

I am new to react-native. I am using an api that basically returns json data, I am able to easily use json on my frontend but I am stuck because I don't know how to redirect to my other frontend file using same api but different route.


How to post JSON data from NodeJS to Django?

The architecture of our app uses NodeJS and Django together.
I need to post a JSON data from NodeJS to Django without receiving any request before that from Django. Because, there is a function in NodeJS that generates and returns JSON data such that whenever this data returned, NodeJS must post it to Django.
I don't know any thing about that and have not any idea for that.
What should I do? What APIs/modules do I need to use and how should I work with NodeJS and Django to fulfill it?
api can be created in django with necessary permissions & authentication, then can continue with function call in nodejs (any medium to trigger code to submit data in django api).

I created an authentication api with express, what is the best way of consuming the api with Vuejs

I have an authentication api with nodejs and express fully working with ejs template. But I’d like to know how to use vuejs for the frontend instead of ejs
I already built the ui with Vuejs, then I created the api with nodejs/express and tested it with ejs.
I’m having issues with the authentication system using my vuejs ui, I can’t seem to call the api and persist form data properly.

How to return JSON response when an Item changes in MongoDB using NodeJs

I have a NodeJS server and mongoDB where I have get and post API for the data. And I was wondering if I want to change something for example in my Users collection and have the changes directly send to my frontend react project. I was reading about socket-io, and can't find how to send the data as I am sending it in the API.
Is there any resources or examples on this ?

consume API from node JS

How would I consume any API from my backend in node JS.
Let's say that I want to make only use of a few routes but that they do not hit the API from the frontend but that the response is made by the backend that previously has already developed that query logic.

Best way to add a React frontend to a existing Node.js / Express REST API backend

I have an existing backend with a REST API written using node.js/express.
I can call urls e.g. /getallhouses and get the corresponding JSON object.
Using a mobile app, this is rather straightforward as you just call the REST API and process the data.
As I need to also add a webapp e.g. with React.js, it seems more murky.
What is the best way of implementing this webapp strategy?
Creating a stand-alone react.js app which will be called by the user first and then is using the REST API like a mobile app and hosting that react.js app on a different server?
Or is it better to start from the already existing express/node backend and serving the initial index.html file by
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname + 'views/index.html'));
and putting all react.js related code into views and letting the backend serving the required react.js app to the user?
The best way is probably that you create a react app with redux and compile it to a bundle with something like webpack. Then you could host your page completely static.
