How to post JSON data from NodeJS to Django? - node.js

The architecture of our app uses NodeJS and Django together.
I need to post a JSON data from NodeJS to Django without receiving any request before that from Django. Because, there is a function in NodeJS that generates and returns JSON data such that whenever this data returned, NodeJS must post it to Django.
I don't know any thing about that and have not any idea for that.
What should I do? What APIs/modules do I need to use and how should I work with NodeJS and Django to fulfill it?

api can be created in django with necessary permissions & authentication, then can continue with function call in nodejs (any medium to trigger code to submit data in django api).


How to return JSON response when an Item changes in MongoDB using NodeJs

I have a NodeJS server and mongoDB where I have get and post API for the data. And I was wondering if I want to change something for example in my Users collection and have the changes directly send to my frontend react project. I was reading about socket-io, and can't find how to send the data as I am sending it in the API.
Is there any resources or examples on this ?

Convert Nodejs API to MongoDB

I have created a NodeJS project where I have saved the data in a file data.js. It is saved in a server in a local host and I can use it as an API call.
Now I would like to convert this project using MongoDB as the backend to make it more dynamic. I have fetched data using React Hooks in the HomeScreen Page.
Do I need to change the React Hook and Fetching data(axios) Code??
You do not need to change your React code if you ensure your Nodejs API still provides same data in same format as before. Just need to update backend nodejs code to store and fetch details from mongodb instead of the data.js file.
Just Use MongoDB Queries to fetch details and send it in the response like as you were sending before from data.js. The difference would be now is you will be storing your data in MongoDB collections and read it from collections according to your requirements.

Using Node.js API on my react-native frontend

I am new to react-native. I am using an api that basically returns json data, I am able to easily use json on my frontend but I am stuck because I don't know how to redirect to my other frontend file using same api but different route.

How do I pass a value into nodeJS from another client-side javascript document?

I'm currently new to node.js, and I am making a chat-bot based application. However, the IBM Natural Language Understanding API does not have documentation for regular javascript code, and instead requires the utilization of the nodeJS server. I had no knowledge of nodeJS beforehand.
The application is intended to work as follows: A user types in a large corpus of text, then the "chatbot" sends the text to FireBase and to a nodeJS module to have main keywords extracted by the IBM API. These main keywords are then stored into Firebase and then extracted from firebase by the web application to display the keyword text. I tried to run node.js, but I cannot seem to pass the variable from the chatBox into nodeJS. I am also using localhost:5000 as a port for my website. Where is my logic flawed, and what is the best way to resolve this issue?

Nodejs Restify Collection/Array param

I am in need to send multiple items over rest web service being developed over Nodejs + Restify. I can send single object e.g. User.
Suppose, my app got 10 - 100 users at once and want to upload on server via Restful web service developed in nodejs/restify. What would be good solution for this?
I managed to do that through a jQuery Ajax Request. You can see my post for the solution.
Post jQuery JSON Object to NodeJs Restify
You can put you array in a Json, and then send it to your web service in one url parameter using JSON.stringify(your json)
