Azure Terraform initial setup - azure

I worked with Terraform for AWS before successfully. Now I am trying to work with Azure and facing a few challenges. I have successfully authenticated to my azure account using Azure CLI. When I run the basic terraform provider arm .tf and do a terraform init it just works. But when I put in any additional code like container creation or blob creation .tfs, the init is not working and is giving me the below message :
No available provider "azure" plugins are compatible with this Terraform version.
Error: no available version is compatible with this version of Terraform
Terraform version :
bash-3.2$ terraform -v
Terraform v0.12.19
+ provider.azurerm v1.38.0
I used version 1.38.0 and tried many others but it still continues to give me error.

They are the two providers for the different Azure models.
Azure Service Management Provider model is the classic model in Azure and is not recommended to use now. It provides the resources with format azure_xxx.
Azure Resource Manager Provider model is the Resource Manager model which calls ARM and is recommended to use and supported well. It provides the resources with format azurerm_xxx.
You can also learn more about the ASM and ARM model in document Azure Resource Manager vs. classic deployment: Understand deployment models and the state of your resources.


What is the behaviour Terraform Plan?

Learning Terraform, and in one of the tutorials for terraform with azure a requirement was to log in with the az client. Now my understanding is that this was to create a Service Princlple.
I was trying this with Github actions and my assumption was that the properties obtained for the Service Principle. When I tried running terraform plan everything worked out fine.
However, when I tried to do terraform apply it failed until I explicitly did an az login step in the github workflow job.
What am I missing here? Does terraform plan only compare the new configuration file against the state file, not the actual account? Or does it verify the state against the resource-group/subscription in Azure?
I was a little confused with the documentation on terraform plan

Terraform module for creating app service environment Azure V2

I have a terraform module that creates app service environment using an ARM template and I am planning to move to terraform module azurerm_app_service_encironment as arm templates are getting deprecated.
When I search the terraform repo with app service environment here , I get module azurerm_app_service_Environment and azurerm_app_service_environment_v3. I am currently using ASEV2, how do I create that using terraform? I see V3 has a separate module, what about V2?
Also my ARM template is using params like dnsSuffix which I cannot find in ASE terraform module but exist in ASE version 3.
There is no document available in terraform for azurerm_app_service_environment_v2 but if you are planning to Migrate App Service Environment v3 from azurerm_app_service_environment_v2 using ARM so you can refer this document :
Also there is feature difference between azurerm_app_service_environment and azurerm_app_service_environment_v3 so few features available in update version that not in earlier version so that is the reason dns_suffix is not there in azurerm_app_service_environment.
I tried to create app_service_enviroment from portal you only have option to create App Service Environment v3(Latest).
Note : After 31 August 2024, if you haven't migrated to App Service Environment v3, your App Service Environment v1/v2s and the apps deployed in them will no longer be available.

Terraform doesn't have a Ground Truth resource. How do I create my own resource?

As far as I can tell, terraform doesn't have any support for Sagemaker Ground Truth. However AWS CLI does support it.
I don't want to create a whole new provider as a plugin, especially as this falls under aws.
How do I create my own resource within the existing aws provider?
You have a couple options here (and in general, when something isn't supported by the Terraform AWS provider).
If the resource in question is supported by CloudFormation, you can use the aws_cloudformation_stack Terraform resource to create a custom CloudFormation stack that creates and tracks the state of the resource. Here's the CloudFormation documentation for SageMaker; see if you can find the resource you want in there anywhere.
If it's only supported by the CLI (not by CloudFormation), you can use the CLI in your Terraform configuration. This is the module I like to use for doing CLI work in Terraform. The downside is that you must have the AWS CLI installed on whatever machine you're doing the terraform apply on.

How to add azure function's javascript / c# code into terraform scripts?

I am working in a project that will be deployed at my client's Microsoft Azure. Thus I am currently testing terraform to assist me when the time comes.
create a azure function with terraform that will trigger on blob storage input data
My question is about how to add the azure functions's javascript/c# code into the terraform script so it will be automatically deployed ?
I checked the terraform docs, but it wasn't of much help:
Any ideas?
Terraform doesn't handle pushing code to Azure resources, that's usually done in a following step in the pipeline (e.g. 1- execute terraform 2- deploy code).
However, the Azure Function App does have the ability to connect directly to your repo, and the Terraform azurerm_function_app module exposes the source_control property.
Terraform's azurerm_function_app documentation
So with Terraform you can configure the function app to pull the code directly from the repo when a change is detected.
Microsoft's Azure Function Continuous Deployment documentation

Specifying Kubernetes version for Azure Container Service

Does anyone know if it is possible to specify the Kubernetes version when deploying ACS Kubernetes flavour?
If so how?
Using the supported resource provider in ARM you cannot specify the version. However, if you use you can do so. ACS Engine is the open source code we (I work for MS) use to drive Azure Container Service. Using this code you have much more flexibility than you do through the published resource provider, but it's a harder onramp. For instructions see
See examples at
You should use acs-engine and follow the deploy guide in the repo (
In the deploy guide they use the file examples/kubernetes.json and in that file there's -
"orchestratorProfile": {
"orchestratorType": "Kubernetes"
You can also add the field "orchestratorRelease": "1.7" for Kubernetes 1.7.
To view the whole list of releases available you can use the acs-engine executable and run acs-engine orchestrators that prints all of them.
Other examples can be found in
