Specifying Kubernetes version for Azure Container Service - azure

Does anyone know if it is possible to specify the Kubernetes version when deploying ACS Kubernetes flavour?
If so how?

Using the supported resource provider in ARM you cannot specify the version. However, if you use http://github.com/Azure/acs-engine you can do so. ACS Engine is the open source code we (I work for MS) use to drive Azure Container Service. Using this code you have much more flexibility than you do through the published resource provider, but it's a harder onramp. For instructions see https://github.com/Azure/acs-engine/blob/master/docs/kubernetes.md
See examples at https://github.com/Azure/acs-engine/tree/master/examples/kubernetes-releases

You should use acs-engine and follow the deploy guide in the repo (https://github.com/Azure/acs-engine/blob/master/docs/kubernetes/deploy.md).
In the deploy guide they use the file examples/kubernetes.json and in that file there's -
"orchestratorProfile": {
"orchestratorType": "Kubernetes"
You can also add the field "orchestratorRelease": "1.7" for Kubernetes 1.7.
To view the whole list of releases available you can use the acs-engine executable and run acs-engine orchestrators that prints all of them.
Other examples can be found in https://github.com/Azure/acs-engine/tree/master/examples/kubernetes-releases


Azure Terraform initial setup

I worked with Terraform for AWS before successfully. Now I am trying to work with Azure and facing a few challenges. I have successfully authenticated to my azure account using Azure CLI. When I run the basic terraform provider arm .tf and do a terraform init it just works. But when I put in any additional code like container creation or blob creation .tfs, the init is not working and is giving me the below message :
No available provider "azure" plugins are compatible with this Terraform version.
Error: no available version is compatible with this version of Terraform
Terraform version :
bash-3.2$ terraform -v
Terraform v0.12.19
+ provider.azurerm v1.38.0
I used version 1.38.0 and tried many others but it still continues to give me error.
They are the two providers for the different Azure models.
Azure Service Management Provider model is the classic model in Azure and is not recommended to use now. It provides the resources with format azure_xxx.
Azure Resource Manager Provider model is the Resource Manager model which calls ARM and is recommended to use and supported well. It provides the resources with format azurerm_xxx.
You can also learn more about the ASM and ARM model in document Azure Resource Manager vs. classic deployment: Understand deployment models and the state of your resources.

Azure shared image gallery versions using terraform

Can you please help me how to list all the image versions available in Azure Shared Image gallery. I tried all the below , but no luck
There doesn't appear to be a way to do this with the default Terraform data resources. Here is a GitHub repo that leverages a null resource to allow you to run commands that can return data. With something like that you could leverage the Azure CLI to return all your images. Here is the command for the Azure CLI.
Hope this helps.

alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes vs alicloud_cs_kubernetes on terraform

So on Alibaba Cloud module in terraform and found identic resource:
what is the different of that? i cannot differentiate that two resource
biggest difference is,
Managed kubernetes cluster, that means you can't control kubernetes master.
kubernetes cluster, you need create master as well.
master_instance_types = ["ecs.n4.small"]
Specifically speaking the differences between alicloud_cs_managed_kubernetes vs alicloud_cs_kubernetes on Terraform are can be addressed detailly with the help of parameter reference provided on official documentation.
But, the major difference between Kubernetes and Managed Kubernetes is
You don't need to manage the master node in Managed Kubernetes

Update WadCfg "only" of existing Azure Service Fabric cluster?

I want to monitor Perfomance metrics of a existing Service Fabric Cluster.
Here is the link of Performance metrics -
I went through this Microsoft documentation -
My problem is, The ARM template I downloaded during Service Fabric creation time is quite big and contains lot of params and I don't have the template-params file. I think it is possible to build the params file but it will be time consuming.
Is it possible to download template and template-params file of
existing service fabric cluster ?
If no, Is it possible to just update the "WadCfg" section to add new
performance counters ?
Your can export your entire resource group with all definitions and parameters, there you can find all parameters(as default parameters) for the resources deployed in the resource group. I've never done for SF cluster, but a quick look to an existing resource group I have I could see the cluster definition included.
This link explain how: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-resource-manager/resource-manager-export-template
In Summary:
Find the resource group where your cluster is deployed
Open the resource group and navigate to 'Automation Scripts'
Click 'Download' on top bar
Open the ARM template with all definitions
Make the modifications and save
Publish the updates
You could also add it to a library and deploy from there, as guided in the link above.
From the docs: Not all resource types support the export template function. To resolve this issue, manually add the missing resources back into your template.
To be honest, I've never deployed this way other than test environments, so I am not sure if it is safe for production.

Azure manage compute API is failing with InvalidAPIVersion error

I am trying to use Azure resource manager and Azure Compute Management APIs to get list of virtual machines in a resource group and all of virtual machine properties. It's failing with InvalidAPIVersion error even though I have updated to latest version. As per the error it expects older version no but i don't see any old library with such a version. Can someone please suggest what am I missing?
VirtualMachineGetResponse vm = m_computeClient.VirtualMachines.Get("/subscriptions/1f94c869-####-####-####-055e8ae15be3/resourceGroups/TestGroup", "TestMachine");
m_computeClint is an object of ComputeManagementClient class in name space Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute
Is this because resource provider is Microsoft.ClassicCompute?
Error message:
InvalidApiVersionParameter: The api-version '2015-05-01-preview' is invalid. The supported versions are '2015-01-01,2014-04-01-preview,2014-04-01,2014-01-01,2013-03-01,2014-02-26,2014-04'.
If you're using the resource group management api, you're definitely going to get an invalidapiversionparameter using ClassicCompute. The resource management compute provider is "Microsoft.Compute"; ClassicCompute exists only to view VMs that were already created using the service management API.
Right now, you should keep the two APIs and resources separate. Did you create the VM using the preview portal (portal.azure.com) or using PowerShell? If the former, it has almost (but not quite) converted over to using the resource management api. Try following these steps: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/resource-group-template-deploy/.
Hope that helps.
