updating a deployment - uploaded images gets deleted after redeployment to google cloud - node.js

So I have a node js web app, this web app has a folder to store images uploaded by users from a mobile app. How I upload the image to the folder is by using the image's base64 string, and using fs.writeFile to save the image to the folder, like this:
fs.writeFile(__dirname + '/../images/complaintImg/complaintcase_' + data.cID + '.jpg', Buffer.from(data.complaintImage, 'base64'), function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
The problem is, whenever the application is redeployed to google cloud, the images gets deleted. This is because the image folder of the local version of the application is empty - when the user uploads an image, i don't get a local copy of that image.
How do i prevent the images from getting deleted with every deployment? because the app is constantly updated (changes to js or html files), i can't have the images getting deleted with every deployment. How do i update a deployment to only deploy certain files? the gcloud app deploy command seems to deploy the entire project. or should i upload the images directly to google cloud storage?
please help, currently the mobile app isn't released to the public yet, so having the images deleted with every deployment is still not a big problem now, but it will be once it's released to the public. because the images they upload are very important. thank you in advance!

It appears that your __dirname directory you chose may be under /tmp or, if you use the flexible environment, some other directory local to your instance. If so the images will disappear whenever new instances are started (which always happens at new deployment, but it can happen in between deployments as well). This is expected, the instances are always started "from scratch".
You need to store the files that your app creates and you want to survive instance (re)starts on a persistent storage product, like Cloud Storage, see Using Cloud Storage (or Using Cloud Storage for flexible env). Note that you can't use the regular filesystem calls with Cloud Storage, you need to use the documented client library.

As stated in Dan Cornilescu's answer, for user uploaded files, you should store them in Cloud Storage for GAE Standard or for GAE Flexible.
Just as a reference, there is an alternative for those who are using Python 2.7, Java 8 or PHP 5, which is the BlobStore API


Can I avoid using live Firebase Storage when using emulators?

as I patiently wait for Firebase storage to be added to the emulators, I was wondering if there is a way I can avoid modifying live storage files and folders when running hosting / functions in the emulator?
For example I use the following code to delete all the files in a folder. Last night someone accidentally deleted all the documents in our emulator as part of a test and it deleted all the LIVE storage folders as we use an import of real documents into our emulator 🤦
async function deleteStorageFolder(path:string) {
const bucket = admin.storage().bucket();
return bucket.deleteFiles({
prefix: path
Is there any way I can tell firebase to avoid using the production storage APIs when emulators are running?
I have used the following condition in my function to prevent using firebase storage API when running in emulator:
if (process.env.FUNCTIONS_EMULATOR == "true") {
console.log(`Running in emulator, won't call firebase storage`)
} else {
// Code goes here to run storage APIs

Jimp write image to Google cloud storage node js

I'm currently writing images to my filesystem using jimp.
For example: image.write('path')
This cannot be used on Google App Engine because its read only filesystem.
How can I write this to a Google storage bucket? I've tried writestreams but keep getting read only errors so I feel like jimp is still writing to the drive.
Thanks heaps
As I can understand you are modifying some images on your App Engine and you want to upload them to a bucket but you didn't mention if you are using standard or flex environment. In order to do this you want to make your publicly readable so it can serve files.
Following this Google Cloud Platform Node.js documentation you can see that to upload a file to a bucket you need to create object first using:
const blob = bucket.file(yourFileName);
Then using createWriteStream you can upload the file

If using ImageResizer with Azure blobs do I need the AzureReader2 plugin?

I'm working on a personal project to manage users of my club, it's hosted on the free Azure package (for now at least), partly as an experiment to try out Azure. Part of creating their records is to add a photo, so I've got a Contact Card view that lets me see who they are, when they came and a photo.
I have installed ImageResizer and it's really easy to resize the 10MP photos from my camera and save them to the file system locally, but it seems that for Azure I need to use their Blobs to Upload Pictures to Windows Azure Web Sites, and that's new to me. The documentation on ImageResizer says that I need to use AzureReader2 in order to work with Azure blobs but it isn't free. It also says in their best practices #5 to
Use dynamic resizing instead of pre-resizing your images.
Which is not what I was thinking, I was going to resize to 300x300 and 75x75 (for thumbnail) when creating the users record. But if I should be storing full size images as blobs and dynamically resizing on the way out then can I just use standard means to Upload a blob into a container to save it to Azure, then when I want to display the images use the ImageResizer and pass it each image to resize as required. That way not needing to use the AzureReader2, or have I misunderstood what it does / how it works?
Is there another way to consider?
I've not yet implemented cropping, but that's next to tackle when I've worked out how to actually store the images properly
With some trepidation, I'm going to disagree with astaykov here. I believe you CAN use ImageResizer with Azure WITHOUT needing AzureReader2. Maybe I should qualify that by saying 'It works on my setup' :)
I'm using ImageResizer in an MVC 3 application. I have a standard Azure account with an images container.
Here's my test code for the view:
#using (Html.BeginForm( "UploadPhoto", "BasicProfile", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<input type="file" name="file" />
<input type="submit" value="OK" />
And here's the corresponding code in the Post Action method:
// This action handles the form POST and the upload
public ActionResult UploadPhoto(HttpPostedFileBase file)
// Verify that the user selected a file
if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
string newGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"]);
// Create the blob client.
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
// Retrieve reference to a previously created container.
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("images");
// Retrieve reference to the blob we want to create
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(newGuid + ".jpg");
// Populate our blob with contents from the uploaded file.
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
ImageResizer.ImageJob i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob(file.InputStream,
ms, new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings("width=800;height=600;format=jpg;mode=max"));
blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// redirect back to the index action to show the form once again
return RedirectToAction("UploadPhoto");
This is 'rough and ready' code to test the theory and could certainly stand improvement but, it does work both locally and when deployed on Azure. I can also view the images I've uploaded, which are correctly re-sized.
Hope this helps someone.
The answer to the concrete question:
If using ImageResizer with Azure blobs do I need the AzureReader2
is YES. And as described in the Image Resizer's documentation - that plugin is used to read/process/serve images out of Blob Storage. So there is no doubt - if you are going to use Image Resizer, AzureReader2 is your needed plugin to make things right. It will take care of Blob uploads/serve.
Although I question Image Resizer's team competency on Windows Azure, since they are referencing Azure SDK v.2, while the most current version for Azure SDK is 1.8. What they mean is the Azure Storage Client Library, which has versions 1.7 and 2.x. Whereas version 2.x is recommended one to use and comes with Azure SDK 1.8. So, do not search for Azure SDK 2.0, install the latest one, which is 1.8. And by the way, use the Nuget Package Manager to install the Azure Storage Library v. 2.0.x.
You can also upload resized versions to azure. So, you first upload the original image as a blob, say with the name /original/xxx.jpg; then you create a resize of the image and upload that to azure with the name say /thumbnail/xxx.jpg. If you want to create the resized versions on the fly or on a separate thread, you may need to temporarily save the original to disk.

Azure: Downloading from Blob Storage results in permissions error?

I’ve uploaded some files to Blob storage, and now I’m using the OnStart method to retrieve those files and run them. Right now I’m working locally.
Using the following code:
using (var fileStream = System.IO.File.OpenWrite(#"C:\testfolder"))
Results in a “Access to the path 'C:\testfolder' is denied.” error.
What do you think is causing this? And - will this be an issue once the project is actually pushed up to Azure? I can change permissions locally, but I'm hoping that once it's actually in a live worker role, it won't be an issue.
Any help would be awesome :)
Scratch that - it looks like the C:\testfolder should specify the file name, not the location. I've changed it to C:\testfolder\test.txt and it works just fine :).

Upload filestream to cloud-files with Node.js

I know that it's possible to upload files to my cloud-files account in Node.js, using the following module: node-cloudfiles.
But is it also possible to upload a filestream directly?
In my case I am dowloading an image from a certain location in Node.js and want to upload this directly to my cloud-files account without saving the image temporary on my server.
Of course it is possible - you can just read the documentation on Rackspace Cloud Files API ( http://docs.rackspacecloud.com/files/api/cf-devguide-latest.pdf ) and implement the necessary parts yourself.
However, I'd suggest to wait until https://github.com/nodejitsu/node-cloudfiles/pull/11 gets integrated into the trunk - then node-cloudfiles library will support uploading files using streams so you won't have to create files before uploading.
