If using ImageResizer with Azure blobs do I need the AzureReader2 plugin? - azure

I'm working on a personal project to manage users of my club, it's hosted on the free Azure package (for now at least), partly as an experiment to try out Azure. Part of creating their records is to add a photo, so I've got a Contact Card view that lets me see who they are, when they came and a photo.
I have installed ImageResizer and it's really easy to resize the 10MP photos from my camera and save them to the file system locally, but it seems that for Azure I need to use their Blobs to Upload Pictures to Windows Azure Web Sites, and that's new to me. The documentation on ImageResizer says that I need to use AzureReader2 in order to work with Azure blobs but it isn't free. It also says in their best practices #5 to
Use dynamic resizing instead of pre-resizing your images.
Which is not what I was thinking, I was going to resize to 300x300 and 75x75 (for thumbnail) when creating the users record. But if I should be storing full size images as blobs and dynamically resizing on the way out then can I just use standard means to Upload a blob into a container to save it to Azure, then when I want to display the images use the ImageResizer and pass it each image to resize as required. That way not needing to use the AzureReader2, or have I misunderstood what it does / how it works?
Is there another way to consider?
I've not yet implemented cropping, but that's next to tackle when I've worked out how to actually store the images properly

With some trepidation, I'm going to disagree with astaykov here. I believe you CAN use ImageResizer with Azure WITHOUT needing AzureReader2. Maybe I should qualify that by saying 'It works on my setup' :)
I'm using ImageResizer in an MVC 3 application. I have a standard Azure account with an images container.
Here's my test code for the view:
#using (Html.BeginForm( "UploadPhoto", "BasicProfile", FormMethod.Post, new { enctype = "multipart/form-data" }))
<input type="file" name="file" />
<input type="submit" value="OK" />
And here's the corresponding code in the Post Action method:
// This action handles the form POST and the upload
public ActionResult UploadPhoto(HttpPostedFileBase file)
// Verify that the user selected a file
if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0)
string newGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["StorageConnectionString"]);
// Create the blob client.
CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
// Retrieve reference to a previously created container.
CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("images");
// Retrieve reference to the blob we want to create
CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(newGuid + ".jpg");
// Populate our blob with contents from the uploaded file.
using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
ImageResizer.ImageJob i = new ImageResizer.ImageJob(file.InputStream,
ms, new ImageResizer.ResizeSettings("width=800;height=600;format=jpg;mode=max"));
blockBlob.Properties.ContentType = "image/jpeg";
ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
// redirect back to the index action to show the form once again
return RedirectToAction("UploadPhoto");
This is 'rough and ready' code to test the theory and could certainly stand improvement but, it does work both locally and when deployed on Azure. I can also view the images I've uploaded, which are correctly re-sized.
Hope this helps someone.

The answer to the concrete question:
If using ImageResizer with Azure blobs do I need the AzureReader2
is YES. And as described in the Image Resizer's documentation - that plugin is used to read/process/serve images out of Blob Storage. So there is no doubt - if you are going to use Image Resizer, AzureReader2 is your needed plugin to make things right. It will take care of Blob uploads/serve.
Although I question Image Resizer's team competency on Windows Azure, since they are referencing Azure SDK v.2, while the most current version for Azure SDK is 1.8. What they mean is the Azure Storage Client Library, which has versions 1.7 and 2.x. Whereas version 2.x is recommended one to use and comes with Azure SDK 1.8. So, do not search for Azure SDK 2.0, install the latest one, which is 1.8. And by the way, use the Nuget Package Manager to install the Azure Storage Library v. 2.0.x.

You can also upload resized versions to azure. So, you first upload the original image as a blob, say with the name /original/xxx.jpg; then you create a resize of the image and upload that to azure with the name say /thumbnail/xxx.jpg. If you want to create the resized versions on the fly or on a separate thread, you may need to temporarily save the original to disk.


Does Azure Blob Storage supports partial content 206 by default?

I am using Azure blob storage to storage all my images and videos. I have implemented the upload and fetch functionality and it's working quite good. I am facing 1 issue while loading the videos, because when I use the url which is generated after uploading that video on Azure blob storage, it's downloading all the content first before rendering it to the user. So if the video size is 100 mb, it'll download all the 100 mb and till than user won't able to see the video.
I have done a lot of R&D and came to know that while rendering the video, I need to fetch the partial content (status 206) rather than fetching the whole video at a time. After adding the request header "Range:bytes-500", I tried to hit the blog url, but it's still downloading the whole content. So I have checked with some open source video URLs and tried to hit the video URL along with the "Range" request header and it was successfully giving 206 response status, which means it was properly giving me the partial content instead of the full video.
I read some forum and they are saying Azure storage supports the partial content concept and need to enable it from the properties. But I have checked all the options under the Azure storage account but didn't find anything to enable this functionality.
Can anyone please help me out to resolve this or if there's anything on Azure portal that I need to enable? It's something that I have been doing the R&D for this since a week now. Any help would be really appreciated.
Thank you! Stay safe.
Suppose the Accept-Ranges is not enabled, from this blog I got it needs to set the default version of the service.
Below is a sample code to implement it.
var credentials = new StorageCredentials("account name", "account key");
var account = new CloudStorageAccount(credentials, true);
var client = account.CreateCloudBlobClient();
var properties = client.GetServiceProperties();
properties.DefaultServiceVersion = "2019-07-07";
Below is a return header comparison after setting the property.
Assuming the video content is MPEG-4 the issue may be the media itself needs to have the moov atom position changed from the end of the file to the beginning. The browser won't render the video until it finds the moov atom in the file therefore you want to make sure the atom is at the start of the file which can be accomplished using ffmpeg with the "FastStart". Here's a good article with more detail : HERE
You just need to update your Azure Storage version. It will work automatically after the update.
Using Azure CLI
Just run:
az storage account blob-service-properties update --default-service-version 2021-08-06 -n yourStorageAccountName -g yourStorageResourceGroupName
List of avaliable versions:
To see your current version, open a file and inspect the x-ms-version header
following is the SDK I used to download the contents:
var container = new BlobContainerClient("UseDevelopmentStorage=true", "sample-container");
await container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
BlobClient blobClient = container.GetBlobClient(fileName);
Stream stream = new MemoryStream();
var result = await blobClient.DownloadToAsync(stream, cancellationToken: ct);
which DOES download the whole file right away! Unfortunately the solution provided in other answers seems to be referencing another SDK? So for the SDK that I use - the solution is to use the method OpenReadAsync:
long kBytesToReadAtOnce = 300;
long bytesToReadAtOnce = kBytesToReadAtOnce * 1024;
//int mbBytesToReadAtOnce = 1;
var result = await blobClient.OpenReadAsync(0, bufferSize: (int)bytesToReadAtOnce, cancellationToken: ct);
By default - it fetches 4mb of data, so you have to override the value to smaller amount if you want your app to have smaller memory footprint.
I think that internally the SDK sends the requests with the byte range already set. So all you have to do is enable the partial content support in Web API like this:
return new FileStreamResult(result, contentType)
EnableRangeProcessing = true,

updating a deployment - uploaded images gets deleted after redeployment to google cloud

So I have a node js web app, this web app has a folder to store images uploaded by users from a mobile app. How I upload the image to the folder is by using the image's base64 string, and using fs.writeFile to save the image to the folder, like this:
fs.writeFile(__dirname + '/../images/complaintImg/complaintcase_' + data.cID + '.jpg', Buffer.from(data.complaintImage, 'base64'), function (err) {
if (err) {
} else {
The problem is, whenever the application is redeployed to google cloud, the images gets deleted. This is because the image folder of the local version of the application is empty - when the user uploads an image, i don't get a local copy of that image.
How do i prevent the images from getting deleted with every deployment? because the app is constantly updated (changes to js or html files), i can't have the images getting deleted with every deployment. How do i update a deployment to only deploy certain files? the gcloud app deploy command seems to deploy the entire project. or should i upload the images directly to google cloud storage?
please help, currently the mobile app isn't released to the public yet, so having the images deleted with every deployment is still not a big problem now, but it will be once it's released to the public. because the images they upload are very important. thank you in advance!
It appears that your __dirname directory you chose may be under /tmp or, if you use the flexible environment, some other directory local to your instance. If so the images will disappear whenever new instances are started (which always happens at new deployment, but it can happen in between deployments as well). This is expected, the instances are always started "from scratch".
You need to store the files that your app creates and you want to survive instance (re)starts on a persistent storage product, like Cloud Storage, see Using Cloud Storage (or Using Cloud Storage for flexible env). Note that you can't use the regular filesystem calls with Cloud Storage, you need to use the documented client library.
As stated in Dan Cornilescu's answer, for user uploaded files, you should store them in Cloud Storage for GAE Standard or for GAE Flexible.
Just as a reference, there is an alternative for those who are using Python 2.7, Java 8 or PHP 5, which is the BlobStore API

How to Upload images from local folder to Sitecore

`webClient.UploadFile("http://www.myurl.com/~/media/DCF92BB74CDA4D558EEF2D3C30216E30.ashx", #"E:\filesImage\Item.png");
I'm trying to upload images to sitecore using webclient.uploadfile() method by sending my sitecore address and the path of my local images.But I'm not able to upload it.I have to do this without any API's and Sitecore Instances.
The upload process would be the same as with any ASP.net application. However, once the file has been uploaded you need to create a media item programtically. You can do this from an actual file in the file system, or from a memory stream.
The process involves using a MediaCreator object and using its CreateFromFile method.
This blog post outlines the whole process:
Adding a file to the Sitecore Media Library programatically
If you're thinking simply about optimizing your developer workflow you could use the Sitecore PowerShell Extensions using the Remoting API as described in this this blog post
If you want to use web service way than you can use number of ways which are as follows:
a) Sitecore Rocks WebService (If you are allowed to install that or it is already available).
b) Sitecore Razl Service(It is third party which need license).
c) Sitecore Powershell Remoting (This needs Sitecore PowerShell extensions to be installed on Sitecore Server).
d) You can also use Sitecore Service which you can find under sitecore\shell\WebService\Service.asmx (But this is legacy of new SitecoreItemWebAPI)
e) Last is my enhanced SitecoreItemWebAPI (This also need SitecoreItemWebApi 1.2 as a pre-requisite).
But in end except option d you need to install some or other thing in order to upload the image using HTTP, you should also know the valid credentials to use any of above stated methods.
If your customers upload the image on the website, you need to create the item in your master database. (needs access and write right on the master database) depend on your security you might consider not build it with custom code.
But using the Sitecore webforms for marketers module With out of the box file upload. Create a form with upload field and using the WFFM webservices.
If you dont want to use Sitecore API, then you can do the following:
Write a code that uploads images into this folder : [root]/upload/
You might need to create folder structure that represent how the images are stored in Sitecore, eg: your images uploaded into [root]/upload/Import/ will be stored in /sitecore/media library/Import
Sitecore will automatically upload these images into Media library
Hope this helps
Option: You can use Item Web API for it. No reference to any Sitecore dll is needed. You will only need access to the host and be able to enable the Item Web API.
Upload the files using it: http://www.sitecoreinsight.com/how-create-media-items-using-sitecore-item-web-api/
Enable Item Web Api: http://sdn.sitecore.net/upload/sdn5/modules/sitecore%20item%20web%20api/sitecore_item_web_api_developer_guide_sc66-71-a4.pdf#search=%22item%22
I guess that is pretty much what you need, but as Jay S mentioned, if you put more details on your question helps on finding the best option to your particular case.
private void CreateImageIteminSitecore()
filePath = #"C:\Sitecore\Website\ImageTemp\Pic.jpg;
using (new SecurityDisabler())
Database masterDb = Sitecore.Configuration.Factory.GetDatabase("master");
Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions options = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreatorOptions();
options.FileBased = true;
options.AlternateText = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);
options.Destination = "/sitecore/media library/Downloads/";
options.Database = masterDb;
options.Versioned = false; // Do not make a versioned template
options.KeepExisting = false;
Sitecore.Data.Items.MediaItem mediaitemImage = new Sitecore.Resources.Media.MediaCreator().CreateFromFile(filePath, options);
Item ImageItem = masterDb.GetItem(mediaitemImage.ID.ToString());
ImageItem.Name = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath);

getting blob Uri without connecting to Azure

I've created a file system abstraction, where I store files with a relative path, e.g /uploads/images/img1.jpg.
These can then be saved both on local file system (relative to folder), or Azure. Then, I can also ask a method to give me the url to access that relative path.
In Azure, currently this is being done similar to the below:
public string GetWebPathForRelativePathOnUserContentStorage(string relativeFileFullPath)
var container = getCloudBlobContainer();
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(relativeFileFullPath);
return blob.Uri.ToString();
On a normal website, there might be say 40 images in one page - So this get's called like 40 times. Is this first of all slow? I've noticed there is a particular pattern in the generated URL:
Can I safely generate that URL without using the Azure storage API?
On a normal website, there might be say 40 images in one page - So
this get's called like 40 times. Is this first of all slow?
Not at all. The code you wrote above does not make any calls to storage. It just creates an instance of CloudBlockBlob object. If you were using GetBlockBlobReferenceFromServer method, then it would have been a different story because that method makes a call to storage.
`I've noticed there is a particular pattern in the generated URL:
Can I safely generate that URL without using the Azure storage API?
Absolutely yes. Assuming you're using just standard stuff that would be perfectly fine. Non standard stuff would include things like using a custom domain for your blob storage or connecting to geo-secondary location of your storage account.

How to create a sub container in azure storage location

How can I create a sub container in the azure storage location?
Windows Azure doesn't provide the concept of heirarchical containers, but it does provide a mechanism to traverse heirarchy by convention and API. All containers are stored at the same level. You can gain simliar functionality by using naming conventions for your blob names.
For instance, you may create a container named "content" and create blobs with the following names in that container:
Note that these blobs are a flat list against your "content" container. That said, using the "/" as a conventional delimiter, provides you with the functionality to traverse these in a heirarchical fashion.
protected IEnumerable<IListBlobItem>
GetDirectoryList(string directoryName, string subDirectoryName)
CloudStorageAccount account =
CloudBlobClient client =
CloudBlobDirectory directory =
CloudBlobDirectory subDirectory =
return subDirectory.ListBlobs();
You can then call this as follows:
GetDirectoryList("content/blue", "images")
Note the use of GetBlobDirectoryReference and GetSubDirectory methods and the CloudBlobDirectory type instead of CloudBlobContainer. These provide the traversal functionality you are likely looking for.
This should help you get started. Let me know if this doesn't answer your question:
[ Thanks to Neil Mackenzie for inspiration ]
Are you referring to blob storage? If so, the hierarchy is simply StorageAccount/Container/BlobName. There are no nested containers.
Having said that, you can use slashes in your blob name to simulate nested containers in the URI. See this article on MSDN for naming details.
I aggree with tobint answer and I want to add something this situation because I also
I need the same way upload my games html to Azure Storage with create this directories :
So After your recommends I tried to upload my content with tool which is Azure Storage Explorer and you can download tool and source code with this url : Azure Storage Explorer
First of all I tried to upload via tool but It doesn't allow to hierarchical directory upload because you don't need : How to create sub directory in a blob container
Finally, I debug Azure Storage Explorer source code and I edited Background_UploadBlobs method and UploadFileList field in StorageAccountViewModel.cs file. You can edit it what you wants.I may have made spelling errors :/ I am so sorry but That's only my recommend.
If you are tying to upload files from Azure portal:
To create a sub folder in container, while uploading a file you can go to Advanced options and select upload to a folder, which will create a new folder in the container and upload the file into that.
Kotlin Code
val blobClient = blobContainerClient.getBlobClient("$subDirNameTimeStamp/$fileName$extension");
this will create directory having TimeStamp as name and inside that there will be your Blob File. Notice the use of slash (/) in above code which will nest your blob file by creating folder named as previous string of slash.
It will look like this on portal
Sample code
string myfolder = "<folderName>";
string myfilename = "<fileName>";
string fileName = String.Format("{0}/{1}.csv", myfolder, myfilename);
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(fileName);
