Vsfp user don't see any data linux Rhel/Centos - linux

I tried creating vsftp server on Rhel 8 and centos. My ftp Users can login into server but only sed list of directory's and are able to navigate to any directory.
User cannot create directory or file
User cannot see any files in any directory.
I chnage chmod 777
And changed ownership but nothing works

It was selinux config I had to change under /etc/selinux/config
changed enforcing to disable


creating a FTP user in Linux command line

I'm struggling in creating an FTP user on a Linux server using the command line.
I installed vsftpd
Then i created a user using multiple commands for multiple times like
sudo adduser --home /home/testuser testuser --no-create-home
Added password to it,
Edited etc/vsftpd.conf file,
enabled chroot_local_user=YES,
Added user name to config files, etc etc. But none seems to work.
They are getting created as SFTP users. I disabled the SSH access and then it stopped for FTP too.
What all I need is to do is simply set up an FTP user and jail them to a path without SSH access.
Can anyone help?
I had gone through a lot of posts. But still no solution.
There are lot more FTP serves like vsftpd, ProFTP, and PureFTP.
But with vsftpd there are known issues. That's right. You can use ProFTP and I followed the same method using ProFTP. It worked.
Instead of trying vsftpd,
I used ProFTP and it worked. I followed the below steps and it worked.
ProFTP Setup in Linux:
Document Link
sudo apt-get install proftpd (to install)
sudo apt-get remove proftpd (to uninstall)
Edit the ProFTP configuration file located at /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf to update specific settings
sudo vi /etc/proftpd/proftpd.conf
Make sure the ServerName and MasqueradeAddress are set to the current machine’s Public or Elastic IP Address.
Set RequireValidShell to false. Set DefaultRoot to ~ to jail users to their home directories only.
ServerName ""
ServerType standalone
RequireValidShell off
DefaultRoot ~
PassivePorts 50000 51000
<IfModule mod_facts.c>
FactsAdvertise off
Creating an ftp user
Add a ftp user to the system
sudo useradd -m ftpuser (the -m option is to create a home directory for the user)
Set user’s password
sudo passwd ftpuser
At a later time, you may delete the user by executing
sudo deluser ftpuser
Test if FTP server is up and running from a remote machine, login using the id/pwd of the newly created ftpuser
Transfer files back and forth.
Restart FTP server
sudo service proftpd restart
sudo /etc/init.d/proftpd start

How to set ownership for apache under linux (centOS)?

I want to install and use prestashop but now it only works correctly when I set permissions to 777 (I can login to the server via shell with root privileges). While installing I get this error "recursive write permissions for apache user on..." and only works for permissions set to 777. I don't like this idea because after installation I can't even change back to 755 or 775. I also get problem partly solved when I change the user ownership to apache but then I can't do anything with my ftp client with that folder.
The user owner is ftp and the group owner is psacln? How should I change the membership of the folders so I can work both through ftp and allow apache to do things with presta files? (and of course have the permission set not higher then to 775). BTW, do I have to restart a server when adding or removing user's membership of the group?
This should fix your problem.
ssh root#ip_address
chown -R www-data:ftp /var/www/prestashop
You don't need to restart the server.
Optional :
service apache2 reload

How can I CHMOD files/directories on Windows Azure?

I am using FileZilla FTP to right click and change a directories File Permissions as I do on many other sites/servers. For some reason this is not working in Windows Azure. It outputs in FileZilla "500 'SITE CHMOD 777 (mydirectory)': command not understood"
Any ideas?
The Windows Azure portal has a "Console" for websites where you can execute some shell commands. One of them appears to be chmod (fileutils) 4.1. I was able to modify the permissions on a folder using this:
chmod -R 744 myfolder
I found a hack solution to delete files on Azure:
Stop your website from the management console (https://manage.windowsazure.com)
Open up the FTP site in Filezilla
Rename the directory that has the problem to anything else (Possibly an optional step, I dont know)
Delete the renamed directory
Restart your website.
That seems to do it.
Windows Azure Websites is a Windows Server based server. Thus, file permissions don't work like in Linux (as #SLaks already mentioned).
However, the account your scripts (PHP/ASP.NET/node.js) are executed under has full access to the folder /site/wwwroot, as does your FTP user. Meaning that from your PHP you can do all fully privileged file access operations - Read, Write, Delete, Create, Create directories.
What you cannot do, and cannot be changed, is to execute scripts (which 0777 would give you in Linux).

WordPress can't install themes

I can't workout how to solve this problem so wordpress would let me upload themes.
I have a fresh copy of Fedora 17 installed on my dev machine.
I then installed mysql using: yum install mysql mysql-server. Next I installed WordPress which also installs apache and php: yum install wordpress
I can go to http://localhost/wordpress and see WordPress working. But when I try tried to install my theme it asked for ftp credentials. I then updated the wp-config.php file and set the FS_METHOD constant to direct. Now it doesn't ask for ftp credentials but it gives me this error:
Could not create directory. /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content/themes/my-theme-name/
httpd service is running under 'apache' user and 'apache' group. The /usr/share/wordpress/ directory is recursively own by 'apache' user and 'apache' group too. I've even set the permissions to 777 (also recursively) and even then I keep getting the same error as above.
How can I solve this problem?
Fedoras SELinux configuration is most probably blocking the attempts of the webserver to write to the disk. To change the settings for your wordpress folder you can run this command (as root):
chcon -R -t httpd_sys_content_rw_t /usr/share/wordpress/wp-content
No need to do chmod 777 to the whole folder, this is a huge security risk. Of course this is for direct filesystem access, you have to disable the ftp access. For ftp access you will have to look up the right SELinux context.
You got the check these lines in your Wp-config.php (aproximatively line 105) :
define('FTP_USER', 'usr');
define('FTP_PASS', 'P#ssw0rd');
define('FTP_HOST', 'url');
You process of web server is running on apache but Wordpress will use the account define in the wp-config.php . So you got to set the group of your user to get access to these files.
Setting permissions 777 is not a solution, you got to care about it.

Newly created folder permission rights issue

Hope you are good. I have Xammp on fedora and changed owner of opp/lampp/htdoc to root. Why I did so because whenever someone creates new folder through sharing, they don't have permission to dynamically create folder or files or to write images. Then I run command
chmod -R 777 /opt/lampp/htdocs
But when system goes to restart then I again need to run this command. So avoid again and again run this command I changed the owner on "opt/lampp/htdocs" and run
chmod -R 777 /opt/lampp/htdocs
Now, whenever server restarts, assigned permissions don't need to be set again and again. That is resolved.
I have an issue, that old directories can be used to write something. But if any network user creates new directory under htdocs, that new directory needs to be changed the permission for it.
previously created, and can use this one directory to run script to create files
drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 2011-06-15 14:09 aaa
Newly created, cannot be used to run a script to create image or to write anything
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 2011-06-17 15:17 aaaa
drwxr-xr-x this one is really annoying to me for each newly created folder in htdocs :(
Just to let you know that my htdocs user and rights are:
drwxrwxrwx 101 root root 4096 2011-06-17 15:17 htdocs
Why is it so? Can anybody please help me to figure this problem out? I am waiting for quick response anxiously.
First off, you should investigate what permissions you really need - chmodding everything to 777 is a security risk as it will allow any user to write inside of your web root.
However, to address your actual question of the default permissions when a new folder is created by a user, you want to adjust the default "umask" which determines such things.
This question has some information for changing it for the Apache user (if a "network user" is a user creating new files and directories through the httpd process):
Setting the umask of the Apache user
If you need to adjust it for other users or processes, the solution will be similar.
Good luck!
Since you're on Fedora, try this: (from the question I linked above)
[root ~]$ echo "umask 002" >> /etc/sysconfig/httpd
[root ~]$ service httpd restart
The first command will add that line to the /etc/sysconfig/httpd which is a permanent configuration file, and the second command will make it active.
You are tackling the problem from the wrong side. Restore your apache configuration to use apache.apache as default user/group, and set your samba server to use those credentials when someone write to your document root.
If you are using nfs or another posix compatible filesystem, use chmod g+s to keep all files readable from your apache server.
Try it:
#umask 000
have a good time!!
