Excel vlookup from an aggregated group - excel

I have a sheet of data.Sheet 1:
and I want to populate the following sheet:
Here, number of projects are fixed to be 7 for any customer. So for each customer I need to fill the latest status of all the projects. So if any customer has only got 1 project but many statuses the second sheet will only be updated for customer 1 in proj1 and the last status for that project is needed. Rest of the projects remain empty. For a customer who has 3 projects associated, I need to fill the data for proj1, proj2, and proj3. For each of these I need to find the latest status.
The entries in shee1 are not sorted, but for clarity I have put them in sorted order here.
Dont know how to accomplish this. I tried vlookup but it is limited in giving the first entry and ignores the rest. Tried to search on how to group or aggregate in excel but couldnt find anything suitable.

You can use array formula with INDEX/MATCH:
If you want a blank cell instead of an N/A error, use IF IFERROR:
Array formula after editing is confirmed by pressing ctrl + shift + enter

VLOOKUP doesn't work with multiple columns , you will need a single helper key column to use it. You can do the following:
1) create a helper key column in your first sheet, before the Client column, that would be concatenation of Client&Project, so it would have entries like C1p1 and C4p3
2) in the second sheet add codes for the Project above your output table, so that the cell above Proj1 would be p1, the one above Proj2 p2, etc.
3) in the output sheet use the following formula (adjust the ranges, in this formula I assume that the customers are in Column A and Projects are in 2nd row, with respective project keys in the first row)
$ signs are relevant as they keep the reference locked to the first column and row


Reference to single cell array in a merged cell

I am working on a list of employees with multiple sheets, and need all the sheets to collect the names from the ADMIN sheet. This is to enable management to delete a record on the admin page, and the other sheets to automatically remove the record as well. The LEAVE sheet, needs to have the names in a merged cell as indicated.
If I reference them one by one, I get a #REF! when a cell is deleted in ADMIN, and the formulas in the rest of the table gets mixed. If I do it by dragging down, the formula identifies the merged cell as 3 rows (understandable), but I need a way to change that. It needs to be treated as one row. Please help with any way to do that, or another solution to display the given information.
Use INDEX and some MATH:
The 3 is the number of rows per merged cell. The 1 is the start row of the list on Admin. Adjust accordingly. The $ZZ1 reference is just a counter and does not matter what column as we only care about it starting in row 1.
Now as the rows in Admin are deleted it will not return ref and the names will move up accordingly.
before deletion:
After deleting Name2 on the Admin Sheet:

Vlookup DragDown

Im beginning a new job in a fabric. Actually, for each product, they have a excel file with the product operations in different sheets. I saw that a real problem, it takes a lot of time, and every time we should have to change the layout of the order, we are going to need to change a lot of excel files.. It will take forever and I think I can help on that.
So, my idea, is making a sheet with all the products and their operations and formulas:
Then, I have maked another sheet with the order fabrication with all the operations needed to make the product:
Every product will have an ID and im using in all cells the vlookup function from the ID:
And Its Ok like you see on the last image, the problem is when I change the ID it doenst change like it should be (on my head):
Can anyone help me on this problem? I want it to change always to the ID I insert, and dont continue with the new ID.
As your examples show no columns or rows I made my own. Please modify the formula to your ranges. Sheet1 is your datasheet.
Column A in Sheet1 is the column holding the ID in your datasheet.
Column E in Sheet1 is the column holding the 'op' in your datasheet (between qty and machine column).
Counting starts at row 6 in my example, but modify it to the cell above where you put your formula.
Enter the formula with ctrl+shift+enter as it is an array formula.
Change the index for the different results, but keep the rest of the formula unchanged.
Updated answer based on the visibility in rows and columns:
In A13 use =IFERROR(INDEX(datasheet!F$8:F$72;MATCH(1;($K$3=datasheet!$B$8:$B$72)*(COUNTIF($A$12:$A12;datasheet!$F$8:$F$72)=0);0));"")
Match returns the row number of the first match where datasheet column B equals the value in $K$3 and where the values of datasheet column F don't equal any of the previous results of this formula in column A (above the current row number)
The result is the row number that needs shown from the indexed column.
For the issue im having, this is as far I already went thanks to #P.b:
The problem im having is that the formula Im using goes right no operation 20, instead going to the operation 1, any idea how to fix this?
Formula using on the A13 = =IFERROR(INDEX(datasheet!F:F;MATCH(1;($K$3=datasheet!$B:$B)*(COUNTIF(datasheet!$B$8:$B71;datasheet!$F:$F)=0);0));"")

amounts and ageing in excel

I have two excel files that I need to cross reference amounts in.
The first sheet looks like the below:
what I need to do is find any amount that are contained on sheet 2 and the month they fall into.
Sheet 2 looks like below:
for example on sheet 1 I have 56.49 in column C for reference AK1080117 in column A and this shows as Person 8 on sheet 2.
I can see this is correct as on sheet one it has a transaction date of 08-jan and on sheet 2 is in the column JAN.
There is no same ref that can be used between sheet 1 and 2 as sheet 1 has Reference and sheet 2 has Name.
Can anyone advise the best way to do this.
The complete sheets are hundreds of lines long.
Many thanks,
Note: Make sure your data has unique values AND it is not exceding the year 2017
If so, I have found a way to maybe do this in a few steps:
1: Add another column E to your first sheet and add this formula to second row of the column and drag it all the way down:
2: Now create another column F next to the freshly made one and put this formula in second row:
3: Now create a third column G and put this formula in second row to be dragged down:
4: Now you have created a cross-reference because column G will show you the person with a match.
Edit: You can combine the three formulas direclty obviously but my personal preference is to brake things down to make them easier to understand :)
Good luck with it!
You need a third table that has Reference and Name. Then you can use lookup functions or table relationships to link the data together.
Ask the source of the first table to include Name as a field.

MS Excel - Match 3 columns between two sheets. When matches are found, copy a 4th column from each to a third sheet

When the all three columns "Last Name, First Name and DOB" match on any rows between the 2 sheets, I need to have the account numbers from the matching rows listed on a third sheet. There are thousands of rows in each sheet. There will likely be multiple matches for some accounts. I prefer to put the functions on the 3rd sheet so that I can change out the lists in the first 2 sheets without needing to update them.
Acct # Last Name First Name DOB
89158 Stevens John 1/23/2012
Acct # Last Name First Name DOB
124578 Stevens John 1/23/2012
Sheet1 Acct # Sheet2 Acct#
89158 124578
Thank you in advance!
This works with duplicate values
The formula will need to be entered as an array (once copy and pasted while still in the formula bar hit CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER) and the range adjusted to fit your total values.
=IFERROR(INDEX(Sheet1!$A$2:$D$50,MATCH(1,($C2=Sheet1!$B$2:$B$50)*($D2=Sheet1!$C$2:$C$50)*($E2=Sheet1!$D$2:$D$50),0),1),"No match found")
The exact same formula can be used again changing Sheet1! to Sheet2!.
This will search for the last name that is in Sheet3!C2, first name that is in Sheet3!D2 and the DOB that is in Sheet3!E2.
I have only locked off the column in case you are looking to use this for a large volume of data and wish to drag it down.
If you want to display the additional account numbers that meet the search criteria and are only using sheet 3 to search for one person, then you will need to look at using INDEX(), MATCH() and SMALL().
I had looked to include this alternative in my answer too but I am now leaving the office. It won't take me long to conjure if you struggle so drop me a comment and I will be happy to explain how it all works.
EDIT: To list all ID's found for the search criteria - Leave blanks where not found
Again, replace sheet 1 for sheet 2 and update the ranges to match what you are searching through, use CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER in the formula bar to make the formula an array then you can drag it down to cover all the potential matches, best to aim for what you believe would be the highest number of duplicate IDs.
Let me know how you get on, if this answers your question, please mark this as an answer using the tick to the left, thank you.
I ended up putting list A and List B into a sheet and then using this formula: =ISNA(MATCH(B2&C2&D2,I:I&J:J&K:K,0)) Then I created another sheet where I added list B and then list A and used the same formula. Once the calculation was complete for each sheet, I used filters to only list the matches for the first lists in each spreadsheet.
I then took the matches for each sheet and listed them side by side in the third sheet. I made sure the sort was matched between the two lists and then was able to scroll through a page at a time and identify a few users with multiple account numbers in each system.
It's not as automated as I would like, but it is done for now. Thank you Stack Overflow!

Complex Lookup Function in Excel using 4 different lookup parameters

I am working on a project within an excel database and am trying to match 4 different properties which all have their own columns (A,B,C,D) to find a corresponding value on a different page (Sheet2!). One sheet 2 the values are once again found in their own columns (B,C,D,E) and if all of the values match I then want the value in column A Sheet2! to be displayed in column E on sheet1!
The problem is is that often times the values on Sheet1! will be able to match up with as many as 12 different unique rows on Sheet2! making this incredibly difficult with only intermediate experience in VBA. There can be duplicates that match all of the criteria. And for when this happens I would like to return the first item that matches, as long as a previous match was not made on that item.
To give you more information we have given products different values that designate where they belong based off their velocity. This has split them up into Section#, ShelvingType, Verticle, and Horizontal Location. And we are looking to match these values to the values of our previously existing locations that we have that have corresponding(matching) numbers or text values.
To go into even more detail, on sheet one we have the products with values on where they should go. One sheet two with have pre-existing locations for which products can go that have values that are represntative of that location. So, we want to take the products NEW location values off page one and match the existing location values on page two. The problem is that for every location there are up to 12products that could go there. So, we want to go in order saying that product1 goes in the first location with matched values while product2 goes in the next location with matched values, and so on and so fourth
Edited to remove previous responses
Based on your further elaboration, if I understand correctly, I agree with the comment left by #Aaron Contreras. You should create helper columns which show a 'unique ID' where all criteria match, as well as an additional helper column which increases as more items of the same criteria code are found. This will become the 'ultra-unique' ID for that item.
At this point I don't think array formulas will be possible, though I will leave in the answer which provides the result of the first matching criteria without further eliminating 'previously used' results. This could likely be further refined, but I doubt it would be more elegant than simply using the helper columns shown in my response below. At least, I can't figure out how to do it elegantly.
To summarize my assumptions:
-Your available space is in sheet1; column A contaions something like the location of that available space, and columns B-E contain criteria for anything which will be stored there.
-Your new list of items to be placed in a location is in sheet2; columnA will be where our formula goes, showing the available location to put that item.
Enter on Sheet1
In column F on sheet1, drag down this formula:
This will create a unique ID key to be searched in the future.
However, as there will be multiple hits for the same criteria on sheet1 (because multiple locations can hold the same thing), we need to make each row 'more unique' by showing how many times that criteria combination has already occurred. This formula will thus go in column G on sheet1, starting in cell G1 and dragged down:
As you drag it down, this will count the nth time that the specific combination of criteria has appeared on sheet1.
Enter on Sheet2
Create the same columns in sheet2, in columns F & G. The formulas will be exactly the same, they will just refer to sheet2 instead of sheet1.
Then the formula in column A in sheet 2, dragged down from A1, would be:
This will find the first time that all criteria match from sheet1, for the nth time that this criteria has been used on sheet 2.
Let me know if there is anything here I've missed.
Unfinished array method
Again, array responses are possible, but for your purposes likely unnecesarry; you should probably have a unique ID for all combinations anyway. However, in case you want to use the array method, you can like so (does not account for multiple locations being used; left for reference only if you want to take this up):
In sheet2, enter the following formula [confirmed with CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER instead of just ENTER, every time the formula is changed] on the row 1, with the different criteria (and copied down):
This uses the inherent boolean logic of "TRUExTRUE = TRUE; TRUExFALSE = FALSE; FALSExFALSE = FALSE", to find the first row where there is a match of all criteria. Note that I have not made this go all the way down all columns, as with Array formulas this is a significant resource hog.
Assuming that your data starts from 2nd row (1st row for lables):
The above is an array formula, so you don't have to input the curly brackets {.
Simply press Ctrl + Shift + Enter after typing the formula
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