Azure Blob storage lifecycle management - azure

I am currently using Azure Blobs to store data for a project. I want Azure to automatically delete old entries (data points) which are older then X number of days. I have found the following documentation:
It essentially says that this can be done using lifecycle management and defining a new rule.
However, this documentation is over 6 months old and I cannot seem to find an option to select lifecycle management and define a new rule.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or know where I can access lifecycle management for an Azure Blob as of 2020?

Yes, this is a feature available today, I just confirmed on a storage account. You need to make sure you are using a V2 storage account, it will not be present on a v1, or blob only storage account.

I was experiencing the same issue, where the option for Life cycle management wasn't available but it was available on other storage accounts.
Check the performance/access tier. If it's set to Premium then its Life cycle management isn't available. Try creating a storage account with Standard.
If your using an arm template try Standard_RAGRS for the sku parameter.
screenshot of storage account in portal:


Delete old Azure Blobs after a day

I am trying to add an Azure Blob Storage rule that files older than a day should be deleted.
I am following this: however, under portal view steps to follow, Under Blob service, select Lifecycle Management to view or change your rules. However, there is no such menu under the Blob Service. I cannot find this menu anywhere to add a new rule. What am I doing wrong here?
Lifecycle management is only supported one of the following storage account types(see this section of the doc):
General Purpose v2 (GPv2) accounts, Blob storage accounts, and Premium Block Blob storage accounts
If not, please consider upgrading to one of them. If you don't want to upgrade, you should write a code to delete them by yourself.
Here is the step to check the account type:
Nav to azure portal -> your storage account -> overview page -> check the Account Kind. Screenshot as below:

Azure Blob Storage - automatically move to Archive storage tier

Is there a feature in Azure to move blobs in Hot/Cool tiers to Archive automatically if they haven't been used in a period of time?
For example, if I have a blob stored in Archive, I access it by rehydrating it to Hot/Cool. Once I am done, is there a way Azure can automatically downtier it?
Moving to another tier not accessed blobs is possible using native functionality but for the moment this is limited to France Central, Canada East, and Canada Central as the feature is in preview.
In order to use the Last accessed option, select Access tracking enabled on the Lifecycle Management page in the Azure portal.
And then define a rule based on the Last accessed
More details you may find here
This is now generally available as of 2019 from Microsoft. Now you can -
Automatically change the blob tier after N days.
Automatically remove the blob after N days.
Azure Blob lifecycle management overview
All tier changes must be performed by you; there is no automatic tier-change method built-in. You'll need to make a specific call to set the tier for each tier change (note - I pointed to the REST API, but various language-specific SDKs wrap the call as well).
Please see this Azure Feedback question for updates on automated object lifecycle policies for Azure Storage Blobs (as well as a description of a workaround using Logic Apps). The question pertains to blob TTL, but tiering policies will also be possible with both the workaround and ultimately using the policy framework.

What kind of Azure Storage Account did I create?

I created a new Storage account in the Azure portal and choosed an existing Resource Group. It did not create a classic storage account but some kind of resource group-ish storage account that doesn´t have all the options a classic storage account has.
As an example, I could create the "files" folder through code, but I can´t use the code: "blockBlob.UploadFromStream(fileStream);", it gives me error 400 bad request. The same code works when I upload to a classic storage account.
What kind of storage account is seen in my image? Which is more correct, to create a classic storage account (blue icon in image) or the one I did (green/white/grey icon in image)?
First, I would suggest you have a look at David's reply in this thread to know the difference between new Azure storage account and classic Azure storage account.
it gives me error 400 bad request.
There are a lot of issues to caused 400 error. I would suggest your check your code to find out detailed issues. Please test use your code to create container (container name must meet the limitations) to see whether it will work. It is better if you could provide key code.
You created an Azure Resource Manager storage account of type Premium storage in region "North Europe" within your given resource group.
There is not really a right or wrong. As almost always it depends on your use-case.
I want to suggest these docs and samples for getting started with code addressing block blobs and Azure storage in general. Run and explore this code against the storage emulator and/or live storage accounts (classic/ARM standard/ARM premium). May be this helps finding a bug or a misconfiguration in your project.
Azure Blob Storage Samples for .NET
Azure Storage Samples
The issue here has nothing to do with Classic vs Resource Manager. It's related to the fact that the storage account is of type "Premium."
Premium storage accounts are exclusively used for Azure disks (attached durable storage), which are Page Blobs.
Premium storage doesn't support generic blobs/tables/queues. For that, you'd need a non-premium storage account.

Delete blob in azure after certain time

Is it possible to make a blob be able to auto delete after a certain time?
I need to delete my blobs after few hours they were uploaded to azure, I don't need store them more than 10 days.
Not at this time, unfortunately. Using Webjobs or something similar this is something that could be accomplished on top of Azure Storage, but there is nothing offered from the platform itself.
Since March 2019, this is possible with Lifecycle management support in Azure Blob Storage. See
Azure Blob storage lifecycle management offers a rich, rule-based
policy for GPv2 and Blob storage accounts. Use the policy to
transition your data to the appropriate access tiers or expire at the
end of the data's lifecycle.
The lifecycle management policy lets you:
Transition blobs to a cooler storage tier (hot to cool, hot to archive, or cool to archive) to optimize for performance and cost
Delete blobs at the end of their lifecycles
Define rules to be run once per day at the storage account level Apply rules to containers or a subset of blobs (using prefixes as filters)
In short, it is NOT POSSIBLE to make a blob auto-delete after a certain time by any setting/configuration on the blob itself in Azure at this time.
You will need to rely on other services such as Azure WebJobs or Azure Automation to automate such task.

Migrate Azure Storage account to a different subscription

I have more than one Azure subscriptions, one for myself and others for clients. Can I change the subscription for one of my storage accounts so that it's associated to one of my other subscriptions?
Cannot find a way to do it through the Azure Management Portal. Perhaps it can be done with PowerShell?
I think you're best approach would be to contact Microsoft Windows Azure support to see if they can help.
I wanted to post some updated guidance in case anyone else runs into this issue. To move a storage account, you can do it easily for V1 or V2. You can move Classic Storage but its not easy and I would suggest upgrading it to the newer ARM based V1 or V2 storage account. This assume within the region. Moving to a subscription in another region is a different matter. This answer is probably very different that it would have been back in 2014.
Move Azure Storage account to another region
Move classic storage
Move V1 or V2 Storage
Move to another region
Migrate classic storage to ARM
