Redis Error "max number of clients reached" - node.js

I am running a nodeJS application using forever npm module.
Node application also connects to Redis DB for cache check. Quite often the API stops working with the following error on the forever log.
{ ReplyError: Ready check failed: ERR max number of clients reached
at parseError (/home/myapp/core/node_modules/redis/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:193:12)
at parseType (/home/myapp/core/node_modules/redis/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:303:14)
at JavascriptRedisParser.execute (/home/myapp/ecore/node_modules/redis/node_modules/redis-parser/lib/parser.js:563:20) command: 'INFO', code: 'ERR' }
when I execute the client list command on the redis server it shows too many open connections. I have also set the timeout = 3600 in my Redis configuration.
I do not have any unclosed Redis connection object on my application code.
This happens once or twice in a week depending on the application load, as a stop gap solution I am restarting the node server( it works ).
What could be the permanent solution in this case?

I have figured out why. This has nothing to do with Redis. Increasing the OS file descriptor limit was just a temporary solution. I was using Redis in a web application and the connection was created for every new request.
When the server was restarted occasionally, all the held-up connections by the express server were released.
I solved this by creating a global connection object and re-using the same. The new connection is created only when necessary.
You could do so by creating a global connection object, make a connection once, and make sure it is connected before every time you use that. Check if there is an already coded solution depending on your programming language. In my case it was perl with dancer framework and I used a module called Dancer2::Plugin::Redis
Returns a Dancer2::Plugin::Redis instance. You can use redis_plugin to
pass the plugin instance to 3rd party modules (backend api) so you can
access the existing Redis connection there. You will need to access
the actual methods of the the plugin instance.
In case if you are not running a web-server and you are running a worker process or any background job process, you could do this simple helper function to re-use the connection.
perl example
sub get_redis_connection {
my $redis = Redis->new(server => "" , debug => 0);
return $redis;
## when required
unless($redisclient->ping) {
warn "creating new redis connection";
$redisclient = get_redis_connection();

I was running into this issue in my chat app because I was creating a new Redis instance each time something connected rather than just creating it once.
export const getRedisPubSub = () => new RedisPubSub({
subscriber: new Redis(REDIS_CONNECTION_CONFIG),
publisher: new Redis(REDIS_CONNECTION_CONFIG),
and where I wanted to use the connection I was calling
I fixed it by just creating the connection once when my app loaded.
export const redisPubSub = new RedisPubSub({
subscriber: new Redis(REDIS_CONNECTION_CONFIG),
publisher: new Redis(REDIS_CONNECTION_CONFIG),
and then I passed the one-time initialized redisPubSub object to my createServer function.
It was this article here that helped me see my error:


SocketIO connection stop sending data after 4-5 hours

I have developed an application with ReactJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB and SocketIO.
I have two servers:- Server A || Server B
Socket Server is hosted on the Server A and application is hosted on the Server B
I am using Server A socket on Server B as a client.
Mainly work of Server A socket is to emit the data after fetching from the MongoDB database of Server A
Everything is working as expected but after 4-5-6 hours stop emitting the data but the socket connection will work.
I have checked using
I am not getting whats the wrong with the code.
My code :
Can anyone help me out on this
I have some programming errors.
I am getting data from MongoDB inside the setInterval() so after a little while exhausts resources and database connection starts failing every time.
Firstly i have created a Single MongoDB connection and used every place where i needed.
2ndly i removed setInterval and used setTimeout as below. (NOTE: If i continue using setInterval it execute on defined interval. It doesn't have any status that the data is emitted or not [this also cause the heavy resource usages] but i need to emit the data to socket when successfully fetched.)
function emitData(){

How to wait for a Redis connection?

I'm currently trying to use Node.js Kue for processing jobs in a queue, but I believe I'm not doing it right.
Indeed the way I'm working now, I have two different services (which in this case I'm running with Docker Compose): one Web API built with Express with sends jobs to the queue and one processing module. The issue here is with the processing module.
I've coded it as follows:
var kue = require('kue');
var config = require('./config');
var queue = kue.createQueue({
prefix: config.redis.queuePrefix,
redis: {
port: config.redis.port,
queue.process('jobType', function (job, done) {
// do processing here...
When we run this with Node, it sits there waiting for things to be placed on the queue to do the processing.
There are two issues however:
It needs that Redis be available before running this module. If we run this without Redis already available, it crashes because the host is not accessible and ends the process.
If Redis suddenly becomes unavailable, the processing module also crashes because it cannot stablish the connection and the process is killed.
How can I avoid these problems?
My guess is that I should somehow make the code "wait" for Redis, but I have no idea on how to do this.
How can this be done in this case?
You can use promise to wait until redis is loaded. Then run your module.
loadRedis().then(() => {
//load your module
Or you can use generator to "stop" until redis is loaded.
const redisLoaded = yield loadRedis();
//load your module

Ensuring that only a single instance of a nodejs application is running

Is there an elegant way to ensure that only one instance of a nodejs app is running?
I tried to use pidlock npm, however, it seems that it works only on *nix systems.
Is it possible by using mutex?
I've just found single-instance library which is intended to work on all platforms. I can confirm that it works well on Windows.
You can install it by npm i single-instance and you need to wrap your application code like this:
const SingleInstance = require('single-instance');
const locker = new SingleInstance('my-app-name');
locker.lock().then(() => {
// Your application code goes here
}).catch(err => {
// This block will be executed if the app is already running
console.log(err); // it will print out 'An application is already running'
If I understand its source code correctly, it implements the lock using a socket: if it can connect to a socket, then the application is already running. If it can't connect, then it creates the socket.

Handing MongoDB connection issues from Node (Express)

I have an Express App which connects to a MongoDB server at startup and serves requests on-demand (I don't disconnect - it's a single threaded server so no pooling - fairly simple stuff)
Problem is that it's possible the MongoDB server will be unavailable for periods of time (it's not on-site) and whilst the Express App doesn't crash, it seems that any requests made to the server will run indefinately until the connection is restored!
I'd like to limit that (e.g. throw an error back after a period of time) but I can't seem to make that happen...
I'm using connect options "{server: {auto_reconnect: true}}" which seems to ensure that once the MongoDB server reappears, requests complete (without it, requests made during downtime seem to run forever...) - and I don't have access to the client code so I can't fix it there...
I'd assumed a combination of 'connectTimeoutMS' or 'socketTimeoutMS' would allow me to terminate requests when MongoDB is unavailable for longer periods, but I just can't get those to work (I've tried them as connect options, passing them in the URI etc. etc.)
Any attempt to open a Collection and Find/Insert/Update just 'hangs' until the MongoDB reappears - I've left it over 30 mins and everything was just sitting these (and completed AOK when the network was restored!)
What's the best way around this? Should I open a connection specifically for each request (not really a performance issue - it's not a high volume app) or is there something else I'm missing?
Updated to add the connect code
var myDB
var mongodb = require('mongodb')
var uri = // some env vars and stuff
mongodb.MongoClient.connect(uri, {server: {auto_reconnect: true}}, function (err, db) {
myDB = db
myDB is then used elsewhere to open collections - and the handle from that is used to find/insert etc.
If the connection to the DB is interrupted, myDB.collection() calls (or calls to find/insert on their handles) will simply hang until the connection is restored - nothing I've tried will cause them to 'time out' sooner!?
I assume that you are using mongoose as a driver.
You'd catch the error by this.
var db = require('domain').create();
db.on('error', function(err) {
console.log('DB got a problem');
}); {
mongoose.connect(config, options);
or you can directly access
to check the statement of your DB.
Connection ready state
0 = disconnected
1 = connected
2 = connecting
3 = disconnecting
Each state change emits its associated event name.

node-amqp — proper way to handle connection in Express app?

I'm using Express with node-amqp. My goal is to create amqpConnection and save it to global object before server starts and in Express routes use previously created globals.amqp_connection.
app.use( ... )
# create RabbitMQ connection before server starts
connection = require("amqp").createConnection
host: "localhost"
connection.on "ready", ->
console.log "Got connection.on(\"ready\") event from node-amqp..."
# make amqp_connection accessible from any point of application
globals.amqp_connection = connection
server = globals.http.createServer(app).listen(8082)
console.log "Express server is listening 8082..."
The problem is connection.on "ready"-event is fired eveytime I call a route. I may suppose that's because of Express way of serving http-requests — executing server.js for every route called. So, for every request, a new instance of connection is created and on it's "ready" app tries to create one more instance of Express server.
How to make amqp_connection accessible from any point of my app, but no doubling require("amqp").createConnection() in every point where I need to push something to RabbitMQ?
UPD: or maybe there is no problem with Express. node-amqp seems to fire ready event every second after creation. Don't know if it's correct behavior
Thank you.
Ready event fired multiple 'cause of connection error:
