How do I start a community that isn't listed? - helper

How do I start my own community on this app? Is it possible? I noticed there isn't a community for Art enthusiast's.


Is their SDK library to create Github Bot in python

I was moving towards creating Bot(Github App). I googled a lot but could not find it.
Is their any SDK, library to create Github bots in python as Slack-bolt, slack SDK for python to listen for web events?
There is probot which is for Node Development. Any thoughts?
It seems that this conversation happened here, and the consensus was to use this though it's not official GitHub, and looks under active development as of Feb 2022.
This repository contains code for the Python version of the Microsoft Bot Framework SDK, which is part of the Microsoft Bot Framework

How to run HelloWeb from vnext on a Mac?

I watched the stream from TechEd 2014 for the Future of Asp .Net and I saw that they could run vnext projects in MAC. In the Github project doesn't say anything about this feature.
So My questions is how does someone goes about publishing and running the HelloWeb or HelloMVC samples on a MAC.
I noticed that Hanselman and David fowler were using a custom copy of Nowin names Nowin.K is this library going to be release as an example anywhere?
Currently what was shown on teched was a internal build put together show case the direction of the product. The team at microsoft together with the community are working hard to get the vnext working on linux and osx.
If you want to find out the current status check out on Issue 173 on
Once the support in integrated I will update this post and add answer explain how to go about it.
Updated answer Jan 21 '15
There is now updated support for ASP.NET 5 on OS X and *nix. The best information is on the ASP.NET Home Repo on GitHub that has a "Getting Started" section.
For OS X the Homebrew repo is here:
For *nix the Docker repo is here:
Original answer from May 24 '14
It seems that you've found the discussion on the ASP.NET vNext "KRuntime" repo. Unfortunately the team is still in the midst of getting ASP.NET vNext working on Mac / Linux. What was shown at Tech Ed was live running code but using a lot of custom builds (e.g. Mono, as well as ASP.NET vNext). The team has been coordinating work with Miguel de Icaza to ensure that Mono has the required components for ASP.NET vNext. A lot of progress has been made, and it's getting very close, but it's not quite there.
As of the year 2015, the the post below is outdated.
A post has come out: ASP.NET vNext on OSX and Linux I will give it a shot, see if I can run HelloMvc on Ubuntu 14.04
I think what you might be looking for is Mono. Described as:
Cross platform, open source .NET framework
Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. A growing family of solutions and an active and enthusiastic contributing community is helping position Mono to become the leading choice for development of cross platform applications.

Lost MSCRM Developer Tools Blog / Collection

About a year ago I was working a CRM2011 customization project and found a website / blog that had 50+ development tools for CRM 2011. Sitemap editor was there, Ribbon Editor, VS plugins specifically for CRM tons of java & jquery tools like intellisense.
Some like the sitemap editor I remember the name but others not so much. I know this isn't specifically a programming question but I was hoping someone might know the blog or at least people can chime in with their tool(s) to help me build my toolbox back.
Thank You
I believe you're referring to the following site:
You could also search in codeplex, there are tons of CRM tools available.
The CRM ToolBox is a good start

Which software do you use for Scrum? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicates:
Scrum Software
Recommendations for project management software for Scrum
I checked wikipedia,
But I am still looking for some insight from the genius minds using SO. I installed Microsoft Project 2010, and was assuming that it would have some template/plugin that would support Scrum. Unfortunately, I couldn't find one :-(
I'd recommend not using any software to start with. Sticky notes or 3X5 cards on a corkboard/whiteboard are a better way to start.
Focus on the differences in process, understanding the system, and what you're getting out of it first, not the tools.
I have been using scrumworks for more than a year. I really like it, the scrum board is pretty and intuitive with drag and drop, support mutiple teams etc. Not very expensive too.
I tried using Microsoft project for many years but given up because if wasn't flexible enough and I now use a mix of scrumworks, excel sheets and a bug database.
I believe that there is a Scrum project template for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010. I suggest you download the RC of VSTS and of TFS, install them and find out.
Microsoft Project pretty much just does project management. VSTS is where the developers, testers, project managers and other stakeholders will live.
We have been using the Scrum for Team System templates:

Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR) Learning Resources

I have recently been learning the in's and out's of the Concurrency and Coordination Runtime (CCR).
Finding good learning resources for this relatively new technology has been quite difficult.
(A quick google search brings up "Creedence Clearwater Revival" as the top result!)
Some of the resources I have found:
Free e-book chapter from WROX on the Robotics Developer Studio
Good Article/post on InfoQ
Robotic's Member blog
Very active MSDN CCR Forum - Got plenty of help from here!
Great MSDN Magazine by Jeffrey Richter
Official CCR User Guide - Didn't find this very helpful
Great blogging series on CCR
iodyner CCR Related Blog - Update: Moved to here
Eight or so Videos on
CCR Patterns page on MS Robotics Studio - I haven't read this yet
4 x CCR Questions on Stackoverflow - Most of the questions have been Mine! LOL
CCR and DSS toolkit has now been released to MSDN Members
Do you have any good learning resources for the CCR?
I really hope that Microsoft will publish more material, so far it has been too Robotics specific. I believe that MS needs to acknowledge that most people are using the CCR in issolation from the DSS and Robotics Studio.
The Mix 2010 conference had a presentation by Myspace about how they have used the CCR framework in their middle tier. They also open sourced the code base.
MySpace DataRelay
Mix Video Presentation
CCR PowerPoint presentation
Microsoft Robotics Studio 2008 R3 is now available and now free for everyone to use.
Get it here or directly here
We recently completed a project using DSS (Built on top of CCR). It seemed to be a great framework. One issue we had was going from 32bit to 64bit which meant all threads were duplicated.
(Dev was done on a 32bit Mac using Vista. Deployment on Win08 64bit)
I'd suggest the DSS tutorials as a nice way to see how the CCR lib's can be used within that environment.
3 posts series
