I'm working with Python 3.7 on Windows 10.
I would like to detect if there is any audio playing on my computer or not.
I was looking into win32api.GetVolumeinformation but I'm unable to get what I want.
When you control your audio you can see if there is a program playing and I want to achieve that.
Try this api using winrt:
The enum options are listed here, but you can use mediaIs("PAUSED"), mediaIs("PLAYING") ect...
import asyncio, winrt.windows.media.control as wmc
async def getMediaSession():
sessions = await wmc.GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionManager.request_async()
session = sessions.get_current_session()
return session
def mediaIs(state):
session = asyncio.run(getMediaSession())
if session == None:
return False
return int(wmc.GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus[state]) == session.get_playback_info().playback_status #get media state enum and compare to current main media session state
There are heaps more useful winrt APIs to control media on windows too here.
Using this minimally contrived example I am attempting to globally search within telegram using the telethon library:
# file.py:
import asyncio
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient
from telethon import functions
from sys import argv
async def main():
query = argv[1]
async with TelegramClient("debug.session", <api_id>, "<api_hash>") as client:
result = await client(functions.contacts.SearchRequest(
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Usage: python3 <file.py> <query>
The results returned from functions.contacts.SearchRequest are very minuscule in comparison to the same query on the same account making the telethon-query within a telegram featured application (desktop, mobile). I tested on each platform's application (IOS, Linux, Android, Windows, MAC) the search results are always larger in-app versus searching with functions.contacts.SearchRequest using python3. I repeated/tested this on other accounts as well and it seems to be re-producable for examination. I would love to develop a search feature in my application if that's possible. Perhaps there's another way to do this? Or perhaps I'm doing something wrong?
*EDIT: It seems functions.contacts.SearchRequest returns little to no users versus public channels/public groups. There shouldn't be a privacy issue because you're searching for publicly set/identifiable data, first name, last name, username, phone number (if public/set to everybody), etc.
I try to use python jack-client module to send a program change midi when I click on a button
here is a simplified version of the code :
def process_callback(frames: int):
global midiUi
if(midiUi is not None):
class MidiUi:
def __init__(self):
self.client = jack.Client('MidiUi')
def sendProgramChange(self):
def process_callback(self,frames: int):
data = self.midiQueue.pop()
buffer = self.outMidiPort.reserve_midi_event(0,len(data))
buffer[:] = bytearray(data)
self.outMidiPort.write_midi_event(0,buffer) # this only happens once yet midi input receives tons of program changes events
#raise jack.CallbackExit
midiUi = MidiUi()
while True:
#some button calls midiUi.sendProgramChange()
write_midi_event is called only once when pressing the button,
but apparently the destination midi port receives a continuous flow of midi C0 program changes (unless I call jack.CallbackExit, but then the call back never triggers again)
(I monitor my python script output using jack_midi_dump and midisnoop)
anyone know how to solve this ?
thanks for your help
I now user python-rtmidi for this matter
midiout = rtmidi.MidiOut(rtapi=rtmidi.API_UNIX_JACK)
then write data to the port
This post may be kind of old and it seems like you've got it figured out, but I did find a solution:
The midi client is sending whatever is in the buffer, which means that things like write_midi_event need to be cleared to stop sending it. Therefore, what helped me was near the beginning of my process, I had;
Hope that helps ;)
I'm trying to use the SOAP interface of Virtualbox 6.1 from Python to get a screenshot of a machine. I can start the machine but get locking errors whenever I try to retrieve the screen layout.
This is the code:
import zeep
# helper to show the session lock status
def show_lock_state(session_id):
session_state = service.ISession_getState(session_id)
print('current session state:', session_state)
# connect
client = zeep.Client('')
service = client.create_service("{http://www.virtualbox.org/}vboxBinding", '')
manager_id = service.IWebsessionManager_logon('fakeuser', 'fakepassword')
session_id = service.IWebsessionManager_getSessionObject(manager_id)
# get the machine id and start it
machine_id = service.IVirtualBox_findMachine(manager_id, 'Debian')
progress_id = service.IMachine_launchVMProcess(machine_id, session_id, 'gui')
service.IProgress_waitForCompletion(progress_id, -1)
print('Machine has been started!')
# unlock and then lock to be sure, doesn't have any effect apparently
service.IMachine_lockMachine(machine_id, session_id, 'Shared')
console_id = service.ISession_getConsole(session_id)
display_id = service.IConsole_getDisplay(console_id)
The machine is started properly but the last line gives the error VirtualBox error: rc=0x80004001 which from what I read around means locked session.
I tried to release and acquire the lock again, but even though it succeeds the error remains. I went through the documentation but cannot find other types of locks that I'm supposed to use, except the Write lock which is not usable here since the machine is running. I could not find any example in any language.
I found an Android app called VBoxManager with this SOAP screenshot capability.
Running it through a MITM proxy I reconstructed the calls it performs and wrote them as the Zeep equivalent. In case anyone is interested in the future, the last lines of the above script are now:
console_id = service.ISession_getConsole(session_id)
display_id = service.IConsole_getDisplay(console_id)
resolution = service.IDisplay_getScreenResolution(display_id, 0)
print(f'display data: {resolution}')
image_data = service.IDisplay_takeScreenShotToArray(
with open('screenshot.png', 'wb') as f:
I have a simple app and,among other things, I need this app to be able to change the wallpaper of a device on Android.
Now, I've looked around on the net and pyjnius seems like the obvious choice. The problem now is I don't know the first thing about java but a quick google search produces the WallpaperManager as something I could use.
Here's the question: How do I implement that wallpaper manager functionality on my kivy app with pyjnius.
Again, NOT a java dev so don't shoot
I don't know Java either but after examining some java examples i generated a solution. Don't forget to add SET_WALLPAPER permission to your buildozer.spec file. You also need to get storage permission to have this example work.
from jnius import autoclass, cast
PythonActivity = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonActivity')
Environment = autoclass("android.os.Environment")
path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()
currentActivity = cast('android.app.Activity', PythonActivity.mActivity)
context = cast('android.content.Context', currentActivity.getApplicationContext())
File = autoclass('java.io.File')
file = File(path+"/test.jpg")
BitmapFactory = autoclass('android.graphics.BitmapFactory')
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath())
WallpaperManager = autoclass('android.app.WallpaperManager')
manager = WallpaperManager.getInstance(context)
except Exception as e:
I have read many questions on the topic but found no information on how to best (or if it is even possible) to receive notifications from more than 1 device at a time using any library or API (preferably command line or Python library).
After connecting to different devices e.g. Heart Rate monitor and Phone, or two HR monitors, is there a way to receive data from 1 service from each device at the same time?
I have managed to connect different devices of the same characteristics and been able to get notifications from them using Bluetoothctl (part of Bluez) so long as I don't request the same service, which answers my question partially; still, does anyone know of a better way to do this?
1) First of all there is a github python project that does just that in Linux on Raspberry Pi: https://github.com/IanHarvey/bluepy
2) Second this snipet from Anthony Chiu uses that API to communicate with multiple devices using notifications:
from bluepy.btle import Scanner, DefaultDelegate, Peripheral
import threading
class NotificationDelegate(DefaultDelegate):
def __init__(self, number):
self.number = number
def handleNotification(self, cHandle, data):
print 'Notification:\nConnection:'+str(self.number)+ \nHandler:'+str(cHandle)+'\nMsg:'+data
bt_addrs = ['00:15:83:00:45:98', '00:15:83:00:86:72']
connections = []
connection_threads = []
scanner = Scanner(0)
class ConnectionHandlerThread (threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, connection_index):
self.connection_index = connection_index
def run(self):
connection = connections[self.connection_index]
while True:
if connection.waitForNotifications(1):
connection.writeCharacteristic(37, 'Thank you for the notification!')
while True:
print'Connected: '+str(len(connection_threads))
print 'Scanning...'
devices = scanner.scan(2)
for d in devices:
if d.addr in bt_addrs:
p = Peripheral(d)
t = ConnectionHandlerThread(len(connections)-1)
3) I will just write the manual connection option with bluetoothctl that you probably tried. Since it wasn't listed here, I will add that too:
**Manual connection with bluetoothctl: ** To get the list of characteristics you can use the “list-attributes” command after establing connection and entering Generic Attribute Submenu through menu gatt in bluetoothctl, which should print the same list as above:
list-attributes 00:61:61:15:8D:60
To read an attribute you first select it, with the -you guessed it- “select-attribute” command:
select-attribute /org/bluez/hci0/dev_00_61_61_15_8D_60/service000a/char000b
After that you can issue the “read” command, without any parameters.
To read a characteristic continuously (if characteristic supports it) , use the “notify” command:
notify on
PS: This is my first answer on stackoverflow :)
I am also new to BLE, so bear with me. Am interested in your project, any links / contact are appreciated :)
You can find me on alexandrudancu.com