Change Device Wallpaper in Python/Kivy - python-3.x

I have a simple app and,among other things, I need this app to be able to change the wallpaper of a device on Android.
Now, I've looked around on the net and pyjnius seems like the obvious choice. The problem now is I don't know the first thing about java but a quick google search produces the WallpaperManager as something I could use.
Here's the question: How do I implement that wallpaper manager functionality on my kivy app with pyjnius.
Again, NOT a java dev so don't shoot

I don't know Java either but after examining some java examples i generated a solution. Don't forget to add SET_WALLPAPER permission to your buildozer.spec file. You also need to get storage permission to have this example work.
from jnius import autoclass, cast
PythonActivity = autoclass('')
Environment = autoclass("android.os.Environment")
path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString()
currentActivity = cast('', PythonActivity.mActivity)
context = cast('android.content.Context', currentActivity.getApplicationContext())
File = autoclass('')
file = File(path+"/test.jpg")
BitmapFactory = autoclass('')
bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(file.getAbsolutePath())
WallpaperManager = autoclass('')
manager = WallpaperManager.getInstance(context)
except Exception as e:


Micropython and Bluetooth on ESP32

I know the support for bluetooth is still under development but it seems to cover everything I need at this point so I decided to give it a try.
I just want to simulate reading from a source of data (a EKG machine) so I came up with this code:
from ubluetooth import BLE
from ubluetooth import FLAG_READ, FLAG_NOTIFY, FLAG_WRITE
import time
ekg_data = [-305,-431,-131,440 ,1158,1424,1445,1623,1500,1018,142 ,-384,-324,-414,-77 ,334 ,-372,-154,366 ,7613,1461,1403,6133,-179,-381,-224,-135,-168,-208,-187,-181,-180,-160,-160,-151,-150,-151,-138,-141,-128,-118,-106,-798,-677,-430,-253,-122,98 ,133 ,281 ,354 ,390 ,519 ,475 ,558 ,565 ,533 ,593 ,458 ,377 ,107 ,-335,-719,-116,-129,-132,-131,-119,-122,-111,-106,-105,-935,-971,-877,-841,-841,-725,-757,-660,-641,-660,-554,-592,-496,-473,-486,-387,-431,-350,-364,-347,-208,-365,-362]
bt = BLE()
HR_UUID = bluetooth.UUID(0x180D)
HR_CHAR = (bluetooth.UUID(0x2A37), bluetooth.FLAG_READ | bluetooth.FLAG_NOTIFY,)
((ekg,),) = bt.gatts_register_services(SERVICES)
# bt.gap_advertise(100, 'MicroPython EKG')
count = 0
while True:
if count >= len(ekg_data):
count = 0
bt.gatts_write(ekg, ekg_data[count].to_bytes(2, 'big'))
count += 1
Now the code compiles and runs (I can see the output on the console) but I cannot find the device in my bluetooth app (I am using the nordic app)
Does anyone with more knowledge on that area can tell me if I am overlooking something? I tried to take the advertising off and on because I thought I might be overriding something with it but that didn't help too...
I think your code is missing multiple things.
First, you are not setting (irq) which is (Event Handling) for Micropython(As you can see from the docs or in their Github codes.
Also, I can't see you setting the buffer or any stuff like that, please revise the examples for what you asking here. Good job btw.

Check if audio playing with Python on Windows 10

I'm working with Python 3.7 on Windows 10.
I would like to detect if there is any audio playing on my computer or not.
I was looking into win32api.GetVolumeinformation but I'm unable to get what I want.
When you control your audio you can see if there is a program playing and I want to achieve that.
Try this api using winrt:
The enum options are listed here, but you can use mediaIs("PAUSED"), mediaIs("PLAYING") ect...
import asyncio, as wmc
async def getMediaSession():
sessions = await wmc.GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionManager.request_async()
session = sessions.get_current_session()
return session
def mediaIs(state):
session =
if session == None:
return False
return int(wmc.GlobalSystemMediaTransportControlsSessionPlaybackStatus[state]) == session.get_playback_info().playback_status #get media state enum and compare to current main media session state
There are heaps more useful winrt APIs to control media on windows too here.

How to use pystemd to control systemd timedated ntp service?

I'm working on a python app that needs to get the NTPSynchronized parameter from system-timedated. I'd also like to be able to start and stop the NTP service by using the SetNTP method.
To communicate with timedated over d-bus I have been using this as reference:
I previously got this working with dbus-python, but have since learned that this library has been deprecated. I tried the dbus_next package, but that does not have support for Python 3.5, which I need.
I came across the pystemd package, but I am unsure if this can be used to do what I want. The only documentation I have been able to find is this example (, but I can not figure out how to use this to work with system-timedated.
Here is the code I have that works with dbus-python:
import dbus
BUS_NAME = 'org.freedesktop.timedate1`
IFACE = 'org.freedesktop.timedate1`
bus = dbus.SystemBus()
timedate_obj = bus.get_object(BUS_NAME, '/org/freedesktop/timedate1')
# Get synchronization value
is_sync = timedate_obj.Get(BUS_NAME, 'NTPSynchronized', dbus_interface=dbus.PROPERTIES_IFACE)
# Turn off NTP
timedate_obj.SetNTP(False,False, dbus_interface=IFACE)
Here's what I have so far with pystemd, but I don't think I'm accessing it in the right way:
from pystemd.systemd1 import Unit
unit = Unit(b'systemd-timesyncd.service')
# Try to access properties
prop = unit.Properties
Running that I get:
Attribute Error: 'SDInterface' object has no attribute 'NTPSynchronized'
I have a feeling that either the service I entered is wrong, or the way I'm accessing properties is wrong, or even both are wrong.
Any help or advice is appreciated.
Looking at the source code, it appears that using the pystemd.systemd1 Unit object has a default destination of "org.freedesktop.systemd1" + the service name (
This is not what I want because I am trying to access "org.freedesktop.timedate1"
So instead I instantiated it's base class SDObject from pystemd.base (
The following code allowed me to get the sync status of NTP
from pystemd.base import SDObject
obj = SDObject(
is_sync = obj.Properties.Get('org.freedesktop.timedate1','NTPSynchronized')
Not sure if this is what the library author intended, but hey it works!

Cannot get QWindow::fromWinId to work properly

My Qt 5.9 program (on X11 Linux) launches other applications, using QProcess.
I would like to have control over windows these applications spawn, so I obtain their winId value and use QWindow::fromWinId to get a QWindow instance.
The problem is these instances are invalid and do not represent the window they are supposed to.
If I check the winId values using xwininfo, the correct information is returned, so I know they are good.
What am I doing wrong?
Edit: An example won't help much, but here goes:
QProcess *process=new QProcess(this);
... // wait until window appears
WId winId=PidToWid(process->processId()); // this function returns the Window ID in decimal format. I test this with xwininfo, it's always correct
QWindow *appWindow=QWindow::fromWinId(winId);
... And that's basically it. appWindow is a valid QWindow instance, but it does not relate to the actual window in any way. For example, if I close() it, it returns true but the window does not close.
Even if I provide a wrong WId on purpose, the end result is the same.
This is not proper solution with explanation why it should work, however it may be helpful for somebody...
I had the same issue with my application when I switched from Qt4 QX11EmebeddedContainer to Qt5 implementation using QWindow. What I did to resolve / fix this issue was following:
Client application:
widget->show(); //Widget had to be shown
sendWinId(widget->winId()); //Post window handle to master app where is constructed container
Master application:
QWindow* window = QWindow::fromWinId(clientWinId);
window->show(); //This show/hide toggle did trick in combination with show in client app
QWidget* container = QWidget::createWindowContainer(window, parentWindowWidget);
After this I was able to control window properly through QWidget container.

Graphics Server Documentation or User Guide

I got a very old Classic ASP code which is running on windows server 2003 the code has lines something like GSDSVR.GSServerProp and GSSERVER.GSServerProp. After some research I found that this is some kind of Graphic Server Component to generate chats or graphics, but I am unable to find any example on how to use it.
Block of code I have-
Set GSObject("Bar") = Server.CreateObject("GSDSVR.GSServerProp")
GSObject("Bar").URL = Graphics_URL
... more stuff ...
GSObject("Bar").Height = 291
GSObject("Bar").ClipGraph = 1
Tmp_FileName = GSObject("Bar").DrawGraph()
The code generates chart(s) based on some data, Now I want to achieve this using .net.
The problem I am facing is I don't know what is happening in code I just know the out of the code.
Can anyone please help me with documentation or few examples for this graphic server component?
