how to trim unknown first characters of string in code vision - bluetooth

I set a mega16 (16bit AVR microcontroller) to receive data from the serial port
which is connected to Bluetooth module HC-05 for attaining an acceptable number
sent by my android app and an android application sends a number in the form of a
string array whose maximum length is equal to 10 digits. The problem arrives
while receiving data such that one or two unknown characters(?) exist at the
beginning of the received string. I have to remove these unknown characters from
the beginning of the string in the case of existence.
this problem is just for HC-05. I mean I had no problem while sending numbers by
another microcontroller instead of android applications.
here is what I send by mobile:
and what is received in the serial port of microcontroller:
here is USART Receiver interrupt code:
// USART Receiver interrupt service routine
interrupt [USART_RXC] void usart_rx_isr(void)
char status,data;
if (data==0x0D)
memset(ss, '\0', sizeof(ss));
if RX_BUFFER_SIZE == 256
// special case for receiver buffer size=256
if (++rx_counter == 0) rx_buffer_overflow=1;
if (rx_wr_index == RX_BUFFER_SIZE) rx_wr_index=0;
if (++rx_counter == RX_BUFFER_SIZE)
how can I remove extra characters (?) from the beginning of received data in codevision?

You do not need to remove them, just do not pass them to your processing.
You either may test the data character before putting it into your line buffer (ss) or after the complete line was received look for the first relevant character and only pass the string starting from this position to your processing functions.
Var 1:
BOOL isGarbage(char c){
return c<'0' || c > '9';
if (data==0x0D)
memset(ss, '\0', sizeof(ss));
} else {
if (data==0x0D)
const char* actualString = ss;
while(isGarbage(*actualString )){
actualString ++;
puts(actualString );printf("\r")
memset(ss, '\0', sizeof(ss));
} else {
maybe you should try to solve the issue in contrast to just fix the symptoms (suppress '?' characters).
What is the exact value of the questionable characters? I suspect, that '?' is only used to represent non printable data.
Maybe your interface configuration is wrong and the sender uses software flow control on the line and the suspicious characters are XON/XOFF bytes
One additional note:
You may run into trouble if you use more complex functions or even peripheral devices from your interrupt service routine (ISR).
I would strongly suggest to only fill buffers there and do all other stuff in the main loop. triggered by some volatile flags data buffers.
Also I do not get why you are using an additional buffer (ss) in the ISR, since it seems that there already is a RX-Buffer. The implementation looks like that there is a good RX-receive buffer implementation that should have some functions/possibilities to get the buffer contents within the main loop, so that you do not need to add your own code to the ISR.
Additional additional notes:
string array whose maximum length is equal to 10 digits.
I count more than that, I hope your ss array is larger than that and you also should consider the fact that something may go wrong on transmission and you get a lot more characters before the next '\n'. Currently you overwrite all your ram.


Arduino serial data manipulation - Sensors Serial Data, Read and parse to variables

I send 3 set of data from 3 sensors from Arduino 1 (router) to another Arduino(coordinator) to with wireless technology (xbee):
On coordinator, I receive wireless data from this 3 sensors(from the router) perfectly. The data stream is something like this(each sensor data on its line):
I want to have these 3 values as 3 variables that get updated constantly and then pass these values on to the rest of the program to make something like print on LCD or something else:
temperature=22. 5624728451
Initially, I had only 2 sensors and I send the data of these 2 sensors something like this:
22.5624728451944(22.5624728451 – temperature, 944 - gas) and I received both of them on the same line and divided everything into two variables(with readString.substring() ) with the code below. But now I have 3 sensors and I receive data on a separate line because I don't know which is the length of each data string … And I can't use the same technique (sending only one string that contain all sensor data on the same line and then divide them)
My old code:
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,10,9,8,7);
String temperature;
String gas;
String readString;
void setup() {
lcd.begin(16, 2);
void loop() {
while (Serial.available() > 0)
char IncomingData =;
readString += IncomingData ;
temperature = readString.substring(0, 13); //get the first 13 characters
gas = readString.substring(13, 16); //get the last 3 characters
Serial.print(IncomingData); //here I have my string: 20.1324325452924 wichs is updating properly when I have sensor values changes
// Process message when new line character is DatePrimite
if (IncomingData == '\n')
temperature = ""; // Clear DatePrimite buffer
lcd.begin(16, 2);
gaz = ""; // Clear DatePrimite buffer
readString = "";
All I want to do now is to assign a variable for every sensor data (3 lines – 3 variables for each line) updated constantly and then pass these values on to the rest of the program. Does anyone have any idea how to modify the code tO work in this situation?
Thank you in advance!
I would recommend that you concatenate the values into the same line on the sending end and use a delimiter like a comma along with string.split() on the receiving end if you are committed to using string values. EDIT: It appears Arduino does not have the string.split() function. See this conversation for an example.
An alternative would be to set a standard byte length and send the numbers as binary instead of ASCII encoded strings representing numbers. See this post on the Arudino forum for a little background. I am recommending sending the number in raw byte notation rather than as ASCII characters. When you define a variable as in integer on the arduino it defaults to 16-bit signed integer value. A float is a 32-bit floating point number. If, for example, you send a float and two ints as binary values the float will always be the first 4 bytes, the first int, the next 2 and the last int the last 2. The order of the bytes (endianness, or most significant byte first (Big Endian, Motorolla style)/least significant bit first (Little Endian, Intel style)).

Serial data acquisition program reading from buffer

I have developed an application in Visual C++ 2008 to read data periodically (50ms) from a COM Port. In order to periodically read the data, I placed the read function in an OnTimer function, and because I didn't want the rest of the GUI to hang, I called this timer function from within a thread. I have placed the code below.
The application runs fine, but it is showing the following unexpected behaviour: after the data source (a hardware device or even a data emulator) stop sending data, my application continues to receive data for a period of time that is proportional to how long the read function has been running for (EDIT: This excess period is in the same ballpark as the period of time the data is sent for). So if I start and stop the data flow immediately, this would be reflected on my GUI, but if I start data flow and stop it ten seconds later, my GUI continues to show data for 10 seconds more (EDITED).
I have made the following observations after exhausting all my attempts at debugging:
As mentioned above, this excess period of operation is proportional to how long the hardware has been sending data.
The frequency of incoming data is 50ms, so to receive 10 seconds worth of data, my GUI must be receiving around 200 more data packets.
The only buffer I have declared is abBuffer which is just a byte array of fixed size. I don't think this can increase in size, so this data is being stored somewhere.
If I change something in the data packet, this change, understandably, is shown on the GUI after a delay (because of the above points). But this would imply that the data received at the COM port is stored in some variable sized buffer from which my read function is reading data.
I have timed the read and processing periods. The latter is instantaneous while the former very rarely (3 times in 1000 reads (following no discernible pattern)) takes 16ms. This is well within the 50ms window the GUI has for each read.
The following is my thread and timer code:
UINT CMyCOMDlg::StartThread(LPVOID param)
return 0;
//Timer function that is called at regular intervals
void CMyCOMDlg::OnTimer(UINT_PTR nIDEvent)
DWORD NoBytesRead;
BYTE abBuffer[45];
CString value;
value.Append("Header match failed");
CString value;
value.Append("\r\nInvalid Packet Size");
DWORD dwError2 = GetLastError();
CString error2;
m_bCount is just a flag I use to kill the timer and the ReadFile function is a standard Windows API call. ts is a structure that contains a pointer to the main dialog class, i.e., this.
Can anyone think of a reason this could be happening? I have tried a lot of things, and also my code does so little I cannot figure out where this unexpected behaviour is happening.
I am adding the COM port settings and timeouts used below :
dcb.BaudRate = CBR_115200;
dcb.ByteSize = 8;
dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
dcb.Parity = NOPARITY;
SetCommState(m_hComm, &dcb);
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
timeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 10;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 1;
timeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 1;
SetCommTimeouts(m_hComm, &timeouts);
You are processing one message at a time in the OnTimer() function. Since the timer interval is 1 second but the data source keeps sending message every 50 milliseconds, your application cannot process all messages in the timely manner.
You can add while loop as follow:
if(::ReadFile(m_hComm, &abBuffer, sizeof(abBuffer), &NoBytesRead, 0))
if(NoBytesRead == sizeof(abBuffer))
But there is another problem in your code. If your software checks the message while the data source is still sending the message, NoBytesRead could be less than 45. You may want to store the data into the message buffer like CString or std::queue<unsigned char>.
If the message doesn't contain a NULL at the end of the message, passing the message to the CString object is not safe.
Also if the first byte starts at 0x80, CString will treat it as a multi-byte string. It may cause the error. If the message is not a literal text string, consider using other data format like std::vector<unsigned char>.
By the way, you don't need to call SetTimer() in the separate thread. It doesn't take time to kick a timer. Also I recommend you to call KillTimer() somewhere outside of the OnTimer() function so that the code will be more intuitive.
If the data source continuously keeps sending data, you may need to use PurgeComm() when you open/close the COMM port.

SPI linux driver

I am trying to learn how to write a basic SPI driver and below is the probe function that I wrote.
What I am trying to do here is setup the spi device for fram(datasheet) and use the spi_sync_transfer()api description to get the manufacturer's id from the chip.
When I execute this code, I can see the data on the SPI bus using logic analyzer but I am unable to read it using the rx buffer. Am I missing something here? Could someone please help me with this?
static int fram_probe(struct spi_device *spi)
int err;
unsigned char ch16[] = {0x9F,0x00,0x00,0x00};// 0x9F => 10011111
unsigned char rx16[] = {0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00};
printk("[FRAM DRIVER] fram_probe called \n");
spi->max_speed_hz = 1000000;
spi->bits_per_word = 8;
spi->mode = (3);
err = spi_setup(spi);
if (err < 0) {
printk("[FRAM DRIVER::fram_probe spi_setup failed!\n");
return err;
printk("[FRAM DRIVER] spi_setup ok, cs: %d\n", spi->chip_select);
spi_element[0].tx_buf = ch16;
spi_element[1].rx_buf = rx16;
err = spi_sync_transfer(spi, spi_element, ARRAY_SIZE(spi_element)/2);
printk("rx16=%x %x %x %x\n",rx16[0],rx16[1],rx16[2],rx16[3]);
if (err < 0) {
printk("[FRAM DRIVER]::fram_probe spi_sync_transfer failed!\n");
return err;
return 0;
spi_element is not declared in this example. You should show that and also how all elements of that are array are filled. But just from the code that's there I see a couple mistakes.
You need to set the len parameter of spi_transfer. You've assigned the TX or RX buffer to ch16 or rx16 but not set the length of the buffer in either case.
You should zero out all the fields not used in the spi_transfer.
If you set the length to four, you would not be sending the proper command according to the datasheet. RDID expects a one byte command after which will follow four bytes of output data. You are writing a four byte command in your first transfer and then reading four bytes of data. The tx_buf in the first transfer should just be one byte.
And finally the number of transfers specified as the last argument to spi_sync_transfer() is incorrect. It should be 2 in this case because you have defined two, spi_element[0] and spi_element[1]. You could use ARRAY_SIZE() if spi_element was declared for the purpose of this message and you want to sent all transfers in the array.
Consider this as a way to better fill in the spi_transfers. It will take care of zeroing out fields that are not used, defines the transfers in a easy to see way, and changing the buffer sizes or the number of transfers is automatically accounted for in remaining code.
const char ch16[] = { 0x8f };
char rx16[4];
struct spi_transfer rdid[] = {
{ .tx_buf = ch16, .len = sizeof(ch16) },
{ .rx_buf = rx16, .len = sizeof(rx16) },
spi_transfer(spi, rdid, ARRAY_SIZE(rdid));
Since you have a scope, be sure to check that this operation happens under a single chip select pulse. I have found more than one Linux SPI driver to have a bug that pulses chip select when it should not. In some cases switching from TX to RX (like done above) will trigger a CS pulse. In other cases a CS pulse is generated for every word (8 bits here) of data.
Another thing you should change is use dev_info(&spi->dev, "device version %d", id)' and also dev_err() to print messages. This inserts the device name in a standard way instead of your hard-coded non-standard and inconsistent "[FRAME DRIVER]::" text. And sets the level of the message as appropriate.
Also, consider supporting device tree in your driver to read device properties. Then you can do things like change the SPI bus frequency for this device without rebuilding the kernel driver.

Why to print a string in interrupt driven IO, only the first character needs to be copied?

Almost all materials I found online referenced the code below from Tananbaum's OS book. However I don't really understand why this would print the whole string instead of only the first character.
Is it because the interrupts will be generated recursively? But wouldn't that cost a lot of resources? Or did I miss something?
I'm really confused. Any help would be appreciated.
Code executed when print system call is made:
copy_from_user (buffer, p, count);
enable_interrupts ();
while (*printer_status_reg !=READY);
*printer_data_register = p[0];
scheduler ();
Interrupt handler:
if (count == 0) {
unblock_user ();
} else {
*printer_data_register = p[i];
count = count – 1;
acknowledge_interrupt ();
return_from_interrupt ();
You write first character in buffer and start the transmission.
After completion of transmission, Tx_Complete interrupt will be generated.
Now, your interrupt handler checks, whether there are any more bytes to transfer (The else part). If available, it adds next byte to transmit register, decrements number of bytes to transmit and increments buffer index.
This process goes on... When number of bytes to transmit reaches zero, you don't initiate next transfer and your interrupts stop.
By transferring first byte, you initiate the process and rest bytes are transferred by interrupt handler. You have to make sure that count is correct.
You can guess what can happen if count is less or more!

How to read from a Linux serial port

I am working on robot which has to control using wireless serial communication. The robot is running on a microcontroller (by burning a .hex file). I want to control it using my Linux (Ubuntu) PC. I am new to serial port programming. I am able to send the data, but I am not able to read data.
A few piece of code which is running over at the microcontroller:
Function to send data:
void TxData(unsigned char tx_data)
SBUF = tx_data; // Transmit data that is passed to this function
while(TI == 0) // Wait while data is being transmitted
I am sending data through an array of characters data_array[i]:
for (i=4; i<=6; i++)
RI = 0; // Clear receive interrupt. Must be cleared by the user.
TI = 0; // Clear transmit interrupt. Must be cleared by the user.
Now the piece of code from the C program running on Linux...
while (flag == 0) {
int res = read(fd, buf, 255);
buf[res] = 0; /* Set end of string, so we can printf */
printf(":%s:%d\n", buf, res);
if (buf[0] == '\0')
flag = 1;
It prints out value of res = 0.
Actually I want to read data character-by-character to perform calculations and take further decision. Is there another way of doing this?
Note: Is there good study material (code) for serial port programming on Linux?
How can I read from the Linux serial port...
This is a good guide: Serial Programming Guide for POSIX Operating Systems
The read call may return with no data and errno set to EAGAIN. You need to check the return value and loop around to read again if you're expecting data to arrive.
First, take a look at /proc/tty/driver/serial to see that everything is set up correctly (i.e., you see the signals you should see). Then, have a look at the manual page for termios(3), you may be interested in the VMIN and VTIME explanation.
