How to show only sleeping processes - linux

How can I display only Sleeping (S) processes from the /proc file?
I want to only display the processes which are Sleeping using the /proc/status directory.
I tried using egrep but it doesn't seem to work properly.

There is a file in /proc/$PID/ called status, you can grep it like so
for pid in /proc/[0-9]*; {
state=$(grep $status $pid/status)
[[ $state ]] && echo ${pid//'/proc/'/}
Or using variable substitution
pids=( $(grep -l $status /proc/*/status) ); echo ${pids[#]//[!0-9]/}

To list pid of all processes use:
ps -eo s,pid
It shows Process State and their PID's
To filter out only sleeping processes you can use awk:
ps h -eo s,pid | awk '{ if ($1 == "S") print $2; }'

If you don't want the full filename path, but exactly and only the PID's, try awk.
$: awk '/sleeping/{ $0=FILENAME; gsub(/[^0-9]/, ""); print $0 }' /proc/[0-9]*/status
It's a single, efficient process that runs across all files and outputs only a set of PID's suitable for capture into an array.
Of course, you could also get the full path this way if you wanted that -
$: awk '/sleeping/{ print FILENAME }' /proc/[0-9]*/status
Or use sed
$: sed -n '/sleeping/F' /proc/[0-9]*/status
But these basically just do the same thing as KamilCuk suggested with grep -l sleeping /proc/[0-9]*/status.
If you just really wanted a reasonably efficient bash-only version, here's a retool of Ivan's:
$: for proc in /proc/[0-9]*/status
do case "$(<$proc)" in
*sleeping*) echo "${proc//[^0-9]/}" ;;

How can I display only Sleeping (S) processes from the /proc file?
Read more about proc(5). Every utility querying about processes go thru /proc/ (because there is no other way to interact with the kernel to query process state).
However, you should consider using pgrep(1). You want to run:
pgrep --runstates S
but you might need to compile procps-ng from source code (because you need version 3.3.16)


Store result of "ps -ax" for later iterating through it

When I do
ps -ax|grep myApp
I get the one line with PID and stuff of my app.
Now, I'ld liked to process the whole result of ps -ax (without grep, so, the full output):
Either store it in a variable and grep from it later
Or go through the results in a for loop, e.g. like that:
for a in $(ps -ax)
echo $a
Unfortunally, this splits with every space, not with newline as |grep does it.
Any ideas, how I can accomplish one or the other (grep from variable or for loop)?
Important: No bash please, only POSIX, so #!/bin/sh
Thanks in advance
Like stated above, while loop can be helpful here.
One more useful thing is --no-headers argument which makes ps skip the header.
Or - even better - specify the exact columns you need to process, like ps -o pid,command --no-header ax
The overall code would look like
processes=`ps --no-headers -o pid,command ax`
echo "$processes" | while read pid command; do
echo "we have process with pid $pid and command line $command"
The only downside to this approach is that commands inside while loop will be executed in subshell so if you need to export some var to the parent process you'll have to do it using inter-process communication stuff.
I usually dump the results into temp file created before while loop and read them after the loop is finished.
I found a solution by removing the spaces while executing the command:
result=$(ps -aux|sed 's/ /_/g')
You can also make it more filter friendly by removing duplicated spaces:
result=$(ps -aux| tr -s ' '|sed 's/ /_/g')

How to monitor CPU usage automatically and return results when it reaches a threshold

I am new to shell script , i want to write a script to monitor CPU usage and if the CPU usage reaches a threshold it should print the CPU usage by top command ,here is my script , which is giving me error bad number and also not storing any value in the log files
while sleep 1;do if [ "$(top -n1 | grep -i ^cpu | awk '{print $2}')">>sy.log - ge "$Threshold" ]; then echo "$(top -n1)">>sys.log;fi;done
Your script HAS to be indented and stored to a file, especially if you are new to shell !
while sleep 1
if [ "$(top -n1 | grep -i ^cpu | awk '{print $2}')">>sy.log - ge "$Threshold" ]
echo "$(top -n1)" >> sys.log
Your condition looks a bit odd. It may work, but it looks really complex. Store intermediate results in variables, and evaluate them.
Then, you will immediately see the syntax error on the “-ge”.
You HAVE to store logfiles within an absolute path for security reasons. Use variables to simplify the reading.
while sleep 1
TOP="$(top -n1)"
CPU="$(echo $TOP | grep -i ^cpu | awk '{print $2}')"
echo $CPU >> $LOGFILE
if [ "$CPU" -ge "$Threshold" ] ; then
echo "$TOP" >> $WHOLEFILE
You have a couple of errors.
If you write output to sy.log with a redirection then that output is no longer available to the shell. You can work around this with tee.
The dash before -ge must not be followed by a space.
Also, a few stylistic remarks:
grep x | awk '{y}' is a useless use of grep; this can usefully and more economically (as well as more elegantly) be rewritten as awk '/x/{y}'
echo "$(command)" is a useless use of echo -- not a deal-breaker, but you simply want command; there is no need to capture what it prints to standard output just so you can print that text to standard output.
If you are going to capture the output of top -n 1 anyway, there is no need really to run it twice.
Further notes:
If you know the capitalization of the field you want to extract, maybe you don't need to search case-insensitively. (I could not find a version of top which prints a CPU prefix with the load in the second field -- it the expression really correct?)
The shell only supports integer arithmetic. Is this a bug? Maybe you want to use Awk (which has floating-point support) to perform the comparison? This also allows for a moderately tricky refactoring. We make Awk output an exit code of 1 if the comparison fails, and use that as the condition for the if.
while sleep 1
if top=$(top -n 1 |
awk -v thres="$Threshold" '1; # print every line
tolower($1) ~ /^cpu/ { print $2 >>"sy.log";
exitcode = ($2 >= thres ? 0 : 1) }
END { exit exitcode }')
echo "$top" >>sys.log
Do you really mean to have two log files with nearly the same name, or is that a typo? Including a time stamp in the log might be useful both for troubleshooting and for actually using the log files.

Linux shell scripting: How to store output from terminal in integers (but only numbers)?

I'm new to shell scripting and here is my problem:
I want to store PID's from output of airmon-ng check to some variables (for ex: $1, $2, $3) so that I can execute kill $1 $2 $3.
here is sample output of airmon-ng check:
Found 3 processes that could cause trouble.
If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops working after
a short period of time, you may want to kill (some of) them!
PID Name
707 NetworkManager
786 wpa_supplicant
820 dhclient
I want to grab numbers 707, 786, 820.
I tried using set 'airmon-ng check' and then using for loop:
set `airmon-ng check`
for (( i=0; i<=n; i++ ))
echo $i
it outputs 1,2,3,...36
not words or numbers so I couldn't figure out how I should do it.
airmon-ng check | egrep -o '\b[0-9]+\b' | xargs kill
egrep is grep with extended regular expressions (like grep -E), -o says to extract only the matching parts, \b matches word boundaries so you don't get any numbers accidentally occuring in process names or something, [0-9]+ matches one or more decimal digit, xargs kill passes all the matches as arguments to the kill command.
Note that parsing output intended to be read by humans might not always be a good idea. Also, just killing all those processes doesn't sound too smart either, but proper usage of airocrack is beyond this question.
You can get list of the PIDs separated by spaces e.g. like this (everything from the 1st column after "PID"):
l=`airmon-ng check | awk 'BEGIN { p=0 } { if (p) { print $1" "; } if ($1=="PID") { p=1 } }' | tr '\n' ' '`
Why not use grep?
myvar=$(airmon-ng check | grep '[0-9]\{3,6\}')
This assumes a PID of 3 to 6 digits, and will grab anything from the airmon-ng output of a similar length. So this may not work as well if the output includes other strings with digits of a similar length.
I would use awk for this and store the output in an array
pids=( $(airmon-ng check | awk '/^[[:blank:]]+[[:digit:]]+[[:blank:]]+/{print $1}') )
#'pids' is an array
kill "${pids[#]}" #killing all the processes thus found.

How to pipe all the output of "ps" into a shell script for further processing?

When I run this command:
ps aux|awk {'print $1,$2,$3,$11'}
I get a listing of the user, PID, CPU% and the actual command.
I want to pipe all those listings into a shell script to calculate the CPU% and if greater than, say 5, then to kill the process via the PID.
I tried piping it to a simple shell script, i.e.
ps aux|awk {'print $1,$2,$3,$11'} | ./myscript
where the content of my script is:
# testing using positional parameters
echo "$1 $2 $3 $4"
But I get a blank output. Any idea how to do this?
Many thanks!
If you use awk, you don't need an additional bash script. Also, it is a good idea to reduce the output of the ps command so you don't have to deal with extra information:
ps acxho user,pid,%cpu,cmd | awk '$3 > 5 {system("echo kill " $2)}'
The extra ps flags I use:
c: command only, no extra arguments
h: no header, good for scripting
o: output format. In this case, only output the user, PID, %CPU, and command
The awk command compare the %CPU, which is the third column, with a threshold (5). If it is over the threshold, then issue the system command to kill that process.
Note the echo in the command. Once you are certain the scripts works the way you like, then remove the word echo from the command to execute it for real.
Your script needs to read its input
while read a b c d; do
echo $a $b
I think you can get it using xargs command to pass the AWK output to your script as arguments:
ps aux|awk {'print $1,$2,$3,$11'} | xargs ./myscript
Some extra info about xargs:
When piping input from one process to another in Linux (or POSIX-compliant systems) the output is not given as arguments to the receiving process. Instead, the standard output of the first process is piped into the standard input of the other process.
Because of this, your script cannot work. $1...$n accesses variables that have been passed as arguments to it. As there are none it won't display anything. Instead, you have to read the standard input into variables with the read command (as pointed out by William).
The pipe '|' redirects the standard output of the left to the standard input of the right. In this case, the output of the ps goes to the input of awk, then the output of awk goes to the stdin of the script.
Therefore your scripts needs to read its STDIN.
read var1 var2 var3 ...
Then you can do whatever you want with those variables.
More info, type in bash: help read
If I well understood your problem, you want to kill every process that exceeds X% of the CPU (using ps aux).
Here is the solution using AWK:
ps aux | grep -v "%CPU" | awk '{if ($3 > XXX) { print "Killing process with PID "$2", called "$4", consuming "$3"% and launched by "$1; system( "kill -9 " $2 );}}' -
Where XXX is your threshold (% of CPU).
It also prints related info to the killed process, if it is not desired just remove the print statement.
You can add some filters like: do not remove root's process...
Try putting myscript in front like this:
./myscript `ps aux|awk {'print $1,$2,$3,$11'}`

Pull fields/attributes from lsof (Linux command line)

With the recent move to Flash 10 (or maybe it was a distro choice), I and many others are no longer able to copy Flash videos from /tmp. I have, however, found a workaround in the following:
First, execute:
lsof | grep Flash
which should return output like this:
plugin-co 8935 richard 16w REG 8,1 4139180 8220 /tmp/FlashXXq4KyOZ (deleted)
Note: You can see the problem here....the /tmp file has the file pointer released.
You are, however, able to grab the file by using the cp command thusly:
cp /proc/#/fd/# video.flv
where the 1st # is the process ID (8935) and the second if the next number (16, from 16w).
Currently, this works, but it requires a few manual steps. To automate this, I figure I could pull the PID and the fd number and insert them dynamically into the cp command.
My question is how do I pull the appropriate fields into variables? I know you can use $1, etc. for grabbing input arguments, but how do you retrieve outputs?
Note: I could use pidof plugin-container to find the PID, but I still need the other number (since it tells which specific flash video to save).
The following command will return PIDs and FDs for all the files in /tmp that have filenames that begin with "Flash"
lsof -F pfn /tmp/Flash*
and the output will look something like this:
Where the field identifiers are p: PID, f: FD, n: NAME. The -F option is designed to make the output of lsof easy to parse.
Iterating over these and removing the field identifiers is trivial.
while read -r line
case $line in
fds[pids[c]]+=${line:1}" "
names[pids[c]]+=${line:1}" "
done < <(lsof -F pfn -- /tmp/Flash*)
for ((i=0; i<=c; i++))
for name in ${names[pids[i]]}
for fd in ${fds[pids[i]]}
echo "File: $name, Process ID: ${pids[i]}, File Descriptor: $fd"
Lines like this:
fds[pids[c]]+=${line:1}" "
accumulate file descriptors in a string stored in an array indexed by the PID. Doing this for file names will fail for filenames which contain spaces. That could be worked around if necessary.
The line is stripped of the leading field descriptor character by using a substring operator: ${line:1} starts at position one and includes the rest of the string so it drops character zero.
The second loop is just a demo to show iterating over the arrays.
var=$(lsof | awk '/Flash/{gsub(/[^0-9]/,"",$4);print $2 FS $4};exit')
set -- $var
Completed Script:
if [ $1 ]; then
#lsof | grep Flash | awk '{print $2}' also works for PID
pid=$(pidof plugin-container)
file_num=$(lsof -p $pid | grep /tmp/Flash | awk '{print substr($4,1,2)}')
cp /proc/$pid/fd/$file_num ~/Downloads/"$1".flv
echo "Please enter video name as argument."
Avoid using lsof because it takes too long (>30 seconds) to return the path. The below .bashrc line will work with vlc, mplayer, or whatever you put in and return the path to the deleted temp file in milliseconds.
flashplay () {
vlc $(stat -c %N /proc/*/fd/* 2>&1|awk -F[\`\'] '/lash/{print$2}')
