Audio Player with foreground services that works for both iOS+ Android in flutter - audio

I want to implement Audio player with foreground services in flutter that works on both ios + android. I've searched lots of sites, documentation, and pluggins but couldn't find anything perfect. Some of them are only specific to one platform. So I ended up creating Audio player with Native bridge. if anyone knows how I can implement this without native bridge, then please help me. I would be greatfull.
Thanks in advance.

I think package:audio_service will do what you're looking to achieve.


How can I do UI Test automation for the UWP project of my Xamarin application

As the question says, I have a Xamarin forms application that targets Android, iOS and UWP. I am able to use Xamarin.UITests for UI testing on the Android and iOS project, but I need a frame work to help with UI testing on UWP. I found this and while it looks helpful, its quite hard to understand, it seems old, so not sure if all of it is still up to date, and the third step in the process is missing (page is 404).
I've also heard of WebDriver, but cannot find any straight forward documentation for how to use it for Xamarin.UWP.
Any ideas on how I can test for UWP?
after i research, I found this method that you can try
this link :

How to use(or convert) this NATIVE BLE DFU library for Xamarin?

I'm making app with using Xamarin.forms (PCL project).
I'm making app like FITBIT and its wearable device.
I'm using nrf51822 MCU from Nordic.
Someone has done lots of work for syncing with ble device for Xamarin.Forms and fortunately it's working great.
Now, I need to use DFU OTA library to support firmware-update for users.
Nordic provided great examples and source code.
dfu lib for iOS :
full project(iOS) :
dfu lib for Android :
And How can I convert this library for using it on Xamarin?
What documents or technique should I look?
Any tips will help me. (It might be lots of pain?)
Nordic says they didn't even start to look Xamarin, So there are only three guys(including me) are looking for these binding project.
discusion here :
you can read this documentation Xamarin.Android supports the use of native libraries via the standard PInvoke mechanism. You can also bundle additional native libraries which are not part of the OS into your .apk.
the same for
Regards. I hope this help you.

How to recognize digits in Vuforia for Android development?

I 'am currently developing an android application which is based on the Vuforia text recognition feature.but it dosen't recognize the digits.can anyone tell me how to do that?
By default vuforia doesn't support digit recognition. But there might be workarounds or other approaches you might be able to use.

Bluetooth connectivity using MVVMCross

I would like to ask if the Bluetooth plugin developed by Stuart Lodge in can also be used for normal peer to peer connectivity between two android devices. If not, can you please suggest a decent mono android API for BT?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, the basic approach in that plugin could be adapted for perr-to-pee seial port communications.
Alternatively, Xamarin have published a chat sample based on the Java one at

is there any java SDK available to implement google-dfp ads for J2ME?

Is there any way to implement google-dfp ads for J2ME platform? I have tried few things using following link and I am not getting anything. Can anyone help me out in this?
seems till now its only for android ,ios and windows mobile. you can have a look here
