position of text relative to another element in SVG - svg

I think I'm doing this the hard way... I have ~200 circles that need to have text in the middle of them (atomic structures in svg). What I've been doing is offsetting the next by typing in the absolute positional value of each text offset by 5.2 from the circle it's in,
<circle id="H4_11_" class="st3" cx="1660.8" cy="714.5" r="10"/>
<use xlink:href="#hydrogen_label" transform="matrix(1 0 0 1 1655.6 719.7)" />
Is there a way to just position the text relative to the first one by placing each circle in it's own container? Something like,
<circle id="H4_11_" class="st3" cx="1660.8" cy="714.5" r="10"/>
<use xlink:href="#hydrogen_label" transform="(+5.2,-5.2)" />
Tried the above and it didn't work.

You could restructure things like this perhaps so that the local co-ordinate system is set in the <g>.
<g transform="translate(1660.8, 714.5)">
<circle id="H4_11_" class="st3" r="10"/>
<use xlink:href="#hydrogen_label" transform="translate(-5.2, 5.2)" />


How to make SVG stroke-width consistent across the entire path?

Here is an example:
<svg width="60" height="30">
<path stroke="red" stroke-width="1" fill="none" d="M0 25 L10 25 L45 5 L55 5"/>
I find that the inclined line segment has a thinner stroke-width then the horizontal lines. How do I make the stroke-width consistent across the entire path?
Breaking the path into multiple paths did not help as the line joins are not elegant. The points are generated dynamically so the solution needs to be generic.
<svg width="180" height="120">
<g stroke="red" fill="none">
<g stroke-width="1">
<path id="p" d="M0 25l10 0l35-20l10 0" />
<use href="#p" y="25" shape-rendering="optimizeQuality"/>
<use href="#p" y="50" shape-rendering="crispEdges"/>
<use href="#p" stroke-width="2" x="60"/>
<use href="#p" stroke-width="3" x="120"/>
I added stroke-width 2 and 3 to your example. The effect is less because more pixels are being used to draw the line.
At 1 pixel your monitor and Browser can't make much of it. Only add (some) anti-aliasing.
screenshot zoomed:
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/shape-rendering won't help
because it is still your monitor/browser only having 1 pixel to draw that line
Same for CSS https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/image-rendering..
it is still 1 pixel
Same for setting style="transform:translateZ(0)"
Maybe in the future with Quantum Dot display technology it will look better. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Next_generation_of_display_technology

SVG | Erase part of another path

I'm working on an SVG image and I can't figure out how to erase a certain part of a path.
This is the current situation: https://gyazo.com/db59fcaf9f122e7e2c0bba5833db9ec5
There are two green letters which overlap and a red bar which does basically represent the area I want to erase so the letters don't stick directly on each other. It works fine when I have a set background colour since I can then easily overwrite lower paths, but with transparent background, this method no longer works, since it appears to make the path transparent, not the entire pixel itself.
TL;DR: How do I make a path actually render the pixel transparent, not just the path element?
You can mask the J with a white rect and a black N with an extra stroke. Next you use again the N. Please play with the stroke width of the mask <use>
svg{border:1px solid; width:90vh}
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<text id="n" x="7" y="14" >N</text>
<mask id="mascara">
<rect width="24" height="24" fill="white" />
<use xlink:href="#n" fill="black" stroke="black" />
<text x="5" y="10" style="mask: url(#mascara)">J</text>
<use xlink:href="#n" fill="black" />

Coordinate Origin for SVG Symbol

I would like to move a particular composite shape to a <Symbol> definition, and then re-use it. This helps make the SVG code neater, and provides some global control over the actual structure of that shape. The shape is symmetrical about a given mid-point; however, the x/y coordinates of subsequent <Use> statements need to reference the top-left corner rather than its natural original, and this means that all usage of the shape must be aware of its total size. Is there a way to position a Symbol by some origin other than its top-left corner?
Contrived example, purely to explain this better. The following concentric-circle Symbol has a natural origin. However, the subsequent Use statement has to offset its x/y coordinates by half the Symbol size in order to position it correctly (at 20,20 in this example). Ideally, the usage of the symbol should not have to know this information.
<symbol id="ex">
<circle fill="green" cx="8" cy="8" r="8"/>
<circle fill="white" cx="8" cy="8" r="6"/>
<circle fill="green" cx="8" cy="8" r="4"/>
<use xlink:href="#ex" x="12" y="12">
The downside to a symbol is that it cuts of rendering at the border of a viewport. (which is also an upside, since you can define a viewBox.) But you can avoid using it at all. Everything in a <defs> element is not rendered directly, so you can exchange the <symbol> for a <g> and center everything on the origin:
<g id="ex">
<circle fill="green" cx="0" cy="0" r="8"/>
<circle fill="white" cx="0" cy="0" r="6"/>
<circle fill="green" cx="0" cy="0" r="4"/>
<use xlink:href="#ex" x="12" y="12">
If I read your question correctly, you want to be able to say
<use xlink:href="#ex" x="20" y="20">
..and then the circle symbol is positioned with its center at [20,20]. The solution I propose requires you to know the size of the symbol, but only once (in the <symbol> declaration), and not on every <use> element.
1: In the <symbol>, put everything in a group which you translate so the center of the graphics lies on the top-left corner.
<symbol id="ex">
<g transform="translate(-8,-8)">
<circle ...
2: If you now <use> that symbol, you'll only see the quarter circle that's still within the symbol's "viewport". To display the whole circle, simply apply overflow="visible" to the <symbol>.
<symbol id="ex" overflow="visible">
<g transform="translate(-8,-8)">
<circle ...

svg draw circle with curved text inside

I need to draw red cirle with two curved string inside like that:
upper string always be 3 chars length
lower string can be from 1 to 20 chars length
I try to use textpath and circle tags, but I think I need to change some coordinates:
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
<circle cx="40" cy="40" r="24" style="stroke:#006600; fill:none"/>
<path id="myTextPath"
a1,1 0 0,0 150,0"
<text x="5" y="50" style="stroke: #000000;">
<textPath xlink:href="#myTextPath" >
Also I didnt clear understand <path> 'd' atrribute , but I found out that I can change starting point to M10,20 but how I can change text curve orientation?
d="M10,20 a1,1 0 0,0 150,0"
To have text that "hangs" from a line nicely, the best way right now is to use a path with a smaller radius. There is an attribute to adjust the text's baseline, but that doesn't work reliably.
So you need two arcs. One for the bottom half of the circle, and one with a smaller radius for the top half. They also need to both start from the left. That means one will go clockwise, and the other will go anti-clockwise. You control that with the arc command's "sweep" flag.
We need to also use startOffset="50%" and text-anchor="middle" to centre the text on the paths.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
viewBox="0 0 80 80">
<path id="tophalf" d="M26,40 a14,14 0 0,1 28,0" />
<path id="lowerhalf" d="M16,40 a24,24 0 0,0 48,0" />
<circle cx="40" cy="40" r="24" style="stroke:#006600; fill:none"/>
<path d="M16,40 a24,24 0 0,0 48,0" style="stroke:#600; fill:none"/>
<text x="5" y="50" style="stroke: #000000;"
<textPath xlink:href="#tophalf" startOffset="50%">str</textPath>
<text x="5" y="50" style="stroke: #000000;"
<textPath xlink:href="#lowerhalf" startOffset="50%">second st</textPath>
This works fine in FF, but unfortunately, it seems there are bugs in Chrome and IE right now that is causing the text to not be centred properly on those browsers.

evenodd fill on a group of shapes

How would I get an evenodd fill on #g3:
<ellipse id="g1" cx="100" cy="100" rx="75" ry="40" fill="none" />
<g id="g3" stroke="black" stroke-width="2">
<g id="g2">
<use xlink:href="#g1" />
<use xlink:href="#g1" transform="rotate(30 100 100)"/>
<use xlink:href="#g2" transform="rotate(60 100 100)"/>
<use xlink:href="#g2" transform="rotate(120 100 100)"/>
So iow, its just a series of rotated ellipses, but I want the intersecting regions evenodd filled:
Just adding fill-rule = "evenodd" to #g3 doesn't do it. Sorry if this is too elementary. I realize there's probably a way to do this in .js, but want to know if it can be done with straight svg.
For example, is there a way in which #g3 itself is defined as a new path in some sense, so that evenodd could be applied to it in totality.
I guess just basically draw a series of arcs in one path in a loop from .js - that way its all one path and evenodd fill-type should work, I guess. Nevermind.
