How can I modify the windowSet in XMonad? - haskell

I have a function that looks like:
sinkFocus :: StackSet i l a s sd -> Maybe (StackSet i l a s sd)
sinkFocus = (fmap . flip sink) <*> peek
However I would like an X () so that I can use it. For example additionalKeys uses an X ().
The documentation says that X is a IO with some state and reader transformers, so I am under the impression that the StackSet is contained within the state of X. So in theory it should be possible to modify the relevant part of the state. However the state accessible is XState not the StackState I want, so I need to be able to turn my function on StackState to one on XState.
This would be easy enough if I had a function of the type
(StackSet i l a s sd -> StackSet i l a s sd) -> X ()
However after digging around in the documentation I haven't been able to piece together a way to do this yet. Is there a way to take a function on StackSet and make an X () that performs that function?

The X monad has an instance of MonadState
instance MonadState XState X
So we can use modify as
modify :: (XState -> XState) -> X ()
So we need to turn out function to one on XStates. And if we look at the definition
windowset :: !WindowSet
mapped :: !(Set Window)
waitingUnmap :: !(Map Window Int)
dragging :: !(Maybe (Position -> Position -> X (), X ()))
numberlockMask :: !KeyMask
extensibleState :: !(Map String (Either String StateExtension))
we will see WindowSet which is a type alias for a particular StackState. So you can turn a function from StackStates into one on XStates like so:
overWindowSet :: (WindowSet -> WindowSet) -> XState -> XState
overWindowSet f xState = xState { windowset = f (windowset xState) }
This can be combined with modify to make the complete function you would like:
modify . overWindowSet


IO (Maybe Picture) -> Picture

I'm creating a game with Gloss.
I have this function :
block :: IO (Maybe Picture)
block = loadJuicyPNG "block.png"
How do I take this IO (Maybe Picture) and turn it into a Picture?
You need to bind the value. This is done either with the bind function (>>=), or by do-notation:
main :: IO ()
main = do
pic <- block
case pic of
Just p -> ... -- loading succeeded, p is a Picture
Nothing -> ... -- loading failed
It is a Maybe Picture because the loading might fail, and you have to handle that possible failure somehow.
This is basically the same answer as Bartek's, but using a different approach.
Let's say you have a function foo :: Picture -> Picture the transforms a picture in some way. It expects a Picture as an argument, but all you have is block :: IO (Maybe Picture); there may or may not be a picture buried in there, but it's all you have.
To start, let's assume you have some function foo' :: Maybe Picture -> Maybe Picture. It's definition is simple:
foo' :: Maybe Picture -> Maybe Picture
foo' = fmap foo
So simple, in fact, that you never actually write it; wherever you would use foo', you just use fmap foo directly. What this function does, you will recall, is return Nothing if it gets Nothing, and return Just (foo x) if it gets some value Just x.
Now, given that you have foo', how do you apply it to the value buried in the IO type? For that, we'll use the Monad instanced for IO, which provides us with two functions (types here specialized to IO):
return :: a -> IO a
(>>=) :: IO a -> (a -> IO b) -> IO b
In our case, we recognize that both a and b are Maybe Picture. If foo' :: Maybe Picture -> Maybe Picture, then return . foo' :: Maybe Picture -> IO (Maybe Picture). That means we can finally "apply" foo to our picture:
> :t block >>= return . (fmap foo)
block >>= return . (fmap foo) :: IO (Maybe Picture)
But we aren't really applying foo ourselves. What we are really doing is lifting foo into a context where, once block is executed, foo' can be called on whatever block produces.

How to use the same record selector two ways within a function? Lenses?

I have some data that have different representations based on a type parameter, a la Sandy Maguire's Higher Kinded Data. Here are two examples:
wholeMyData :: MyData Z
wholeMyData = MyData 1 'w'
deltaMyData :: MyData Delta
deltaMyData = MyData Nothing (Just $ Left 'b')
I give some of the implementation details below, but first the actual question.
I often want to get a field of the data, usually via a local definition like:
let x = either (Just . Left . myDataChar) myDataChar -- myDataChar a record of MyData
It happens so often I would like to make a standard combinator,
getSubDelta :: ( _ -> _ ) -> Either a b -> Maybe (Either c d)
getSubDelta f = either (Just . Left . f) f
but filling in that signature is problematic. The easy solution is to just supply the record selector function twice,
getSubDelta :: (a->c) -> (b->d) -> Either a b -> Maybe (Either c d)
getSubDelta f g = either (Just . Left . f) g
but that is unseemly. So my question. Is there a way I can fill in the signature above? I'm assuming there is probably a lens based solution, what would that look like? Would it help with deeply nested data? I can't rely on the data types always being single constructor, so prisms? Traversals? My lens game is weak, so I was hoping to get some advice before I proceed.
Some background. I defined a generic method of performing "deltas", via a mix of GHC.Generics and type families. The gist is to use a type family in the definition of the data type. Then, depending how the type is parameterized, the records will either represent whole data or a change to existing data.
For instance, I define the business data using DeltaPoints.
MyData f = MyData { myDataInt :: DeltaPoint f Int
, myDataChar :: DeltaPoint f Char} deriving Generic
The DeltaPoints are implemented in the library, and have different forms for Delta and Z states.
data DeltaState = Z | Delta deriving (Show,Eq,Read)
type family DeltaPoint (st :: DeltaState) a where
DeltaPoint Z a = a
DeltaPoint Delta a = Maybe (Either a (DeltaOf a))
So a DeltaPoint Z a is just the original data, a, and a DeltaPoint Delta a, may or may not be present, and if it is present will either be a replacement of the original (Left) or an update (DeltaOf a).
The runtime delta functionality is encapsulated in a type class.
class HasDelta a where
type DeltaOf a
delta :: a -> a -> Maybe (Either a (DeltaOf a))
applyDeltaOf :: a -> DeltaOf a -> Maybe a
And with the use of Generics, I can usually get the delta capabilities with something like:
instance HasDelta (MyData Z) where
type (DeltaOf (MyData Z)) = MyData Delta
I think you probably want:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
getSubDelta :: (forall f . (dat f -> DeltaPoint f fld))
-> Either (dat Z) (dat Delta)
-> Maybe (Either (DeltaPoint Z fld) (DeltaOf fld))
getSubDelta sel = either (Just . Left . sel) sel
x :: Either (MyData Z) (MyData Delta)
-> Maybe (Either (DeltaPoint Z Char) (DeltaOf Char))
x = getSubDelta myDataChar
-- same as: x = either (Just . Left . myDataChar) myDataChar

Haskell - Accepting different types and acting accordingly

Lets say I got the following very basic example:
f :: Either Int String -> IO ()
as well as a function g :: Int -> IO () and a function g' :: String -> IO () and I basically want to implement f as a "selector" which calls g or g' depending on its input, so that in the future I only have to work with f because I know that my program will only encounter either Int or String.
Does this way of using Either make sense? The convention seems to be to use it mainly for Error and Exception handling.
If it does make sense, what would be a good way or best practice to implement such an example? I've heard/read about case as well as bifunctors.
If it does not: what is the haskell way of handling the possibility of different input types? Or is this something which should be avoided from the beginning?
So that definitely can make sense and one way to implement that is:
f :: Either Int String -> IO ()
f e =
case e of
Left l -> g l
Right r -> g' r
or using either:
import Data.Either (either)
f :: Either Int String -> IO ()
f = either g g'
Note that in the second version I don't assign a variable name to the Either Int String argument. That is called eta conversion / eta reduction. But obviously you could also write f e = either g g' e.
As an armchair Haskell programmer, it seems fine to me.
f :: Either Int String -> IO ()
f (Left n) = g n
f (Right s) = g' s

Pointfree conversion

I have some traverse/accessor functions to work with my mesh type:
cell :: Mesh a -> Int -> Maybe (Cell a)
neighbour :: Mesh a -> Int -> Cell a -> Maybe (Cell a)
owner :: Mesh a -> Cell a -> Maybe (Cell a)
To avoid passing mesh to each function and to handle fails I've created monadic version of them via this compound monad:
type MMesh a b = MaybeT (State (Mesh a)) b
So, I have such monadic accessors:
getMesh = get :: MMesh a (Mesh a) -- just to remove type declarations
cellM id = getMesh >>= (MaybeT . return) <$> (\m -> cell m id)
neighbourM idx cell = getMesh >>= (MaybeT . return) <$> (\m -> neighbour m idx cell)
ownerM cell = getMesh >>= (MaybeT . return) <$> (\m -> owner m cell)
They obviously follow the same pattern and I would be glad to move common part to some external function, say liftMesh to rewrite the code above as:
cellM = liftMesh cell
neighbourM = liftMesh neighbour
ownerM - liftMesh owner
But this first needs the functions to be rewritten in pointfree style to omit variable number of arguments. And that's where I'm stuck, so could anyone help to convert this to pointfree or find other ways achive the same result?
Upd: adding the full text here:
Just use gets, which returns a projection of the state specified by an arbitrary function on it, and MaybeT:
cellM ix = MaybeT (gets (\m -> cell m ix))
neighbourM ix c = MaybeT (gets (\m -> neighbour m ix c))
owner c = MaybeT (gets (\m -> owner m c))
(N.B.: I recommend not naming things id. The standard id function is too important, which makes the name clash very confusing.)
To make that more pointfree, reorder the arguments of your functions as appropriate. For instance:
cell :: Int -> Mesh a -> Maybe (Cell a)
cellM ix = MaybeT (gets (cell ix))
(You could go all the way and write cellM = MaybeT . gets . cell instead, but I feel that would excessively obscure what cellM does.)
P.S.: Given that you are using State, odds are you are also interested in functions that modify a mesh. If you aren't, however, Reader would be more appropriate than State.

choosing a monad at runtime

I'm trying to write a two-player game in Haskell, such as checkers. I envision having types GameState, Move, and a function result :: GameState -> Move -> GameState that defines the game rules. I want to have both human and automated players, and I figured I'd do this by having a typeclass:
class Player p m | p -> m where
selectMove :: p -> GameState -> m Move
where the idea would be that m could be Identity for a basic AI player, IO for a human, State for an AI that maintains state across moves, etc. The question is how to go from these to the overall game loop. I figure I could define something like:
Player p1 m1, Player p2 m2 => moveList :: p1 -> p2 -> GameState -> m1 m2 [Move]
a monadic function that takes in the players and initial state, and returns the lazy list of moves. But then on top of this let's say I want a text-based interface that, say, allows first selecting each player from a list of possibilities, then causes the game to be played. So I'd need:
playGame :: IO ()
I can't see how to define playGame given moveList in a generic way. Or is my overall approach not right?
EDIT: thinking further about it, I don't even see how to define moveList above. E.g., if player 1 was a human, so IO, and player 2 was a stateful AI, so State, the first move of player 1 would have type IO Move. Then player 2 would have to take the resulting state of type IO GameState and produce a move of type State IO Move, and player 1's next move would be of type IO State IO Move? That doesn't look right.
There are two parts to this question:
How to mix a monad-independent chess-playing framework with incremental monad-specific input
How to specify the monad-specific part at run time
You solve the former problem using a generator, which is a special case of a free monad transformer:
import Control.Monad.Trans.Free -- from the "free" package
type GeneratorT a m r = FreeT ((,) a) m r
-- or: type Generator a = FreeT ((,) a)
yield :: (Monad m) => a -> GeneratorT a m ()
yield a = liftF (a, ())
GeneratorT a is a monad transformer (because FreeT f is a monad transformer, for free, when f is a Functor). This means we can mix yield (which is polymorphic in the base monad), with monad-specific calls by using lift to invoke the base monad.
I'll define some fake chess moves just for this example:
data ChessMove = EnPassant | Check | CheckMate deriving (Read, Show)
Now, I'll define an IO based generator of chess moves:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
ioPlayer :: GeneratorT ChessMove IO r
ioPlayer = forever $ do
lift $ putStrLn "Enter a move:"
move <- lift readLn
yield move
That was easy! We can unwrap the result one move at a time using runFreeT, which will only demand the player input a move when you bind the the result:
runIOPlayer :: GeneratorT ChessMove IO r -> IO r
runIOPlayer p = do
x <- runFreeT p -- This is when it requests input from the player
case x of
Pure r -> return r
Free (move, p') -> do
putStrLn "Player entered:"
print move
runIOPlayer p'
Let's test it:
>>> runIOPlayer ioPlayer
Enter a move:
Player entered:
Enter a move:
Player entered:
We can do the same thing using the Identity monad as the base monad:
import Data.Functor.Identity
type Free f r = FreeT f Identity r
runFree :: (Functor f) => Free f r -> FreeF f r (Free f r)
runFree = runIdentity . runFreeT
NoteThe transformers-free packages defines these already (Disclaimer: I wrote it and Edward merged its functionality was merged into the free package. I only keep it for teaching purposes and you should use free if possible).
With those in hand, we can define pure chess move generators:
type Generator a r = Free ((,) a) r
-- or type Generator a = Free ((,) a)
purePlayer :: Generator ChessMove ()
purePlayer = do
yield Check
yield CheckMate
purePlayerToList :: Generator ChessMove r -> [ChessMove]
purePlayerToList p = case (runFree p) of
Pure _ -> []
Free (move, p') -> move:purePlayerToList p'
purePlayerToIO :: Generator ChessMove r -> IO r
purePlayerToIO p = case (runFree p) of
Pure r -> return r
Free (move, p') -> do
putStrLn "Player entered: "
print move
purePlayerToIO p'
Let's test it:
>>> purePlayerToList purePlayer
[Check, CheckMate]
Now, to answer your next question, which is how to choose the base monad at run time. This is easy:
main = do
putStrLn "Pick a monad!"
whichMonad <- getLine
case whichMonad of
"IO" -> runIOPlayer ioPlayer
"Pure" -> purePlayerToIO purePlayer
"Purer!" -> print $ purePlayerToList purePlayer
Now, here is where things get tricky. You actually want two players, and you want to specify the base monad for both of them independently. To do this, you need a way to retrieve one move from each player as an action in the IO monad and save the rest of the player's move list for later:
:: GeneratorT ChessMove m r
-> IO (Either r (ChessMove, GeneratorT ChessMove m r))
The Either r part is in case the player runs out of moves (i.e. reaches the end of their monad), in which case the r is the block's return value.
This function is specific to each monad m, so we can type class it:
class Step m where
step :: GeneratorT ChessMove m r
-> IO (Either r (ChessMove, GeneratorT ChessMove m r))
Let's define some instances:
instance Step IO where
step p = do
x <- runFreeT p
case x of
Pure r -> return $ Left r
Free (move, p') -> return $ Right (move, p')
instance Step Identity where
step p = case (runFree p) of
Pure r -> return $ Left r
Free (move, p') -> return $ Right (move, p')
Now, we can write our game loop to look like:
:: (Step m1, Step m2)
=> GeneratorT ChessMove m1 a
-> GeneratorT ChessMove m2 b
-> IO ()
gameLoop p1 p2 = do
e1 <- step p1
e2 <- step p2
case (e1, e2) of
(Left r1, _) -> <handle running out of moves>
(_, Left r2) -> <handle running out of moves>
(Right (move1, p2'), Right (move2, p2')) -> do
<do something with move1 and move2>
gameLoop p1' p2'
And our main function just selects which players to use:
main = do
p1 <- getStrLn
p2 <- getStrLn
case (p1, p2) of
("IO", "Pure") -> gameLoop ioPlayer purePlayer
("IO", "IO" ) -> gameLoop ioPlayer ioPlayer
I hope that helps. That was probably a bit over kill (and you can probably use something simpler than generators), but I wanted to give a general tour of cool Haskell idioms that you can sample from when designing your game. I type-checked all but the last few code blocks, since I couldn't come up with a sensible game logic to test on the fly.
You can learn more about free monads and free monad transformers if those examples didn't suffice.
My advice has two main parts:
Skip defining a new type class.
Program to the interfaces defined by existing type classes.
For the first part, what I mean is you should consider creating a data type like
data Player m = Player { selectMove :: m Move }
-- or even
type Player m = m Move
What the second part means is to use classes like MonadIO and MonadState to keep your Player values polymorphic, and choose an appropriate monad instance only at the end after combining all the players. For example, you might have
computerPlayer :: MonadReader GameState m => Player m
randomPlayer :: MonadRandom m => Player m
humanPlayer :: (MonadIO m, MonadReader GameState m) => Player m
Perhaps you will find there are other players you want, too. Anyway, the point of this is that once you've created all these players, if they are typeclass polymorphic as above, you may choose a particular monad that implements all the required classes and you are done. For example, for these three, you might choose ReaderT GameState IO.
Good luck!
