How to use the same record selector two ways within a function? Lenses? - haskell

I have some data that have different representations based on a type parameter, a la Sandy Maguire's Higher Kinded Data. Here are two examples:
wholeMyData :: MyData Z
wholeMyData = MyData 1 'w'
deltaMyData :: MyData Delta
deltaMyData = MyData Nothing (Just $ Left 'b')
I give some of the implementation details below, but first the actual question.
I often want to get a field of the data, usually via a local definition like:
let x = either (Just . Left . myDataChar) myDataChar -- myDataChar a record of MyData
It happens so often I would like to make a standard combinator,
getSubDelta :: ( _ -> _ ) -> Either a b -> Maybe (Either c d)
getSubDelta f = either (Just . Left . f) f
but filling in that signature is problematic. The easy solution is to just supply the record selector function twice,
getSubDelta :: (a->c) -> (b->d) -> Either a b -> Maybe (Either c d)
getSubDelta f g = either (Just . Left . f) g
but that is unseemly. So my question. Is there a way I can fill in the signature above? I'm assuming there is probably a lens based solution, what would that look like? Would it help with deeply nested data? I can't rely on the data types always being single constructor, so prisms? Traversals? My lens game is weak, so I was hoping to get some advice before I proceed.
Some background. I defined a generic method of performing "deltas", via a mix of GHC.Generics and type families. The gist is to use a type family in the definition of the data type. Then, depending how the type is parameterized, the records will either represent whole data or a change to existing data.
For instance, I define the business data using DeltaPoints.
MyData f = MyData { myDataInt :: DeltaPoint f Int
, myDataChar :: DeltaPoint f Char} deriving Generic
The DeltaPoints are implemented in the library, and have different forms for Delta and Z states.
data DeltaState = Z | Delta deriving (Show,Eq,Read)
type family DeltaPoint (st :: DeltaState) a where
DeltaPoint Z a = a
DeltaPoint Delta a = Maybe (Either a (DeltaOf a))
So a DeltaPoint Z a is just the original data, a, and a DeltaPoint Delta a, may or may not be present, and if it is present will either be a replacement of the original (Left) or an update (DeltaOf a).
The runtime delta functionality is encapsulated in a type class.
class HasDelta a where
type DeltaOf a
delta :: a -> a -> Maybe (Either a (DeltaOf a))
applyDeltaOf :: a -> DeltaOf a -> Maybe a
And with the use of Generics, I can usually get the delta capabilities with something like:
instance HasDelta (MyData Z) where
type (DeltaOf (MyData Z)) = MyData Delta

I think you probably want:
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
getSubDelta :: (forall f . (dat f -> DeltaPoint f fld))
-> Either (dat Z) (dat Delta)
-> Maybe (Either (DeltaPoint Z fld) (DeltaOf fld))
getSubDelta sel = either (Just . Left . sel) sel
x :: Either (MyData Z) (MyData Delta)
-> Maybe (Either (DeltaPoint Z Char) (DeltaOf Char))
x = getSubDelta myDataChar
-- same as: x = either (Just . Left . myDataChar) myDataChar


Simpler syntax for overloading function names

In Haskell with the type families extension, this is perfectly legal (ideone):
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
type family F a
data A = A Int
data B = B Double
type instance F A = Int
type instance F B = Double
class Get a where
get :: a -> F a
instance Get A where
get (A x) = x
instance Get B where
get (B x) = x
main = print $ (get (A 3), get (B 2.0))
Basically I've defined two functions get.
One with type signature:
get :: A -> Int
And the second:
get :: B -> Double
However, there's a lot of cruft in the code above. What I'd like to be able to do is this:
get :: A -> Int
get (A x) = x
get :: B -> Double
get (B x) = x
I understand using this syntax exactly won't work, but is there any way I can get what I want to achieve without a dozen lines defining type instances and class instances? Considering first code works fine, I see no reason why the Haskell compiler can't this shorter code into the above anyway.
This should do the job:
class Get a b | a -> b where
get :: a -> b
instance Get A Int where
Okay, so it only got rid of type families. I don't think you can get rid of type classes, as they are the method of implementing overloading. Besides, without a class, you would not be able to express class constraints in types, e.g. you could not write this:
getPaired :: (Get a b, Get c d) => (a, c) -> (b, d)
I don't know if this is applicable to your use case - your example is rather contrived. But you can use a GADT instead of type classes here:
data T a where
A :: Int -> T Int
B :: Double -> T Double
get :: T a -> a
get (A x) = x
get (B x) = x
In general, there is no way to get the compiler to guess what code you want to write and write it for you. Such a compiler would obsolete a majority of programmers, I suspect, so we should all be glad it doesn't exist. I do agree that you are writing quite a lot to do very little, but perhaps that is a sign there is something wrong with your code, rather than a deficit in the compiler.
Here is another alternative:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
data A = A Int
data B = B Double
class Get a where
type F a
get :: a -> F a
instance Get A where
type F A = Int
get (A x) = x
instance Get B where
type F B = Double
get (B x) = x
main = print (get (A 3), get (B 2.0))
It looks nicer to me, than functional dependencies.
All the stuff is described at

Map identity functor over record

I have a record type like this one:
data VehicleState f = VehicleState
orientation :: f (Quaternion Double),
orientationRate :: f (Quaternion Double),
acceleration :: f (V3 (Acceleration Double)),
velocity :: f (V3 (Velocity Double)),
location :: f (Coordinate),
elapsedTime :: f (Time Double)
deriving (Show)
This is cool, because I can have a VehicleState Signal where I have all sorts of metadata, I can have a VehicleState (Wire s e m ()) where I have the netwire semantics of each signal, or I can have a VehicleState Identity where I have actual values observed at a certain time.
Is there a good way to map back and forth between VehicleState Identity and VehicleState', defined by mapping runIdentity over each field?
data VehicleState' = VehicleState'
orientation :: Quaternion Double,
orientationRate :: Quaternion Double,
acceleration :: V3 (Acceleration Double),
velocity :: V3 (Velocity Double),
location :: Coordinate,
elapsedTime :: Time Double
deriving (Show)
Obviously it's trivial to write one, but I actually have several types like this in my real application and I keep adding or removing fields, so it is tedious.
I am writing some Template Haskell that does it, just wondering if I am reinventing the wheel.
If you're not opposed to type families and don't need too much type inference, you can actually get away with using a single datatype:
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
data Record f = Record
{ x :: Apply f Int
, y :: Apply f Bool
, z :: Apply f String
type Record' = Record IdSym0
test1 :: Record (TyCon1 Maybe)
test1 = Record (Just 3) Nothing (Just "foo")
test2 :: Record'
test2 = Record 2 False "bar"
The Apply type family is defined in the singletons package. It can be applied to
various type functions also defined in that package (and of course, you can define your
own). The IdSym0 has the property that Apply IdSym0 x reduces to plain x. And
TyCon1 has the property that Apply (TyCon1 f) x reduces to f x.
As demonstrated by
test1 and test2, this allows both versions of your datatype. However, you need
type annotations for most records now.

Separation of data loading/unloading and processing logic

Sometimes it is necessary to perform some complex routines in order to retrieve or save data, which is being processed. In this case one wants to separate data generation and data processing logic. The common way is to use iteratee-like functionality. There are lots of decent libraries: pipes, conduit, etc. In most cases they will do the thing. But AFAIK they are (except, maybe, pipes) limited by the order of processing.
But consider a log viewer example: human may desire to ramble back and forth randomly. He also may zoom in and out. I fear iteratees can't help here.
A straightforward solution may look like this:
-- True is for 'right', 'up', etc. and vice versa
type Direction = Bool
class Frame (f :: * -> *) where
type Dimension f :: *
type Origin f :: * -> *
grow', shrink' move' :: Monad m => Dimension f -> Direction -> f a -> m (f a)
move' dim dir f = grow' dim dir f >>= shrink' dim (not dir)
liftF' :: (Origin f a -> b) -> f a -> b
class Frame f => MFrame f where
liftMF' :: (Origin f a -> (b, Origin f a)) -> f a -> (b, f a)
-- Example instance: infinite stream.
data LF a = LF [a] [a] [a]
instance Frame LF where
type Dimension LF = () -- We have only one dimension to move in...
type Origin LF = [] -- User see piece of stream as a plain list
liftF' f (LF _ m _) = f m
grow' () True (LF l m (h:r)) = return $ LF l (m++[h]) r
Then one may wrap this into StateT and so on. So, the questions:
0) Did I miss the point of iteratees completely, and they are applicable here?
1) Did I just reinvent a well-known wheel?
2) It is obvious, that grow and shrink operations are pretty uneffective, as their complexity is proportional to the frame size. Is there a better way to extend zippers like this?
You want lenses, specifically the sequenceOf function. Here is an example of targeted loading of a 3-tuple:
sequenceOf _2 :: (IO a, IO b, IO c) -> IO (IO a, b, IO c)
sequenceOf takes a lens to a polymorphic field that contains a loading action, runs the action, then replaces the field with the result of the action. You can use sequenceOf on your own custom types by just making your type polymorphic in the fields you want to load, like this:
data Asset a b = Asset
{ _art :: a
, _sound :: b
... and also making your lenses use the full four type parameters (this is one reason why they exist):
art :: Lens (Asset a1 b) (Asset a2 b) a1 a2
art k (Asset x y) = fmap (\x' -> Asset x' y) (k x)
sound :: Lens (Asset a b1) (Asset a b2) b1 b2
sound k (Asset x y) = fmap (\y' -> Asset x y') (k y)
... or you can auto generate lenses using makeLenses and they will be sufficiently general.
Then you can just write:
sequenceOf art :: Asset (IO Art) b -> IO (Asset Art b)
... and loading multiple assets is as simple as composing Kleisli arrows::
sequenceOf art >=> sequenceOf sound
:: Asset (IO Art) (IO Sound) -> IO (Asset Art Sound)
... and of course you can nest assets and compose lenses to reach nested assets and everything still "just works".
Now you have a pure Asset type that you can process using pure functions, and all the loading logic is factored out into lenses.
I wrote this on my phone so there may be several errors, but I will fix them later.

Is there an elegant way to have functions return functions of the same type (in a tuple)

I'm using haskell to implement a pattern involving functions that return a value, and themselves (or a function of the same type). Right now I've implemented this like so:
newtype R a = R (a , a -> R a)
-- some toy functions to demonstrate
alpha :: String -> R String
alpha str
| str == reverse str = R (str , omega)
| otherwise = R (reverse str , alpha)
omega :: String -> R String
omega (s:t:r)
| s == t = R (s:t:r , alpha)
| otherwise = R (s:s:t:r , omega)
The driving force for these types of functions is a function called cascade:
cascade :: (a -> R a) -> [a] -> [a]
cascade _ [] = []
cascade f (l:ls) = el : cascade g ls where
R (el , g) = f l
Which takes a seed function and a list, and returns a list created by applying the seed function to the first element of the list, applying the function returned by that to the second element of the list, and so on and so forth.
This works--however, in the process of using this for slightly more useful things, I noticed that a lot of times I had the basic units of which are functions that returned functions other than themselves only rarely; and explicitly declaring a function to return itself was becoming somewhat tedious. I'd rather be able to use something like a Monad's return function, however, I have no idea what bind would do for functions of these types, especially since I never intended these to be linked with anything other than the function they return in the first place.
Trying to shoehorn this into a Monad started worrying me about whether or not what I was doing was useful, so, in short, what I want to know is:
Is what I'm doing a Bad Thing? if not,
Has what I'm doing been done before/am I reinventing the wheel here? if not,
Is there an elegant way to do this, or have I already reached this and am being greedy by wanting some kind of return analogue?
(Incidentally, besides, 'functions that return themeselves' or 'recursive data structure (of functions)', I'm not quite sure what this kind of pattern is called, and has made trying to do effective research in it difficult--if anyone could give me a name for this pattern (if it indeed has one), that alone would be very helpful)
As a high-level consideration, I'd say that your type represents a stateful stream transformer. What's a bit confusing here is that your type is defined as
newtype R a = R (a , a -> R a)
instead of
newtype R a = R (a -> (R a, a))
which would be a bit more natural in the streaming context because you typically don't "produce" something if you haven't received anything yet. Your functions would then have simpler types too:
alpha, omage :: R String
cascade :: R a -> [a] -> [a]
If we try to generalize this idea of a stream transformer, we soon realize that the case where we transform a list of as into a list of as is just a special case. With the proper infrastructure in place we could just as well produce a list of bs. So we try to generalize the type R:
newtype R a b = R (a -> (R a b, b))
I've seen this kind of structure being called a Circuit, which happens to be a full-blown arrow. Arrows are a generalization of the concept of functions and are an even more powerful construct than monads. I can't pretend to understand the category-theoretical background, but it's definitely interesting to play with them. For example, the trivial transformation is just
import Control.Category
import Control.Arrow
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import qualified Data.List as L
-- ... Definition of Circuit and instances
cascade :: Circuit a b -> [a] -> [b]
cascade cir = snd . L.mapAccumL unCircuit cir
ghci> cascade ( [1,2,3,4]
We can also simulate state by parameterizing the circuit we return as the continuation:
countingCircuit :: (a -> b) -> Circuit a (Int, b)
countingCircuit f = cir 0
where cir i = Circuit $ \x -> (cir (i+1), (i, f x))
ghci> cascade (countingCircuit (+5)) [10,3,2,11]
And the fact that our circuit type is a category gives us a nice way to compose circuits:
ghci> cascade (countingCircuit (+5) . arr (*2)) [10,3,2,11]
It looks like what you have is a simplified version of a stream. That is to
say, a representation of an infinite stream of values. I don't think you can
easily define this as a monad, because you use the same type for your seed as
for your elements, which makes defining fmap difficult (it seems that you
would need to invert the function provided to fmap so as to be able to
recover the seed). You can make this a monad by making the seed type
independent of the element type like so
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data Stream a = forall s. Stream a s (s -> Stream a)
This will allow you to define a Functor and Monad instance as follows
unfold :: (b -> (a, b)) -> b -> Stream a
unfold f b = Stream a b' (unfold f)
where (a, b') = f b
shead :: Stream a -> a
shead (Stream a _ _) = a
stail :: Stream a -> Stream a
stail (Stream _ b f) = f b
diag :: Stream (Stream a) -> Stream a
diag = unfold f
where f str = (shead $ shead str, stail $ fmap stail str)
sjoin :: Stream (Stream a) -> Stream a
sjoin = diag
instance Functor Stream where
fmap f (Stream a b g) = Stream (f a) b (fmap f . g)
instance Monad Stream where
return = unfold (\x -> (x, x))
xs >>= f = diag $ fmap f xs
Note that this only obeys the Monad laws when viewed as a set, as it does not
preserve element ordering.
This explanation
of the stream monad uses infinite lists, which works just as well in Haskell
since they can be generated in a lazy fashion. If you check out the
documentation for the Stream type in the vector library, you will
find a more complicated version, so that it can be used in efficient stream fusion.
I don't have much to add, except to note that your cascade function can be written as a left fold (and hence also as a right fold, though I haven't done the transformation.)
cascade f = reverse . fst . foldl func ([], f)
func (rs,g) s = let R (r,h) = g s in (r:rs,h)

Different types in case expression result in Haskell

I'm trying to implement some kind of message parser in Haskell, so I decided to use types for message types, not constructors:
data DebugMsg = DebugMsg String
data UpdateMsg = UpdateMsg [String]
.. and so on. I belive it is more useful to me, because I can define typeclass, say, Msg for message with all information/parsers/actions related to this message.
But I have problem here. When I try to write parsing function using case:
parseMsg :: (Msg a) => Int -> Get a
parseMsg code =
case code of
1 -> (parse :: Get DebugMsg)
2 -> (parse :: Get UpdateMsg)
..type of case result should be same in all branches. Is there any solution? And does it even possible specifiy only typeclass for function result and expect it to be fully polymorphic?
Yes, all the right hand sides of all your subcases must have the exact same type; and this type must be the same as the type of the whole case expression. This is a feature; it's required for the language to be able to guarantee at compilation time that there cannot be any type errors at runtime.
Some of the comments on your question mention that the simplest solution is to use a sum (a.k.a. variant) type:
data ParserMsg = DebugMsg String | UpdateMsg [String]
A consequence of this is that the set of alternative results is defined ahead of time. This is sometimes an upside (your code can be certain that there are no unhandled subcases), sometimes a downside (there is a finite number of subcases and they are determined at compilation time).
A more advanced solution in some cases—which you might not need, but I'll just throw it in—is to refactor the code to use functions as data. The idea is that you create a datatype that has functions (or monadic actions) as its fields, and then different behaviors = different functions as record fields.
Compare these two styles with this example. First, specifying different cases as a sum (this uses GADTs, but should be simple enough to understand):
import Data.Vector (Vector, (!))
import qualified Data.Vector as V
type Size = Int
type Index = Int
-- | A 'Frame' translates between a set of values and consecutive array
-- indexes. (Note: this simplified implementation doesn't handle duplicate
-- values.)
data Frame p where
-- | A 'SimpleFrame' is backed by just a 'Vector'
SimpleFrame :: Vector p -> Frame p
-- | A 'ProductFrame' is a pair of 'Frame's.
ProductFrame :: Frame p -> Frame q -> Frame (p, q)
getSize :: Frame p -> Size
getSize (SimpleFrame v) = V.length v
getSize (ProductFrame f g) = getSize f * getSize g
getIndex :: Frame p -> Index -> p
getIndex (SimpleFrame v) i = v!i
getIndex (ProductFrame f g) ij =
let (i, j) = splitIndex (getSize f, getSize g) ij
in (getIndex f i, getIndex g j)
pointIndex :: Eq p => Frame p -> p -> Maybe Index
pointIndex (SimpleFrame v) p = V.elemIndex v p
pointIndex (ProductFrame f g) (p, q) =
joinIndexes (getSize f, getSize g) (pointIndex f p) (pointIndex g q)
joinIndexes :: (Size, Size) -> Index -> Index -> Index
joinIndexes (_, rsize) i j = i * rsize + j
splitIndex :: (Size, Size) -> Index -> (Index, Index)
splitIndex (_, rsize) ij = (ij `div` rsize, ij `mod` rsize)
In this first example, a Frame can only ever be either a SimpleFrame or a ProductFrame, and every Frame function must be defined to handle both cases.
Second, datatype with function members (I elide code common to both examples):
data Frame p = Frame { getSize :: Size
, getIndex :: Index -> p
, pointIndex :: p -> Maybe Index }
simpleFrame :: Eq p => Vector p -> Frame p
simpleFrame v = Frame (V.length v) (v!) (V.elemIndex v)
productFrame :: Frame p -> Frame q -> Frame (p, q)
productFrame f g = Frame newSize getI pointI
where newSize = getSize f * getSize g
getI ij = let (i, j) = splitIndex (getSize f, getSize g) ij
in (getIndex f i, getIndex g j)
pointI (p, q) = joinIndexes (getSize f, getSize g)
(pointIndex f p)
(pointIndex g q)
Here the Frame type takes the getIndex and pointIndex operations as data members of the Frame itself. There isn't a fixed compile-time set of subcases, because the behavior of a Frame is determined by its element functions, which are supplied at runtime. So without having to touch those definitions, we could add:
import Control.Applicative ((<|>))
concatFrame :: Frame p -> Frame p -> Frame p
concatFrame f g = Frame newSize getI pointI
where newSize = getSize f + getSize g
getI ij | ij < getSize f = ij
| otherwise = ij - getSize f
pointI p = getPoint f p <|> fmap (+(getSize f)) (getPoint g p)
I call this second style "behavioral types," but that really is just me.
Note that type classes in GHC are implemented similarly to this—there is a hidden "dictionary" argument passed around, and this dictionary is a record whose members are implementations for the class methods:
data ShowDictionary a { primitiveShow :: a -> String }
stringShowDictionary :: ShowDictionary String
stringShowDictionary = ShowDictionary { primitiveShow = ... }
-- show "whatever"
-- ---> primitiveShow stringShowDictionary "whatever"
You could accomplish something like this with existential types, however it wouldn't work how you want it to, so you really shouldn't.
Doing it with normal polymorphism, as you have in your example, won't work at all. What your type says is that the function is valid for all a--that is, the caller gets to choose what kind of message to receive. However, you have to choose the message based on the numeric code, so this clearly won't do.
To clarify: all standard Haskell type variables are universally quantified by default. You can read your type signature as ∀a. Msg a => Int -> Get a. What this says is that the function is define for every value of a, regardless of what the argument may be. This means that it has to be able to return whatever particular a the caller wants, regardless of what argument it gets.
What you really want is something like ∃a. Msg a => Int -> Get a. This is why I said you could do it with existential types. However, this is relatively complicated in Haskell (you can't quite write a type signature like that) and will not actually solve your problem correctly; it's just something to keep in mind for the future.
Fundamentally, using classes and types like this is not very idiomatic in Haskell, because that's not what classes are meant to do. You would be much better off sticking to a normal algebraic data type for your messages.
I would have a single type like this:
data Message = DebugMsg String
| UpdateMsg [String]
So instead of having a parse function per type, just do the parsing in the parseMsg function as appropriate:
parseMsg :: Int -> String -> Message
parseMsg n msg = case n of
1 -> DebugMsg msg
2 -> UpdateMsg [msg]
(Obviously fill in whatever logic you actually have there.)
Essentially, this is the classical use for normal algebraic data types. There is no reason to have different types for the different kinds of messages, and life is much easier if they have the same type.
It looks like you're trying to emulate sub-typing from other languages. As a rule of thumb, you use algebraic data types in place of most of the uses of sub-types in other languages. This is certainly one of those cases.
