How do I make a Range reverse on condition? - rust

I have a range, that I want to reverse if a condition is satisfied. Since for i in 0..9 will iterate the same way as for i in 9..0 simply swapping out the numbers will not work. Also (0..9).stepy_by(-1) is not an option as .step_by() only accepts a usize. Therefore I tried so implement something like the following:
fn create_range(rev: bool) -> Range<usize> {
if rev {
} else {
Which unfortunately also des not work since 0..9 returns a Range<usize> but (0..9).rev() returns a Rev<Range<usize>> so the types do not match.
I ended up putting everything that I call within the loop in a function but I am not really satisfied with that.
if rev {
for i in (0..9).rev() {
} else {
for i in 0..9 {
The question is: Would it be simply possible to reverse a range if a condition is satisfied?

itertools has the type Either that can be used to return either of two compatible iterators:
use itertools; // 0.8.2
fn create_range(
rev: bool,
) -> itertools::Either<impl Iterator<Item = usize>, impl Iterator<Item = usize>> {
if !rev {
} else {
fn main() {
println!("Not reversed:");
for a in create_range(false) {
println!("{}", a);
for a in create_range(true) {
println!("{}", a);
(Permalink to the playground)

Another solution without itertools:
fn create_range(rev: bool) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> {
let (mut start, step) = if rev {
(9usize, usize::max_value())
} else {
(usize::max_value(), 1)
std::iter::repeat_with(move || {
start = start.wrapping_add(step);
fn main() {
println!("Not reversed:");
for a in create_range(false) {
println!("{}", a);
for a in create_range(true) {
println!("{}", a);
(Permalink to the playground)
This is a bit more complicated and won't generalize as easily to things that are not ranges. It might be a tiny bit faster as well. The dance with usize::max_value() and wrapping_add is necessary to avoid overflow checks, but is perfectly defined.

If you don't care about allocation and performance isn't a huge concern, you can do something like:
let vals = if start < end {
} else {
for i in vals {
Obviously this isn't ideal since you're allocating all those numbers, but it's a quick/dirty solution that might work in some cases.


How to achieve conditional nested formatting without multiple allocations?

I have a format string consisting of multiple conditional components and I'm looking for a solution that doesn't need multiple allocations of Strings for the intermediate steps. If I create each single component of the final format string with the format!-macro then it works but I need an allocation for each component.
I tried experimenting with using only macros to generate the complex format string and its arguments. However, this always resulted in "temporary value is freed at the end of this statement" errors. I tried to use one single buffer of type impl core::fmt::Write but I couldn't make success with this either.
On a high level, I want something like this:
fn main() {
let prefix_include_a = true;
let prefix_include_b = true;
// prefix itself is a formatted string and it is further formatted here
prefix = format_prefix(prefix_include_a, prefix_include_b),
message = "message"
// formats the prefix component of the final string.
// needs multiple String allocations as `format!` is used
fn format_prefix(inc_a: bool, inc_b: bool) -> String {
a = if inc_a {
format!("{:.1}", 1.234)
} else {
b = if inc_b {
format!("{:.2}", 1.234)
} else {
Is this possible with no or only one single allocation?
The simplest solution is to just write! directly to the underlying stream e.g.
use std::io::{stdout, Write};
fn main() {
let prefix_include_a = true;
let prefix_include_b = true;
let mut stdout = stdout();
let _ = format_prefix(&mut stdout, prefix_include_a, prefix_include_b);
let _ = write!(stdout, "{:>10}", "message");
// formats the prefix component of the final string.
// needs multiple String allocations as `format!` is used
fn format_prefix(mut s: impl Write, inc_a: bool, inc_b: bool) -> std::io::Result<()> {
write!(s, "[")?;
if inc_a {
write!(s, "{:<5.1}", 1.234)?;
} else {
write!(s, " ")?;
if inc_b {
write!(s, "{:<5.2}", 1.234)?;
} else {
write!(s, " ")?;
write!(s, "]")?;
An alternative is to reify prefix into a type, and implement Display for it. I would think (hope?) the formatter is a passthrough to the underlying stream, though I've never actually looked:
use std::io::{stdout, Write};
fn main() {
let prefix_include_a = true;
let prefix_include_b = true;
prefix = Prefix(prefix_include_a, prefix_include_b),
message = "message"
struct Prefix(bool, bool);
impl std::fmt::Display for Prefix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "[")?;
if self.0 {
write!(f, "{:<5.1}", 1.234)?;
} else {
write!(f, " ")?;
if self.1 {
write!(f, "{:<5.2}", 1.234)?;
} else {
write!(f, " ")?;
write!(f, "]")?;
Note: I've not handled the padding of the prefix in either version, though I don't think it makes much sense: both prefix values are padded to 5, so the prefix is always at least 12 wide. Padding to 10 makes no sense.
The prefix object could, however, use the externally specified padding to distribute to internal paddings, if that's desirable. See std::fmt::Formatter for information you can obtain about formatting specifiers.
To clean up the conditionals, you could probably use format_args!, though I've pretty little experience with that.

How can I easily get a reference to a value after it has been moved into a tuple-type enum variant?

I want to move a value into a tuple-type enum variant and obtain a reference to the value after it has been moved. I see how this is possible with an if let statement, but this seems like this should be unnecessary when the particular variant is known statically.
Is there any way to get the reference to the moved value without requiring an if let or match?
This code block is a simple illustration of my question (see below for a more challenging case):
enum Transport {
Car(u32), // horsepower
Horse(String), // name
fn do_something(x: &String) {
fn main() {
// Can I avoid needing this if, which is clearly redundant?
if let Transport::Horse(ref name) = Transport::Horse("daisy".into()) {
else {
// Can never happen
// I tried the following, it gives:
// "error[E0005]: refutable pattern in local binding: `Car(_)` not covered"
let Transport::Horse(ref name) = Transport::Horse("daisy".into());
It is easy to find ways to side-step the issue in the above code, since there are no real interface requirements. Consider instead the following example, where I am building a simple API for building trees (where each node can have n children). Nodes have an add_child_node method returning a reference to the node that was added, to allow chaining of calls to quickly build deep trees. (It is debatable whether this is a good API, but that is irrelevant to the question). add_child_node must return a mutable reference to the contents of an enum variant. Is the if let required in this example (without changing the API)?
struct Node {
children: Vec<Child>,
// ...
enum Child {
impl Node {
fn add_child_node(&mut self, node: Node) -> &mut Node {
// It seems like this if should be unnecessary
if let Some(&mut Child::Node(ref mut x)) = self.children.last() {
return x;
// Required to compile, since we must return something
fn add_child_leaf(&mut self) {
// ...
No. You can use unreachable!() for the else case, and it's usually clear even without message/comment what's going on. The compiler is also very likely to optimize the check away.
If the variants have the same type you can implement AsRef and use the Transport as a &str:
enum Transport {
fn do_something<S: AsRef<str>>(x: &S) {
println!("{}", x.as_ref());
impl AsRef<str> for Transport {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Transport::Car(s) => s,
Transport::Horse(s) => s,
fn main() {
let transport = Transport::Horse("daisy".into());
Otherwise you need to use a let if binding as you are doing. No need to use an else clause if you don't want to:
if let Transport::Horse(ref name) = Transport::Horse("daisy".into()) {
define From<Transport> for String:
impl From<Transport> for String {
fn from(t: Transport) -> String {
match t {
Transport::Car(value) => value.to_string(),
Transport::Horse(name) => name,
fn do_something(x: Transport) {
println!("{}", String::from(x));
fn main() {
let horse = Transport::Horse("daisy".to_string());
let car = Transport::Car(150);

Can I define a macro which will expand into a function call?

I've (naively) tried this, but it doesn't print anything to the screen:
macro_rules! foo {
($suffix:tt, $arg:expr) => {
concat!("foo", $suffix, "(", $arg, ")");
fn foo_i32(x: i32) {
println!("i32 {}", x);
fn foo_bool(x: bool) {
println!("bool {}", x);
fn main() {
foo!("bool", true);
foo!("i32", 1);
Yes, and no.
First of, concat! generates a string, so your code is essentially the same as if you wrote:
fn main() {
which is a no-op.
To generate Rust code, the macro does not need to involve strings at all:
macro_rules! foo {
($suffix:tt, $arg:expr) => {
which you could call as foo!(foo_bool, true);.
If however you want to construct the name foo_bool from foo and bool, you need to use concat_idents, which is currently unstable and unlikely to get stable any time soon (because it causes some hygiene issues):
macro_rules! foo {
($suffix:tt, $arg:expr) => {
concat_idents!(foo_, $suffix)($arg);
fn foo_i32(x: i32) {
println!("i32 {}", x);
fn foo_bool(x: bool) {
println!("bool {}", x);
fn main() {
foo!(bool, true);
foo!(i32, 1);

How to avoid cloning a big integer in rust

I used the num::BigUInt type to avoid integer overflows when calculating the factorial of a number.
However, I had to resort to using .clone() to pass rustc's borrow checker.
How can I refactor the factorial function to avoid cloning what could be large numbers many times?
use num::{BigUint, FromPrimitive, One};
fn main() {
for n in -2..33 {
let bign: Option<BigUint> = FromPrimitive::from_isize(n);
match bign {
Some(n) => println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n.clone())),
None => println!("Number must be non-negative: {}", n),
fn factorial(number: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if number < FromPrimitive::from_usize(2).unwrap() {
} else {
number.clone() * factorial(number - BigUint::one())
I tried to use a reference to BigUInt in the function definition but got some errors saying that BigUInt did not support references.
The first clone is easy to remove. You are trying to use n twice in the same expression, so don't use just one expression:
print!("{}! = ", n);
println!("{}", factorial(n));
is equivalent to println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n.clone())) but does not try to move n and use a reference to it at the same time.
The second clone can be removed by changing factorial not to be recursive:
fn factorial(mut number: BigUint) -> BigUint {
let mut result = BigUint::one();
let one = BigUint::one();
while number > one {
result *= &number;
number -= &one;
This might seem unidiomatic however. There is a range function, that you could use with for, however, it uses clone internally, defeating the point.
I don't think take a BigUint as parameter make sense for a factorial. u32 should be enough:
use num::{BigUint, One};
fn main() {
for n in 0..42 {
println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n));
fn factorial_aux(accu: BigUint, i: u32) -> BigUint {
if i > 1 {
factorial_aux(accu * i, i - 1)
else {
fn factorial(n: u32) -> BigUint {
factorial_aux(BigUint::one(), n)
Or if you really want to keep BigUint:
use num::{BigUint, FromPrimitive, One, Zero};
fn main() {
for i in (0..42).flat_map(|i| FromPrimitive::from_i32(i)) {
print!("{}! = ", i);
println!("{}", factorial(i));
fn factorial_aux(accu: BigUint, i: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if !i.is_one() {
factorial_aux(accu * &i, i - 1u32)
} else {
fn factorial(n: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if !n.is_zero() {
factorial_aux(BigUint::one(), n)
} else {
Both version doesn't do any clone.
If you use ibig::UBig instead of BigUint, those clones will be free, because ibig is optimized not to allocate memory from the heap for numbers this small.

Consolidating multiple copies of a character at start of string into one in Rust

I'm working on a parser for a mini language, and I have the need to differentiate between plain strings ("hello") and strings that are meant to be operators/commands, and start with a specific sigil character (e.g. "$add").
I also want to add a way for the user to escape the sigil, in which a double-sigil gets consolidated into one, and then is treated like a plain string.
As an example:
"hello" becomes Str("hello")
"$add" becomes Operator(Op::Add)
"$$add" becomes Str("$add")
What would be the best way to do this check and manipulation? I was looking for a method that counts how many times a character appears at the start of a string, to no avail.
Can't you just use starts_with?
fn main() {
let line_list= [ "hello", "$add", "$$add" ];
let mut result;
for line in line_list.iter() {
if line.starts_with("$$") {
result = line[1..].to_string();
else if line.starts_with("$") {
result = format!("operator:{}", &line[1..]);
else {
result = line.to_string();
println!("result = {}", result);
result = hello
result = operator:add
result = $add
According to the comments, your problem seems to be related to the access to the first chars.
The proper and efficient way is to get a char iterator:
enum Token {
impl From<&str> for Token {
fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
let mut chars = s.chars();
let first_char =;
let second_char =;
match (first_char, second_char) {
(Some('$'), Some('$')) => {
Token::Str(format!("${}", chars.as_str()))
(Some('$'), Some(c)) => {
// your real handling here is probably different
Token::Operator(format!("{}{}", c, chars.as_str()))
_ => {
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", Token::from("π"));
println!("{:?}", Token::from("hello"));
println!("{:?}", Token::from("$add"));
println!("{:?}", Token::from("$$add"));
