How to avoid cloning a big integer in rust - reference

I used the num::BigUInt type to avoid integer overflows when calculating the factorial of a number.
However, I had to resort to using .clone() to pass rustc's borrow checker.
How can I refactor the factorial function to avoid cloning what could be large numbers many times?
use num::{BigUint, FromPrimitive, One};
fn main() {
for n in -2..33 {
let bign: Option<BigUint> = FromPrimitive::from_isize(n);
match bign {
Some(n) => println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n.clone())),
None => println!("Number must be non-negative: {}", n),
fn factorial(number: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if number < FromPrimitive::from_usize(2).unwrap() {
} else {
number.clone() * factorial(number - BigUint::one())
I tried to use a reference to BigUInt in the function definition but got some errors saying that BigUInt did not support references.

The first clone is easy to remove. You are trying to use n twice in the same expression, so don't use just one expression:
print!("{}! = ", n);
println!("{}", factorial(n));
is equivalent to println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n.clone())) but does not try to move n and use a reference to it at the same time.
The second clone can be removed by changing factorial not to be recursive:
fn factorial(mut number: BigUint) -> BigUint {
let mut result = BigUint::one();
let one = BigUint::one();
while number > one {
result *= &number;
number -= &one;
This might seem unidiomatic however. There is a range function, that you could use with for, however, it uses clone internally, defeating the point.

I don't think take a BigUint as parameter make sense for a factorial. u32 should be enough:
use num::{BigUint, One};
fn main() {
for n in 0..42 {
println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n));
fn factorial_aux(accu: BigUint, i: u32) -> BigUint {
if i > 1 {
factorial_aux(accu * i, i - 1)
else {
fn factorial(n: u32) -> BigUint {
factorial_aux(BigUint::one(), n)
Or if you really want to keep BigUint:
use num::{BigUint, FromPrimitive, One, Zero};
fn main() {
for i in (0..42).flat_map(|i| FromPrimitive::from_i32(i)) {
print!("{}! = ", i);
println!("{}", factorial(i));
fn factorial_aux(accu: BigUint, i: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if !i.is_one() {
factorial_aux(accu * &i, i - 1u32)
} else {
fn factorial(n: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if !n.is_zero() {
factorial_aux(BigUint::one(), n)
} else {
Both version doesn't do any clone.

If you use ibig::UBig instead of BigUint, those clones will be free, because ibig is optimized not to allocate memory from the heap for numbers this small.


How to format to other number bases besides decimal, hexadecimal? [duplicate]

Currently I'm using the following code to return a number as a binary (base 2), octal (base 8), or hexadecimal (base 16) string.
fn convert(inp: u32, out: u32, numb: &String) -> Result<String, String> {
match isize::from_str_radix(numb, inp) {
Ok(a) => match out {
2 => Ok(format!("{:b}", a)),
8 => Ok(format!("{:o}", a)),
16 => Ok(format!("{:x}", a)),
10 => Ok(format!("{}", a)),
0 | 1 => Err(format!("No base lower than 2!")),
_ => Err(format!("printing in this base is not supported")),
Err(e) => Err(format!(
"Could not convert {} to a number in base {}.\n{:?}\n",
numb, inp, e
Now I want to replace the inner match statement so I can return the number as an arbitrarily based string (e.g. base 3.) Are there any built-in functions to convert a number into any given radix, similar to JavaScript's Number.toString() method?
For now, you cannot do it using the standard library, but you can:
use my crate radix_fmt
or roll your own implementation:
fn format_radix(mut x: u32, radix: u32) -> String {
let mut result = vec![];
loop {
let m = x % radix;
x = x / radix;
// will panic if you use a bad radix (< 2 or > 36).
result.push(std::char::from_digit(m, radix).unwrap());
if x == 0 {
fn main() {
assert_eq!(format_radix(1234, 10), "1234");
assert_eq!(format_radix(1000, 10), "1000");
assert_eq!(format_radix(0, 10), "0");
If you wanted to eke out a little more performance, you can create a struct and implement Display or Debug for it. This avoids allocating a String. For maximum over-engineering, you can also have a stack-allocated array instead of the Vec.
Here is Boiethios' answer with these changes applied:
struct Radix {
x: i32,
radix: u32,
impl Radix {
fn new(x: i32, radix: u32) -> Result<Self, &'static str> {
if radix < 2 || radix > 36 {
Err("Unnsupported radix")
} else {
Ok(Self { x, radix })
use std::fmt;
impl fmt::Display for Radix {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
let mut x = self.x;
// Good for binary formatting of `u128`s
let mut result = ['\0'; 128];
let mut used = 0;
let negative = x < 0;
if negative {
let mut x = x as u32;
loop {
let m = x % self.radix;
x /= self.radix;
result[used] = std::char::from_digit(m, self.radix).unwrap();
used += 1;
if x == 0 {
if negative {
write!(f, "-")?;
for c in result[..used].iter().rev() {
write!(f, "{}", c)?;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(Radix::new(1234, 10).to_string(), "1234");
assert_eq!(Radix::new(1000, 10).to_string(), "1000");
assert_eq!(Radix::new(0, 10).to_string(), "0");
This could still be optimized by:
creating an ASCII array instead of a char array
not zero-initializing the array
Since these avenues require unsafe or an external crate like arraybuf, I have not included them. You can see sample code in internal implementation details of the standard library.
Here is an extended solution based on the first comment which does not bind the parameter x to be a u32:
fn format_radix(mut x: u128, radix: u32) -> String {
let mut result = vec![];
loop {
let m = x % radix as u128;
x = x / radix as u128;
// will panic if you use a bad radix (< 2 or > 36).
result.push(std::char::from_digit(m as u32, radix).unwrap());
if x == 0 {
This is faster than the other answer:
use std::char::from_digit;
fn encode(mut n: u32, r: u32) -> Option<String> {
let mut s = String::new();
loop {
if let Some(c) = from_digit(n % r, r) {
s.insert(0, c)
} else {
return None
n /= r;
if n == 0 {
Note I also tried these, but they were slower:

Integer operation with boundary when overflow in Rust

The problem I recently meet requires to do integer operation with boundary based on the bits of integer type.
For example, using i32 integer to do add operation, here's a piece of pseudo code to present the idea:
sum = a + b
max(min(sum, 2147483647), -2147483648)
// if the sum is larger than 2147483647, then return 2147483647.
// if the sum is smaller than -2147483648, then return -2147483648.
To achieve this, I naively wrote following ugly code:
fn i32_add_handling_by_casting(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
let sum: i32;
if (a as i64 + b as i64) > 2147483647 as i64 {
sum = 2147483647;
} else if (a as i64 + b as i64) < -2147483648 as i64 {
sum = -2147483648;
} else {
sum = a + b;
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_casting(2147483647, 1));
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_casting(-2147483648, -1));
The code works well; but my six sense told me that using type casting is problematic. Thus, I tried to use traditional panic (exception) handling to deal with this...but I stuck with below code (the panic result can't detect underflow or overflow):
use std::panic;
fn i32_add_handling_by_panic(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
let sum: i32;
let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| {a + b}).ok();
match result {
Some(result) => { sum = result },
None => { sum = ? }
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_panic(2147483647, 1));
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_panic(-2147483648, -1));
To sum up, I have 3 questions:
Is my type casting solution valid for strong typing language? (If possible, I need the explanation why it's valid or not valid.)
Is there other better way to deal with this problem?
Could panic handle different exception separately?
In this case, the Rust standard library has a method called saturating_add, which supports your use case:
assert_eq!(10_i32.saturating_add(20), 30);
assert_eq!(i32::MIN.saturating_add(-1), i32::MIN);
assert_eq!(i32::MAX.saturating_add(1), i32::MAX);
Internally, it is implemented as a compiler intrinsic.
In general, such problems are not intended to be solved with panics and unwinding, which are intended for cleanup in exceptional cases only. A hand-written version might involve type casting, but calculating a as i64 + b as i64 only once. Alternatively, here's a version using checked_add, which returns None rather than panics in case of overflow:
fn saturating_add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
if let Some(sum) = a.checked_add(b) {
} else if a < 0 {
} else {

How do I make a Range reverse on condition?

I have a range, that I want to reverse if a condition is satisfied. Since for i in 0..9 will iterate the same way as for i in 9..0 simply swapping out the numbers will not work. Also (0..9).stepy_by(-1) is not an option as .step_by() only accepts a usize. Therefore I tried so implement something like the following:
fn create_range(rev: bool) -> Range<usize> {
if rev {
} else {
Which unfortunately also des not work since 0..9 returns a Range<usize> but (0..9).rev() returns a Rev<Range<usize>> so the types do not match.
I ended up putting everything that I call within the loop in a function but I am not really satisfied with that.
if rev {
for i in (0..9).rev() {
} else {
for i in 0..9 {
The question is: Would it be simply possible to reverse a range if a condition is satisfied?
itertools has the type Either that can be used to return either of two compatible iterators:
use itertools; // 0.8.2
fn create_range(
rev: bool,
) -> itertools::Either<impl Iterator<Item = usize>, impl Iterator<Item = usize>> {
if !rev {
} else {
fn main() {
println!("Not reversed:");
for a in create_range(false) {
println!("{}", a);
for a in create_range(true) {
println!("{}", a);
(Permalink to the playground)
Another solution without itertools:
fn create_range(rev: bool) -> impl Iterator<Item = usize> {
let (mut start, step) = if rev {
(9usize, usize::max_value())
} else {
(usize::max_value(), 1)
std::iter::repeat_with(move || {
start = start.wrapping_add(step);
fn main() {
println!("Not reversed:");
for a in create_range(false) {
println!("{}", a);
for a in create_range(true) {
println!("{}", a);
(Permalink to the playground)
This is a bit more complicated and won't generalize as easily to things that are not ranges. It might be a tiny bit faster as well. The dance with usize::max_value() and wrapping_add is necessary to avoid overflow checks, but is perfectly defined.
If you don't care about allocation and performance isn't a huge concern, you can do something like:
let vals = if start < end {
} else {
for i in vals {
Obviously this isn't ideal since you're allocating all those numbers, but it's a quick/dirty solution that might work in some cases.

Return value if passes predicate, else default

How can I replace a value if it fails a predicate?
To illustrate:
assert_eq!((3-5).but_if(|v| v < 0).then(0), 0)
I thought there would be something on Option or Result to allow this, but I cannot find it.
I thought there would be something on Option or Result
But neither of these types appear here. Subtracting two numbers yields another number.
It appears you just want a traditional if-else statement:
fn main() {
let a = 3 - 5;
assert_eq!(if a < 0 { 0 } else { a }, 0);
Since you have two values that can be compared, you may also be interested in max:
use std::cmp::max;
fn main() {
assert_eq!(max(0, 3 - 5), 0);
You can make your proposed syntax work, but I'm not sure it's worth it. Presented without further comment...
fn main() {
assert_eq!((3 - 5).but_if(|&v| v < 0).then(0), 0)
trait ButIf: Sized {
fn but_if<F>(self, f: F) -> ButIfTail<Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool;
// or `impl<T> ButIf for T {` for maximum flexibility
impl ButIf for i32 {
fn but_if<F>(self, f: F) -> ButIfTail<Self>
where F: FnOnce(&Self) -> bool,
ButIfTail(f(&self), self)
struct ButIfTail<T>(bool, T);
impl<T> ButIfTail<T> {
fn then(self, alt: T) -> T {
if self.0 {
} else {
Update: This got a bit nicer since Rust 1.27, when Option::filter was added:
assert_eq!(Some(3 - 5).filter(|&v| v >= 0).unwrap_or(0), 0);
Prior to Rust 1.27, you would have needed an iterator in order to write a single, chained expression without lots of additional custom machinery:
assert_eq!(Some(3 - 5).into_iter().filter(|&v| v >= 0).next().unwrap_or(0), 0);

Creating an iterator that either steps upwards or downwards

I'd ideally like to have something like the following:
iter = if go_up {
(min .. limit)
} else {
(limit .. max).rev()
to create an iterator that either counts up or down to some limit, depending on the situation. However, because Range and Rev are different types, I can't do this. I can use the step_by feature, but because my limits are an unsigned data-type, I then also have to cast everything. The best I have so far is:
iter = if go_up {
(min as i64 .. limit as i64).step_by(1)
} else {
(limit as i64 .. max as i64).step_by(-1)
but this requires both unstable features, and shoehorning my types. It seems like there should be a neater way to do this; does anyone know one?
The direct solution is to simply create an iterator that can either count upwards or downwards. Use an enum to choose between the types:
use std::ops::Range;
use std::iter::Rev;
enum Foo {
impl Foo {
fn new(min: u8, limit: u8, max: u8, go_up: bool) -> Foo {
if go_up {
} else {
impl Iterator for Foo {
type Item = u8;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
match *self {
Foo::Upwards(ref mut i) =>,
Foo::Downwards(ref mut i) =>,
fn main() {
for i in Foo::new(1, 5, 10, true) {
println!("{}", i);
for i in Foo::new(1, 5, 10, false) {
println!("{}", i);
Another pragmatic solution that introduces a little bit of indirection is to Box the iterators:
fn thing(min: u8, limit: u8, max: u8, go_up: bool) -> Box<Iterator<Item = u8>> {
if go_up {
} else {
fn main() {
for i in thing(1, 5, 10, true) {
println!("{}", i);
for i in thing(1, 5, 10, false) {
println!("{}", i);
Personally, your solution
iter = if go_up {
(min as i64 .. limit as i64).step_by(1)
} else {
(limit as i64 .. max as i64).step_by(-1)
is a better option than Shepmaster's first example, since it's more complete (eg. there's a size_hint), it's more likely to be correct by virtue of being a standard tool and it's faster to write.
It's true that this is unstable, but there's nothing stopping you from just copying the source in the meantime. That gives you a nice upgrade path for when this eventually gets stabilized.
The enum wrapper technique is great in more complex cases, though, but in this case I'd be tempted to KISS.
