I want to calculate the Jaro Winkler distance between two columns of a PySpark DataFrame. Jaro Winkler distance is available through pyjarowinkler package on all nodes.
pyjarowinkler works as follows:
from pyjarowinkler import distance
distance.get_jaro_distance("A", "A", winkler=True, scaling=0.1)
I am trying to write a Pandas UDF to pass two columns as Series and calculate the distance using lambda function.
Here's how I am doing it:
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col1, col2):
import pandas as pd
distance_df = pd.DataFrame({'column_A': col1, 'column_B': col2})
distance_df['distance'] = distance_df.apply(lambda x: distance.get_jaro_distance(str(distance_df['column_A']), str(distance_df['column_B']), winkler = True, scaling = 0.1))
return distance_df['distance']
temp = temp.withColumn('jaro_distance', get_distance(temp.x, temp.x))
I should be able to pass any two string columns in the above function.
I am getting the following output:
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| A| 1| 2| null|
| B| 3| 4| null|
| C| 5| 6| null|
| D| 7| 8| null|
Expected Output:
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| A| 1| 2| 1.0|
| B| 3| 4| 1.0|
| C| 5| 6| 1.0|
| D| 7| 8| 1.0|
I suspect this might be because str(distance_df['column_A']) is not correct. It contains the concatenated string of all row values.
While this code works for me:
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col):
return col.apply(lambda x: distance.get_jaro_distance(x, "A", winkler = True, scaling = 0.1))
temp = temp.withColumn('jaro_distance', get_distance(temp.x))
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| A| 1| 2| 1.0|
| B| 3| 4| 0.0|
| C| 5| 6| 0.0|
| D| 7| 8| 0.0|
Is there a way to do this with Pandas UDF? I'm dealing with millions of records so UDF will be expensive but still acceptable if it works. Thanks.
The error was from your function in the df.apply method, adjust it to the following should fix it:
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col1, col2):
import pandas as pd
distance_df = pd.DataFrame({'column_A': col1, 'column_B': col2})
distance_df['distance'] = distance_df.apply(lambda x: distance.get_jaro_distance(x['column_A'], x['column_B'], winkler = True, scaling = 0.1), axis=1)
return distance_df['distance']
However, Pandas df.apply method is not vectorised which beats the purpose why we need pandas_udf over udf in PySpark. A faster and less overhead solution is to use list comprehension to create the returning pd.Series (check this link for more discussion about Pandas df.apply and its alternatives):
from pandas import Series
#pandas_udf("float", PandasUDFType.SCALAR)
def get_distance(col1, col2):
return Series([ distance.get_jaro_distance(c1, c2, winkler=True, scaling=0.1) for c1,c2 in zip(col1, col2) ])
df.withColumn('jaro_distance', get_distance('x', 'y')).show()
| x| y| z|jaro_distance|
| AB| 1B| 2| 0.67|
| BB| BB| 4| 1.0|
| CB| 5D| 6| 0.0|
| DB|B7F| 8| 0.61|
You can union all the data frame first, partition by the same partition key after the partitions were shuffled and distributed to the worker nodes, and restore them before the pandas computing. Pls check the example where I wrote a small toolkit for this scenario: SparkyPandas
I have a spark dataframe, for the sake of argument lets take it to be:
val df = sc.parallelize(
| id| x| y|
| a| 1| 2|
| a| 1| 4|
| b| 5| 6|
| b| 10| 2|
| c| 1| 1|
I would like to compute all pairwise differences between entries in the dataframe with the same id and output the result to another dataframe. For a small dataframe I can accomplish this by:
| id| dx| dy|
| c| 0| 0|
| b| 0| 0|
| b| -5| 4|
| b| 5| -4|
| b| 0| 0|
| a| 0| 0|
| a| 0| -2|
| a| 0| 2|
| a| 0| 0|
However, for large dataframes this isn't a reasonable approach as the crossJoin will mostly produce data that will be discarded by the subsequent where clause.
I'm still pretty new to spark and groupBy seemed like a natural place to start looking, but I can't figure out how to accomplish this using groupBy. Any help would be welcome.
I would eventually like to remove redundancy, for instance in:
val df1 = df.withColumn("idx",monotonicallyIncreasingId)
col("id")===col("_id") && col("idx") < col("_idx")
| id| dx| dy|
| b| -5| 4|
| a| 0| -2|
But if its easier to accomplish this with redundancy, then I can live with that.
This is not an uncommon transformation to perform in ML so I thought something out of MLlib might be appropriate, but again I haven't found anything there either.
Can be achived via inner join, result the same as expected:
I am currently working on the Santander Product Recommendation dataset from Kaggle to make experiments on FPGrowth.
FPGrowth algorithm from pyspark (ML) requires dataframe as item sets:
| id| items|
| 0| [A, B, E]|
| 1|[A, B, C, E]|
| 2| [A, B]|
But the data I have is in this format:
| id| A| B| C| D| E|
| 0| 1| 1| 0| 0| 1|
| 1| 1| 1| 1| 0| 1|
| 2| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0|
I attempted to solve it by replacing 1's with the column names and creating list from them but that did not work.
Is there a way to perform this conversion by using Spark dataframe functions?
Thank you very much!
Use udf:
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf, struct
def as_basket(row):
return [k for k, v in row.asDict().items() if v]
df.withColumn("basket", as_basket(struct(*df.columns[1:]))).show()
I have list like below:
rrr=[[(1,(3,1)),(2, (3,2)),(3, (3, 2)),(1,(4,1)),(2, (4,2))]]
df_input = []
and next I defined header like below:
df_header=['sid', 'tid', 'srank']
Using for loop appending the data into the empty list:
for i in rrr:
for j in i:
df_input.append((j[0], j[1][0], j[1][1]))
Output : [(1, 3, 1), (2, 3, 2), (3, 3, 2)]
Create Data Frame like below:
df = spark.createDataFrame(df_input, df_header)
| sid|tid|srank|
| 1| 3| 1|
| 2| 3| 2|
| 3| 3| 2|
Now my question is how to Create Data Frame without using any external for loop(like above). Input list contains more then 1 Lack records.
When you realize that your initial list is a nested one. i.e. an actual list as a unique element of an outer one, then you'll see that the solution comes easily by taking only its first (and only) element into consideration:
# u'2.1.1'
from pyspark.sql import Row
# your exact data:
rrr=[[(1,(3,1)),(2, (3,2)),(3, (3, 2)),(1,(4,1)),(2, (4,2))]]
df_header=['sid', 'tid', 'srank']
df = sc.parallelize(rrr[0]).map(lambda x: Row(x[0], x[1][0],x[1][1])).toDF(schema=df_header)
# +---+---+-----+
# |sid|tid|srank|
# +---+---+-----+
# | 1| 3| 1|
# | 2| 3| 2|
# | 3| 3| 2|
# | 1| 4| 1|
# | 2| 4| 2|
# +---+---+-----+
Solution one: to introduce toDF() transformation (but with input modified)
from pyspark.sql import Row
ar=[[1,(3,1)],[2, (3,2)],[3, (3,2)]]
sc.parallelize(ar).map(lambda x: Row(sid=x[0], tid=x[1][0],srank=x[1][1])).toDF().show()
| 1| 1| 3|
| 2| 2| 3|
| 3| 2| 3|
Solution 2: with the requested input matrix use list comprehension, numpy flatten and reshape
import numpy as np
x=[[(1,(3,1)),(2, (3,2)),(3, (3, 2))]]
ar=[[(j[0],j[1][0],j[1][1]) for j in i] for i in x]
flat=flat.reshape(len(flat)/3, 3)
sc.parallelize(flat).map(lambda x: Row(sid=int(x[0]),tid=int(x[1]),srank=int(x[2]))).toDF().show()
| 1| 1| 3|
| 2| 2| 3|
| 3| 2| 3|
#works also with N,M matrix
x=[[(1,(3,1)),(2, (3,2)),(3, (3, 2))],[(5,(6,7)),(8, (9,10)),(11, (12, 13))]]
ar=[[(j[0],j[1][0],j[1][1]) for j in i] for i in x]
flat=flat.reshape(int(len(flat)/number_columns), number_columns)
sc.parallelize(flat).map(lambda x: Row(sid=int(x[0]),tid=int(x[1]),srank=int(x[2]))).toDF().show()
| 1| 1| 3|
| 2| 2| 3|
| 3| 2| 3|
| 5| 7| 6|
| 8| 10| 9|
| 11| 13| 12|
I'm performing computations based on 3 different PySpark DataFrames.
This script works in the sense that it performs the computation as it should, however, I struggle with working properly with the results of said computation.
import sys
import numpy as np
from pyspark import SparkConf, SparkContext, SQLContext
sc = SparkContext("local")
sqlContext = SQLContext(sc)
# Dummy Data
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([[0,1,0,0,0],[1,1,0,0,1],[0,0,1,0,1],[1,0,1,1,0],[1,1,0,0,0]], ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5'])
| p1| p2| p3| p4| p5|
| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|
| 1| 1| 0| 0| 1|
| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1|
| 1| 0| 1| 1| 0|
| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0|
# Values
values = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(0,1,'p1'),(None,1,'p2'),(0,0,'p3'),(None,0, 'p4'),(1,None,'p5')], ('f1', 'f2','index'))
| f1| f2|index|
| 0| 1| p1|
|null| 1| p2|
| 0| 0| p3|
|null| 0| p4|
| 1|null| p5|
# Weights
weights = sqlContext.createDataFrame([(4,3,'p1'),(None,1,'p2'),(2,2,'p3'),(None, 3, 'p4'),(3,None,'p5')], ('f1', 'f2','index'))
| f1| f2|index|
| 4| 3| p1|
|null| 1| p2|
| 2| 2| p3|
|null| 3| p4|
| 3|null| p5|
# Function: it sums the vector W for the values of Row equal to the value of V and then divide by the length of V.
# If there a no similarities between Row and V outputs 0
def W_sum(row,v,w):
if len(w[row==v])>0:
return float(np.sum(w[row==v])/len(w))
return 0.0
For each of the columns and for each row in Data, the above function is applied.
# We iterate over the columns of Values (except the last one called index)
for val in values.columns[:-1]:
# we filter the data to work only with the columns that are defined for the selected Value
defined_col = [i[0] for i in values.where(F.col(val) >= 0).select(values.index).collect()]
# we select only the useful columns
df_select= df.select(defined_col)
# we retrieve the reference value and weights
V = np.array(values.where(values.index.isin(defined_col)).select(val).collect()).flatten()
W = np.array(weights.where(weights.index.isin(defined_col)).select(val).collect()).flatten()
W_sum_udf = F.udf(lambda row: W_sum(row, V, W), FloatType())
df_select.withColumn(val, W_sum_udf(F.array(*(F.col(x) for x in df_select.columns))))
This gives :
| p1| p2| p3| p4| p5| f1|
| 0| 1| 0| 0| 0|2.0|
| 1| 1| 0| 0| 1|1.0|
| 0| 0| 1| 0| 1|2.0|
| 1| 0| 1| 1| 0|0.0|
| 1| 1| 0| 0| 0|0.0|
It added the column to the sliced DataFrame as I asked it to. The problem is that I would rather collect the data into a new one that I could access at the end to consult the results.
It it possible to grow (somewhat efficiently) a DataFrame in PySpark as I would with pandas?
Edit to make my goal clearer:
Ideally I would get a DataFrame with the just the computed columns, like this:
| f1| f2|
There are some issues with your question...
First, your for loop will produce an error, since df_select in the last line is nowhere defined; there is also no assignment at the end (what does it produce?).
Assuming that df_select is actually your subsubsample dataframe, defined some lines before, and that your last line is something like
new_df = subsubsample.withColumn(val, W_sum_udf(F.array(*(F.col(x) for x in subsubsample.columns))))
then your problem starts getting more clear. Since
# ['f1', 'f2']
the result of the whole loop would be just
| p1| p2| p3| p4| f2|
| 0| 1| 0| 0|1.0|
| 1| 1| 0| 0|2.0|
| 0| 0| 1| 0|0.0|
| 1| 0| 1| 1|0.0|
| 1| 1| 0| 0|2.0|
i.e. with only the column f2 included (natural, since the results with f1 are simply overwritten).
Now, as I said, assuming that the situation is like this, and that your problem is actually how to have both columns f1 & f2 together rather in different dataframes, you can just forget subsubsample and append columns to your initial df, possibly dropping afterwards the unwanted ones:
init_cols = df.columns
# ['p1', 'p2', 'p3', 'p4', 'p5']
new_df = df
for val in values.columns[:-1]:
# we filter the data to work only with the columns that are defined for the selected Value
defined_col = [i[0] for i in values.where(F.col(val) >= 0).select(values.index).collect()]
# we retrieve the reference value and weights
V = np.array(values.where(values.index.isin(defined_col)).select(val).collect()).flatten()
W = np.array(weights.where(weights.index.isin(defined_col)).select(val).collect()).flatten()
W_sum_udf = F.udf(lambda row: W_sum(row, V, W), FloatType())
new_df = new_df.withColumn(val, W_sum_udf(F.array(*(F.col(x) for x in defined_col)))) # change here
# drop initial columns:
for i in init_cols:
new_df = new_df.drop(i)
The resulting new_df will be:
| f1| f2|
UPDATE (after comment): To force the division in your W_sum function to be a float, use:
from __future__ import division
new_df now will be:
| f1| f2|
| 2.0| 1.5|
| 0.0|0.75|
with f2 exactly as it should be according to your comment.
I have a dataframe and I want to randomize rows in the dataframe. I tried sampling the data by giving a fraction of 1, which didn't work (interestingly this works in Pandas).
It works in Pandas because taking sample in local systems is typically solved by shuffling data. Spark from the other hand avoids shuffling by performing linear scans over the data. It means that sampling in Spark only randomizes members of the sample not an order.
You can order DataFrame by a column of random numbers:
from pyspark.sql.functions import rand
df = sc.parallelize(range(20)).map(lambda x: (x, )).toDF(["x"])
## +---+
## | x|
## +---+
## | 2|
## | 7|
## | 14|
## +---+
## only showing top 3 rows
but it is:
expensive - because it requires full shuffle and it something you typically want to avoid.
suspicious - because order of values in a DataFrame is not something you can really depend on in non-trivial cases and since DataFrame doesn't support indexing it is relatively useless without collecting.
This code works for me without any RDD operations:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
df = df.select("*").orderBy(F.rand())
Here is a more elaborated example:
import pyspark.sql.functions as F
# Example: create a Dataframe for the example
pandas_df = pd.DataFrame(([1,2],[3,1],[4,2],[7,2],[32,7],[123,3]),columns=["id","col1"])
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(pandas_df)
df = df.select("*").orderBy(F.rand())
| id|col1|
| 1| 2|
| 3| 1|
| 4| 2|
| 7| 2|
| 32| 7|
|123| 3|
| id|col1|
| 7| 2|
|123| 3|
| 3| 1|
| 4| 2|
| 32| 7|
| 1| 2|