Moving resources from one Azure account to another - azure

A company that we hired to develop or software created an azure account where they have our database, API, etc. Recently we decided to have our own azure account and our plan is to move all the resources that are on the vendor azure account to our own.
It is possible to move all the services from the vendor account to ours? if so can you guys point me in the right direction?

The boundary for resources in Azure is the "Subscription". All you need to do is change the subscription for the resources.
In the Azure Portal, select the Resource Group with the resources that you want to move to your control. Then change the Subscription ID to yours.
You cannot move all types of resources. Some you will need to recreate. This link provides more details:


Azure Lighthouse onboarding customers not in customers list

Days ago I onboarded a customer using Service Principal with an ARM template in our blob storage, then the client went to this URL:{Blob Url}, accepted us as their resource manager, and we could make connections and go-to resources but via PowerShell, why it doesn't show to us in our Azure Lighthouse Customers page?
I can work with the resources, make deployments, and such but doesn't show in the list, I want to know if it is because we need to be gold competency or an expert MSP because we don't want to make a public offer in the market, we just want to manage certain customers.
It should be displayed there. No special conditions are required such as the ones you've mentioned. Are you definitely signed in to your own partner/MSP tenant with an account that has delegated access to the customers? Does anything show up under delegations within the Azure Lighthouse section?
If you have access to the customer tenant, does your company show up under Service Providers within Azure Lighthouse on the Azure portal?
Case closed, the Service Principal itself doesn't have the privileges on the service provider's tenant to make your user a reader. So the solution for this was:
Remove the offer in the customer tenant.
Add new authorization in the ARM template for a user/group with "Reader" built-in role id. (In our case, we decided to use an AD group because people in the organization is temporary)
Upload the new ARM template and re-onboarded the client.
After a couple of hours, the client's subscription showed in the subscription list in the section: Directories + subscriptions, checked it, and saw all the resources from the service provider's tenant.
I found a solution for this issue.
The Azure Lighthouse->My customers list on the azure portal only shows subscriptions activated in the global directories and subscription filter.
Please go to the global directories and subscriptions filter (in the portal top navigation) and open the drop downs for directories and for subscriptions and check, if your customer subscription appears here.
If yes, select all entries in both drop downs.
After that go back to Azure Lighthouse->My customers
and check, if the customer subscription appears now.

What is the relation between all those MS Azure Terms and Structures?

Currently i am trying to dig deeper into the organizational/entity structure of ms azure. All I find online in discussions and official ms documentation only shows parts of the bigger picture but never the underlying relationships between them.
I try to formulate statements which I ask you to correct in case they are wrong:
I log in to the azure portal using an email adress witch is called account
In the azure portal I am acting in the context of a directory
The account i use to log in is associated with an identity in the directory
A directory belongs to a tenant
Signing up for MS Azure using my Microsoft Account will create a Tenant
A Subscription I create is assoiciated with but not created/stored within a directory (not with a tenant)
A Subscription I create is associated with the Account I am currently logged in, called Azure Account
A Management Group will be created within the directory per default, called Root Management Group
When no other Management Group is created, all Subscriptions I create are associated with this Root Management Group
Any thoughts on that?
Thanks TGY for your question. The terms "tenant" and "directory" are for the most part interchangeable and are used in Azure.
A tenant is an instance of an Azure Active Directory. The tenant is an account in Azure that comes with a subdomain and an associated Azure Active Directory. In order to use an Azure Active Directory you need to become a tenant within the system. So a tenant is basically securing a subdomain. At that point you would have one account registered in your Azure AD.
An Azure subscription is a logical container used to provision resources in Azure.It serves as a single billing unit for Azure resources in that services used in Azure are billed to a subscription. An Azure subscription is linked to a single account, but you can add multiple subscriptions to the same directory.
Please see this DOC if it helps you.
Root Management>>Management Group>>Subscription>>Resources Group>>Resources. So for IAM(Identity & Access Management) purpose, management Group is higher level than Subscription. Subscription is higher than Resource Group and Resource Group is higher than a particular resource level.
Please find below Architectural structure for more understanding and pictorial representation --

Move Resource Groups to different azure accounts

I have two Azure Subscriptions, Enterprise and MSDN subsciptions. I want to transfer a resource group from one subsciption to another. Already found this method but it requires to change the tenant of one of the subscriptions. How to move resources from subscriptions in different directories in Azure
These accounts have different active directories (Cannot Change Directory). So essentially the tenantid remains different.
Official Docs also mentions this way
Is there any alternate methods to move the RG?
I think there is no alternate method to move the RG. What you can do as a Workaround is to try to download the Automation Script (ARM template) for your Resource Group, delete the RG and deploy the template to your new subscription. But this only works for services that uses the Resource Manager (not Service Manager).
Also this only creates the services / infrastructure but you probably have to redeploy content depeding on which resources you are using.
Someone mentioned this can be done by contacting the support.
I found that its possible in some scenarios to do this by moving the resource group to a new/temporary subscription, and then transferring ownership of that subscription to the desire account. It doesn't matter if the account is on a different domain or not, however not all resource types can be transferred (e.g. Azure role-based access control assignments).

How to move resources from subscriptions in different directories in Azure

In my azure account I have 2 directories, lets call them directory A and B.
With some recent changes I need to switch a app service from a subscription in directory A to a subscription that is on directory B.
Is this possible to achieve, and if it is how?
As directory I mean the directory that you can see in the image below:
Since It seems that I have mislead people I will try to explain what i want to achieve with images.
I want to move the App Service from the App Service Plan in the directory A as you can see in here:
to the App Service Plan in the directory B that you can see in here:
It looks like you want to move resources between subscriptions. It is possible to do this but there are a few restictions and rules around what you can do.
You can definitely move an App Service between subscriptions. However, in your case, as the subscriptions in question exist in different AD tenants, you will need to change the tenant of one of the subscriptions. You can only do this if you are a Service Administrator and signed in using a Microsoft i.e non organizational account.
Check this reference document from Microsoft, it explains in detail how the transfer process works.
I think we might need some additional information, since it seems that the terms we're using are sometimes equivocal. Microsoft Azure subscriptions are not associated to Azure Active Directories, but to an Service Account. You can add how many Azure ADs you want to an Azure subscription, but the Azure subscription itself will be managed by the service account (which is not necessarily member of a certain Azure AD).
Further, only the service administrator can manage Azure resources, like VMs, App Services and so on. Azure AD admins can only manage identity aspects that define identity life cycles within that specific Azure AD. The service admin could add a co-admin a user from the default Azure AD and that user would then also be able to manage Azure resources, like App Services and so on.
So the Azure App Service is tied to a Azure subscription that is managed by a service account, not by the Azure AD. Please check the official documentation on this topic. Also please clarify exactly what you would like to do.

Migrating blobs from Classic subscription to v6 subscription

I wantd to know whether there is a way to migrate the storage blobs from Classic subscription to V6 subscription on Azure as we can do for the VMs.
Thank you.
Do you mean you want to move classic azure storage to a new subscription as an ARM resource? At currently, Azure storage services is supported to move to a new resources or a new subscription. We could find this information at this article. In that article, we could find that there will be some limitations for moving classic deployment to a new subscription. Here is a snippet of that article:
All classic resources in the subscription must be moved in the same
The target subscription must not contain any other classic
The move can only be requested through a separate REST API for
classic moves. The standard Resource Manager move commands do not work when moving classic resources to a new subscription.
It also provide detailed steps about how to move Classic Compute to a new subscription. If you want to move classic storage. Please try to use "ClassicStorage" instead of "ClassicCompute"
We could find the provider in Azure resource portal. for example. I want to move "jaml" to a new subscription. I search "jaml" in Azure resource portal. then I will find below information:
