How to do pagination in NeptuneDB to achieve high performance - node.js

Hi I am now building a website using aws NeptuneDB(Gremlin), NodeJs as Backend and Angular as Frontend. Now I am facing a problem, I want to do pagination on my website because without pagination I may load and display 5000 items one query. I know in MySQL, we can using like
select * from mydb limit 0, 20;
to do pagination.
Can I achieve similar in NeptuneDB(or GraphDB). I investigated for a while and I found this:
How to perform pagination in Gremlin
Refer to the answer of this question, It seems we cannot avoid loading all query results into memory. Does it mean it doesn't make any difference with or without the pagination.
Or can I achieve pagination between Node and Angular(I am just guessing)?
So Any ideas to improve performance?

It seems I can use like
The order can be guarantee through order()
But the problem is:
In pagination, we need to get three parameters: currentPage, PageSize, TotalNumOfItems', currentPage and PageSize is pass from frontend, but how can we get the total number before retrieving items?
my way is just count before retrieve items:
Will this work?


is it possible to add pagination in ldap get all members query?

I am getting all memebers from AD group with the query
(memberof:1.2.840.113556.1.4.1941:=CN=GroupOne,OU=Security Groups,OU=Groups,DC=YOURDOMAIN,DC=NET)
But it is just giving first 1000 users in that group because of default pagination.How to get next set of 1000 users results? is it possible to
add pagination in same query?
I am using ldapjs with node.js as a client.Please give some example query with pagination.
The documentation for LDAPJS talks about this:
Basically, use the the paged property when searching. You may have to set the sizeLimit to 1000 (or less) too.

MongoDB NodeJS Query and paginate multiple collection

I am dealing with a case where I need to render of listing of several entities on one page, with one pagination.
I.g.: Given 3 collections, People, Robots and ETs. Now I'd need to list them all in a /everybody route that renders a listing page with a pagination and some filters.
As far as I can tell the only way to do that in MongoDB is to query each collection manually and handle the pagination in the application. Are there any other/better ways ?

Alfresco webscript (js) and pagination

I have a question about the good way to use pagination with Alfresco.
I know the documentation (
and I use with success the query part.
I mean by that that I use the parameters maxItems and skipCount and they work the way I want.
This is an example of a query that I am doing :
var paging =
maxItems: 100,
skipCount: 0
var def =
query: "cm:name:test*"
page: paging
var results = search.query(def);
The problem is that, if I get the number of results I want (100 for example), I don't know how to get the maxResults of my query (I mean the total amount of result that Alfresco can give me with this query).
And I need this to :
know if there are more results
know how many pages of results are lasting
I'm using a workaround for the first need : I'm doing a query for (maxItems+1), and showing only maxItems. If I have maxItems+1, I know that there are more results. But this doesn't give me the total amount of result.
Do you have any idea ?
With the javascript search object you can't know if there are more items. This javascript object is backed by the class As you can see the query method only returns the query results without any extra information. Compare it with org.alfresco.repo.links.LinkServiceImpl which gives you results wrapped in PagingResults.
So, as javacript search object doesn't provide hasMoreItems info, you need to perform some workaround, for instance first query without limits to know the total, and then apply pagination as desired.
You can find how many objects have been found by your query simply calling
paying attention to the fact that usually queries have a configured maximum result set of 1000 entries to save resources.
You can change this value by editing the <alfresco>/tomcat/webapps/alfresco/WEB_INF/classes/alfresco/ file.
So, but is an alternative to your solution, you can launch a query with no constraints and obtain the real value or the max results configured.
Then you can use this value to devise how many pages are available basing you calculation on the number of results for page.
Then dinamically pass the number of the current page to the builder of your query def and the results variable will contain the corresponding chunk of data.
In this SO post you can find more information about pagination.

Zend Framework 2 Paginating Search Results

I'm making a complex search form with a lot of inputs to query and I want to paginate the search results using Zend Framework 2.
I've found a few people who are trying to do something similar but I have yet to find a good solution.
Some people suggested switching to $_GET method instead of $_POST but i would prefer to avoid this because of the number of form elements.
The results are coming up fine, but as soon as i try to navigate to the second page, the query is lost and it is essentially paginating all records on the table.
What is the best way to store the original search query so that the paginated results are the actual results?
I can't imagine ZF2 doesn't have an easy way to paginate $_POST results but I haven't been able to figure it out yet
well you either need to repost the search parameters on every page request or keep the search parameters in a session and on the second request check if the request is get or post and use the session if it is get

ember.js rest api with pagination

At the moment I'm pointless how do achieve pagination with ember-data. I found out, that i can return 'meta' property in response and ember-data does not throw an error. But I just don't know how to access it, nor what is intended purpose of this property.
The few examples on internet assume that i have whole collection already loaded to ember, or they do little trick and do infinite scroll, which does'nt require information about page count.
I think that loading all records it's ok if I would have < 1k of them, but sometimes I'll be dealing with massive amounts of data (let's say apache logs). What then?
So basically I'm at the point in which I would like to use ember and ember-data to build my first real-life application, but I just think that it is not a good idea.
Ok, so anybody has any idea how to solve this basic, yet complicated, problem? :)
Ok, so here are some ideas to get you started.
First, you have to start with a route and take an page number as a dynamic parameter.
this.resource('posts', { path: '/posts/:page' };
Then as I have no experience with Silex, you need to support some kind of server side parameters that could be used for pagination. For example offset and limit where first means how many records you want to skip and second how many record you want in select from there. Ideally you should implement them as query parameters like ?offset=0&limit=10.
Then you just implement your table route as follows:
App.TableRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: function (params) {
return App.Post.find({ offset: ( - 1) * 10, limit: 10 });
You can then start doing some more magic and create your items per page parameter or validate the page number by fetching number of all records in advance.
