Problem with Power App (Loading data from power App to Excel) - excel

I am having a little difficulty uploading information into an Excel from PowerApps.
I created an app with 3 different data sources, 2 of them are SharePoint Lists where the information is uploading without any trouble. The 3rd one, an Excel table, is… not.
I am using the Excel in order to obtain a random name from "Colum1", the logic I found for it is:
Set(varRandom, Last( FirstN ( Filter(TableName, IsBlank(Column2)),1+RoundDown(Rand()*CountRows(TableName),0))).'Column1')
This works, giving a random name although I haven't figured how to take the user itself out of the equation. (Meaning, if I am using the app, I don't want to get my own name randomly selected)
From how it works, I want that when you touch a different button it submits the information that that random name has already been selected by someone, therefore, it can't be picked again. I tried "SubmitForm(FormName)" at first, but I believe I am missing information to tell Excel what to take from the data I am feeding it with and where to send it.
This means just uploading any data into Column3, which starts all blank so everyone can be randomly picked.
I am not a coder, so there's 89% chances I am just writing the functions wrong, but everything else on the app works fine: random selection, navigation between several screens, and the information being submitted to the 2 SharePoint lists.
In short: I need to
Remove the user using the app from the random selection
Uploading any data into the third column so that one name can't be picked twice.
Can anyone assist?

To remove your name from being selected, first you need to let the app know what the name of the user is. You can ask the name of the user and store it in a variable.
Then, if I understand correctly, you write something down on the Column3 when a name is picked to let you know the name was already used and can't be used again. After you know the name of the user, you can write something down right away on the 'Column3' in the row corresponding to the user's name so it can't be picked anymore.
To help you with the Excel we'll need to know where you save your excel file.
Best regards


#Name([CN];#UserName) is not working as expected in NotesView column

I've created a Notes View and I wanna show (for some reason) the current user's name in all rows using this formula:
This was supposed to show the current user name regardless of the document of the current row, but it shows different user names in different row instead, which is quite astonishing for me.
Note that I just wanna see the current user name in this columns on many users' desktop and later on I'll remove this column and will use this formula in some other column for a comparison purpose, which I know how to do.
Please help!
The documentation explains that you can not do this:
When a formula runs on a server, the agent signer is considered the
current user. Therefore, #UserName should only be used on local
databases, where it will return the user's name. Using #UserName in
server-based private views also returns the user's name, but produces
unpredictable results if the views on the server are rebuilt using
Updall. You should not use #UserName in a public view, doing so
produces unpredictable results.

Issues with PowerApps since end of August 2021

I have been using PowerApps for a couple of years now to create simple user interfaces with SharePoint lists as the database.
Since last week I have started to experience a number of issues with my apps. For example, when referencing a SharePoint list single line of text column by its field name, PowerApps says that it doesn't recognise the identifier. I use the exact same formula for a different single line of text column in the same database and it works fine.
I have a gallery that I have added a couple of extra label fields to. The formula that I am using is simply 'ThisItem.ColumnName'. For one that works this is 'ThisItem.Address' and this displays the address which comes from a single line of text column. One that doesn't work is 'ThisItem.Industry'. The internal field name for the column is definitely Industry and it is definitely also a single line of text column. In the label itself I have switched between both formulas and again the Address column displays fine but the Industry column is not recognised.
I have further tried:
Recreating the database from scratch
Deleting the column/s that aren't being recognised and recreating them
Refreshing the data connections, including deleting and re-adding
Using Edge instead of Chrome
Creating a database on a different teamsite (same site collection tho)
Turning off all experimental features in the settings
I would upload some screenshots but as this is my first post, I'm not allowed to....
Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Anyone able to provide some insight as to why this has suddenly started occurring? HELP, anyone????
Thanks in advance.
So i found what was causing the issue, still in the dark as to why though.
The gallery is linked to multiple databases (sharePoint lists) through an IF statement. The user selects a district from a drop down box and depending on what they select, the gallery is filtered using this IF statement.
The weird thing is, that the filter on the gallery works perfectly fine and displays all the records from that database. But for some reason, it only chooses to recognise a select few of the columns within that database.
When i removed the IF statement and just linked up one database, it works perfectly fine and all columns are recognised and display fine.
So, back to the drawing board on this one. At least i know now that i need to rework my gallery set up and that it isn't a case of corruption with the app or the database (that was my biggest fear!)
Hope this info provides some help if anyone else experiences this same issue.

Adding Entry to Table - Adding onto Existing Entry

I am trying to figure out a way to add data to an existing table, where it can identify a value (like name or ID#) and add in a new piece of data into that row for the individual.
See Pic 1: The person using this guide will click "yes" or "no" if they want to move the person forward. I want to record that yes/no in their database. (Note: each new candidate gets their HR Guide with their name on it. If you are listed on the Short list (see pic 2), you will get a HR Guide created for you. So the name of the tab is unpredictable, which is why things like vlookups or other formulas will not work.)
Here is the image of where I want the input to go. Based on the name matching in column C, I want it to input the Yes/No in Column I
I have no VBA code to share as I have no clue where to start. I have looked around trying to find a solution or something to work off of, but cannot find something that is close enough for me to figure it out (usually that works for me, but not this time...). So any help/direction you can provide would be VERY helpful! Thanks in advance.

excel lookup that alters URL for web based data pull

I've been trying to figure this out for 5 days, searched this site, watched youtube tutorials, and it's just not coming together for me. I know very little excel and no visual basic.
I need to be able to pull specific info from a website and populate an excel sheet with that info.
User-entered data (the variable?) is an email address. I have a long list of email addresses. From this list I want to generate the web data pull.
My excel is currently set up as a form, Column 1=email, that is the info I have. What I want to pull is in columns 2-8: 2=id number, 3=first name, 4=last name, etc.
The site I am pulling from is an internal API, looks like: This site displays each value that I seek as:
<id>12345</id>, <firstName>Joe</firstName>
The site has over 25 lines of info tagged like this, I am only interested in pulling 7 specific lines into the appropriate column and row, based on the email value in Column 1.
I can easily capture all 25+ lines of info, one at a time.
I would prefer to do this as a batch where I paste the email addresses into Column 1 and walk away while the magic computer executes the batch.
...this seems like it should be easy, but I don't know how to do it and haven't found a solution that starts to function. And like a seasoned Russian once said, "What is hard? Everything you do not know."
If you have excel 2013 , you can use FilterXML function

fetch data from ms-access to ms-word

i am looking to create an invoice in either MS-excel or MS-word. This invoice will contain several fields like invoice no., customer name, product info, quantity, Amount, Date, Address of customer, phone no. etc. The function of the invoice will be, to generate a unique invoice number, every time i open it, and then the vendor will mention the customer's info, product's info and click on submit button or save it. The info mentioned in the invoice will automatically be saved in the MS-Access database whenever submit button is clicked or the document is saved.
Thus, All the records of the customer will be saved in the MS-Access database. whenever i need to search for a particular customer, i should be able to search it from either invoice no. or any unique field for that particular invoice. I hope my query is explained clearly. please let me know the easiest way to do it. I do not have the vast knowledge about this subject, so give me suggestions that are understandable by a Novice.
I think you are starting from the wrong end. Use an Access form to get the data and then run a mailmerge, the easiest way is to output a text file from Access as the data file and use a Word template for the merge.
An autonumber may suit for invoice number as long as all you need is a unique number. If you need documented sequential numbers, you will have to create then yourself. How you do it will depend on the number of users working at the same time.
I can tell you now, generating Word files with Access is a bit of a pain in the ass. If you really want to do formatting it gets hard (is my experience).
I ended up generating HTML files in which I could control everything, and opening them as .docs. But if you are really new to this, I suggest you start with some VBA tutorials, where they explain to you how you get records from you database and loop through them to generate output. And then you can start looking at file writing functions in VBA.
Can't find any tutorials real quick (my girlfriend is getting angry as we speak), but here is a sample:
Just look around in fora, look for file generation and looping through records.
Hi just reading your post, like Remou l would strongly suggest you use Access to enter and store the data. It is possible to get a user to enter data into a spreadsheet and write the data back to Access DB. Not something l would recommend for the novice, here is a link to some code on how it could be done
Returning to your first question, of creating the invoice have you considered generating the invoices from Access using a report? They can be printed to PDF, or exported to various electronic formats. Or is there specific reason to use Word/Excel? If are going down the route of using Word to generate the invoice then use a template as Remou suggested. See this link for some samples see the section titled Access > Word. I have used the examples as a basis for Access to Word. A number of the examples though use a tecnology called DAO, which l understand will not be included in any operating system after Windows 7. Just something to be aware of.
Searching for a record in a database table this link has one possible solution . Also the author has included a example database.
