How to calculate 21 factorial in Rust? - rust

I need to calculate 21 factorial in my project.
fn factorial(num: u64) -> u64 {
match num {
0 => 1,
1 => 1,
_ => factorial(num - 1) * num,
fn main() {
let x = factorial(21);
println!("The value of 21 factorial is {} ", x);
When running this code, I get an error:
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to multiply with overflow', src\

A u64 can’t hold 21! (it’s between 2^65 and 2^66), but a u128 can.

A possible implementation could be
pub fn factorial(num: u128) -> u128 {
fn factorial_of_21() {
fn factorial_of_0() {

I need to calculate 21 factorial in my project.
21! doesn't fit in a 64 bit int. You need some arbitrary precision arithmetic (or bigint) library or to implement yours, or use 128 bits ints or some floating point.
According to this list, you could consider using ramp.

I think the implementation should look like this
pub fn factorial(num: u128) -> u128 {


Integer operation with boundary when overflow in Rust

The problem I recently meet requires to do integer operation with boundary based on the bits of integer type.
For example, using i32 integer to do add operation, here's a piece of pseudo code to present the idea:
sum = a + b
max(min(sum, 2147483647), -2147483648)
// if the sum is larger than 2147483647, then return 2147483647.
// if the sum is smaller than -2147483648, then return -2147483648.
To achieve this, I naively wrote following ugly code:
fn i32_add_handling_by_casting(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
let sum: i32;
if (a as i64 + b as i64) > 2147483647 as i64 {
sum = 2147483647;
} else if (a as i64 + b as i64) < -2147483648 as i64 {
sum = -2147483648;
} else {
sum = a + b;
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_casting(2147483647, 1));
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_casting(-2147483648, -1));
The code works well; but my six sense told me that using type casting is problematic. Thus, I tried to use traditional panic (exception) handling to deal with this...but I stuck with below code (the panic result can't detect underflow or overflow):
use std::panic;
fn i32_add_handling_by_panic(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
let sum: i32;
let result = panic::catch_unwind(|| {a + b}).ok();
match result {
Some(result) => { sum = result },
None => { sum = ? }
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_panic(2147483647, 1));
println!("{:?}", i32_add_handling_by_panic(-2147483648, -1));
To sum up, I have 3 questions:
Is my type casting solution valid for strong typing language? (If possible, I need the explanation why it's valid or not valid.)
Is there other better way to deal with this problem?
Could panic handle different exception separately?
In this case, the Rust standard library has a method called saturating_add, which supports your use case:
assert_eq!(10_i32.saturating_add(20), 30);
assert_eq!(i32::MIN.saturating_add(-1), i32::MIN);
assert_eq!(i32::MAX.saturating_add(1), i32::MAX);
Internally, it is implemented as a compiler intrinsic.
In general, such problems are not intended to be solved with panics and unwinding, which are intended for cleanup in exceptional cases only. A hand-written version might involve type casting, but calculating a as i64 + b as i64 only once. Alternatively, here's a version using checked_add, which returns None rather than panics in case of overflow:
fn saturating_add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
if let Some(sum) = a.checked_add(b) {
} else if a < 0 {
} else {

Rust: How to short-circuit exit from a chain of iterator methods on first Err or None?

Consider a chain of iterator methods:
where a produces values of type Option (or Result). Is there a way to have the whole chain return None (or (Err(_)) as soon as a yields a None (or Err(_))?
Detailed example
Given functions valid (identifying nonsensical input) and accept (an
arbitrary selection criterion):
type T = u8;
type ERR = u8;
fn valid(x: &T) -> Result<T, ERR> {
if *x < 10 { Ok(*x) } else { Err(*x) }
fn accept(x: &T) -> bool {
if *x > 9 { panic!("{} should have been rejected by validator") }
*x % 2 == 0
I would like to write a function
fn count_accepted(data: &[T]) -> Result<usize, ERR>
Returns Err(ERR) as soon as the first invalid element is encountered in the
input data
If all elements are valid, returns Ok(usize) containing the count of values
that satisfied the accept criterion
Here is a solution that uses a loop:
fn count_loop(data: &[T]) -> Result<usize, ERR> {
let mut count = 0;
for item in data {
if accept(&item) { count += 1 }
which seems to work as required, as witnessed by these tests:
macro_rules! testem {
($count:path) => {
#[test] fn empty() { assert_eq!($count(&[]) , Ok(0)) }
#[test] fn all_ok_and_accepted() { assert_eq!($count(&[2,6]) , Ok(2)) }
#[test] fn all_ok_some_rejected() { assert_eq!($count(&[2,3]) , Ok(1)) }
#[test] fn one_invalid() { assert_eq!($count(&[12]) , Err(12)) }
#[test] fn stop_on_first_invalid() { assert_eq!($count(&[2,13,6,12,5]), Err(13)) }
mod test_loop {testem!{super::count_loop}}
I would like to understand whether/how one could implement this behaviour using
iterators rather than a loop.
Consider a related, but simpler problem: if any of the data are not valid, bail
out immediately, otherwise collect all the data into a vector. In other words,
remove the accept condition from the previous problem.
This problem has quite a satisfactory solution, because the FromIterator
implementation of Result takes care of early termination:
fn related(data: &[T]) -> Result<Vec<T>, ERR> {
mod test_related {
fn stop_on_first_invalid() { assert_eq!(super::related(&[2,13,6,12,5]), Err(13))}
Here is an extension of related which passes the same tests as count_loop:
fn count_via_vec(data: &[T]) -> Result<usize, ERR> {
.filter(|x| x.is_err() || accept(&x.unwrap()))
.collect::<Result<Vec<T>, ERR>>()?
mod test_vvec {testem!{super::count_via_vec}}
However: this solution has a number of drawbacks with respect to count_loop:
The filter condition is very noisy.
The filtering step still needs to be performed when the first invalid item has
been identified (unlike in the original loop implementation): the ? appears
2 lines later than it should ... if that were meaningful.
A vector is unnecessarily populated (unless Rust performs some cool
optimization that I'm, as yet, unaware of), so the space complexity rises from
O(1) to O(N).
The last point would normally be addressed by replacing
.collect::<Result<Vec<T>, ERR>>()?.len()) with .count(), but this has the
further detrimental effect of removing the recognition of invalid cases: they
are simply counted as successes, as witnessed by the test failed by this
fn count_iterate(data: &[T]) -> Result<usize, ERR> {
.filter(|x| x.is_err() || accept(&x.unwrap()))
mod test_iter {testem!{super::count_iterate}}
Can you suggest some mechanism for early returning in chains of iterator methods
that can be used in cases such as this?
You are probably looking for std::iter::Sum which has an impl<T, U, E> Sum<Result<U, E>> for Result<T, E> where T: Sum<U>, while there are also impls for Sum for all basic integers.
So the following will Just Work:
fn valid(x: &u32) -> Result<u32, u32> {
if *x < 10 { Ok(1) } else { Err(*x) }
fn count(x: &[u32]) -> Result<u32, u32> {
fn main() {
println!("{:?}", count(&[13,1,2,3]));
As the docs on Sum say, this will short-circuit the iterator if an error is encountered. This will include short-circuiting chained iterators.

How to avoid cloning a big integer in rust

I used the num::BigUInt type to avoid integer overflows when calculating the factorial of a number.
However, I had to resort to using .clone() to pass rustc's borrow checker.
How can I refactor the factorial function to avoid cloning what could be large numbers many times?
use num::{BigUint, FromPrimitive, One};
fn main() {
for n in -2..33 {
let bign: Option<BigUint> = FromPrimitive::from_isize(n);
match bign {
Some(n) => println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n.clone())),
None => println!("Number must be non-negative: {}", n),
fn factorial(number: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if number < FromPrimitive::from_usize(2).unwrap() {
} else {
number.clone() * factorial(number - BigUint::one())
I tried to use a reference to BigUInt in the function definition but got some errors saying that BigUInt did not support references.
The first clone is easy to remove. You are trying to use n twice in the same expression, so don't use just one expression:
print!("{}! = ", n);
println!("{}", factorial(n));
is equivalent to println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n.clone())) but does not try to move n and use a reference to it at the same time.
The second clone can be removed by changing factorial not to be recursive:
fn factorial(mut number: BigUint) -> BigUint {
let mut result = BigUint::one();
let one = BigUint::one();
while number > one {
result *= &number;
number -= &one;
This might seem unidiomatic however. There is a range function, that you could use with for, however, it uses clone internally, defeating the point.
I don't think take a BigUint as parameter make sense for a factorial. u32 should be enough:
use num::{BigUint, One};
fn main() {
for n in 0..42 {
println!("{}! = {}", n, factorial(n));
fn factorial_aux(accu: BigUint, i: u32) -> BigUint {
if i > 1 {
factorial_aux(accu * i, i - 1)
else {
fn factorial(n: u32) -> BigUint {
factorial_aux(BigUint::one(), n)
Or if you really want to keep BigUint:
use num::{BigUint, FromPrimitive, One, Zero};
fn main() {
for i in (0..42).flat_map(|i| FromPrimitive::from_i32(i)) {
print!("{}! = ", i);
println!("{}", factorial(i));
fn factorial_aux(accu: BigUint, i: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if !i.is_one() {
factorial_aux(accu * &i, i - 1u32)
} else {
fn factorial(n: BigUint) -> BigUint {
if !n.is_zero() {
factorial_aux(BigUint::one(), n)
} else {
Both version doesn't do any clone.
If you use ibig::UBig instead of BigUint, those clones will be free, because ibig is optimized not to allocate memory from the heap for numbers this small.

Cannot store large values when calculating factorials

I'm implementing an algorithm to get the factorial of a certain number for a programming class.
fn factorial(number: u64) -> u64 {
if number < 2 {
} else {
number * factorial(number - 1)
When I tried with 100 or even with 25 I get this error "thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to multiply with overflow'", so I tried wrapping, and the result function was:
fn factorial(number: u64) -> u64 {
if number < 2 {
} else {
number.wrapping_mul(factorial(number - 1))
This way there is not panic but the result is always zero, so I tried using f64 and result was
100! = 93326215443944100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
instead of
100! = 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000
Is there another way to store the result so the right value is returned?
100! is a really big number. In fact, the largest factorial that will fit in a u64 is just 20!. For numbers that don't fit in a u64, num::bigint::BigUint is an appropriate storage option.
The following code calculates a value for 100!. You can run it in your browser here.
extern crate num;
use num::BigUint;
fn factorial(number: BigUint) -> BigUint {
let big_1 = 1u32.into();
let big_2 = 2u32.into();
if number < big_2 {
} else {
let prev_factorial = factorial(number.clone() - big_1);
number * prev_factorial
fn main() {
let number = 100u32.into();
println!("{}", factorial(number));
To give some insight into why u64 doesn't work, you can call the bits method on the result. If you do so, you will find that the value of 100! requires 525 bits to store. That's more than 8 u64's worth of storage.
I wanted to complement #Jason Watkins answer with an iterative solution using Iterator::fold:
extern crate num;
use num::{bigint::BigUint, One};
fn factorial(value: u32) -> BigUint {
(2..=value).fold(BigUint::one(), |res, n| res * n)
fn main() {
let result = factorial(10);
assert_eq!(result, 3628800u32.into());

How to express integers other than zero and one in generic code using the num crate?

The num crate in Rust provides a way of representing zeros and ones via T::zero() and T::one(). Is there a way of representing other integers, such as two, three, etc.?
Consider the following (artificial) example:
extern crate num;
trait IsTwo {
fn is_two(self) -> bool;
impl<T: num::Integer> IsTwo for T {
fn is_two(self) -> bool {
self == (T::one() + T::one())
Is there a better way of representing T::one() + T::one() as 2?
One way of representing arbitrary integers in generic code is to use the num::NumCast trait:
impl<T: num::Integer + num::NumCast> IsTwo for T {
fn is_two(self) -> bool {
self == T::from(2).unwrap()
A related way is to use the num::FromPrimitive trait:
impl<T: num::Integer + num::FromPrimitive> IsTwo for T {
fn is_two(self) -> bool {
self == T::from_i32(2).unwrap()
Related questions and answers: [1, 2].
You can write a function:
fn two<T>() -> T
where T: num::Integer,
let mut v = T::zero();
for _ in 0..2 {
v = v + T::one();
I've chosen this form because it's easily made into a macro, which can be reused for any set of values:
num_constant!(two, 2);
num_constant!(forty_two, 42);
I hear the concerns now... "but that's a loop and inefficient!". That's what optimizing compilers are for. Here's the LLVM IR for two when compiled in release mode:
; Function Attrs: noinline readnone uwtable
define internal fastcc i32 #_ZN10playground3two17hbef99995c3606e93E() unnamed_addr #3 personality i32 (i32, i32, i64, %"unwind::libunwind::_Unwind_Exception"*, %"unwind::libunwind::_Unwind_Context"*)* #rust_eh_personality {
br label %bb8
bb8: ; preds = %bb3
ret i32 2
That's right - it's been optimized to the value 2. No loops.
It's relatively simple to forge any number from 0 and 1:
you need to create 2, which is hardly difficult
you then proceed in converting your number to base 2, which takes O(log2(N)) operations
The algorithm is dead simple:
fn convert<T: Integer>(n: usize) -> T {
let two = T::one() + T::one();
let mut n = n;
let mut acc = T::one();
let mut result = T::zero();
while n > 0 {
if n % 2 != 0 {
result += acc;
acc *= two;
n /= 2;
And will be efficient both in Debug (O(log2(N)) iterations) and Release (the compiler optimizes it out completely).
For those who wish to see it in action, here on the playground we can see that convert::<i32>(12345) is optimized to 12345 as expected.
As an exercise to the reader, implement a generic version of convert which takes any Integer parameter, there's not much operations required on n after all.
