find an altered image from the original image data set - python-3.x

Here is my problem:
I must match two images. One image from the project folder and this folder have over 20.000 images. The other one is from a camera.
What I have done?
I can compare images with basic OpenCV example codes that I found in the documentation. OpenCV Doc I can also compare and find an image by using the hash of my image data set. It is so fast and it is only suitable for 2 exact images. One for query the other one is the target. But they are the same exact image.
So, I need something as reliable as feature matching and as fast as hash methods. But I can't use machine learning or anything on that level. It should be basic. Plus, I'm new to these stuff. So, my term project is on risk.
Example scenario:
If I ever take a picture of an image in my image data set from my computer's screen. This would change many features of the original image. In the case of defining what's in that image, a human won't struggle much but a comparison algorithm will struggle. Such a case leaves lot's of basic comparison algorithm out of the game. But, a machine-learning algorithm could solve the problem but it's forbidden to use in my project.
It must be fast.
It must be accurate.
It must be easy to understand.
Any help is okay. A piece of code, maybe an article or a tutorial. Even an advice or a topic title might be really helpful to me.

Once saw this camera model identification challenge on kaggle. This notebook discusses about noise pattern changes with changing devices. May be you should look in to this and other notebooks in that challenge. Thanks!


API to retrieve images from within an image or pdf

I am looking for a way to extract images from within another image. For example:
Here is a picture taken of a paper. It includes text, an image of a camera, and an image of a qr code. Is there an API that can possibly extract those two(camera and qr code) from this larger image and separate them into their own individual images. I know this is doable with the text(OCR), but I need to find some way to do Image Recognition if that even exists. For now, I cant find any reference to doing this besides extracting images from pdf's, which none of those softwares have the capability to extract them from a non-perfect pdf.
Price for the API(node.js prefered, but i can adapt to use any language) is not a big concern, I'm just not sure this is even possible to due without programming a legitable artificial intelligence using machine learning, which I would no doubt cause a global internet shutdown from breaking everything if I attempted to do so.
Anyway, any suggestions would be great and much appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: the images aren't always those, it can be an image of anything, from potatoes to flags
For the QR code, you can simply use a QR code scanner library and convert the output back into a QR code. As for the camera, you are going to need an image recognition service like Google Cloud Vision or train your own neural network with something like TensorFlow to recognize pictures of cameras.
QR detectors abound around the web and some are on github but for single objects you could try hotpot API
your code example linked into
for striping back you may need a secondary autocrop task

Easiest way to generate depth image/map from 3d model

I was wondering if anybody knew of an easy, robust way to generate depth images from 3d models (i.e. surface models, vertices with faces), with specifiable camera parameters.
I'd prefer "free" options if possible (e.g. pyOpengl or some open source Java library rather than say matlab).
I believe it is possible with the python blender api (noted here), but I'm hoping there's an easier way.
Note also that this question works only for that special case.
You can use DECA repository in Github. There, in ./demos, I used code to save the depth image.

Identify Photos vs. Graphics

Is there a way to write a program that can identify photos vs. graphic images in a folder of jpg files?
sample photo
sample graphic image
I was thinking ImageMagic compare could do it, if it was provided a set of samples it could use to calculate differences between images. I was thinking coming up with that might be tricky, so I was hoping there might be a simpler approach. Maybe something as simple as a Google search I have not thought of. Any help or comment would be much appreciated. Thank you.
You could have the program check for Exif data of various kinds, like the camera manufacturer.
It wouldn't be foolproof, but it would probably work in most cases, as long as the Exif data hasn't been removed from photos by some postprocessing step.
It worked just fine on your two sample images. E.g. your photo of guinea fowl has Exif data for camera maker, camera model, f-stop, exposure, etc. The graphic.jpg appears to have none of those.

Visual Similarity Algorithms (for CBIR)

I am trying to build a collection of Visual similarity between images, being size, angle, color, rotation invariant for Content Based Image Retrieval.Quite agnostic about the platform but .NET, Java or Python are preferred. But if others are available, pls. suggest away.
I am quite familiar with OpenCV Match template and Match shapes. I have also looked at AForge.NET.
p.s. Something similar to would be ideal:
Content Based Image Retrieval is a field of heavy research. Unfortunately it is not my field of research, therefore I am unable to give you an authoritative suggestion on a viable algorithm. But I can give you the website where I would start looking for an answer:
CVPapers - Computer Vision Resource (check out the Computer Vision Paper Indexes)

Graphics/Vision Interesting Topics

I would like to do an interesting project for a computer graphics course. I know that there is a lot of literature out there (i.e. SIGGRAPH conference papers). I have a very large range of interest with regard to computer graphics (i.e. image processing, 3D modeling, rendering, animation). However, I've only taken computer vision/graphics for 2 semesters and thus don't have too much background experience, except for the class projects that I had to do.
I've been looking through SIGGRAPH papers trying to see if there is anything that will be of interest to me but the literature is extremely vast. I was wondering if anyone has any topic suggestions, anything interesting that you ran across that you could recommend. I would prefer to do something fun yet slightly challenging (not really interested in making a shooter game).
If this question does not belong here, I apologize and please let me know where I should move it.
Image Drawing animator. (the name is kind of misleading, but I didn't care much about it)
Anyway, the software does the following:
Takes an image say a JPEG or BMP as input.
Extract the lines from the image. (I used Matlab and Laplace transformations)
Convert the static lines to Vector paths.
Simulate drawing the image using the extracted paths.
In summary, you should give an image, for example a city scape, the program extract all lines and start drawing the buildings, streets and sunset lines, then finally add the colors one by one, until the full image is done.
Real time hand(s) detector.
You'll have plenty of interesting and fun applications with this.
