convert list of Tupel into list of lists - haskell

Hey guys I want to be able to change a list of tuple in a list of lists . Here is what I am thinking:
pairToList :: (a, a) -> [a]
pairToList (x,y) = [x,y]
listoflists :: [(a, a)] -> [[a]]
listoflists xs = [pairToList (a, a) | a <- xs]
The first function works perfectly which is change Tupels into list but the second one doesn't not work, I tried to write it like that.
listoflists :: [(a, a)] -> [[a]]
listoflists xs = [pairToList (a, a) | (a,a) <- xs]
I am new with using comprehension of lists that contain Tuples.

In the second attempt,
listoflists xs = [pairToList (a, a) | (a,a) <- xs]
the part (a,a) <- xs is illegal, since it tries to define variable a mutliple times. For instance, if xs = [(1,2)] then the generator (a,a) <- [(1,2)] would define a as 1 and 2 at the same time which makes no sense.
You need to use different variables, e.g. (a1,a2) <- xs.
In the first attempt,
listoflists xs = [pairToList (a, a) | a <- xs]
a represents a generic pair taken from xs. Because of that (a,a) will be a pair-of-pairs. Hence, pairToList (a,a) will produce a list-of-pairs, which is not what you wanted. You could fix this by directly calling pairToList a instead.


List of pairs into pair of Lists Haskell

Basically I have this exercise:
Using list comprehensions, write a polymorphic function:
split :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b])
which transforms a list of pairs (of any types) into a pair of lists. For example,
split [(1, 'a'), (2, 'b'), (3, 'c')] = ([1, 2, 3], "abc")
This was the way I wrote the function but it is not working:
split :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b])
split listOfPairs = (([a | a <- listOfPairs]), ([b | b <- listOfPairs]))
Can someone please explain why my solution doesn't work? Thank you!
A list comprehension like:
[a | a <- listOfPairs]
is actually nothing more than an identity operation for lists. It will yield the same list as the one you provide, since you basically iterate over listOfPairs, and for each iteration, you yield the element a.
Haskell does not perform implicit conversions, so it does not derive from the types that a in your a <- listOfPairs then only can be the first element. Even if that was possible, it was probably not a good idea anyway, since it would make the language more "unstable" in the sense that a small change in the types, could have significant impact in the semantics.
In order to obtain the first element of a tuple, you need to use pattern matching, like:
[a | (a, _) <- listOfPairs]
here we thus pattern match the first element of the tuple with a, and for the second one, we thus use:
[b | (_, b) <- listOfPairs]
We can thus impelement this as:
split:: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])
split listOfPairs = ([a | (a, _) <- listOfPairs], [b | (_, b) <- listOfPairs])
Or we can use map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b], fst :: (a, b) -> a and snd :: (a, b) -> b:
split:: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])
split listOfPairs = (map fst listOfPairs, map snd listOfPairs)
But the above still has a problem: here we iterate twice independently over the same list. We can omit that by using recursion, like:
split:: [(a,b)] -> ([a],[b])
split [] = []
split ((a, b):xs) = (a:as, b:bs)
where (as, bs) = split xs
or we can use a foldr function:
split :: Foldable f => f (a,b) -> ([a],[b])
split = foldr (\(a,b) (as,bs) -> (a:as,b:bs)) ([],[])
There is already a Haskell function that does exactly what you want: unzip :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b]), with the source code.

How can I drop nth element of a list using foldl?

dropnth' :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropnth' xs n = foldl (\a b -> if (last a) == xs!!n then a else b ++ []) [head xs] xs
I was trying to solve this "dropping every nth element of a list" question using foldl, but I'm getting an error. How can I do that?
a are presumably the elements that you have already decided not to drop. You should then decide whether to drop, not the last element of a, but the next element in xs, which is presumably b.
b ++ [] is presumably meant to express that you have decided not to drop the element b, instead adding it to the list a. This is actually written a ++ [b].
This allows me to write this piece of code, which at least compiles:
dropnth' :: Eq a => [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropnth' xs n = foldl (\a b -> if b == xs!!n then a else a ++ [b]) [head xs] xs
xs!!n finds the nth element of xs, and comparing with that will find decide whether something's value is equal to that, not something's position. Note the Eq a, which tells us that we are comparing list values. foldl will have to get the positions of the entries from somewhere, such as from zip [0..].
dropnth' :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropnth' xs n = foldl (\a (i, b) -> if mod i n == 0 then a else a ++ [b]) [head xs] (zip [0..] xs)
Adding an element to the end of a list has to rebuild the whole list. Building the list up from its end would be much more efficient. But in this case, we can even use more specialized list operations for our use case.
dropnth' :: [a] -> Int -> [a]
dropnth' xs n = [b | (i, b) <- zip [0..] xs, mod i n > 0]
Note that we now drop the initial element as well. Perhaps that is what you want? Or you could zip with [1..] instead to shift all the crosshairs one to the left.
Usually, type signatures like Int -> [a] -> [a] compose better.

Apply a function to every element in a list to every element in another list - Haskell

My ultimate goal is to find if a list y contains all the elements of list x (I'm checking if x is a subset of y sort of thing)
subset x y =
and [out | z <- x
, out <- filter (==z) y ]
This doesn't work, and I know it's because z is a list still. I'm trying to make sense of this.
I think I may have to use the elem function, but I'm not sure how to split x into chars that I can compare separately through y.
I'm ashamed to say that I've been working on this simple problem for an hour and a half.
Checking whether all elements of xs are elements of ys is very straightforward. Loop through xs, and for each element, check if it is in ys:
subset xs ys = all (\x -> elem x ys) xs
You could also use the list difference function (\\). If you have list y and list x, and you want to check that all elements of x are in y, then x \\ y will return a new list with the elements of x that are not in y. If all the elements of x are in y, the returned list will be empty.
For example, if your list y is [1,2,3,4,5] and your list x is [2,4], you can do:
Prelude> [2,4] \\ [1,2,3,4,5]
If list y is [1,2,3,4,5] and list x is [2,4,6], then:
Prelude> [2,4,6] \\ [1,2,3,4,5]
Easy way to reason about subsets is to use sets as the data type.
import qualified Data.Set as S
subset :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
subset xs ys = S.isSubsetOf (S.fromList xs) (S.fromList ys)
Then it's as simple as:
*Main> subset [1..5] [1..10]
*Main> subset [0..5] [1..10]
Let's break this down into two subproblems:
Find if a value is a member of a list;
Use the solution to #1 to test whether every value in a list is in the second one.
For the first subproblem there is a library function already:
elem :: (Eq a, Foldable t) => a -> t a -> Bool
Lists are a Foldable type, so you can use this function with lists for t and it would have the following type:
elem :: (Eq a) => a -> [a] -> Bool
EXERCISE: Write your own version of elem, specialized to work with lists (don't worry about the Foldable stuff now).
So now, to tackle #2, one first step would be this:
-- For each element of `xs`, test whether it's an element of `ys`.
-- Return a list of the results.
notYetSubset :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [Bool]
notYetSubset xs ys = map (\x -> elem x ys) xs
After that, we need to go from the list of individual boolean results to just one boolean. There's a standard library function that does that as well:
-- Return true if and only if every element of the argument collection is
-- is true.
and :: Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
EXERCISE: write your own version of and, specialized to lists:
myAnd :: [Bool] -> Bool
myAnd [] = _fillMeIn
myAnd (x:xs) = _fillMeIn
With these tools, now we can write subset:
subset :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [Bool]
subset xs ys = and (map (\x -> elem x ys) xs)
Although a more experienced Haskeller would probably write it like this:
subset :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [Bool]
subset xs ys = every (`elem` ys) xs
{- This:
(`elem` ys) a syntactic shortcut for this:
\x -> x elem ys
...where every is another standard library function that is just a shortcut for the combination of map and and:
-- Apply a boolean test to every element of the list, and
-- return `True` if and only if the test succeeds for all elements.
every :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
every p = and . map p

Haskell: Create a list of tuples from a tuple with a static element and a list

Need to create a list of tuples from a tuple with a static element and a list. Such as:
(Int, [String]) -> [(Int, String)]
Feel like this should be a simple map call but am having trouble actually getting it to output a tuple as zip would need a list input, not a constant.
I think this is the most direct and easy to understand solution (you already seem to be acquainted with map anyway):
f :: (Int, [String]) -> [(Int, String)]
f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
(which also happens to be the desugared version of [(i, x) | x < xs], which Landei proposed)
Prelude> f (3, ["a", "b", "c"])
This solution uses pattern matching to "unpack" the tuple argument, so that the first tuple element is i and the second element is xs. It then does a simple map over the elements of xs to convert each element x to the tuple (i, x), which I think is what you're after. Without pattern matching it would be slightly more verbose:
f pair = let i = fst pair -- get the FIRST element
xs = snd pair -- get the SECOND element
in map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
The algorithm is no way specific to (Int, [String]), so you can safely generalize the function by replacing Int and String with type parameters a and b:
f :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)]
f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
this way you can do
Prelude> f (True, [1.2, 2.3, 3.4])
and of course if you simply get rid of the type annotation altogether, the type (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)] is exactly the type that Haskell infers (only with different names):
Prelude> let f (i, xs) = map (\x -> (i, x)) xs
Prelude> :t f
f :: (t, [t1]) -> [(t, t1)]
Bonus: you can also shorten \x -> (i, x) to just (i,) using the TupleSections language extension:
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
f :: (a, [b]) -> [(a, b)]
f (i, xs) = map (i,) xs
Also, as Ørjan Johansen has pointed out, the function sequence does indeed generalize this even further, but the mechanisms thereof are a bit beyond the scope.
For completeness, consider also cycle,
f i = zip (cycle [i])
Using foldl,
f i = foldl (\a v -> (i,v) : a ) []
Using a recursive function that illustrates how to divide the problem,
f :: Int -> [a] -> [(Int,a)]
f _ [] = []
f i (x:xs) = (i,x) : f i xs
A list comprehension would be quite intuitive and readable:
f (i,xs) = [(i,x) | x <- xs]
Do you want the Int to always be the same, just feed zip with an infinite list. You can use repeat for that.
f i xs = zip (repeat i) xs

Haskell - Counting how many times each distinct element in a list occurs

I'm new to Haskell and am just trying to write a list comprehension to calculate the frequency of each distinct value in a list, but I'm having trouble with the last part..
So far i have this:
frequency :: Eq a => [a] -> [(Int,a)]
frequency list = [(count y list,y) | y <- rmdups ]
Something is wrong with the last part involving rmdups.
The count function takes a character and then a list of characters and tells you how often that character occurs, the code is as follows..
count :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
count x [] = 0
count x (y:ys) | x==y = 1+(count x ys)
| otherwise = count x ys
Thank-you in advance.
You could also use a associative array / finite map to store the associations from list elements to their count while you compute the frequencies:
import Data.Map (fromListWith, toList)
frequency :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]
frequency xs = toList (fromListWith (+) [(x, 1) | x <- xs])
Example usage:
> frequency "hello world"
[(' ',1),('d',1),('e',1),('h',1),('l',3),('o',2),('r',1),('w',1)]
See documentation of fromListWith and toList.
I had to use Ord in instead of Eq because of the use of sort
frequency :: Ord a => [a] -> [(Int,a)]
frequency list = map (\l -> (length l, head l)) (group (sort list))
As requested, here's a solution using Control.Arrow:
frequency :: Ord a => [a] -> [(Int,a)]
frequency = map (length &&& head) . group . sort
This is the same function as ThePestest's answer, except
λ f g l -> (f l, g l)
is replaced with
-- simplified type signature
(&&&) :: (a -> b) -> (a -> c) -> a -> (b, c)
from Control.Arrow. If you want to avoid the import,
liftA2 (,) :: Applicative f => f a -> f b -> f (a, b)
works as well (using the Applicative instance of (->) r)
Assuming rmdups has the type
rmdups :: Eq a => [a] -> [a]
Then you're missing a parameter for it.
frequency :: Eq a => [a] -> [(Int,a)]
frequency list = [(count y list,y) | y <- rmdups list]
But the error you're getting would be helpful with diagnosis.
Your rmdups function is just nub from Data.List.
Replacing rmdups with nub list worked for me like a charm.
Hahahaha there is an rmdups on pg. 86 of Programming in Haskell by Graham Hutton. It is perfect and recursive. It is also handy in a great many situations.
Here is my one line rmdups and it produces the same results as nubor Hutton's.
rmdups ls = [d|(z,d)<- zip [0..] ls,notElem d $ take z ls]
It can well be used to count distinct elements of a list.
dl = "minimum-maximum"
[ (d,sum [1|x<-dl,d == x]) | d<-rmdups dl]
