IIS has no websites - iis

I'm configuring Windows 10 machine for web development. Installed Visual Studio and want to configure websites. Installed IIS manager but for some reason it doesn't have... anything. No websites, no application pools, no features at all. And it doesn't let me to add any of that.
Has anyone faced this kind of behavior?

Found it. It turned out that something messed up IIS config files (in Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config). So all IIS features were referencing invalid DLLs in the GAC and therefore were silently failing. I only found a trace of that in the Windows Event Log.
Took clean administration.config file and IIS started correctly.


How to use IIS Express 10?

I have installed IIS 10 On my Windows 10 PC but after installation I cannot find the application either in start menu or if I make a search for it.
I have tried to go to C:\Program files\IIS Express\ but can't understand anything there
I want to see the files of a website.
First you have to understand the difference between iis and iis express. IIS express would only be used by people who don't have access to IIS or want something that is lighter than IIS but more like IIS than Cassini. IIS 7 ships with the operating system and is tightly integrated to Windows. more information you can refer to this link:
IIS Express Overview
IIS Web Server Overview
If you are installing IIS 10(not iis express), then you can find it in the start menu. If you can’t find it, you may have a problem with the installation. you can refer to the following article on how to install iis. If it is iis express, then you can use it in visual studio.

How can I tell if I have IIS Express or Full version installed?

I have two machines: Windows 10 Pro, and Windows 10 Home. I have enabled IIS on both of them. From both machines, going to IIS -> File -> About shows this dialog:
One might assume that I'm dealing with the full version of IIS simply due to the lack of the word "Express".
Is there any simple way to confirm if a machine has full or express installed?
IIS Express is normally installed into your 32-bit Program Files folder. So, to see if it's there you can try:
C:\>cd "\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express"
C:\Program Files (x86)\IIS Express>iisexpress /?
Full IIS is normally installed as a service called "World Wide Web Publishing Service" or "w3svc" for short. So, to see if it's there you can try:
C:\>net start w3svc
You opened IIS Manager to see such a dialog and IIS Manager is only part of full IIS, while IIS is part of Windows.
If you want to check that in code, then there are other ways such as checking Windows CBS data, or reading registry key.
IIS Express is completely another software, which is an MSI package to be installed either with Visual Studio or individually. To test its installation, you either check the Programs dialogue as the comment said, or query MSI data or registry keys.
If you have IIS manager installed, you have full IIS.
IIS Express is part of Visual Studio and appears in the Windows system tray when you run a web application/web site from within Visual Studio.

ColdFusion10 Developer and Windows7 (IIS7.5)

I am trying to learn ColdFusion and have installed the developer edition (CF10) on my Win7 computer and this brings up the localhost administrator page correctly but I have a test helloworld.cfm file in inetpub/wwwroot and when I try & access this with localhost/helloworld.cfm windows opens a dialogue box saying what program should open this .cfm file?
(in IIS Mime type there is none for .cfm & when I tried to add one it didn't work...).
Several posts on the internet say ensure IIS has CGI enabled and ISAPI Extensions
IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility which I have.
I'm not sure what is wrong here-can anyone advise me clearly & simply if I can view and use .cfm in IIS & how?
We know IIS is the problem because your administrator works, so CF is running correctly.
What I do is the following
create a site in IIS, just basic. no setting changes
install coldfusion 10
During install coldfusion will ask me if it has to configure all current IIS sites
if you let it do that, it should all work like a charm.
Did you do it like this?
I would uninstall and re-install as something must have gone wrong connecting IIS to COldFusion
CF10 does not require the IIS 6 compatibility. If you don't need that for any other web technology connections, then remove that. You do need CGI, .Net Extensibility, ASP.NET, ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters. I believe the connector configurator for ColdFusion especially uses the .Net Extensibilty to "wire things up".

Debugger can't connect when starting local azure project

Ok, first of; here's what I did:
Install AZURE tools
Start Visual Studio - new Azure project
Add web role (asp.net MVC 4 beta web role)
Hit F5 (debug)
It starts up the storage emulator and the compute emulator and starts to load in runtimes, and then I get a popup saying that the debugger couldn't connect.
Then after some googeling I'm suggested to try to run the application without running the debugger to see if I can acces the application. When I do I get this:
So I figure that IIS does not have permissions to access some file/directory. So I go to IIS and look up the application pool running the app, and it tells me that the identity in use is NetworkService, then I go give NetworkService full permissions to the entirety of the folder IIS has set for the application (which also happens to be the path to the project dir). Still I get the same error. Now I'm more or less out of ideas, but I try one last thing, which is to also give IUSR full permissions to the same dir, but this did not help either.
How can I go about resolving this problem? I haven't tried actually launching my project to Azure yet, cause if I can't even get it to work in development I don't see much point. Any and all help would be appreciated.
I ran into the same error today after uninstalling .NET 4.5/Visual Studio 11 Dev Preview, then installing ASP.NET MVC 4 Beta (this is before Feb 29th when the updated VS 2011 Preview drops).
Since I uninstalled .net 4.5, you just need to do an "aspnet_regiis -i" to ensure the .net framework (4.0) is set up with IIS 7.x this worked for me.
Edit: This will work if you uninstall/then manually install Visual Studio 2012 RTM as well.
I had a similar error yesterday. For me the problem was that the output of the build was empty in the target folder.
I tried to answer a similar question https://stackoverflow.com/a/9411422/182371:
Check %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\dftmp\IISConfiguratorLogs\IISConfigurator.log
file for the error messages. Mode details at
Make sure that the build output of your project is not empty. You can do this by going to IIS, find the site with the name similar to
'deployment16(6).WindowsAzureProject2.WebApplication3_IN_0', right
click --> Explore.... Make sure that this folder is not empty and
contains all the files required to start a web project successfully.
As for the Access Denied error:
it could be just an IIS default setting to disable browsing. To resolve that, just navigate to that web site in IIS, find Directory Browsing icon, and press Enable. You will at least see the files inside that directory.
Also try not only, buta specific document inside that folder, like
Take into account the fact that there's sometimes some mess with the ports. You see that in the error message it's port 82, but in your browser it's port 81. So make sure you're using the right port. Or, even better, in your service definition try to use some non-standard port for this to avoid remapping.
I've met the same issue. In the end, I had to reinstall IIS 7.
I got this exact same error and tried a re-install of IIS and the Azure SDK - nothing worked.
Eventually tracked it down to the "IIS URL Rewrite Module 2". I went to the Control Panel and chose Repair and it resolved it. If you have a section in your web.config then this might be the cause.
Follow step 11 from http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35448. Worked for me on Windows 8 with Oct 2012 SDk when upgraded from 2011.

How to setup IIS?

i want to setup IIS(internet information service) on my laptop. what is the setup formality or setup.
Installing IIS
This question should be moved to Server Fault however. Also, once posted there, you should provide a lot more information about what version of Windows, what version of IIS, and so forth.
Also, if you're just doing development, Visual Studio comes with a small development server, so IIS installations aren't usually needed for development.
