Azure Internal ASE with Firewall - azure-web-app-service

I am running a Linux container as a web app in an internal ASE.
The ASE is deployed to a Vnet (secondary Vnet) which is peered to a another Vnet(Primary vnet) where an Azure firewall exists.
1.I have Enable service endpoints to SQL, Storage, and Event Hub on your ASE subnet.
2.From the Azure Firewall UI > Rules > Application rule collection, Set App Service Environment FQDN Tag and the Windows Update Tag.
3.From the Azure Firewall UI > Rules > Network rule collection, Set the ports to 123.Create another rule the same way to port 12000 to help triage any system issues.
4.Create a route table with the management addresses from App Service Environment management addresses with a next hop of Internet, set directed to the network appliance ( Firewall internal IP address)
5.Create Application rules to allow HTTP/HTTPS traffic (Note: address is the IP of the ILB of the Internal ASE, since I cant find an IP for the web app itself)
I don't seem to be able to reach the web app. Any guidance will be appreciated. is the problem that I created an Internal ASE?
I am trying to isolate the ISE and control external access to it via a firewall.
MSDocs I referenced :

Yes, I think it's the problem with internal ASE. Also, the referring document is intended to lock down all egress from the ASE VNet. Inbound management traffic for an ASE can not be sent through a firewall device.
There are a number of inbound dependencies that an ASE has. The
inbound management traffic cannot be sent through a firewall device.
The source addresses for this traffic are known and are published in
the App Service Environment management addresses document. You can
create Network Security Group rules with that information to secure
inbound traffic.
In addition, since it's an internal ASE, it is deployed in your VNet with ILB. You can not directly access its backend web app over the Internet, you need at least a public-facing Ip address (external VIP )or other public-facing services(Public Azure application gateway) in front of it.
It will like this,


Azure Firewall: How to translate Internet URL to Internal/Intranet URL?

I have created the following Vnets
vnet-hub-poc-hubspoke is the Hub Vnet
and both the Vnets are peered as per the HUB-SPOKE model
vnet-hub-poc-hubspoke being a Hub Vnet, it has Azure firewall configured
both the Vnets are connected to Azure Private DNS
Azure Private DNS has a record pointing to the VM deployed on the vnet-prod-poc-hubspoke Vnet
and I could access the FQDN within the internal network
after adding the below rule in Azure Firewall, I could access the website using the firewall public IP
Now, instead of firewall public IP I want to use the domain name like (for now, I have updated the hosts file in the client machine pointing to firewall public IP)
what should I do at the azure firewall level so that it would translate Internet URL to Internal/Intranet URL like
What you want is not possible, because you cannot assign a domain name to your Azure Firewall. What you could do is to create a DNS record at a domain name provider that translates a custom domain to your Azure firewall public IP.
Although I have seen people routing inbound traffic in their vnet, Azure firewall is mainly designed for controlling outbound traffic and traffic flowing between (peered) vnets. When you want to direct inbound traffic to a website or service inside your vnet, you can choose between:
Application Gateway
Combination of both
All the options above allow you to add custom domains and certificates. On the other hand, when you want to access a virtual machine through rdp or ssh, your main options are:
Bastion host (i.e. jumpbox)
Cloud Shell

How to route all traffic through Azure Firewall in Azure, even on Prem( connected with VPN)

In our Azure tenant we have a Azure Firewall and a VPN connection with our on prem servers. I want to route all traffic through the azure firewall, whether it's incoming traffic from on prem to azure or outgoing traffic from azure to on prem.
For traffic inside azure I have created a routing table for each subnet and pointed to the firewall. Is this correct? And what do I have to configure for the on prem connection part. Further, how can I test it?
Thanks and best regards
To route traffic coming from the on-prem network, through the Azure Firewall, you also need to specify a route on the "GatewaySubnet".
This route table should contain the (Azure) subnets you want to reach from on-prem.
So if you for example have a subnet in Azure, and you want to reach that from On-Prem.
Add a route table, with a route to, next hop type "Virtual Appliance" and Next Hop IP the private IP of your Azure Firewall.
Add this route table to the GatewaySubnet. (Some times you cannot assosiate from within the route table itself, but have to to through Virtual Network > Subnet and specify the route table there.
(And allow the traffic in the Azure Firewall.)

Azure ASE v2 - restrict network access for app services

I have an ILB ASE v2 with WAF (public IP). The ASE has its subnet where all web apps reside. For obvious security reasons I think I need to lock down access from Internet and leave only HTTPS open. But when I do that I can't see app services info in the portal. So what should my NSG look like for this subnet?
Also, WAF has its own subnet. It doesn't have NSG assigned either. Should it have one?
When you add a NSG to the AppSercice subnet with Deny All internet traffic, it is blocking the portal to fetch information from App Device. Try adding a NSG rule with greater priority with source IP as Azure Cloud tag and allow it.
So you are blocking all Internet traffic and allowing Azure IPs for communication.
Let me know if it works.
Here's the resulting rules set for ASE subnet NSG:
you might want to add HTTP to it if you need it.

Denylist client IP in Azure Application Gateway

We are using Azure Application Gateway for our site, and we are getting few people scraping our site. We want to block their IP at gateway level, as we don't want to configure the same blocks in every web service.
We can not find the way of blocking IPs using only the gateway or its virtual network. Had anybody the same problem and can illuminate our path?
You could deploy Application Gateway in a virtual network. If so, you will have a dedicated subnet for this Application Gateway. This subnet can only contain Application Gateways. You could associate an NSG to this subnet. If so, you could restrict inbound and outbound traffic from this Application Gateway subnet via inbound or outbound security rules in NSG. In this case, you could add an inbound security rule to backlist your clients' IP.
Refer to DOC, Note:
Network Security Groups (NSGs) are supported on the application
gateway subnet with the following restrictions:
Exceptions must be put in for incoming traffic on ports 65503-65534
for the Application Gateway v1 SKU and ports 65200 - 65535 for the v2
SKU. This port-range is required for Azure infrastructure
communication. They are protected (locked down) by Azure certificates.
Without proper certificates, external entities, including the
customers of those gateways, will not be able to initiate any changes
on those endpoints.
Outbound internet connectivity can't be blocked.
Traffic from the AzureLoadBalancer tag must be allowed.
Hope this helps.

Block traffic to Azure web Api which is associated to an ASE

I have created an App Service Environment and have multiple web app and web API associated with it. I want to achieve an arrangement where only my App service has access to the API, so trying to block traffic to the API using IP Restriction. But all the Web Apps as well as the web API has the same VIP and i cant find any other IP address associated with it.
Also to attach the NSG to the subnet(in which ASE is there), we need to add rules which again need specific IP. How can I achieve this?
I assume you have provisioned external ASE.
"App Service has the ability to allocate a dedicated IP address to an app. This capability is available after you configure an IP-based SSL"
So, you can limit the access to some of your apps inside the ASE by using App-assigned IP-based SSL addresses (Only possible with an External ASE and when IP-based SSL is configured).
When you provision your ASE, you can select how many external IP addresses the system should have including those for IP-based SSL purposes.
please see: and slide nr.14 here
