Sending a notification to user using Node.js - node.js

I am looking for a solution to my problem. I have Node.js server serving my web application where user can log in. I want to handle a situation where one user A performs specific action and user B associated with this action gets real life notification. Is there a module that would help me or there is some other solution?

What you are describing is "server push" where the server proactively notifies a user on their site of some activity or event. In the web browser world these days, there are basically two underlying technology options:
webSocket (or some use, a more feature rich library built on top of webSocket)
server sent events (SSE).
For webSocket or, the basic idea is that the web page connects back to the server with a webSocket or connection. That connection stays live (unlike a typical http connection that would connect, send a request, receive a response, then close the connection). So, with that live connection, the server is free to send the client (which is the web page in a user's browser), notifications at any time. The Javascript in the web page then listens for incoming data on the connection and, based on what data it receives, then uses Javascript to update the currently displayed web page to show something to the user.
For server sent events, you open an event source on the client-side and that also creates a lasting connection to the server, but this connection is one-way only (the server can send events to the client) and it's completely built on HTTP. This is a newer technology than webSocket, but is more limited in purpose.
In both of these cases, the server has to keep track of which connection belongs to which user so when something interesting happens on the server, it can know which connection to notify of the event.
Another solution occasionally used is client-side polling. In this case, the web page just regularly sends an ajax call to the server asking if there are any new events. Anything new yet? Anything new yet? Anything new yet? While this is conceptually a bit simpler, it's typically far less efficient unless the polling intervals are spaced far apart, say 10 or 15 minutes which limits the timeliness of any notifications. This is because most polling requests (particularly when done rapidly) return no data and are just wasted cycles on your server.

If you want to notify userB, when both of you are simultaneously online during the action, then use websockets to pass message to a two-way channel to notify userB.
If you want to notify them whenever, regardless of online status, use a message queue.


How to use properly with express app

I wonder how do I use properly with my express app.
I have a REST API written in express/node.js and I want to use to add real-time feature for my app. Consider that I want to do something I can do just by sending a request to my REST API. What should I do with Should I send request to the REST API and send client the result of the process or handle the whole process within emitter and then send the result to client?
Thanks in advance.
Question is not that clear but from what I'm getting from it, is that you want to know what you would use it for that you cant already do with your current API?
The short answer is, well nothing really.. Websockets are just the natural progression of API's and the need for a more 'real-time' interface between systems.
Old methods (and still used and relevant for the right use case) is long polling where you keep checking back to the server for updated items and if so grab them.. This works but it can be expensive in terms of establishing a connection, performing a lookup, then closing a connection.
websockets keep that connection open, allowing both the client and server to communicate real time. So for example, lets say you make an update to your backend data and want users to get that update, using long polling you would rely on each client to ping back to the server, check if there is an update and if so grab it. This can cause lags between updates, some users have updated data while other do not etc.
Now, take the same scenario with websockets, you make an update to the backend data, hit submit, this then emits to your socket server. Socket server takes the call, performs the task ( grabs updated data ) and emits it to the users, each connected user instantly gets that update.
Socket servers are typically used for things like real time chats or polling where packets are smaller but they are also used for web games etc. Depending on the size of your payloads will determine how best to send data back and forth because the larger the payload the more resources / bandwidth it will take on the socket server so its something to consider.

nodejs get response from api without refreshing page

I started nodejs few days ago and i want to understand one thing.
Imagine that i have a nodejs web communicate with API, when i send request (offer for a specific user) i would like to know if user has accepted or declined the offer without refreshing the site. I know there is a way with AJAX, but is there any better solution how can i get state of the offer if it is accepted/declined (if something change)
Every advice is appreciated!
If you want to know in the client when the state of something on the server changes (at some indefinite future time), then here are three options:
You can regularly "poll" the server every so often with an ajax call asking for any updates on the offer. The server can then return the current state of the offer and the client can update the status in the current web page.
You can create a webSocket or ( is an API on top of a webSocket) connection from the client to the server. This is a long lasting connection which allows the server to send data to the client at any time. So, anytime the server sees a change in the state of that offer, it can send an update to the client and the client can then modify the current page to show that change.
You can use the newer server-sent events which is an extension to http which allows a server to send data to a client to accomplish something similar to the previous option.

Sending data from RabbitMQ to Node.JS via Socket.IO

I am going to design a system where there is a two-way communication between clients and a web application. The web application can receive data from the client so it can persist it to a DB and so forth, while it can also send instructions to the client. For this reason, I am going to use Node.JS and Socket.IO.
I also need to use RabbitMQ since I want that if the web application sends an instruction to a client, and the client is down (hence the socket has dropped), I want it to be queued so it can be sent whenever the client connects again and creates a new socket.
From the client to the web application it should be pretty straightforward, since the client uses the socket to send the data to the Node.JS app, which in turn sends it to the queue so it can ultimately be forwarded to the web application. From this direction, if the socket is down, there is no internet connection, and hence the data is not sent in the first place, or is cached on the client.
My concern lies with the other direction, and I would like an answer before I design it this way and actually implement it, so I can avoid hitting any brick walls. Let's say that the web application tries to send an instruction to the client. If the socket is available, the web app forwards the instruction to the queue, which in turn forwards it to the Node.JS app, which in turn uses the socket to forward it to the client. So far so good. If on the other hand, the internet connection from the client has dropped, and hence the socket is currently down, the web app will still send the instruction to the queue. My question is, when the queue forwards the instruction to Node.JS, and Node.JS figures out that the socket does not exist, and hence cannot send the instruction, will the queue receive a reply from Node.JS that it could not forward the data, and hence that it should remain in the queue? If that is the case, it would be perfect. When the client manages to connect to the internet, it will perform a handshake once again, the queue will once again try to send to Node.JS, only this time Node.JS manages to send the instruction to the client.
Is this the correct reasoning of how those components would interact together?
this won't work the way you want it to.
when the node process receives the message from rabbitmq and sees the socket is gone, you can easily nack the message back to the queue.
however, that message will be processed again immediately. it won't sit there doing nothing. the node process will just pick it up again. you'll end up with your node / rabbitmq thrashing as it just nacks a message over and over and over and over, waiting for the socket to come back online.
if you have dozens or hundreds of messages for a client that isn't connected, you'll have dozens or hundreds of messages thrashing round in circles like this. it will destroy the performance of both your node process and rabbitmq.
my recommendation:
when the node app receives the message from rabbitmq, and the socket is not available to the client, put the message in a database table and mark it as waiting for that client.
when the client re-connects, check the database for any pending messages and forward them all at that point.

How does gmail browser client detect internet/server disconnect (speed and scalability)

We have an browser application (SaaS) where we would like to notify the user in the case of internet connection or server connection loss. Gmail does this very nicely, the moment I unplug the internet cable or disable network traffic it immediately says unable to reach the server and gives me a count down for retry.
What is the best way to implement something like this? Would I want the client browser issuing AJAX requests to the application server every second, or have a separate server that just reports back "alive". Scalability will be come an issue down the road.
Because GMail already checks for new e-mails every some seconds and for chat information even more frequently, it can tell without a separate request if the connection is down. If you're not using Ajax for some other sort of constant update, then yes, you would just have your server reply with some sort of "alive" signal. Note that you couldn't use a separate server because of Ajax cross-domain restrictions, however.
With the server reporting to the client (push via Comet), you have to maintain an open connection for each client. This can be pretty expensive if you have a large number of clients. Scalability can be an issue, as you mentioned. The other option is to poll. Instead of doing it every second, you can have it poll every 5-10 seconds or so.
Something else that you can look at is Web Sockets (developed as part of HTML 5), but I am not sure if it is widely supported (AFAIK only Chrome supports it).

Socket connection on iPhone (IOS 4.x)

I am working on a Chatting application (needs to connect to a server) on iPhone. The sending packet from iPhone shouldn't be a problem.
But I would like to know whether it is possible for iPhone to establish a incoming socket connection to server continuously or forever under mobile environment.
OR What do I need to do to give the connection alive ? Need to send something over it to keep it alive ?
Not sure why you want to have chatting app to have persisted connection... I'd better use SMS like model. Anyways, Cocoa NSStream is based on NSSocket and allows a lot of functionality. Take a look at it.
Response to the question. Here is in a nutshell, what I would do:
Get an authentication token from the server.
this will also take care of user presence if necessary but now we are talking about the state; once presence is known, the server may send out notifications to clients that are active and have a user on their contact list.
Get user's contact list and contact presence state.
When a message send, handle it according to addressee state, i.e. if online, communicate back to the other user, if offline, queue for later delivery or reject.
Once token expires, reject communication with appropriate error and make the client to request a new token.
Communication from server to client, can be based on pull or push model. In first case, client periodically makes a request and fetches all messages. This may sound not good but in reality, how often users compose and send messages? Several times a minute? That's not too much. So fetching may happen every 5-10 seconds.
For push model, client must be able to listen and accept connections.
Finally, check out SIP, session initiation protocol. No need to use full version of it though. Just basic stuff.
This is very rough and perhaps simplified. I don't know the target complexity of your chatting system. For example, the simplest thing can also be that server just enables client to client communication by distributing their end points and clients take care of everything themselves.
Good luck!
Super out of date response, but maybe it will help the next person.
I would use xmppframework and a jabber server.
