How to reference or link files and folders inside a git repository to match these criteria? - linux

I've encountered a problem long time ago which I couldn't solve, but I'm curious whether it's possible to fulfill ALL of the below listed criteria at once or not.
The solution what I was looking for can:
somehow refer to an existing file or folder from another folder of the same git repo
basically reach the content of the file or folder from another subfolder, see the content(s) as if they were on the another path as well
e.g.: if ./path/to/folder is referred from ./another_path/different_folder, then every file in ./path/to/folder/* is visible on path ./another_path/different_folder/*
e.g.: if ./path/to/file is referred by ./another_path/different_file, then by reading/writing content of the different_file, the original file is read/modified
store the referred file only once in git repo
don't want to make a copy of the file to another path and maintain changes in both files simultaneously
be able to use multiple references for a single file
be able to use relative paths
make it work on both Windows and Linux
As if I can remember, some of the problems were while experimenting with this:
the paths were broken after the repository was pulled to a different path (I assume they were not relative, but absolute)
the Windows style links are special files, were not working on Linux
the symlinks can't handle relative paths correctly on the Windows system
the hardlinks resulted duplicating files in Windows
(I can't remember exactly which if these might be incorrect, but I'll experiment with the problem again and try to update this question.)
Is there any workaround for this problem?
Thank you for any help!
Please note (in case you would like to mark this question as a duplicate), that there are other similar questions here, but none of those questions define this set of the criteria, therefore it can't be a duplicate.


Excel stopped storing links with relative file path - what to do?

So, in my organization we have a shared drive with a number of Excel workbooks that link to each other. For years, this have worked according to Microsofts description here:
About a year ago, without any change from our side, all our links started behaving as absolute references instead of relative. This is a huge problem for us since it means we can't copy a folder with it's subfolders and have the files still link to each other. (For example, we want to take a structure of files and try out how a new scenario would affect them, or we want a copy of the structure but for a new time period.)
Does anyone know what might cause this problem?
Is there anything we can do to have the links stored as relative again?
I can't believe we're the only ones experiencing this, but I haven't been able to find anything on this problem this far.

Perforce : Revert files without losing its modification

To let you understand my problem, i must give some brief explanation about the way my client application works.
First, we create workspaces with allwrite set, this is because our programming language (PowerBuilder) does not writes directly to txt files, it writes to 'pbl' files, which are binary.
However we dont version pbl files and to be able to version each object inside a pbl we need to run some cmdcommand, which will output the classes within the pbl file to text files (one file per class), these text files is what Perforce must version.
The problem now is that the pbls are being listed as modified files (in fact they are), but we dont want them to be marked as modified.
I could put them in a ignore file, but there are some Pbls in the repository which must be synced.
I know i could specify in the ignore file to ignore Pbls except the Pbls which are in the repository, but then these specific pbls would keep showing up as modified files when i run a reconcile..
What i want is to have the PBL file exactly the way it was before running the reconcile, unopened by perforce but modified.
Its would be ok, if i could revert them without undoing its modifications...
Or if i could run a reconcilefor all the files, except the pbls.
Does anyone knows a way to do that? Thank you.
You can revert files without refreshing their content from the repository by running 'revert -k':

How to realize the "cp -u" function in a clearcase vob?

We have two vobs which are "voba" and "vobb". And there is a directory "abc" in both vob and contains the same .h / .cpp files.
Usually, the files in "abc" dir in "voba" are updated quite frequently. And from time to time, I would like to update all files in "abc of vobb" from "abc of voba", which means:
Checkout the updated files in, overwrite them and then check in.
Copy the newly created files to, create element.
Delete the deleted files in by corrspoding to
If it is a common linux directory, I think cp -u and achieve that. But when it comes to the clearcase, I can only do the above 1-3 by hand.
Is there any easy way to finish that update automatically?
This is called in ClearCase a clearfsimport (potentially used with the -mirror option)
Since the elements in the directories abc of the two vobs are completely different (different oid, with different history), what you can do is import the content of abc from one vob into another: clearfsimport will automatically checkout, update and checkin only the files that have evolved in the source, and need to be updated in the destination.
Note, this recent thread (March 2013) also points out to the perl script ClearCase::SyncTree
It is superior to clearfsimport in many respects, especially in its evil twin avoidance (it will try with the proper options to link suitable entries from non visible versions).
This module provides an infrastructure for programs which want to synchronize a set of files, typically a subtree, with a similar destination subtree in VOB space. The enclosed synctree script is an example of such a program.
The source area may be in a VOB or may be a regular filesystem; the destination area must be in a VOB.
Methods are supplied for adding, subtracting, and modifying destination files so as to make that area look identical to the source.
Symbolic links are supported, even on Windows (of course in this case the source filesystem must support them, which is only likely in the event of an MVFS->MVFS transfer). Note that the text of the link is transported verbatim from source area to dest area; thus relative symlinks may no longer resolve in the destination.

How to create a copy of a directory on Linux with links

I have a series of directories on Linux and each directory contains lots of files and data. The data in those directories are automatically generated, but multiple users will need to perform more analysis on that data and generate more files, change the structure, etc.
Since these data directories are very large, I don't want several people to make a copy of the original data so I'd like to make a copy of the directory and link to the original from the new one. However, I'd like any changes to be kept only in the new directory, and leave the original read only. I'd prefer not to link only specific files that I define because the data in these directories is so varied.
So I'm wondering if there is a way to create a copy of a directory by linking to the original but keeping any changed files in the new directory only.
It turns out this is what I wanted to:
cp -al <origdir> <newdir>
It will copy an entire directory and create hard links to the original files. If the original file is deleted, the copied file still exists, and vice-versa. This will work perfectly, but I found newdir must not already exist. As long as the original files are read-only, you'll be able to create an identical, safe copy of the original directory.
However, since you are looking for a way that people can write back changes, UnionFS is probably what you are looking for. It provides means to combine read-only and read-write locations into one.
Unionfs allows any mix of read-only and read-write branches, as well as insertion and deletion of branches anywhere in the fan-out.
Originally I was going to recommend this (I use it a lot):
Assuming the permissions aren't an issue (e.g. only reading is required) I would suggest to bind-mount them into place.
mount -B <original> <new-location>
# or
mount --bind <original> <new-location>
<new-location> must exist as a folder.

Adding a current project to SVN but ignoring certain file types

I currently have a project which I want to add to SVN but I don't want to version certain file types. (e.g. .png) or a folder (images).
I know there's the svn:ignore, but this will not work if there's no .svn file in the directory which I'm trying to perform the ignore operation. I get the following errors :
property 'svn:ignore' set on '.'
svn: 'common' is not under version control
I'm looking for someone to inform me as to how to do this or direct me in the right place.
Any time I'm trying this, its like I have to add the file/directory to svn using 'svn add' and then run the ignore. I've a lot of directories and I'm looking to do this recursively also.
Is there a simple way to do this?
Set global-ignores in Subversion configuration file (normally found on Linux at ~/.subversion/config). See the manual for more info.
