socket io session map - node.js

Hello on entering my backend I make a connection to my socket and send the player data + socket id
good, and then on receiving I add him in line
and perform a function that will fetch 2 players who have approximate points to form a match
and so I wanted to find a match send to the socket of the selected players
But I don't know how best to map session
I saw about express.socket-io
or save one of these socket's that connect in some way
for when I find a match
send my match to my selected socket's
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on('addPlayer-Queue', (result) => {
const player = {
mmr: result.mmr
const player = new Player(player,socketid )
socket.emit('match', matches)
class Player {
constructor(player,socketId) { =
this.socketId = socketId =
this.mmr = player.mmr
Here I get my player and create it, but I don't know how to get this player's and how to map in a session

If I understood you correctly, here's a way to do it.
Everytime a players get added, I push them on an array and then call the function matchPlayersQueue that tries to match players based on their MMR (I haven't completed the code, but a way to do it, is either check the variance of MMRs or check their difference). If you follow this path, keep in mind that everytime a players disconnect that was on the queue array, you should remove the element.
Another way to do this is, set a timer that periodically calls the function matchPlayersQueue.
let playersOnQueue = [];
io.on("connection", function(socket) {
socket.on("addPlayer-Queue", result => {
const player = {
mmr: result.mmr
const player = new Player(player, socketid);
const matchedPlayers = matchPlayersQueue(playersOnQueue); // matchedPlayers will be an array of their sockets ids.
// Do something with matchedPlayers, empty playersOnQueue if matchedPlayers.length doesn't equal to 0.
function matchPlayersQueue(arr) {
//We'll sort the array by mmr.
arr.sort(function(firstPlayer, secondPlayer) {
return firstPlayer.getMMR() - secondPlayer.getMMR();
if (arr.length >= 3) {
//Trivial way to match 3 people, not checking for MMR.
if (arr.length === 3) {
const socketIDs = {
return player.getSocketID();
return socketIDs;
} else {
Here you can implement your own way of selecting players, maybe having a maximum MMR difference between players or comparing the overall variance of MMR.
} else {
//If there are fewer than 3 people.
return [];
class Player {
Beware of this constructor, while this works, The way i'd would do it is each variable to their own attribute.
constructor(player, socketId) { =;
this.socketId = socketId; =;
this.mmr = player.mmr;
getMMR() {
return this.mmr;
getSocketID() {
return this.socketId;


NodeJS/MongoDB function returning array with wrong data

so I have a collection where I will have a lot of documents, but for now lets suppose it has about 100. (It had less than that when I was testing).
So, I need to get all the documents of the collection, put in a array, sort that and then send it to the websocket for the frontend. But the array is going with wrong data.
This is my code:
const emitSales = async (socket) => {
let salesArray = [];
const saleExists = (contract) => {
return salesArray.some(element => element.contract === contract);
const addSale = (contract) => {
const element = salesArray.find(e => e.contract === contract);
element.sales = element.sales+1;
const sales = await fiveMinSchema.find({}).lean();
if(sales) {
for await (x of sales) {
if(saleExists(x.contract)) {
const collection = await Collection.findOne({
contract: x.contract
let newsale = {
contract: x.contract,
title: collection.title,
description: collection.description,
image: collection.image,
sales: 1,
socket.emit("5min", salesArray.sort((a,b) => {
return b.sales-a.sales;
So, when I execute this function only once, for example, the array returns the correct values. But if I execute the function like 2 times in a row (like very fast), it starts returning the array with wrong data. (like mixing the data).
And as I using websocket, this function will execute like every 2 seconds (for example). How can I fix this problem? Like it seems to be executing more than one time simultaneously and mixing the data, idk..

nodejs discord get nickname from a users ID

My goals are to obtain the users nickname by using their ID.
Their ID's are stored as variables which are being collected from a reaction collector.
I have tried a few methods and failed, most of which either return nothing or errors.
The below code returns nothing, the getnames() function is empty. This method was recommended to me buy 2 people from a nodejs discord server which aims to help solve issues, similar to here.
// returns player ID's
function getPlayers() {
let players = [];
players.push(queue.tank[0]); // First (1) in TANK queue
players.push(queue.heal[0]); // First (1) in HEAL queue
players.push(queue.dps[0]); // First (2) in DPS queue
return players;
// get nick names from ID's
function getnames() {
let players = getPlayers();
let playerNicks = [];
let newPlayer = "";
players.forEach(async player => {
newPlayer = await message.guild.members.fetch(player).then(function (user) {return user.displayName });
return playerNicks;
//formats nicknames into string
function formatnicknames() {
let formatted_string2 = '';
let playerNicks = getnames();
if (playerNicks)
formatted_string2 = `${playerNicks[0]} \n${playerNicks[1]} \n${playerNicks[2]} \n${playerNicks[3]}`;
return formatted_string2;
I have also tried a few variations of the below code, still unable to obtain nickname.
Edit #1
now tried the following code with no success. (boost1ID contains the ID of 1 user)
var mem1 = message.guild.members.fetch(boost1ID).nickname
Edit #2
tried a new method of obtaining displayname from ID.
var guild = client.guilds.cache.get('guildid');
var mem1 = guild.member(boost1ID);
var mem2 = guild.member(boost2ID);
var mem3 = guild.member(boost3ID);
var mem4 = guild.member(boost4ID);
var nickname1 = mem1 ? mem1.displayName : null;
var nickname2 = mem2 ? mem2.displayName : null;
var nickname3 = mem3 ? mem3.displayName : null;
var nickname4 = mem4 ? mem4.displayName : null;
var Allnicknames = `${nickname1} ${nickname2} ${nickname3} ${nickname4}``testing nicknames: ${Allnicknames}`)
I managed to only return my own name since i dont have a nickname on this server, but the other three users who does have a nickname returned null.
This is the simplest solution:
// your users ids
const IDs = [ '84847448498748974', '48477847847844' ];
const promises = => {
return new Promise(async (resolve) => {
const member = message.guild.member(userID) || await message.guild.members.fetch(userID);
resolve(member.displayName || member.user.username);
const nicknames = await Promise.all(promises);
// you now have access to ALL the nicknames, even if the members were not cached!
The members you are trying to get the nicknames of are not necessarily cached, and this fixes that.
I made an example that could help you.
let testUsers = [];
module.exports = class extends Command {
constructor(...args) {
super(...args, {
description: 'Testing.',
category: "Information",
async run(message) {
function getNicknames(userArr, guild) {
let playerNicks = [];
for(var i = 0; i < userArr.length; i++) {
return playerNicks;
let testUser = message.guild.members.cache.get(;
let guild = message.guild;
console.log(getNicknames(testUsers, guild));
I created a function getNicknames that takes in two parameters. The first one is an Array of users (as you get one from your function getPlayers()) and the second one is the guild you are playing in. You need to provide the guild, because every user should be a GuildMember, because you want to use .displayName. I created a user Array outside of my command code, because otherwise there will only be one user in the Array everytime you use the command. Inside of the getNicknames() function I have created a new Array playerNicks that I basically fill with the user nicknames we get from our provided user Array.
Now you have to implement that into your code.
The call of the function getNicknames(), for your code should look like this:
getNicknames(getPlayers(), message.guild); & simple-peer: video chatroom works for only 2 persons

i am trying to build one-to-one video chatroom with and simple-peer, it works as it should for only 2 persons and if third one connects code alerts him that there are already 2 person and s/he should wait. and thing i want to do is to add rooms for only 2 persons (for example first couple enters to room number 1, second enters to room number 2 and etc.)to this code for giving everyone ability to have video chat with each other without waiting. it tried this code but it did not give me result i wanted
let room = vnumb //vnumb is global variable which determines room name;
socket.current_vroom = room,clients)=>{
if(err) console.log(err);
if(clients.length < 2){
if(clients.length == 1){
//emit some event
if(clients.length >= 2){
here is server code
let clients = 0
io.on('connection', function (socket) {
socket.on("NewClient", function () {
if (clients < 2) {
if (clients == 1) {
socket.on('Offer', SendOffer)
socket.on('Answer', SendAnswer)
socket.on('disconnect', Disconnect)
function Disconnect() {
if (clients > 0) {
if (clients <= 2)
function SendOffer(offer) {
this.broadcast.emit("BackOffer", offer)
function SendAnswer(data) {
this.broadcast.emit("BackAnswer", data)
so, how can i do what i want? Thanks!

Resolve Clients and rooms - Migration from 0.9 to +1.x

I am trying to adapt a piece of code that was coded with 0.9 that returns a list of clients in a specific room and list of rooms(typical chat-room example)
Users in room
var usersInRoom = io.sockets.clients(room);
List of rooms
socket.on('rooms', function() {
var tmp = io.sockets.manager.rooms;
socket.emit('rooms', tmp);
tmp looks like this
0: Array[1],
1: /Lobby: Array[1]
So I can show the list in the client with this javascript run on the browser.
socket.on('rooms', function(rooms) {
for(var room in rooms) {
room = room.substring(1, room.length);
if (room != '') {
$('#room-list div').click(function() {
chatApp.processCommand('/join ' + $(this).text());
But for version >1.x I just found the clients/rooms changed.
Following some links I found here, I could manage to get a list of rooms by doing this:
socket.on('rooms', function(){
var tmp = socket.rooms;
socket.emit('rooms', tmp);
The problem here is that socket.rooms returns
0: "RandomString",
1: "Lobby",
length: 2
And I just need to pass the 'Lobby' room. I don't know from where the random string come from.
Through some debugging I discovered, the randomstring is the ... Is it normal this behavior? Returning the room and the together?
I finally got some results
Users in room
var usersInRoom = getUsersByRoom('/', room);
function getUsersByRoom(nsp, room) {
var users = []
for (var id in io.of(nsp).adapter.rooms[room]) {
return users;
List of rooms
function getRooms(io){
var allRooms = io.sockets.adapter.rooms;
var allClients = io.engine.clients;
var result = [];
for(var room in allRooms){
// check the value is not a 'client-socket-id' but a room's name
return result;
Better and more straightforward ways to achieve the results?
These are the links I checked:
How to get room's clients list in 1.0 get rooms which socket is currently in
It seems there is no better approach, so I will use my own answer. In case any of you has a better solution, I would update the accepted one.
Users in room
var usersInRoom = getUsersByRoom('/', room);
function getUsersByRoom(nsp, room) {
var users = []
for (var id in io.of(nsp).adapter.rooms[room]) {
return users;
List of rooms
function getRooms(io){
var allRooms = io.sockets.adapter.rooms;
var allClients = io.engine.clients;
var result = [];
for(var room in allRooms){
// check the value is not a 'client-socket-id' but a room's name
return result;

Node, anything to prevent flooding?

How can I prevent someone from simply doing
while(true){client.emit('i am spammer', true)};
This sure proves to be a problem when someone has the urge to crash my node server!
Like tsrurzl said you need to implement a rate limiter (throttling sockets).
Following code example only works reliably if your socket returns a Buffer (instead of a string). The code example assumes that you will first call addRatingEntry(), and then call evalRating() immediately afterwards. Otherwise you risk a memory leak in the case where evalRating() doesn't get called at all or too late.
var rating, limit, interval;
rating = []; // rating: [*{'timestamp', 'size'}]
limit = 1048576; // limit: maximum number of bytes/characters.
interval = 1000; // interval: interval in milliseconds.
// Describes a rate limit of 1mb/s
function addRatingEntry (size) {
// Returns entry object.
return rating[(rating.push({
'size': size
}) - 1);
function evalRating () {
// Removes outdated entries, computes combined size, and compares with limit variable.
// Returns true if you're connection is NOT flooding, returns false if you need to disconnect.
var i, newRating, totalSize;
// totalSize in bytes in case of underlying Buffer value, in number of characters for strings. Actual byte size in case of strings might be variable => not reliable.
newRating = [];
for (i = rating.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
if (( - rating[i].timestamp) < interval) {
rating = newRating;
totalSize = 0;
for (i = newRating.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {
totalSize += newRating[i].timestamp;
return (totalSize > limit ? false : true);
// Assume connection variable already exists and has a readable stream interface
connection.on('data', function (chunk) {
if (evalRating()) {
// Continue processing chunk.
} else {
// Disconnect due to flooding.
You can add extra checks, like checking whether or not the size parameter really is a number etc.
Addendum: Make sure the rating, limit and interval variables are enclosed (in a closure) per connection, and that they don't define a global rate (where each connection manipulates the same rating).
I implemented a little flood function, not perfect (see improvements below) but it will disconnect a user when he does to much request.
// Not more then 100 request in 10 seconds
let FLOOD_TIME = 10000;
let FLOOD_MAX = 100;
let flood = {
floods: {},
lastFloodClear: new Date(),
protect: (io, socket) => {
// Reset flood protection
if( Math.abs( new Date() - flood.lastFloodClear) > FLOOD_TIME ){
flood.floods = {};
flood.lastFloodClear = new Date();
flood.floods[] == undefined ? flood.floods[] = {} : flood.floods[];
flood.floods[].count == undefined ? flood.floods[].count = 0 : flood.floods[].count;
//Disconnect the socket if he went over FLOOD_MAX in FLOOD_TIME
if( flood.floods[].count > FLOOD_MAX){
console.log('FLOODPROTECTION ',
return false;
return true;
exports = module.exports = flood;
And then use it like this:
let flood = require('../modules/flood')
// ... init socket io...
socket.on('message', function () {
if(flood.protect(io, socket)){
//do stuff
Improvements would be, to add another value next to the count, how often he got disconneted and then create a banlist and dont let him connect anymore. Also when a user refreshes the page he gets a new so maybe use here a unique cookie value instead of the
Here is simple rate-limiter-flexible package example.
const app = require('http').createServer();
const io = require('')(app);
const { RateLimiterMemory } = require('rate-limiter-flexible');
const rateLimiter = new RateLimiterMemory(
points: 5, // 5 points
duration: 1, // per second
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
socket.on('bcast', async (data) => {
try {
await rateLimiter.consume(socket.handshake.address); // consume 1 point per event from IP
socket.emit('news', { 'data': data });
socket.broadcast.emit('news', { 'data': data });
} catch(rejRes) {
// no available points to consume
// emit error or warning message
socket.emit('blocked', { 'retry-ms': rejRes.msBeforeNext });
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