deploy seperate api and ui with NOW | nodejs - node.js

I'm not sure if what I want is possible, I haven't found anything that says it could be done.
Mostly I "think" it should be possible.
The thing is: I have a seperate file for my api and user interface, and would love to deploy both using zeit-now for now (see file struct below, hope it's clear).
Now the main question is, is it possible to deploy both api.js and server.js using zeit-now?
Kind regards,

Unless you specify your own custom routes in your now.json file, anything in the root api folder will be treated by Zeit as both serverless functions and the core of your project. Your best bet is to deploy two separate projects within Zeit — your frontend (which should be a static-build JAMstack-style site) and your backend, which is comprised of serverless functions, to which your frontend app makes API calls.


How can I use react with a custom webserver?

I want to use React for a project I am working on, but I also want to use an API.
How can I do it?
I have tried to Google this and ask different people, but I have not got a response yet, so I thought I would ask here. I want to use express and maybe not use create-react-app (as it takes up a lot of storage).
Working on a custom server doesen't preclude the use of an API.
If you want fetch the API from the express server and inject it directly on react frontend you need to enable server side rendering (useful post) and pass the data collected as a props from the server (check this example).
Rather then you can build your react project (using even create-react-app) and build an express server who return the index.html on call.
Personally I prefer the first one solution.

Deploy a React app + Node server with Heroku

I want to deploy a project (React app + Node server), but I'm new to deployment,
I wanted to know : do I need to have the React app in a Github repo and the Node server in another, or I can deploy all in one ?
Currently, I have 1 Github repository with a folder "frontend" and an other "backend",
I want to have my React app on ->
and the Node server on ->,
If someone got ideas... Thanks
While in theory that's not a problem, I would suggest maybe considering keeping things on one domian for reasons such as additional latency and connection trouble as well as path issues such as you are facing. It would seem to me that you would ideally just like to prefix the name of your app with 'backend' or similar and in such a case I would just consider setting up a sub domain on a domain which I had control ie and While developing on Heroku this model could prove to be tricky as each 'site' or app is separate and not actually intended to work together while they most certainly could. Consider setting up separate routes and an endpoint for 'backend' on your app, similar to your frontend login, then when you are finished developing your app and happy you could register your domain name and point it to your app and point a subdomain ie or to your endpoint on Heroku ie Unless you have a specific reason for separating them into their own repos with separate source control and urls, it might make debugging things much harder. Apologies if I missed your point. Most web hosting companies should allow you to register a subdomain or vanity domian free or charge because you own the primary domian. Just some considerations.
Anything is possible, you just need to understand how things are working... my advice would be that you start simple and have a single repo that contains front+back, you can then deploy that as a single Heroku app.
One app can only have a unique Heroku url, so you cannot have what you mention nameofmyapp + api-nameofmyapp hosted by a single Heroku instance, this would need to be hosted by two different instances, which means code from two repos.
Usually for a node app, you would create an /api route that is hosted by the same app, so you have your frontend served at and your api at with some sub routes, for example
You should be able to easily find tons of Node/React/Heroku tutorials on the web, just play a bit with it to experiment and build some understanding of how those are working together.

how to access a different module in multi target application

I'm new to cloud foundry, so I'm not sure, if my thoughts and plans are right. Maybe someone can explain or discuss it with me.
What I want to do:
Implement a MTA (Multitarget Application) with a a html5-module as frontend and a nodeJS-module as backend. Furthermore there should be a mongodb instance, which will be accessed from the nodejs-module. Later it should also get multitenant.
What I already did:
I implemented a simple nodejs-app and connected it to the db. Persisting and calling data with rest works already fine. I implemented a simple sapui5 app, which consumes data from the db with ajax. For now, the node startscript is in the html5 module, so it works somehow. But now I want to separate the modules.
So I created a mta-project with the two modules in webide and imported the two apps.
What I expect to do for it:
For now, I have an approuter, which is in my nodejs-module, but I can not access the webapp folder in the html5-module from here: file not found error: /home/vcap/app//. Is there a possibility to access the webapp-folder in another module over the path "/home/vcap/app/"? Or can I lookup the app-directory anywhere?
I have read, that an approuter-module (nodejs) can be needed, but I don't know exactly what it does. I think it serves the index.html file when opening the url of the whole app?

How to integrate a Nodejs API with ReactJs app under the same domain

I'm trying to understand how a MERN app fully works, I've been reading about MongoDB, ExpressJs, ReactJs and NodeJs, I also understand how MongoDB, ExpressJs and NodeJs interact and how ReactJs works on its own, my question is simple (I think).
The question:
If I create an API, using Node,Express and Mongo, and I have an APP managed by React, both need a server (via express, I understand), then, how should I run the API and the React app at the same time. Do I need different URLs? should I configure different ports? how should I integrate them?
I really been reading a lot, but almost every tutorial is made locally (and I'm working in a server with Passenger and I can't change the way it starts), just for Node/Express(with pug or else)/Mongo or just React, and I don't understand how to connect the API and React.
It depends on several factors: environment (e.g. development, production), and your control over the server. For development, you can have two different URLs and use something like Webpack Dev Server. Normally you would have the module bundler, e.g. Webpack, watching for changes in your React code. However, this can get more complex if you have Server Side Rendering.
For production, normally you would have the bundled file for your client side application already optimized and minified. If you can change your API, you could serve it statically in a new endpoint, for example: /static/bundle.js and request this endpoint from your index.html file, which will be sent by Express.js server when accessing /.
However, because you will probably want to have routes in your React app, your server will need to know how to handle the client app routes (for example app.get('/*', () => ...), and they could collide with your API endpoints. To solve this, you could:
Prefix your API endpoints with a namespace, e.g. /api/v1/...
Place the API in a different URL, port or subdomain. In this case you would indeed need to run these two servers in parallel. With Node.js, there are helpers to make this more convenient, e.g. concurrently.
Pulling out your concerns: API, React, and Integration for MERN app.
I use three approaches
1) Use foreman. With this, you can specify your API and Web Client in the Procfile. I used it here
2) Use a proxy to handle requests that require your API. So in package.json, you specify your API URL(your API must be running)
// package.json
"proxy": "<path to url:[port no if you're developing locally]>"
Check here.
And you can simply add a script to run your API and React concurrently.
3) Set your API and React app in a Docker container. mern-starter is a perfect place to check for this.
Hope this helps!

Using API Apps with Swagger in dev/test/production environments

I'm migrating a combined Azure Website (with both Controllers and ApiControllers) to a split Web App and API App. Let's call it MyApp.
I've created MyAppDevApi, MyAppTestApi, and MyAppProductionApi API Apps (in different App Services) to host the three environments, expecting to promote code from one environment to another.
So far, I've only deployed to MyAppDevApi, since I'm just getting started.
When I do Add/Azure API App Client to my UI-only project to start referring to the API app, and I point it to MyAppDevApi, it uses AutoRest to create classes in my code. These classes now all have the name MyAppDevApi, rather than just MyAppApi, which is the actual namespace of the code I'm deploying to every environment. Obviously, I can't check that in... how can I promote that through Test and Prod?
There's nothing in the Swagger JSON that refers to this name, so it must be on the AutoRest side (I think).
Has anyone come up with a strategy or work-around to deal with this multiple-environment promotion issue with API Apps?
So far the best thing I've come up with is to download the Swagger from the API App to a local file (which, again, has only the namespace from the original code, not from the name of the API App), and then import it into the Web App. This will generate classes in the Web App that have the naming I expect.
The problem is that I then have to edit the generated MyAppApi.cs file's _baseUri property to pull from an AppSetting, have the different, .test, .prod, and then do the web.config transform. I mean, that'll work, but then every time I change the API App's interface, I'll regenerate... and then I'll have remember to change the _baseUri again... and someone, sometime is going to forget to do this and then deploy to production. It's really, really fragile.
So... anyone have a better idea?
I'm not quite sure why you're creating three different apps, one for each environment? One application is fine and use web.config transforms for each environment. This is the general way I do all of my apps and works fine.
Information about how to apply web.config transforms can be found here which may help in your situation.
Hope that helps.
Well, here's how I've solved this:
Download Swagger file from API App to local hard drive.
Import local Swagger file into Web App to generate classes that have the naming from my code, not from the environment.
Use AppSettings to specify the environment-specific settings to point to the API App. This can be either a web.config transform, or you can just specify them in the Azure Portal on the Web App in Application Settings.
Instantiate the generated API App Client using the constructor that takes in a URL to point to the API App (these are at class level, hence static):
private readonly static Uri apiAppUrl = new Uri(CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting("ApiAppUrl"));
private readonly static MyAppApi myAppApi = new MyAppApi(apiAppUrl);
I'd still love a solution to this that doesn't require downloading the Swagger file, but, all in all, if that's the only workaround necessary, it's not all that bad.
