How can I split weekly data to monthly using Excel/ Power Pivot? - excel

My Data is in weekly buckets. I want to split the number into a monthly number but, since there is an overlap in days falling in both the months, I want a weighted average of the data in terms of days that fall in each of the months. For example:
Now, in the above picture, I want to split that 200 (5/7*200 in Jan, 2/7 in Feb). How can I do that using Excel/ Power Pivot/ Dax Functions? Any help here is much appreciated.
Thank you!

Assuming your fact table looks something like below. Values are associated with the starting date of the week it occurred.
Although it may actually be a more granular data, having multiple rows for each week with additional attributes (such as identifiers of a person, a store, depending on the business), what being shown below will work the same.
What we need to do first is to create a date table. We can do that in "Design" tab, by clicking "Date Table", then "New".
In this date table, we need to add a column for starting date of the week which the date of each row is in. Set the cursor to "Add Column" area, and input following formula. Then rename this column to "Week Start Date".
= [Date] - [Day Of Week Number] + 1
Now, we can define the measure to calculate the number allocated to each month with following formula. What this measure is doing is:
Iterating over each row of the fact table
Count the number of days for the week visible in the filter context
Add the value portion for the visible days
Value Allocation := SUMX (
VAR WeekStartDate = MyData[Week]
VAR NumDaysInSelection = COUNTROWS (
'Calendar'[Week Start Date] = WeekStartDate
VAR AllocationRate = DIVIDE ( NumDaysInSelection, 7 )
RETURN AllocationRate * MyData[Value]
Result in the pivot table will be looking like this.


Excel - Monthly Average

I'm creating a pivot table that looks at per person analysis vs group average. Trying to create a pivot table, to do a comparison analysis (each person vs the group average) on a month over month analysis. As you can see i have a 4th column titled average, as im not sure how to get the average for the group though per month seeing how the data is spread out.
my test data;
You can do a sumif/countif on the range for only the year & month
(if would be year=row year and month=row month)
You basically need 2 measure as below-
person_wise_average = AVERAGE(your_table_name[sale])
overall_average =
Now just add three column to your table visual - "person name", "person_wise_average" and "overall_average". You should now have all your values in the presentation.

Excel Power Pivot aggrating data through a many to 1 then 1 to many relationsips

I have 2 large tables in power pivot and I am trying to reconcile stockpile build grades to crushed stockpile grades. Please see example. I can create pivot table that contains the crushed grades but I am unable to find the right way to bring the stockpile grades though for the reconciliation high lighted in green in the attached example.
Thanks for any help or direction on where to look
In Power Query, create your lookup tables.
1) unique crushers, ID
2) Dates, ID
Here is a function to create a dates table, if you need one. After you invoke the function to get the column of dates, add another column for the ID.
PQ Create a Dates Table, returning a single column of dates.
Start Date | Enter the year as yyyy, month as mm, day as dd
End Date | Enter the year as yyyy, month as mm, day as dd
Increments | One row will be returned per increment.
Author: Jenn Ratten
07/16/18 | Modified query copied from the internet.
10/01/19 | Converted to a function.
fDatesTable = (StartYear as number, StartMonth as number, StartDay as number, EndYear as number, EndMonth as number, EndDay as number, IncrementDays as number, IncrementHours as number, IncrementMin as number, IncrementSec as number) as table =>
StartDate = #date(StartYear,StartMonth,StartDay),
EndDate = #date(EndYear,EndMonth,EndDay),
Increments = #duration(IncrementDays,IncrementHours,IncrementMin,IncrementSec),
DatesTable = Table.FromColumns({List.Dates(StartDate, Number.From(EndDate) - Number.From(StartDate), Increments)}, type table[Date]),
ChangeType = Table.TransformColumnTypes(DatesTable,{{"Date", type date}})
Load all of the tables to the data model.
Go to Power Pivot, diagram view, and create your relationships.
Lookup Crusher to data tables 1 and 2
Lookup Date to data tables 1 and 2
Go to Data View on data tables 1 and 2, add 2 new columns for the lookup IDs. You can specify the column header and the formula at one time by clicking in first cell and using this syntax, then either press enter or click the check mark in the formula bar.
Dates Lookup ID:=RELATED(lookup_dates[ID])
Crusher Lookup ID:=RELATED(lookup_crusher[ID])
Optional, but a good practice....
Right-click the new fields you just created and select "hide from client tools". Also hide the date and crusher fields on both data tables, and the ID field on both lookup tables. When you are creating pivots to summarize data from more than one table, the text fields that you place on your pivot table should be the fields that are shared (aka the lookup tables). This helps to minimize pivots in which the grand totals don't match the sum that you actually see on the table. If you hide the fields, it reminds you of that. There are exceptions of course, but this is a good rule of thumb.
Now create measures to sum the tons and any other math calculations you'd like. With the measures, start simple and let the pivot do the slicing. Put the measures in the values section of the pivot table.
Sum of Source Tons:=sum(Table1[Tons])
Sum of Destination Tons:=sum(Table2[Tons])

I need a pivot table of the pivot table I've created

I have a fact table that covers several weeks of tasks in MS Project, and each week is timestamped with that week's week-ending date. I am trying to get the previous week's remaining work for certain tasks (they have a flag called Should Finish This Week set to TRUE).
I have a formula that enables me to create a pivot table that, when I manually sum the values column (it's basically a MIN of the previous week's remaining hours by assignment id), it gives me the result I want.
However, I cannot figure out how to "build this pivot table in DAX" so that I can summarize the resulting sum of hours by department. Right now, I just have the number of hours by task (assignment id) for last week.
Here's the formula:
Simple Min :=
MIN ( DataMerge[PreviousWeekRemainingWork] ),
AssignmentHistory[ShouldFinishThisWeek] = TRUE (),
DataMerge[BestPercentComplete2] < 1,
DataMerge[CompletedFLAG] = FALSE (),
USERELATIONSHIP ( 'Calendar'[Date], DataMerge[End of Week] )
And with that formula, I can output the following pivot table (this is just a small sample):
The desire is to get a SUM of the Simple Min value by Department. I've tried all the tricks of PowerPivot that I know. Here' the latest iteration of a formula I tried, but the amounts by department are all incorrect, and the grand total is off by about 1200 to the high side.
HRS Remaining More Simple :=
[Simple Min]
Any help on this last formula would be greatly appreciated. When I manually sum the pivot table, I come up with ~4300 hours, which is the correct number, so I can verify the formula once given.

DAX average including zeroes

My question is that I'd like to calculate a daily average taking into account days with zeroes.
Let me clarify it:
I'd like to calculate the average daily value of units for each category, with the following table:
When I sum up the values for each day and category, I get:
I'd like to include in the average calculation the zeroes.
I use the following code:
"Sum of Units",
[Sum of Units]
But the problem is that for category B it doesn't take into account those days with 0s.
Could you please guide me how to solve it?
Thanks in advance!
One way to solve it would be to create a calendar table, which can then be used to count the number of days in any of your grouping periods. This also means you can use non standard calendars, for example something like a 4-4-5
With a calendar table created you can leverage the FIRSTDATE and LASTDATE functions in DAX.
I recommend adding a past dates column to the calendar table, which can be created using DAX with the following formula. The today function in DAX when used in a calculated column will only evaluate when the model is updated.
In my example I created a calculated column in the date table called Past_Dates
Past_dates =IF( TODAY() > [Date], TRUE(), BLANK())
So for example if I create the following measures, the Today one just being used for illustration.
Start_date:=FIRSTDATE( Dates[Date] )
End_Date:=LASTDATE( Dates[Date])
EndPhased:=CALCULATE( LASTDATE( Dates[Date] ), Dates[Past_dates] = TRUE())
Which when added to an empty pivot table evaluate to the following.
Note that you would want to have year somewhere in the pivot if you have multiple years of data.
The idea of having the Past flag is to keep from counting days where they would not be any data due to being in the future. So for example in September it would only use 11 days of sales and not the full 30.
As the below example shows, the finding of the start and end date even work on a Quarter basis.
So now that we have a way to get the Start and End date of a period, the next step is adding it into our Calculated measure.
In the below example, we are iterating though every unique Category name. Within the category, we are summing the units sold, and then dividing by the number of days between EndPhased and Start_Date + 1. Then averaging the results by the number of categories that have data in that period.
Average:=AVERAGEX (
VALUES ( Data[Category] ),
CALCULATE ( DIVIDE ( SUM ( Data[Units] ), [EndPhased] - [Start_date] + 1 ) )
It seems to me that you need to have an underlying row with the zero value in it (in your initial Data table). Right now, you don't actually have a zero value for B on 02/01/2017. If you add a row with the values | 02/01/2017 | B | 0 | I believe you will see that the average accounts for it. As things stand for you right now, I believe the pivot table actually reflects no value (blank) rather than zero value, so the zero isn't currently counted for the average.
I think the best way is to add the missing zeroes, using UNION function:
"Sum of Units",
"Sum of Units",
[Sum of Units]

Previous Year row in measurement, DAX formula

I have the following table:
Year test is the list of previous year:
How do I get something similar for "Calculated field 1"? In other words, I want to get the previous "Price/kg" so it match column C, "Year test".
I have tried with the formula from Find rows relative to current row's value in excel (DAX):
FILTER(Datasrc; EARLIER([Year]) = [Year] + 1 );
Datasrc[C_Total Asset Per Share]
But only get: "Calculation error in measure 'Datasrc'[Calculated field 2]: EARLIER/EARLIEST refers to an earlier row context which doesn't exist."
The column A is [Year]
DAX has time intelligence functions built in, so it's fairly easy to do what you'd like using the SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR function.
First you need a date table joined to your fact table. Then just do
CALCULATE ( [Base Measure], SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(DateTable[Date]) )
