Attach the current user to the request with bearer strategy in passport azure ad - passport.js

I have a NodeJS API server using express and passport for authentication. I am using the passport azure ad bearer strategy for authentication with Microsoft Azure AD. In the examples provided in the documentation(, the owner (currentUser) is a javascript variable defined globally. How do I attach the user to the request so that I can do something like'/user', passport.authenticate('oauth-bearer', {
session: false
}), function(req, res, next){
console.log(`I am the current user ${req.user}`);
From the example mentioned in the OIDC strategy, I have seen a deserializeUser and serializeUser function that would allow the user ID to be stored in the session, However, in the bearer strategy, we do not have any sessions maintained as authentication will be performed for every incoming request.
This may be a gap in my understanding. I have gone through the documentation for the individual libraries. Please help me if there is a way this can be done

Following is the sample code via which you can embedd the yser object to request object . Thus when you will do ${req.user} in post callback you will get the user object
const BearerStrategy = require('passport-azure-ad').BearerStrategy;
var bearerStrategy = new BearerStrategy(options,
function(token, done) {
findById(token.oid, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
if (!user) {
// "Auto-registration"
return done(null, token);
const owner = token.oid;
return done(null, user, token);


Passport-jwt authenticate not working well with node-jwt-simple

I'm using passport-jwt to authenticate some routes and I'm creating my jwts with node-jwt-simple/jwt-simple but facing some difficulties cause it looks like my passport-jwt authenticate middleware is not being called at all.
Here is my
const jwtOpts = {
jwtFromRequest: ExtractJwt.fromHeader('Authorization'),
secretOrKey: secret,
passport.use(new jwtStrategy(jwtOpts, (payload, done) => {
console.log('payload ', payload.sub);
User.findById(payload.sub, (err, user) => {
if(err) { return done(err); }
if(!user) { console.log('didnt find!'); return done(null, false); }
done(null, user);
which i'm then integrating it over here.
routes file
passport.authenticate('jwt', {session: false}),
async (ctx, next) => ctx.body = await "success!");
Here is also the way I make my jwt.
function tokenForUser(user) {
const timeStamp = new Date().getTime;
return jwt.encode({sub: user._id, iat: timeStamp}, secret);
//- Later in signup process, user) => {
if(err) { return next(err); }
const token = await tokenForUser(user);
//- If this helps, here is how my secret file looks like.
const secret = "JKAha23ja1ddHdjjf31";
export default secret;
Problem comes, when I hit that route i only get Unauthorized and in the console nothing gets logged out not even the 'payload' key I specified first.
I should also say that I have the token at ctx.request.get('Authorization') (Koa based) i think it's something like req.header('Authorization') with express in all routes.
Also The exact express based problem can be found on the github issues of node-jwt-simple here incase there is any problem with my code samples.
Thank you.
After I wrapped my head right i knew that this has been my horrible understanding of how the whole authentification process works.
When I decoded the token from ctx.get('Authorization') I got a different _id than the one stored in the db Because I had hardcoded Authorization header in postman and thought "If I ctx.set('Authorization', token); It will replace the one I hardcoded on postman".
Less did I think that this jwt will be included in a header of requests when I make http calls on front end.
I naively thought jwts are passed directly from the server to the browser (Something like how render works) and Not from the server to an ajax process which later embeds it in request made which is the correct way.
The whole code is awesome, except now I have to just pass the token ctx.body = token; after I created it when I signed up.
Thank You.

move to passport.js from key,email,client

In my app, there are 3 ways to auth. Google, Facebook, and local. I'm not using passport yet.
After the user auth, he choose a client (every user must have at least one client).
Then every API request contains 3 querystring parameters: email, key, client. Currently I'm manullay adding req.user and req.client to req object
I'm want to move to passport, because then the app will easily support twitter and linked signin.
Before I start other login method, I need to migrate the current app to passport.
My app currently not using sessions or cookies. all credentials data, saved in browser localStorage, and sent in each request. I don't want to change it.
The question is: How to make passport login using email, key, and client? how to make it add req.client and not only req.user.
I do not really understand where is the bet option to put my logic, and where to give passport the power.
Do I need to use passport.serializeUser? What to put in the route, and what to put in the app.use??
I would recommend a standards-based way to support cookie-less authentication. Check out:
var JwtStrategy = require('passport-jwt').Strategy,
ExtractJwt = require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt;
var opts = {}
opts.jwtFromRequest = ExtractJwt.fromAuthHeader();
opts.secretOrKey = 'secret';
opts.issuer = "";
opts.audience = "";
passport.use(new JwtStrategy(opts, function(jwt_payload, done) {
User.findOne({id: jwt_payload.sub}, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err, false);
if (user) {
done(null, user);
} else {
done(null, false);
// or you could create a new account

understanding passportjs authenticate method

I am having an hard time understanding how passportjs authentication method works, in particular with the http-bearer strategy.
So I have two routes, one for registration and one for accessing user's profile, which goes through passportjs middleware. Have a look at the following code:
exports.register = function(req, res){
var user = new User({
token: t,
name: 'john doe',
My authentication strategy is as follow:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
passport = require('passport'),
BearerStrategy = require('passport-http-bearer').Strategy;
passport.use(new BearerStrategy(
function(token, done) {
User.findOne({ token: token }, function (err, user) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
if (!user) { return done(null, false); }
return done(null, user, { scope: 'read' });
as you can see, when a user requests the registration, my server returns him his object, with its token that should be locally saved.
Then, in a protected route, I added the passportjs middleware, like this:
app.get('/me', passport.authenticate('bearer', { session: false }),;
where I obviously get an unauthorized error. Why is this' where does passport.authenticate get the token from my client?! This is really confusing for me and is driving me mad. Any help?
Also, is this the right way of doing token authorization? Or do I also need some more details like timestamp, expires, etc.?
could you please refer http-bearer's sample code: to refactor your codebase. I think here is very clearly definition.

how to use access token to authenticate user after login through twitter in node.js passport

I need to build a token based authentication on my node.js app , that the user can use the his facebook or twitter credential to login my app, and use access token to get to resource. this post is suggesting to once authenticated through facebook or twitter or other, use access token on every request, and Session is NOT needed at all
For example
GET /api/v1/somefunction?token='abcedf'
The client gets the access token from the response.
The client calls some server api with the token argument.
so the following code, is to authorize user through twitter, if my app doesn't find my user information, then store user information into the database.
passport.use(new TwitterStrategy({
consumerKey: config.twitter.clientID,
consumerSecret: config.twitter.clientSecret,
callbackURL: config.twitter.callbackURL
function(token, tokenSecret, profile, done) {
console.log('TwitterStrategy /auth/twitter.............',, profile.displayName, profile.username, profile.emails[0], profile._json.avatar_url);
userModel.findUserByQuery({ '': }, function (err, user) {
if (!user) {
console.log('twitter user not found'.red);
userModel.createNewUser( { username:profile.username,
social:{twitter:{,avatar:profile._json.avatar_url, name:profile.username,token:accessToken} }},
if(err) return done(err);
else if(!data) return done(null, false, { message: 'can not create your profile in database' });
else {
console.log('save the new twitter user into database'.green, data._id);
return done(err, user);
} else {
console.log('twitter user found'.green);
return done(err, user);
However, I have two questions,
1. how to send the access token to the client for the following requests
in the code, after authenticated from twitter, I get the access token and send this token to the client on the browser, since the token is embedded in the url parameter, I tried the code
res.redirect ('/users/profile ? token = blabla '), but in the client browser, the url is still shown as '/users/profile' rather than '/users/profile ? token=blabla'
2. once authenticated from twitter, the following request with token is going through my app locally( which I store the token in database, and compare the following token to verify) or still to twitter API to authenticate?
if in the first situation, so I should store the token into the database, in order to compare the following request in token in the following requests to my app? is that right
I'm also trying hard to get this, and just found this rather relevant answer: Call Bitbucket REST API using 2leg oauth token
I just can't get how to do this with passport? Particularly, how to get ouath instance from passport authenticated session, to do oauth.get(...), as described here:
UPDATE: Jared (author of passportjs) has explained this is wrong approach in the google groups thread below, and recommends to use
This is how it works for me:
var oauth = {
consumer_key: process.env.BB_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret: process.env.BB_CONSUMER_SECRET
passport.use(new BitbucketStrategy({
function(token, tokenSecret, profile, done) {
oauth = extend(oauth, {
token: token,
token_secret: tokenSecret
Note, tokens above may need be persisted per user in clustered environment.
Later, to access api, do:
request.get({url: 'protected end point', oauth: oauth})
Hope it will help someone!

How to do Authentication with Node.js and MEAN stack?

I am currently working on a text based game with a small team of developers. The game requires login and we are using the MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node) Stack for the application codebase, however i am stuck on authentication, as a rails developer i am used to being able to drop in a gem and use the helpers available.
has anybody has any experience with MEAN and Authentication?
the MEAN stack by linnovate uses Passport.js for its authentication. Passport uses different strategies for authentication. One of these strategies is a username and password pair, which they call LocalStrategy.
Here is one of the samples from the Passportjs-Local Github Examples Page
Step 1: Require Passport
First you require the module after doing npm install passport
var passport = require('passport');
Step 2: Configure 'Verify' Function
Use the LocalStrategy within Passport. Strategies in passport require a verify function, which accept credentials (in this case, a username and password), and invoke a callback with a user object. In the real world, this would query a database; however, in this example we are using a baked-in set of users.
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
function(username, password, done) {
// Find the user by username. If there is no user with the given
// username, or the password is not correct, set the user to `false` to
// indicate failure and set a flash message. Otherwise, return the
// authenticated `user`.
findByUsername(username, function(err, user) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
if (!user) {
return done(null, false, { message: 'Unknown user ' + username });
if (user.password != password) {
return done(null, false, { message: 'Invalid password' });
return done(null, user);
Step 3: Initialize Passport on app
You need to tell Express that you will be using passport and that it will be managing sessions for you. This is done by using the app.use() during app configuration.
Step 4: Configure Middleware on the login URI
Next we need to create a method that will accept when a user tries to login to the app using by POST-ing to a specific URI. It will look like this.
// POST /login
// Use passport.authenticate() as route middleware to authenticate the
// request. If authentication fails, the user will be redirected back to the
// login page. Otherwise, the primary route function function will be called,
// which, in this example, will redirect the user to the home page.
// curl -v -d "username=bob&password=secret"'/login',
passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/login', failureFlash: true }),
function(req, res) {
Step 5: Set up Sessions
You may have to create your own serialization for User objects that are being stored in the sessions. That is done with the following
// Passport session setup.
// To support persistent login sessions, Passport needs to be able to
// serialize users into and deserialize users out of the session. Typically,
// this will be as simple as storing the user ID when serializing, and finding
// the user by ID when deserializing.
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {
findById(id, function (err, user) {
done(err, user);
You can have a look at
They have a very solid integration of passport.js strategies.
Especally useful is the implementation of Salt and Crypto-Technies to make the integration safe. Search for Salz within the repo.
For serialization and deserialization.
Or if you'd prefer a custom implementation, I recently posted a complete MEAN Stack User Registration and Login Example
Here's the snippet from the user service that handles authentication:
function authenticate(username, password) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
usersDb.findOne({ username: username }, function (err, user) {
if (err) deferred.reject(err);
if (user && bcrypt.compareSync(password, user.hash)) {
// authentication successful
deferred.resolve(jwt.sign({ sub: user._id }, config.secret));
} else {
// authentication failed
return deferred.promise;
Or use which has user management out of the box.
