understanding passportjs authenticate method - node.js

I am having an hard time understanding how passportjs authentication method works, in particular with the http-bearer strategy.
So I have two routes, one for registration and one for accessing user's profile, which goes through passportjs middleware. Have a look at the following code:
exports.register = function(req, res){
var user = new User({
token: t,
name: 'john doe',
My authentication strategy is as follow:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
passport = require('passport'),
BearerStrategy = require('passport-http-bearer').Strategy;
passport.use(new BearerStrategy(
function(token, done) {
User.findOne({ token: token }, function (err, user) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
if (!user) { return done(null, false); }
return done(null, user, { scope: 'read' });
as you can see, when a user requests the registration, my server returns him his object, with its token that should be locally saved.
Then, in a protected route, I added the passportjs middleware, like this:
app.get('/me', passport.authenticate('bearer', { session: false }), routes.me);
where I obviously get an unauthorized error. Why is this' where does passport.authenticate get the token from my client?! This is really confusing for me and is driving me mad. Any help?
Also, is this the right way of doing token authorization? Or do I also need some more details like timestamp, expires, etc.?

could you please refer http-bearer's sample code: https://github.com/jaredhanson/passport-http-bearer/blob/master/examples/bearer/app.js to refactor your codebase. I think here is very clearly definition.


Attach the current user to the request with bearer strategy in passport azure ad

I have a NodeJS API server using express and passport for authentication. I am using the passport azure ad bearer strategy for authentication with Microsoft Azure AD. In the examples provided in the documentation(https://github.com/Azure-Samples/active-directory-node-webapi/blob/master/node-server/app.js#L50), the owner (currentUser) is a javascript variable defined globally. How do I attach the user to the request so that I can do something like
server.post('/user', passport.authenticate('oauth-bearer', {
session: false
}), function(req, res, next){
console.log(`I am the current user ${req.user}`);
From the example mentioned in the OIDC strategy, I have seen a deserializeUser and serializeUser function that would allow the user ID to be stored in the session, However, in the bearer strategy, we do not have any sessions maintained as authentication will be performed for every incoming request.
This may be a gap in my understanding. I have gone through the documentation for the individual libraries. Please help me if there is a way this can be done
Following is the sample code via which you can embedd the yser object to request object . Thus when you will do ${req.user} in post callback you will get the user object
const BearerStrategy = require('passport-azure-ad').BearerStrategy;
var bearerStrategy = new BearerStrategy(options,
function(token, done) {
findById(token.oid, function(err, user) {
if (err) {
return done(err);
if (!user) {
// "Auto-registration"
return done(null, token);
const owner = token.oid;
return done(null, user, token);

Passport & JWT & Google Strategy - Disable session & res.send() after google callback

Using: passport-google-oauth2.
I want to use JWT with Google login - for that I need to disable session and somehow pass the user model back to client.
All the examples are using google callback that magically redirect to '/'.
How do I:
1. Disable session while using passport-google-oauth2.
2. res.send() user to client after google authentication.
Feel free to suggest alternatives if I'm not on the right direction.
Manage to overcome this with some insights:
1. disable session in express - just remove the middleware of the session
// app.use(session({secret: config.secret}))
2. when using Google authentication what actually happens is that there is a redirection to google login page and if login is successful it redirect you back with the url have you provided.
This actually mean that once google call your callback you cannot do res.send(token, user) - its simply does not work (anyone can elaborate why?). So you are force to do a redirect to the client by doing res.redirect("/").
But the whole purpose is to pass the token so you can also do res.redirect("/?token=" + token).
app.get( '/auth/google/callback',
passport.authenticate('google', {
//successRedirect: '/',
failureRedirect: '/'
, session: false
function(req, res) {
var token = AuthService.encode(req.user);
res.redirect("/home?token=" + token);
But how the client will get the user entity?
So you can also pass the user in the same way but it didn't felt right for me (passing the whole user entity in the parameter list...).
So what I did is make the client use the token and retrieve the user.
function handleNewToken(token) {
if (!token)
localStorageService.set('token', token);
// Fetch activeUser
$http.get("/api/authenticate/" + token)
.then(function (result) {
Which mean another http request - This make me think that maybe I didnt get right the token concept.
Feel free to enlighten me.
Initialize passport in index.js:
In your passport.js file:
new GoogleStrategy(
clientID: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET,
async (accessToken, refreshToken, profile,
callback) => {
// Extract email from profile
const email = profile.emails![0].value;
if (!email) {
throw new BadRequestError('Login failed');
// Check if user already exist in database
const existingUser = await User.findOne({ email
if (existingUser) {
// Generate JWT
const jwt = jwt.sign(
{ id: existingUser.id },
{ expiresIn: '10m' }
// Update existing user
existingUser.token = jwt
await existingUser.save();
return callback(null, existingUser);
} else {
// Build a new User
const user = User.build({
googleId: profile.id,
token?: undefined
// Generate JWT for new user
const jwt = jwt.sign(
{ id: user.id },
{ expiresIn: '10m' }
// Update new user
user.token = jwt;
await auth.save();
return callback(null, auth);
Receive this JWT in route via req.user
app.get('/google/redirect', passport.authenticate('google',
{failureRedirect: '/api/relogin', session: false}), (req, res) => {
// Fetch JWT from req.user
const jwt = req.user.token;
req.session = {jwt}
// Successful authentication, redirect home

Authenticate user with passport through LinkedIn login

I have built a login system in Passport and works quite well. Now, I want to integrate LinkedIn login in my system. I already have clientID, clientSecret etc. needed to login. This is the code that is called when the LinkedIn login button is pressed.
passport.use('linkedin', new OAuth2Strategy({
authorizationURL: 'https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/authorization',
tokenURL: 'https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth2/accessToken',
clientID: clientid,
clientSecret: clientsecret,
callbackURL: '/linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin',
passReqToCallback: true
function(req,accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
req.session.code = accessToken;
process.nextTick(function () {
done(null, {
code : req.code
Both the console.log() calls in the callback function are successfully fired, this means I am successfully logged in through LinkedIn and I receive my access token. The part where I connect with LinkedIn is thus correct, what I am missing is the part where I actually log in the user. As you can see, the callbackURL points to /linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin. This is what I do in that route:
app.get('/linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin', passport.authenticate('linkedin', {
session: false,
I just specify a successRedirect and a failureRedirect. Note that if I put session : true I receive as an error Failed to serialize user into session, so for now I keep it to false.
The successRedirect is successfully called. In that route I call a GET request to LinkedIn to access some data about the user. I want to store this data in my DB and remember the user that logged in. This is how I do it:
host: 'api.linkedin.com' ,
path: '/v1/people/~?format=json' ,
port:443 ,
headers : {'Authorization': ' Bearer ' + req.session.code}
function(myres) {
myres.on("data", function(chunk) {
var linkedinJsonResult = JSON.parse(chunk);
User.findOne({linkedinLogin : linkedinJsonResult.id}, function(err, userSearchResult){
if(err) {
throw err;
//user found, login
else {
//create user
var newUser = new User(
url : linkedinJsonResult.siteStandardProfileRequest.url,
name : linkedinJsonResult.firstName + " " + linkedinJsonResult.lastName,
linkedinLogin : linkedinJsonResult.id,
regDate : new Date()
//save user
newUser.save(function(err, user){
throw err;
Let me explain the code there. After getting the data of the user I check the field "id" that is received. If this id matches one of my users' linkedinLogin field stored into the DB, I consider it already registered (the user has been found in the DB), thus I have to log him/her in. Otherwise I just create a new user using the data received from the GET request.
My question is, in both the cases - the user is found in my DB, or the user has to be created - how can I set req.user to be my user whenever it interacts with my website? Is it sufficient to just do req.user = userSearchResult (if the user is found, inside the if statement) or req.user = user (if the user has been created, inside the newUser.save() callback), or should I call some passport functions that will set it for me?
All the other passport functions related to the registration and login of users without using LinkedIn login are working fine. I am just worried about making this LinkedIn login work with passport.
Thank you.
passport.js will automatically set the req.user object to the object you will pass as the second argument to the done function of the strategy callback.
This means that you should do something like this:
function(req,accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
req.session.code = accessToken;
process.nextTick(function () {
// retrieve your user here
getOrCreateUser(profile, function(err, user){
if(err) return done(err);
done(null, user);
I hope this helps.

Google Oauth giving code redeemed error

Hi i am working on a project where a user logs in via google account.(localhost)
I have implemented the google signup.
As soon as I log in from my account I am getting the below error.
TokenError: Code was already redeemed.
at Strategy.OAuth2Strategy.parseErrorResponse (c:\Projects\Internship_rideshare\node_modules\passport-google-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth2\lib\strategy.js:298:12)
at Strategy.OAuth2Strategy._createOAuthError (c:\Projects\Internship_rideshare\node_modules\passport-google-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth2\lib\strategy.js:345:16)
at c:\Projects\Internship_rideshare\node_modules\passport-google-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth2\lib\strategy.js:171:43
at c:\Projects\Internship_rideshare\node_modules\passport-google-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth2\node_modules\oauth\lib\oauth2.js:176:18
at passBackControl (c:\Projects\Internship_rideshare\node_modules\passport-google-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth2\node_modules\oauth\lib\oauth2.js:123:9)
at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (c:\Projects\Internship_rideshare\node_modules\passport-google-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth\node_modules\passport-oauth2\node_modules\oauth\lib\oauth2.js:142:7)
at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:129:20)
at _stream_readable.js:908:16
at process._tickCallback (node.js:355:11)
My code is as follows(snippet for google login):-
passport.use(new GoogleStrategy(google, function(req, accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
if (req.user) {
User.findOne({ google: profile.id }, function(err, existingUser) {
if (existingUser) {
console.log('There is already a Google+ account that belongs to you. Sign in with that account or delete it, then link it with your current account.' );
} else {
User.findById(req.user.id, function(err, user) {
user.google = profile.id;
user.tokens.push({ kind: 'google', accessToken: accessToken });
user.profile.displayName = user.profile.displayName || profile.displayName;
user.profile.gender = user.profile.gender || profile._json.gender;
//user.profile.picture = user.profile.picture || 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + profile.id + '/picture?type=large';
user.save(function(err) {
console.log('Google account has been linked.');
done(err, user);
} else {
User.findOne({ google: profile.id }, function(err, existingUser) {
if (existingUser) return done(null, existingUser);
User.findOne({ email: profile._json.email }, function(err, existingEmailUser) {
if (existingEmailUser) {
console.log('There is already an account using this email address. Sign in to that account and link it with Google manually from Account Settings.' );
} else {
var user = new User();
user.email = profile._json.email;
user.google = profile.id;
user.tokens.push({ kind: 'google', accessToken: accessToken });
user.profile.displayName = profile.displayName;
user.profile.gender = profile._json.gender;
//user.profile.picture = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + profile.id + '/picture?type=large';
user.profile.location = (profile._json.location) ? profile._json.location.name : '';
user.save(function(err) {
done(err, user);
I am stuck on it.Please help me out..thanks
The problem is not in your "snippet", look at the routes. It should be absolute path on redirect for google.
passport.authenticate('google', { failureRedirect: '#/signIn' }),
function(req, res) {
// absolute path
It's known issue, follow this link to other workarounds
I have come across this issue. The exact problem is your route.
app.get('/auth/google/callback', passport.authenticate('google'), (req, res) => {
res.send('get the data');
At this point app had got user permission and google send a code to this url. Now what passport does here it took that code and made a request to google for user details and got it from google. Now we have to do something with this details otherwise you will get the error that you have got.
Now we can use serialiseUser and deserialiseUser of passport to save details in cookie and edit one line of above code to go at some url like that.
app.get('/auth/google/callback', passport.authenticate('google'), (req, res) => {
res.redirect('/servey'); // just a url to go somewhere
I also had the same problem since few days. What I figured out is, you just need to complete the process. Until now you have only checked whether the user is present in the database or not. If not then you save the user to the database.
However, after this, when the google tries to redirect the user, the code that google+ API sent is already used or say it is no longer available. So when you check the user in your database, you need to serialize the user i.e store the code into your browser in a cookie so that when google redirects the user, it know who the user is. This can be done by adding the code given below.
//add this in current snippet
To use this cookie, you need to deserialize the user. To deserialize, use the code given below.
//add this in current snippet
done(null, user);
Also, you are required to start a cookie session and you can do this by adding the below code in your main app.js file.
const cookieSession = require('cookie-session');
maxAge: 24*60*60*1000, // age of cookie, the value is always given in milliseconds
//initialize passport
Note that you need to require the cookie-session package. Install it using
npm install cookie-session
Also, you require to write absolute URI in the callbackURL property in your google strategy.
I had the same problem.
Reseting client secret from google console solved the problem.

Access to "req" Object in Supertest After a Response

Is there any way to directly access the req object in supertest, while/after the request is being tested? I want to test my passport strategies, so I want to check req.user, req.session, and perhaps others. I know I can test page redirects or flash, as those are what my strategies do, but it seems useful to see if there is a user on the req object, as well. If I do this, I can also check how many users there are at any one time.
I will sign users up with the "local-signup" strategy, which is defined thusly:
'use strict';
// get passport & mongoose
var passport = require('passport');
var LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
var UserModel = require('mongoose').model('User');
module.exports = function() {
// signup function
passport.use('local-signup', new LocalStrategy({
passReqToCallback: true // pass the entire request to the callback
function(req, username, password, done) {
process.nextTick(function() {
// find a user with the same username
UserModel.findOne({username: username}, function(err, user) {
// if there is an error, log it then return it
if(err) {
console.log("Error finding a user in the database: " + err);
return done(err);
// if a user was already found
if(user) {
return done(null, false, "User already exists");
// if we get this far, create a new user from the request body
var newUser = new UserModel(req.body);
// save it and sign it in
newUser.save(function(err) {
if(err) {
console.log("Error during signup: " + err);
return done(err);
return done(null, newUser);
One way I use this strategy is like this:
My "local" strategy is defined like this:
'use strict';
var passport = require('passport');
var LocalStrategy = require('passport-local').Strategy;
var UserModel = require('mongoose').model('User');
module.exports = function() {
// create our local passport strategy & use it
passport.use(new LocalStrategy({
// use the default names for the username & password fields
usernameField: 'username',
passwordField: 'password'
// main strategy function
function(username, password, done) {
// find user with given username
username: username
// with this username, do this
function(err, user) {
// if there's an error, log it then pass it along
if(err) {
console.log("Error during login: " + err);
return done(err);
// if the username and/or password is incorrect, return an error
// along with a message
if(!user || !user.authenticate(password)) {
return done(null, false, {
message: 'Invalid username and/or password'
// if everything is correct, return the user document from the database
return done(null, user);
I use both strategies like this, for example:
app.route(pageName).post(function(req, res, next) {
passport.authenticate(strategyName, function(err, user, info) {
if(err || !user) {
else {
req.login(user, function(err) {
if(err) {
else {
})(req, res, next);
I tried
request = require('supertest');
this.authServer = require('../my-server');
.set('Content-Type', 'application/json')
.set('Host', 'konneka.org')
.end(function(req, res, done) {
The res object I logged, inside the end() function, which was way too long to show here, has a req object defined on it, but it seems to only have the objects & functions that were defined before the request was opened. In other words, it does not have req.user, req.session, or other objects I want, because they are defined after the request completes and a new request is started. I noticed it has status codes, as well, which are only defined after the request completes, so I must be missing something.
Is there any way to get access to the req object after the request you are testing is ended? Or am I going about this completely the wrong way?
You cannot do what you want using supertest.
Not sure if this helps but I'll add a little context to clarify the answer:
supertest is a wrapper on top of superagent (client side) with some basic hooks into express to start up the HTTP listener. Under the hood, it really is not any different from starting up your express app, waiting for it to listen on a port, making an HTTP request to that port, and parsing the result. In fact, that is exactly what it does.
So essentially supertest only has access to what ever your client would have access to (a browser or some API client). In other words, if it isnt in the HTTP response body, you wont have access to it. req.user and req.sesssion are server side state variables that are (most likely) not in the response (unless you are doing something strange).
If you want to test in exactly the way you describe, you will have to use some alternative strategy of testing, not supertest.
I found this question when I thought I wanted to do this, and for me it worked well to check the status of the user created by the request instead of verifying the content of the req object. You do have access to the full database where I assume you users somehow ends up.
