applying a lambda function on Dataframe giving errors - python-3.x

I have a dataframe named result :
Product_name metadata \
0 like minds {'Title': 'Like Minds', 'Year': '2006', 'Rated...
1 16 years of alcohol {'Title': '16 Years of Alcohol', 'Year': '2003...
2 grimm {'Title': 'Grimm', 'Year': '2011–2017', 'Rated...
4 gisaku {'Title': 'Gisaku', 'Year': '2005', 'Rated': '...
5 deadly cargo {'Title': 'Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo', 'Yea...
Year Rated
0 1900 U
1 1900 U
2 1900 U
4 1900 U
5 1900 U
I'm using a function named extract_info to separate various filed in the metadata column whose each element is a dictionary.
def extract_info(info_dict):
return (info_dict['Year'], info_dict['Rated'])
Somehow the Metadata column elements are getting interpreted as a string sequence. Unable to understand why so ?
result['Year'], result['Rated'] = result['metadata'].apply(lambda x : extract_info(x))
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-63-70a1390b0278> in <module>
----> 1 result['Year'], result['Rated'] = result['metadata'].apply(lambda x : extract_info(x) )
//anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pandas/core/ in apply(self, func, convert_dtype, args, **kwds)
3589 else:
3590 values = self.astype(object).values
-> 3591 mapped = lib.map_infer(values, f, convert=convert_dtype)
3593 if len(mapped) and isinstance(mapped[0], Series):
pandas/_libs/lib.pyx in pandas._libs.lib.map_infer()
<ipython-input-63-70a1390b0278> in <lambda>(x)
----> 1 result['Year'], result['Rated'] = result['metadata'].apply(lambda x : extract_info(x) )
<ipython-input-61-95b953ff8485> in extract_info(info_dict)
1 def extract_info(info_dict):
----> 2 return (info_dict['Year'], info_dict['Rated'])
TypeError: string indices must be integers
How shall I proceed ?

Problem is convert column to dictionaries before apply your function, because strings:
import ast
result['Year'], result['Rated'] = result['metadata'].apply(lambda x : extract_info(ast.literal_eval(x)))


ValueError: Shape of passed values is, indices imply

Reposting again because i didn't get a response to the first post
I have the following data is below:
desc = pd.DataFrame(description, columns =['new_desc'])
257623 the public safety report is compiled from crim...
161135 police say a sea isle city man ordered two pou...
156561 two people are behind bars this morning, after...
41690 pumpkin soup is a beloved breakfast soup in ja...
70092 right now, 15 states are grappling with how be...
... ...
207258 operation legend results in 59 more arrests, i...
222170 see story, 3a
204064 st. louis — missouri secretary of state jason ...
151443 tony lavell jones, 54, of sunset view terrace,...
97367 walgreens, on the other hand, is still going t...
[9863 rows x 1 columns]
I'm trying to find the dominant topic within the documents, and When I run the following code
best_lda_model = lda_desc
data_vectorized = tfidf
lda_output = best_lda_model.transform(data_vectorized)
topicnames = ["Topic " + str(i) for i in range(best_lda_model.n_components)]
docnames = ["Doc " + str(i) for i in range(len(dataset))]
df_document_topic = pd.DataFrame(np.round(lda_output, 2), columns = topicnames, index = docnames)
dominant_topic = np.argmax(df_document_topic.values, axis = 1)
df_document_topic['dominant_topic'] = dominant_topic
I've tried tweaking the code, however, no matter what I change, I get the following error tracebook error
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in create_block_manager_from_blocks(blocks, axes)
-> 1674 mgr = BlockManager(blocks, axes)
1675 mgr._consolidate_inplace()
c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in __init__(self, blocks, axes, do_integrity_check)
148 if do_integrity_check:
--> 149 self._verify_integrity()
c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in _verify_integrity(self)
328 if block.shape[1:] != mgr_shape[1:]:
--> 329 raise construction_error(tot_items, block.shape[1:], self.axes)
330 if len(self.items) != tot_items:
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (9863, 8), indices imply (0, 8)
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-41-bd470d69b181> in <module>
4 topicnames = ["Topic " + str(i) for i in range(best_lda_model.n_components)]
5 docnames = ["Doc " + str(i) for i in range(len(dataset))]
----> 6 df_document_topic = pd.DataFrame(np.round(lda_output, 2), columns = topicnames, index = docnames)
7 dominant_topic = np.argmax(df_document_topic.values, axis = 1)
8 df_document_topic['dominant_topic'] = dominant_topic
c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in __init__(self, data, index, columns, dtype, copy)
495 mgr = init_dict({ data}, index, columns, dtype=dtype)
496 else:
--> 497 mgr = init_ndarray(data, index, columns, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
499 # For data is list-like, or Iterable (will consume into list)
c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in init_ndarray(values, index, columns, dtype, copy)
232 block_values = [values]
--> 234 return create_block_manager_from_blocks(block_values, [columns, index])
c:\python36\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\internals\ in create_block_manager_from_blocks(blocks, axes)
1679 blocks = [getattr(b, "values", b) for b in blocks]
1680 tot_items = sum(b.shape[0] for b in blocks)
-> 1681 raise construction_error(tot_items, blocks[0].shape[1:], axes, e)
ValueError: Shape of passed values is (9863, 8), indices imply (0, 8)
The desired results is to produce a list of documents according to a specific topic. Below is example code and desired output.
df_document_topic(df_document_topic['dominant_topic'] == 2).head(10)
When I run this code, I get the following traceback
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-55-8cf9694464e6> in <module>
----> 1 df_document_topic(df_document_topic['dominant_topic'] == 2).head(10)
TypeError: 'DataFrame' object is not callable
Below is the desired output
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The index you're passing as docnames is empty which is obtained from dataset as follows:
docnames = ["Doc " + str(i) for i in range(len(dataset))]
So this means that the dataset is empty too. For a workaround, you can create Doc indices based on the size of lda_output as follows:
docnames = ["Doc " + str(i) for i in range(len(lda_output))]
Let me know if this works.

Dataframe Pandas aggregation and/or groupby

I have a dataframe like this:
serie = [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3]
values = [2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2]
series_X_values = {'series': serie, 'values': values}
df_mytest = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(series_X_values)
I need to create a third column (for example more frequently)
df_mytest['most_frequent'] = np.nan
whose values will be the most frequently observed in the 'values' column grouped by 'series', or replace the values in the 'values' column with the most frequent term itself as in the dataframe below:
serie = [1, 2, 3]
values = [2, 2, 1]
series_X_values = {'series': serie, 'values': values}
df_mytest = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(series_X_values)
I tried some unsuccessful options like:
def personal_most_frequent(col_name):
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
imp = SimpleImputer(strategy="most_frequent")
return imp
df_result = df_mytest.groupby('series').apply(personal_most_frequent('values'))
TypeError Traceback (most recent call
in apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
688 try:
--> 689 result = self._python_apply_general(f)
690 except Exception:
5 frames
in _python_apply_general(self, f)
706 keys, values, mutated = self.grouper.apply(f, self._selected_obj,
--> 707 self.axis)
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/groupby/ in
apply(self, f, data, axis)
189 group_axes = _get_axes(group)
--> 190 res = f(group)
191 if not _is_indexed_like(res, group_axes):
TypeError: 'SimpleImputer' object is not callable
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
TypeError Traceback (most recent call
last) in ()
5 return imp
----> 7 df_result = df_mytest.groupby('series').apply(personal_most_frequent('values'))
in apply(self, func, *args, **kwargs)
700 with _group_selection_context(self):
--> 701 return self._python_apply_general(f)
703 return result
in _python_apply_general(self, f)
705 def _python_apply_general(self, f):
706 keys, values, mutated = self.grouper.apply(f, self._selected_obj,
--> 707 self.axis)
709 return self._wrap_applied_output(
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/groupby/ in
apply(self, f, data, axis)
188 # group might be modified
189 group_axes = _get_axes(group)
--> 190 res = f(group)
191 if not _is_indexed_like(res, group_axes):
192 mutated = True
TypeError: 'SimpleImputer' object is not callable
df_mytest.groupby(['series', 'values']).agg(lambda x:x.value_counts().index[0])
but again...
IndexError Traceback (most recent call
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/groupby/ in
agg_series(self, obj, func)
589 try:
--> 590 return self._aggregate_series_fast(obj, func)
591 except Exception:
12 frames pandas/_libs/reduction.pyx in
pandas/_libs/reduction.pyx in
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
IndexError Traceback (most recent call
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/pandas/core/indexes/ in
getitem(self, key) 3956 if is_scalar(key): 3957 key = com.cast_scalar_indexer(key)
-> 3958 return getitem(key) 3959 3960 if isinstance(key, slice):
IndexError: index 0 is out of bounds for axis 0 with size 0
I ask for help from the community to complete this process.
Assuming you are OK with tie-breaking equally represented values by taking the max value, you could do something like:
df_mf = df_mytest.groupby('series')['values'].apply(lambda ds: ds.mode().max()).to_frame('most_frequent')
df_mytest.merge(df_mf, 'left', left_on='series', right_index=True)
series values most_frequent
0 1 2 2
1 1 2 2
2 1 2 2
3 1 1 2
4 2 2 2
5 2 2 2
6 2 1 2
7 2 1 2
8 3 1 1
9 3 1 1
10 3 1 1
11 3 2 1

Using nunique to tag the duplicate values in a dataframe but getting an error

I am trying to tag unique value with a comment but I am getting TypeError: string indices must be integers
Key | Comment
ab | Check it
bc |
df |
ab |Check it
condition_2= lambda x: "Check it" if x["Key"].nunique()>=1 else 0
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-175-dc8d1ac8148f> in <module>
----> 1 semi_final_df["Comments"]=semi_final_df.Key.apply(condition_2)
~\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\ in apply(self, func, convert_dtype, args, **kwds)
3192 else:
3193 values = self.astype(object).values
-> 3194 mapped = lib.map_infer(values, f, convert=convert_dtype)
3196 if len(mapped) and isinstance(mapped[0], Series):
pandas/_libs/src\inference.pyx in pandas._libs.lib.map_infer()
<ipython-input-174-cf54900ff760> in <lambda>(x)
----> 1 condition_2= lambda x: " Check it" if x["Key"].nunique()>=1 else 0
TypeError: string indices must be integers```
Use Series.duplicated with keep=False for mask for all dupes with numpy.where:
df["Comments"]= np.where(df.Key.duplicated(keep=False), "Check it", '')
print (df)
Key Comments
0 ab Check it
1 bc
2 df
3 ab Check it

Cannot plot dataframe as barh because TypeError: Empty 'DataFrame': no numeric data to plot

I have been all over this site and google trying to solve this problem.
It appears as though I'm missing a fundamental concept in making a plottable dataframe.
I've tried to ensure that I have a column of strings for the "Teams" and a column of ints for the "Points"
Still I get: TypeError: Empty 'DataFrame': no numeric data to plot
import csv
import pandas
import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.ticker import StrMethodFormatter
set_of_teams = set()
def load_epl_games(file_name):
with open(file_name, newline='') as csvfile:
reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile)
raw_data = {"HomeTeam": [], "AwayTeam": [], "FTHG": [], "FTAG": [], "FTR": []}
for row in reader:
data_frame = pandas.DataFrame(data=raw_data)
return data_frame
def calc_points(team, table):
points = 0
for row_number in range(table["HomeTeam"].count()):
home_team = table.loc[row_number, "HomeTeam"]
away_team = table.loc[row_number, "AwayTeam"]
if team in [home_team, away_team]:
home_team_points = 0
away_team_points = 0
winner = table.loc[row_number, "FTR"]
if winner == 'H':
home_team_points = 3
elif winner == 'A':
away_team_points = 3
home_team_points = 1
away_team_points = 1
if team == home_team:
points += home_team_points
points += away_team_points
return points
def get_goals_scored_conceded(team, table):
scored = 0
conceded = 0
for row_number in range(table["HomeTeam"].count()):
home_team = table.loc[row_number, "HomeTeam"]
away_team = table.loc[row_number, "AwayTeam"]
if team in [home_team, away_team]:
if team == home_team:
scored += int(table.loc[row_number, "FTHG"])
conceded += int(table.loc[row_number, "FTAG"])
scored += int(table.loc[row_number, "FTAG"])
conceded += int(table.loc[row_number, "FTHG"])
return (scored, conceded)
def compute_table(df):
raw_data = {"Team": [], "Points": [], "GoalDifference":[], "Goals": []}
for team in set_of_teams:
goal_data = get_goals_scored_conceded(team, df)
raw_data["Points"].append(calc_points(team, df))
raw_data["GoalDifference"].append(goal_data[0] - goal_data[1])
data_frame = pandas.DataFrame(data=raw_data)
data_frame = data_frame.sort_values(["Points", "GoalDifference", "Goals"], ascending=[False, False, False]).reset_index(drop=True)
data_frame.index = numpy.arange(1,len(data_frame)+1)
data_frame.index.names = ["Finish"]
return data_frame
def get_finish(team, table):
return table[table.Team==team].index.item()
def get_points(team, table):
return table[table.Team==team].Points.item()
def display_hbar(tables):
raw_data = {"Team": [], "Points": []}
for row_number in range(tables["Team"].count()):
raw_data["Team"].append(tables.loc[row_number+1, "Team"])
raw_data["Points"].append(int(tables.loc[row_number+1, "Points"]))
df = pandas.DataFrame(data=raw_data)
#df = pandas.DataFrame(tables, columns=["Team", "Points"])
games = load_epl_games('epl2016.csv')
final_table = compute_table(games)
#print(get_finish("Tottenham", final_table))
#print(get_points("West Ham", final_table))
The output:
Team Points
0 Chelsea 93
1 Tottenham 86
2 Man City 78
3 Liverpool 76
4 Arsenal 75
5 Man United 69
6 Everton 61
7 Southampton 46
8 Bournemouth 46
9 West Brom 45
10 West Ham 45
11 Leicester 44
12 Stoke 44
13 Crystal Palace 41
14 Swansea 41
15 Burnley 40
16 Watford 40
17 Hull 34
18 Middlesbrough 28
19 Sunderland 24
Team object
Points int64
dtype: object
Team object
Points int64
dtype: object
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/Michael/Documents/Programming/Python/Premier", line 99, in <module>
File "C:/Users/Michael/Documents/Programming/Python/Premier", line 92, in display_hbar
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site- packages\pandas\plotting\", line 2941, in __call__
sort_columns=sort_columns, **kwds)
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\pandas\plotting\", line 1977, in plot_frame
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\pandas\plotting\", line 1804, in _plot
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\pandas\plotting\", line 258, in generate
File "C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36-32\lib\site-packages\pandas\plotting\", line 373, in _compute_plot_data
TypeError: Empty 'DataFrame': no numeric data to plot
What am I doing wrong in my display_hbar function that is preventing me from plotting my data?
Here is the csv file
df.plot(x = "Team", y="Points", kind="barh");
You should swap x and y in df.plot(...). Because y must be numeric according to the pandas documentation.

how to replace a cell in a pandas dataframe

After forming the below python pandas dataframe (for example)
import pandas
data = [['Alex',10],['Bob',12],['Clarke',13]]
df = pandas.DataFrame(data,columns=['Name','Age'])
If I iterate through it, I get
In [62]: for i in df.itertuples():
...: print( i.Index, i.Name, i.Age )
0 Alex 10
1 Bob 12
2 Clarke 13
What I would like to achieve is to replace the value of a particular cell
In [67]: for i in df.itertuples():
...: if i.Name == "Alex":
...:[i.Index, 'Age'] = 100
Which seems to work
In [64]: df
Name Age
0 Alex 100
1 Bob 12
2 Clarke 13
The problem is that when using a larger different dataset, and do:
First, I create a new column named like NETELEMENT with a default value of ""
I would like to replace the default value "" with the string that the function lookup_netelement returns
df['NETELEMENT'] = ""
for i in df.itertuples():[i.Index, 'NETELEMENT'] = lookup_netelement(i.PEER_SRC_IP)
print( i, lookup_netelement(i.PEER_SRC_IP) )
But what I get as a result is:
Pandas(Index=769, SRC_AS='', DST_AS='', COMMS='', SRC_COMMS=nan, AS_PATH='', SRC_AS_PATH=nan, PREF='', SRC_PREF='0', MED='0', SRC_MED='0', PEER_SRC_AS='0', PEER_DST_AS='', PEER_SRC_IP='x.x.x.x', PEER_DST_IP='', IN_IFACE='', OUT_IFACE='', PROTOCOL='udp', TOS='0', BPS=35200.0, SRC_PREFIX='', DST_PREFIX='', NETELEMENT='', IN_IFNAME='', OUT_IFNAME='') routerX
meaning that it should be:
NETELEMENT='routerX' instead of NETELEMENT=''
Could you please advise what I am doing wrong ?
EDIT: for reasons of completeness the lookup_netelement is defined as
def lookup_netelement(ipaddr):
x = LOOKUP['conn'].hget('ipaddr;{}'.format(ipaddr), 'dev') or b""
logger.error('looking up `ipaddr` for netelement caused `{}`'.format(repr(e)), exc_info=True)
x = b""
x = x.decode("utf-8")
return x
Hope you are looking for where for conditional replacement i.e
def wow(x):
return x ** 10
df['new'] = df['Age'].where(~(df['Name'] == 'Alex'),wow(df['Age']))
Output :
Name Age new
0 Alex 10 10000000000
1 Bob 12 12
2 Clarke 13 13
3 Alex 15 576650390625
Based on your edit your trying to apply the function i.e
df['new'] = df['PEER_SRC_IP'].apply(lookup_netelement)
Edit : For your comment on sending two columns, use lambda with axis 1 i.e
def wow(x,y):
return '{} {}'.format(x,y)
df.apply(lambda x : wow(x['Name'],x['Age']),1)
