How to know when user logged in with gmail has received an email NODEJS - node.js

I am developing a web app which consists in parsing users emails and then applying some templates and other stuff.
After the user has logged in with his gmail and give me permissions to read the email, the app can read and parse emails just fine, the only problem is that I do not know when he recieved a new email.
People have suggested me to make a function that from time to time checks if theres a new email but my goal is to avoid that as much as possible.
Also, i've checked nodejs email listener but it requires user email and password which I do not have (I only have the token with the permissions to make requests in gmail api nothing more).
So to put it simply, how can the server know when user has recieved an email in his gmail inbox.
Thank you

When User Login send A E-mail
by using Nodemailer
for More Info


How to link firebase phone and email authentication for web? [duplicate]

I am developing an app wherein the users use either email and phone to perform registration.
Users can enter their email or phone for log in, I want the same OTP to be sent to mobile and email simultaneously. Please Help!
If you want to work only with Firebase Authentication, then there is not any suitable solution that meets your requirement.
Some limitations you can find with Firebase are Firebase Authentication Limits and Phone number sign-in limits.
However the alternative solution is using third-party SMS gateway. through with you can send OTP to phone number as well as to email also simultaneously.
Lets assume you already have mechanism to generate OTP and verify OTP from android app.
Now the problem is how to send OTP to the user's email.
One of solution is using MailGun service to send email from your backend.
Also, if you want to templating your email, you can use library called handlebar

Options to receive emails from a contact form in a node application

I am working on a MERN stack and I can send out email to users using nodemailer. However, I would like the users of the application to be able to send email to the admin too. So far, it is the admin who can send out emails to users. How about the option for any to click the contact page, fill in their name, email address and email body and send out email to the admin of the application.
Is this possible with nodejs? What are my options? I checked online and I keep seeing the option to send out email which I have already done.

Sending Gmail as other user's in Workspace

The company I work for is just now adopting a ticketing system for their IT help requests. Previously, all of our users have access to a Slack account and would start a message thread in an itsupport labeled channel to begin a "ticket". Now we would like users to send an email to an inbox which will then in turn create a ticket within the ticketing system. Since we know our end-users are going to still send Slack messages in the channel, I have been tasked with making an integration between Slack and a Google inbox designated for our help desk requests. The ticketing system is managed by an IT company we are contracted with, thus I am not the one integrating the Google Inbox and the ticketing system. I am only tasked with the integration between Slack and the mailing inbox.
Not sure if this context is needed, but I am currently using Node.js to capture the requests sent from Slack and then using Nodemailer to send the emails into the itsupport#company inbox.
The problem I have ran into (I found some questions related earlier but am having a hard time finding them now) is figuring out how to send an email on behalf on any user within our Google Workspace. For example, if Joe Schmo sends a message in the correct Slack channel, I would like to be able to send an email to the inbox as rather than my personal Google workspace account or through a generalized IT user account. How would I achieve this goal? I could change the "From" name however it would be preferred if I could send the email from any email address in our workspace.

Link inside email sent by nodemail is being activated before being actually clicked by user

I'm sending emails using nodemail to verify user emails. The link in the email is a get response which then updates my database. This all works normally when I am in localhost: nodemail sends the email, the user receives the email, clicks the email and triggers the get response. However, when I deploy this to, the link gets activated and triggers the get response the second the email arrives in the user's mailbox. I'm guessing this is probably happening because Gmail is 'clicking' on the email to make sure its safe or something, but I have literally no other clue as to why this is happening or solutions to this.

Allow customer to send me email

I'm bulding website where I want to allow future customers to send me an email. I'm using Node.js to handle sending and thought SendGrid would be good solution. There's actually problem, because SendGrid requires me to define sender and that's impossible because I'd like to customer fill form with his email, etc so I would get this data on my inbox. Is it even possible with SendGrid or maybe there's other tool that would fit me better?
Thanks in advance
what I have implemented in the past was a solution where the application sends an email to it self, and the email address of the user was added to the email header reply-to, this way whenever somebody with the access to the email client would press the Reply button, the user's mail would be the destination.
Example: ---> Sends an email to ---> (with the user's message and his email address in the mail header reply-to).
