How to link firebase phone and email authentication for web? [duplicate] - node.js

I am developing an app wherein the users use either email and phone to perform registration.
Users can enter their email or phone for log in, I want the same OTP to be sent to mobile and email simultaneously. Please Help!

If you want to work only with Firebase Authentication, then there is not any suitable solution that meets your requirement.
Some limitations you can find with Firebase are Firebase Authentication Limits and Phone number sign-in limits.
However the alternative solution is using third-party SMS gateway. through with you can send OTP to phone number as well as to email also simultaneously.

Lets assume you already have mechanism to generate OTP and verify OTP from android app.
Now the problem is how to send OTP to the user's email.
One of solution is using MailGun service to send email from your backend.
Also, if you want to templating your email, you can use library called handlebar


How to Digitally Sign Email using Logic App

Does anyone know how to digitally sign an email using logic app when sending out an email?
Currently I'm using logic app to send email to my users if there's any change in the system. However, there is a compliance now which requires me to digitally sign any email that is being sent out.
Anyone knows how to do this?
Currently it's not supported in Azure Logic App.
You can post your idea on Azure Logic App User Voice.
If your requirement is voted many times, the Microsoft product group will consider adding this feature as appropriate.

How to Send Email Verification to a Personal Email Using Firebase Android Studio

I am making a system with Email Verification but i want to send the Registered email to a personal Email
(so he/she can only verify the user for security) address instead sending to the user. is there any way to do that in java android studio? i am using a firebase database.
I'm a little confused about what you mean when you say "the registered email to a personal email", but with FirebaseAuth, when a user is signed in with FirebaseAuth.signInWithEmailAndPassword(email, password), you should be able to take the FirebaseUser that it returns and call FirebaseUser.sendEmailVerification()
You can then use FirebaseUser.isEmailVerified() to check if the user has verified their email, and allow or deny certain functions in your app based on that.

How to know when user logged in with gmail has received an email NODEJS

I am developing a web app which consists in parsing users emails and then applying some templates and other stuff.
After the user has logged in with his gmail and give me permissions to read the email, the app can read and parse emails just fine, the only problem is that I do not know when he recieved a new email.
People have suggested me to make a function that from time to time checks if theres a new email but my goal is to avoid that as much as possible.
Also, i've checked nodejs email listener but it requires user email and password which I do not have (I only have the token with the permissions to make requests in gmail api nothing more).
So to put it simply, how can the server know when user has recieved an email in his gmail inbox.
Thank you
When User Login send A E-mail
by using Nodemailer
for More Info

Is there a way to pass the phone number used for ID Verification through the API?

When using Docusign's identityVerification option in the api and sending a user to docusign to first verify their identity with a license / passport and then sign a document...
Is there a way to pass the users phone number through to the above page to pre fill the mobile number so that they don't have to enter it in? This is the page where docusign sends and SMS with a link to the mobile number for the user to photograph their license.
Docusign Mobile Number Screen
Thanks Jahax, it's just so happens that I published a blog post on this topic today, you can find it here -
However, I'm afraid when it comes to IDV, all the personal information (including phone number) has to be provided directly by the recipient after they click the link sent to them from DocuSign.
If you were using SMS verification (or phone call verification) you could specify the phone number to use yourself, but IDV works differently and at present time - this is not possible.

How to send information from an app to another e-mail without using e-mail?

I am programming a quiz-app where the player should have the possibility to sent his own questions to a customer feedback email address with his own question suggestions. The question I have now, is it possible to sent the data that the user types in the EditText fields to an E-mail address without using the address of the player?
I presume you will have a server and REST API for authentication, serve quiz questions, verify answer etc.
Add one more REST API to above list to accept feedback. Your Android App should capture data from text field, and call REST API just like it would have called any other API. REST API can derive user information from an auth token. REST API on server can use third party email service eg. Sendgrid or AWS SES to eventually send an email to target email address.
If you are not performing user authentication, Android application can optionally send some additional information about user to the REST API.
If you are not using server itself, then you will have to consider using a server and maintain your own REST API, or opt for server-less architecture e.g. AWS Lambda.
In any case, you shall consider using one of the third party email service rather than setting your own email setup.
